Protégé 5.5 学习心得: 第一章(Protégé 5.5 Learning Records: Part 1)

Protégé 5.5 学习心得:第一章(Protégé 5.5 Learning Records: Part 1)

  • 前言(Preface)
  • Protégé中的术语和概念(Terminology and Concepts in Protégé)


背景:想要学习一下本体构建(Ontology Building)方面的知识。看到了网上说Protégé很受欢迎,于是去Protégé官网下载了最新的Protégé版本(Protégé 5.5)。并且去网上找了一个教程,但是只找到了这个Protégé 4 的教程。于是就按照这个教程开始学习如何操作Protégé 5.5。
Background: I recently get interested in Ontology Building. After hearing that Protégé is very popular, I went to the official website to download the latest Protégé version (Protégé 5.5). I only found the tutorial which was based on Protégé 4 and then followed.
Purpose: To record my learning.

Protégé中的术语和概念(Terminology and Concepts in Protégé)

In Protégé (also broadly in the field of ontology), the followings are often used:

  1. 个体(individuals)
    Individuals could be seen as instances in a specific research field. For easy understanding, they are every specific object in a certain research environment. For example, when book titles are being analysed, “Jane Eyre” could be an individual. However, when it comes to book publishing, “Jane Eyre XX Year by XX Book Publisher” is more appropriate as an individual. Usually, individuals are represented as diamonds in diagrams. See Figure 1.
    Protégé 5.5 学习心得: 第一章(Protégé 5.5 Learning Records: Part 1)_第1张图片
    图1(Fig. 1)
    需要注意的是,Protégé中个体的名字是否能重复取决于Protégé中如何设置。在添加新个体的界面(图2)中,有New Entity Options…的选项。点进去后出现图2所示页面。其中影响到是否可以重复命名的关键在于Entity IRI中的End With的选项。如果维持图2所示的选择,那么Protégé将不允许重复名字的出现。如果将End With的选项改为Auto-generated ID并且在下方选择Globally Unique,如图3所示,那么Protégé将会允许重复命名。
    It should be noted that whether the name of the individual in Protégé can be the same depends on how it is set in Protégé. In the interface for adding new individuals (Figure 2), there are New Entity Options… options. After clicked, the page shown in Figure 3 appears. The key to whether individuals’ name can be repeated is determined by which option of End With in Entity IRI is chosen. If the choice shown in Figure 3 is maintained, Protégé will not allow duplicate names. If you change the option of End With to Auto-generated ID and select Globally Unique below, as shown in Figure 4, then Protégé will allow repeated naming.
    Protégé 5.5 学习心得: 第一章(Protégé 5.5 Learning Records: Part 1)_第2张图片
    图2(Fig. 2)
    Protégé 5.5 学习心得: 第一章(Protégé 5.5 Learning Records: Part 1)_第3张图片
    图3(Fig. 3)
    Protégé 5.5 学习心得: 第一章(Protégé 5.5 Learning Records: Part 1)_第4张图片
    图4(Fig. 4)
  2. 属性(Properties)
    A property is a relationship between two individuals, that is, two individuals are connected. For example, “Beijing is the capital of China” can be expressed as “China-hasCapital-Beijing”, where “hasCapital is” is a property(relationship). Usually, the directed arrows are used to indicate properties in a diagram. See Figure 5.
    Protégé 5.5 学习心得: 第一章(Protégé 5.5 Learning Records: Part 1)_第5张图片
    图5(Fig. 5)
  3. (Classes)
    A class is actually a set, of which elements in this set are individuals. Usually, these individuals belong to this set because they have certain common properties. For example, cars are a class, and motorcycles are also a class. A class is usually represented by a circle in the figure, as shown in Figure 6.
    Protégé 5.5 学习心得: 第一章(Protégé 5.5 Learning Records: Part 1)_第6张图片
    图6(Fig. 6)
    There are also hierarchies between classes, that is, the subsumption relationship. If class A contains class B, such as the vehicle contains cars, then class A is the superclass of B. Accordingly class B is subclass of A. Figure 7 shows the superclass-subclass relationship.
    Protégé 5.5 学习心得: 第一章(Protégé 5.5 Learning Records: Part 1)_第7张图片
    图7(Fig. 7)

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