cl_command_queue queue,
cl_kernel kernel,
cl_uint work_dims,
const size_t *global_work_offset,
const size_t *global_work_size,
const size_t *local_work_size,
cl_uint num_events,
const cl_event *wait_list,
cl_event *event)
(1)work_dims:the number of dimensions in the data ( if you deal with image object, you should probably set work_dims equal 2 or 3. But for buffer objects, you can set whatever dimensionality you think best. For a buffer object containing a two-dimensional matrix, you might set work-dims equal 2.)
(2)global_work_offset:the global ID offset in each dimension
(3)global_work_size:the number of work items in each dimension (the global_work_size argument of clEnqueueNDRangeKernel identifies how many work-items need to be processed for each dimension. )
(4)local_work_size:the number of work_items in a work_group,in each dimension (local_work_size less than the global_work_size)
size_t dim=2;
size_t global_offset[]={3,5};
size_t global_size[]={6,4};
size_t local_size[]={3,2};
uint get_work_dim():returns the number of dimensions in the kernel's index space
size_t get_global_size(uint dim): returns the number of work items for a given dimension
size_t get_global_id(uint dim):returns the element of the work-dim's global ID for a given dimension
size_t get_global_offset(uint dim):returns the initial offset used to compute global IDs
size_t get_num_groups(uint dim): returns the number of work-groups for a given dimension
size_t get_group_id(uint dim):returns the ID of the work-item's work-group for a given dimension
size_t get_local_id(uint dim): returns the ID of the work-item within its work-group for a given dimension
size_t get_local_size(uint dim): return the number of work-items in the work-group for a given dimension
uint dim=get_work_dim();//dim=2
size_t global_id_0=get_global_id(0);//从参数global_offset(3,5)第一个参数3开始,个数为global_size(6,4)的第一参数6
size_t global_id_1=get_global_id(1);//从参数global_offset(3,5)第二个参数5开始,个数为global_size(6,4)的第二个参数4
size_t global_size_0=get_global_size(0);//大小为global_size(6,4)的第一个参数6
size_t global_size_1=get_global_size(1);//大小为global_size(6,4)的第二个参数4
size_t offset_0=get_global_offset(0);//获取global_offset(3,5)的第一个参数3,
size_t offset_1=get_global_offset(1);//获取global_offset(3,5)的第二个参数5
size_t local_id_0=get_local_id(0);//获取local_size(3,2)的第一个参数个数(0,1,2)
size_t local_id_1=get_local_id(1);//获取local_size(3,2)的第二个参数个数(0,1)