
名校励志英语演讲 第188期:一切皆有可能(10)_英语演讲 - 可可英语



There was a time in my Avon career when I was passed over for a promotion to be the CEO.  在雅芳我曾经错过了一次晋升为首席执行官的机会,

there was a time in my avon career when I was passed over for a promotion to be the ceo

I had a job offer to be the head of another company, but a woman I respected gave me some good advice. 那时我可以成为另一家公司的领导者。但一位令我尊重的女性给我提了一些很好的建议。

I had a job offer to be the head of another company ,but a woman I respected gave me some good advice

She told me always to follow my heart, not my head.  他让我听从内心的选择,而不是头脑的。

she told me always to follow my heart, not my head

So I followed my heart and stayed at Avon. 于是我听从了内心留在雅芳。

so I followed my heart and stayed at avon

In the end, I got the promotion, but most important, I have always loved my work, and that has made all the difference.  最终,我获得了晋升,但重要的是,我始终热爱的我的工作,这才是最主要的。

in the end, I got the promotion, but most important ,I have always loved my work,  and that has made all the difference

The next distinguishing quality of leadership is Compassion—caring about people.  领导力的第二个特质就是有同情心;关心别人。

the next distinguishing quality of leadership is compassion       caring about people

In my four years as CEO at Avon, I've had to make some tough decisions and difficult calls -eliminating jobs and closing factories.  我在雅芳人首席执行官的四年里,有时不得不做出一些艰难的决定和通知,例如取消某个职位或关闭某个工厂。

in my four years as ceo at avon, I've had to make some tough decisions and difficult calls      eliminating jobs and closing


Actions that affect good people. The horrible part of the job.  这些都会伤害一些无辜的员工,这也是工作中残忍的一面。

actions that affect good people ,the horrible part of the job

But I believe we demonstrate compassion and treat people fairly, with respect and dignity during those tough decisions.  但我相信在做这些决定时我们表现出了同情心和公平性,以及对他人尊严的尊重。

but I believe we demonstrate compassion and treat people fairly, with respect and dignity during those tough decisions

And it is the responsibility for those of us wanting the privilege of being tomorrow's corporate leaders to honor the commitment  尽管面临商界的压力和要求,但那些希望成为明天企业领导者的人

and it is the responsibility for those of us wanting the privilege of being tomorrow's corporate leaders to honor the commitment

to compassion and the protection of the human spirit, in spite of the pressures and demands of business today.  有责任怀有对人类的同情心,有责任呵护他人的心灵。

to compassion and the protection of the human spirit ,in spite of the pressures and demands of business today

Along with compassion comes Humility. Many people are surprised to learn this is one of Avon's core values.  作为领导者,除了要有同情心,谦卑心也非常重要。许多人在得知这是雅芳的核心价值观之一时感到很惊讶。

along with compassion comes humility , many people are surprised to learn this is one of Avon's core values

None of us has all the answers. And all of us must listen to each other, because listening makes us stronger. 我们没有人能回答所有问题。我们必须相互倾听,因为倾听让我们更强大。

none of us has all the answers, and all of us must listen to each other ,because listening makes us stronger


One of the things I've learned about myself is that I tend to be impatient in solving problems. 就我对自己的了解,其中有一点就是,我在解决问题时会很不耐烦。

one of the things I've learned about myself is that I tend to be impatient in solving problems

Instead of listening to the opinions of others, I try right away to find solutions. 我直接去寻找解决方案而不是先听被人的意见。

instead of listening to the opinions of others, I try right away to find solutions

I have had to learn that other people can give me valuable input and that listening makes me a better leader.  我必须要懂得其他人能给我有价值的建议,而倾听会使我成为更好的领导者。

I have had to learn that other people can give me valuable input and that listening makes me a

better leader

To be a better listener, I now bring employees from all over the world—including China— 为了成为一个好的倾听者,我现在每年4次把员工从世界各地(包括中国)

to be a better listener, I now bring employees from all over the world  including china

to New York City four times a year to hear their suggestions for how to improve our business.  集合到纽约,以便听他们对改进业务的建议。

to new youk city four times a year to hear their suggestions for how to improve our business

I meet with them for a full day and spend most of my time listening. 我会花一整天的时间与他们见面,而我大多数时间主要是倾听。

I meet with them for a full day and spend most of my time listening

This is one of the most important things I do.  这是我做的最重要的事情之一。

this is one of the most important things I do

Balance is another essential leadership quality in today's complex world,  在当今复杂的世界中,获取平衡是另一个重要的领导能力,

balance is another essential leadership quality in today's complex world

and it's a quality that is especially critical for women who are juggling many and sometimes competing roles. 尤其对于女性这个挣扎于各种角色中的群体,有时这些角色还是相互矛盾的。

and it's quality that is especially critical for women who are juggling many and sometimes

competing roles

As a working mother with two children—my daughter Lauren is 14 我是一个有着两个孩子的职业母亲,我的女儿Lauren 今年14岁,

an a working mother with two children  my daughter lauren is 14

and my some Jamie is 6—I constantly struggle with the issue of balance. 儿子 Jamie 今年6岁,我经常在如何求得平衡中摸索。

and my some Jamie is 6    I constantly struggle with the issue of balance

People always ask me how I do it, and my answer is....it's never easy to balance work and family.  别人总问我是怎么做的,我的回答是—在工作和家庭之间取得平衡绝非一件容易的事情。

people always ask me how I do it,and my answer is      it 's never easy to balance work and family

I'll give you an example. I belong to an executive committee of CEOs from the business world.  我举个例子。我是一个商界首席执行官委员会的成员。

I'll give you an example,  I belong to an excutive committee of ceos from the business world

Recently we were invited to Washington for a meeting with the President of the United States.  最近我应邀到华盛顿和总统见面,

recently we were invited to Washington for a meeting with the president o f the united states

This was very exciting to me. What an incredible opportunity. 这令我和兴奋。这个机会太难得了。

this was very exciting to me,   what an incredible opportunity
