R语言 随机森林






treesize()函数: 查看模型每颗决策树的节点数




> setwd('G:\\R语言\\大三下半年\\数据挖掘:R语言实战\\')
> library('randomForest')
> set.seed(4)
> data(mtcars)
> mtcars.rf=randomForest(mpg~.,data=mtcars,ntree=1000,importance=TRUE)

> importance(mtcars.rf)
       %IncMSE IncNodePurity
cyl  16.151445     154.16459
disp 18.833040     255.10218
hp   18.641110     201.42227
drat  6.343488      65.96680
wt   19.987072     247.29443
qsec  4.656151      30.95240
vs    5.627916      27.14099
am    4.064642      15.18171
gear  5.825897      20.12545
carb  9.383633      31.03605
> #MDSplot函数绘制坐标图
> set.seed(1)
> data(iris)
> iris.rf=randomForest(Species~.,iris,proximity=T)
> MDSplot(iris.rf,iris$Species,palette=rep(1,3),pch=as.numeric(iris$Species))

R语言 随机森林_第1张图片

> data("iris")
> iris.na=iris
> iris.na[75,2]=NA;iris.na[125,3]=NA;
> set.seed(111)
> iris.imputed=rfImpute(Species~.,data=iris.na)
ntree      OOB      1      2      3
  300:   4.67%  0.00%  6.00%  8.00%
ntree      OOB      1      2      3
  300:   4.67%  0.00%  6.00%  8.00%
ntree      OOB      1      2      3
  300:   4.00%  0.00%  6.00%  6.00%
ntree      OOB      1      2      3
  300:   4.67%  0.00%  6.00%  8.00%
ntree      OOB      1      2      3
  300:   4.67%  0.00%  6.00%  8.00%

> list("real"=iris[c(75,125),1:4],"have-NA"=iris.na[c(75,125),1:4],
+      "disposed"=round(iris.imputed[c(75,125),2:5],1))
    Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
75           6.4         2.9          4.3         1.3
125          6.7         3.3          5.7         2.1

    Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
75           6.4          NA          4.3         1.3
125          6.7         3.3           NA         2.1

    Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
75           6.4         2.8          4.3         1.3
125          6.7         3.3          5.6         2.1


> iris.rf<-randomForest(Species~.,iris)
> hist(treesize(iris.rf))

R语言 随机森林_第2张图片

> data(airquality)
> set.seed(131)
> ozone.rf=randomForest(Ozone~.,data=airquality,mtry=3,importance=T,
+                       na.action=na.omit)
> plot(ozone.rf) #模型误差在210之后没有太大的变化
R语言 随机森林_第3张图片

##############        应用案例               #################

> wine=read.csv("G:\\R语言\\大三下半年\\数据挖掘:R语言实战\\数据挖掘:R语言实战(案例数据集)\\11 随机森林\\winequality-white.csv",header=T,sep = ";",na.strings="null")
> summary(wine)
 fixed.acidity    volatile.acidity  citric.acid     residual.sugar  
 Min.   : 3.800   Min.   :0.0800   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   : 0.600  
 1st Qu.: 6.300   1st Qu.:0.2100   1st Qu.:0.2700   1st Qu.: 1.700  
 Median : 6.800   Median :0.2600   Median :0.3200   Median : 5.200  
 Mean   : 6.855   Mean   :0.2782   Mean   :0.3342   Mean   : 6.391  
 3rd Qu.: 7.300   3rd Qu.:0.3200   3rd Qu.:0.3900   3rd Qu.: 9.900  
 Max.   :14.200   Max.   :1.1000   Max.   :1.6600   Max.   :65.800  
   chlorides       free.sulfur.dioxide total.sulfur.dioxide
 Min.   :0.00900   Min.   :  2.00      Min.   :  9.0       
 1st Qu.:0.03600   1st Qu.: 23.00      1st Qu.:108.0       
 Median :0.04300   Median : 34.00      Median :134.0       
 Mean   :0.04577   Mean   : 35.31      Mean   :138.4       
 3rd Qu.:0.05000   3rd Qu.: 46.00      3rd Qu.:167.0       
 Max.   :0.34600   Max.   :289.00      Max.   :440.0       
    density             pH          sulphates         alcohol     
 Min.   :0.9871   Min.   :2.720   Min.   :0.2200   Min.   : 8.00  
 1st Qu.:0.9917   1st Qu.:3.090   1st Qu.:0.4100   1st Qu.: 9.50  
 Median :0.9937   Median :3.180   Median :0.4700   Median :10.40  
 Mean   :0.9940   Mean   :3.188   Mean   :0.4898   Mean   :10.51  
 3rd Qu.:0.9961   3rd Qu.:3.280   3rd Qu.:0.5500   3rd Qu.:11.40  
 Max.   :1.0390   Max.   :3.820   Max.   :1.0800   Max.   :14.20  
 Min.   :3.000  
 1st Qu.:5.000  
 Median :6.000  
 Mean   :5.878  
 3rd Qu.:6.000  
 Max.   :9.000  

> for(i in 1:4898)#只对每一个样本进行调整
+ { 
+   if(wine[i,12]>6)cha[i]="good"
+   else if(wine[i,12]>5)cha[i]="mid"
+   else cha[i]="bad"
+ }
> wine[,12]=factor(cha)#将字符型变量转化为含有因子的变量赋值给数据集wine
> summary(wine$quality)
 bad good  mid 
1640 1060 2198 

> set.seed(71)#设置随机数生成器初始值
> samp=sample(1:4898,3000)
> set.seed(111)
> wine.rf=randomForest(quality~.,data=wine,importance=TRUE,proximity=TRUE,ntree=500,subest=samp)#构建决策树为500棵的随机森林模型

> x=subset(wine,select=-quality)#除quality以外的数据为自变量
> y=wine$quality#提取quality为响应变量
> set.seed(71)
> samp=sample(1:4898,3000)
> xr=x[samp,];yr=y[samp]
> set.seed(111)
> wine.rf=randomForest(xr,yr,importance=TRUE,proximity=TRUE,ntree=500)



#Type of random forest: classification,表示该模型为判别模型

#Number of trees:包含500颗决策树

#No. of variables tried at each split:表示没颗决策树节点处所选择的变量个数为3

#OOB estimate of  error rate:模型的误差为30.57%

> print(wine.rf)

 randomForest(x = xr, y = yr, ntree = 500, importance = TRUE,      proximity = TRUE) 
               Type of random forest: classification
                     Number of trees: 500
No. of variables tried at each split: 3

        OOB estimate of  error rate: 30.57%
Confusion matrix:
     bad good mid class.error
bad  697   21 283   0.3036963
good  12  392 238   0.3894081
mid  227  136 994   0.2675018

> importance(wine.rf)
                          bad     good      mid MeanDecreaseAccuracy
fixed.acidity        38.39220 38.04701 28.23129             54.35687
volatile.acidity     60.62095 57.14363 47.73287             81.72092
citric.acid          33.95011 37.38719 27.88769             46.44210
residual.sugar       31.46575 36.43637 35.79771             55.19329
chlorides            44.52846 46.47096 27.53577             56.75493
free.sulfur.dioxide  45.25569 41.41413 34.22959             64.04598
total.sulfur.dioxide 34.41994 41.26107 27.18189             50.61239
density              31.79573 42.52763 32.02053             53.63531
pH                   33.29907 44.35856 26.93746             51.25421
sulphates            31.49062 36.61428 28.59253             50.10378
alcohol              66.08129 66.88405 32.11592             82.88410
fixed.acidity                138.8276
volatile.acidity             195.5095
citric.acid                  149.4469
residual.sugar               163.2376
chlorides                    169.0678
free.sulfur.dioxide          178.9195
total.sulfur.dioxide         170.5083
density                      204.5551
pH                           158.8621
sulphates                    145.9429
alcohol                      240.0514


varImpPlot(wine.rf, main = "variable importance")

R语言 随机森林_第4张图片

> mtry_error=0
> for(i in 1:(ncol(wine)-1))
+ {
+   set.seed(100)
+   newModel=randomForest(quality~.,data=wine,mtry=i,importance=TRUE,ntree=1000)
+   mtry_error[i]=mean(newModel$err.rate)
+ }
> mtry_error
 [1] 0.2641172 0.2644469 0.2655955 0.2648887 0.2635614 0.2658425 0.2640577
 [8] 0.2657842 0.2668288 0.2663740 0.2700658


> plot(mtry_error,xlab = "mtry",ylab = "error",type="l")

R语言 随机森林_第5张图片

> set.seed(222)
> Model=randomForest(quality~.,data=wine,mtry=5,importance=TRUE,ntree=1000)
> plot(model)#绘制模型误差与决策树数量关系图

R语言 随机森林_第6张图片

> set.seed(222)
> Model=randomForest(quality~.,data=wine,mtry=5,importance=TRUE,ntree=400)
> print(Model)

 randomForest(formula = quality ~ ., data = wine, mtry = 5, importance = TRUE,      ntree = 400) 
               Type of random forest: classification
                     Number of trees: 400
No. of variables tried at each split: 5

        OOB estimate of  error rate: 25.36%
Confusion matrix:
      bad good  mid class.error
bad  1227   16  397   0.2518293
good   25  703  332   0.3367925
mid   294  178 1726   0.2147407
> hist(treesize(Model))#展示随机森林中每棵树决策树的节点数

R语言 随机森林_第7张图片
