(4)图像增强- Part1. 对比度增强

Image Enhancement



OpenCV 简介:

(1)    总体描述 
o    OpenCV是一个基于C/C++语言的开源图像处理函数库 
o    其代码都经过优化,可用于实时处理图像 
o    具有良好的可移植性 
o    可以进行图像/视频载入、保存和采集的常规操作 
o    具有低级和高级的应用程序接口(API) 
o    提供了面向Intel IPP高效多媒体函数库的接口,可针对你使用的Intel CPU优化代码,提高程序性能。
(2)    功能
    o    图像数据操作(内存分配与释放,图像复制、设定和转换)
    Image data manipulation (allocation, release, copying, setting, conversion). 
    o   图像/视频的输入输出(支持文件或摄像头的输入,图像/视频文件的输出)
    Image and video I/O (file and camera based input, image/video file output). 
    o    矩阵/向量数据操作及线性代数运算(矩阵乘积、矩阵方程求解、特征值、奇异值分解)
    Matrix and vector manipulation and linear algebra routines (products, solvers, eigenvalues, SVD). 
    o   支持多种动态数据结构(链表、队列、数据集、树、图)
    Various dynamic data structures (lists, queues, sets, trees, graphs). 
    o   基本图像处理(去噪、边缘检测、角点检测、采样与插值、色彩变换、形态学处理、直方图、图像金字塔结构)
    Basic image processing (filtering, edge detection, corner detection, sampling and interpolation, color conversion, morphological operations, histograms, image pyramids). 
    o   结构分析(连通域/分支、轮廓处理、距离转换、图像矩、模板匹配、霍夫变换、多项式逼近、曲线拟合、椭圆拟合、狄劳尼三角化)
    Structural analysis (connected components, contour processing, distance transform, various moments, template matching, Hough transform, polygonal approximation, line fitting, ellipse fitting, Delaunay triangulation). 
    o   摄像头标定(寻找和跟踪定标模式、参数定标、基本矩阵估计、单应矩阵估计、立体视觉匹配)
    Camera calibration (finding and tracking calibration patterns, calibration, fundamental matrix estimation, homography estimation, stereo correspondence). 
    o   运动分析(光流、动作分割、目标跟踪)
    Motion analysis (optical flow, motion segmentation, tracking). 
    o   目标识别(特征方法、HMM模型)
    Object recognition (eigen-methods, HMM). 
    o    基本的GUI(显示图像/视频、键盘/鼠标操作、滑动条)
    Basic GUI (display image/video, keyboard and mouse handling, scroll-bars). 
    o   图像标注(直线、曲线、多边形、文本标注)
    Image labeling (line, conic, polygon, text drawing) 

(3)    OpenCV模块

  •         core – 核心函数库 
  •         imgproc– 图像处理函数库 
  •         vedio – 视频函数库 
  •         highgui – GUI函数库 
  •         ml – 机器学习函数库

Topics to be discussed: 基本图像处理---图像增强

 1. 点处理(Point Processing)

  •  简单像素亮度转换(Simple intensity transformation)
  •  直方图处理(Histogram processing)

2. 空间域滤波(Spatial Filtering)

  •  平滑滤波器(Smoothing Filters)
  •  锐化滤波器(Sharpening Filters)
  •  双边滤波器(Bilateral Filter)





  • 一般图像处理操作符是获取一个或多个输入图像并产生输出图像的功能。
  • 图像变换可以看作:
    • 点运算(像素变换)-
    • Point operators (pixel transforms)
    • 邻域操作
    • Neighborhood (area-based) operators


  • 在这种图像处理变换中,每个输出像素的值仅取决于相应的输入像素值。
  • 这种算子的例子包括亮度对比度调整以及颜色校正和变换




(4)图像增强- Part1. 对比度增强_第1张图片


增加(/减少)β将为每个像素添加(/减去)一个常量值。像素值在[0; 255]范围将饱和(即,高于(/小于)255(/ 0)的像素值将被截止到255(/ 0))。


原始图像的直方图,当Gimp中亮度= 80时为深灰色





请注意,这些直方图是使用Gimp软件中的亮度 - 对比度工具获得的。亮度工具应与β相同偏差参数但对比工具似乎与α不同 输出范围似乎以Gimp为中心的增益(正如您在前面的直方图中所注意到的那样)。

β可能会发生偏差会改善亮度,但同时图像会出现轻微的面纱,因为对比度会降低。该α 增益可以用来减少这种效果,但由于饱和,我们将失去原始明亮区域的一些细节。


  • 两个常用的点过程是乘法加法与常量:

  • 参数α>0和β通常称为增益偏差参数(the gain and bias parameters),这些参数分别控制对比度亮度
  • 假设f(x)作为源图像像素,g(x)作为输出图像像素,上述表达式可以改写为:





如下图所示,当a=1,b=0时,O为I 的一个副本;如果a>1,则输出图像的对比度比有所增大;如果00时,亮度增加;当b<0时,亮度减小。



import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  
# 绘制直方图函数
def grayHist(img):
    h, w = img.shape[:2]
    pixelSequence = img.reshape([h * w, ])
    numberBins = 256
    histogram, bins, patch = plt.hist(pixelSequence, numberBins,
                                      facecolor='black', histtype='bar')
    plt.xlabel("gray label")
    plt.ylabel("number of pixels")
    plt.axis([0, 255, 0, np.max(histogram)])
img = cv.imread("../testImages/4/img4.jpg", 0)
out = 2.0 * img
# 进行数据截断,大于255的值截断为255
out[out > 255] = 255
# 数据类型转换
out = np.around(out)
out = out.astype(np.uint8)
# 分别绘制处理前后的直方图
# grayHist(img)
# grayHist(out)
cv.imshow("img", img)
cv.imshow("out", out)

C ++代码

  • 完整代码:
 * Created with Clion IDEA.
 * Description: Simple program to change contrast and brightness
 * User: haowang
 * Date: 2019-02-15
 * Time: 12:31

#include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"

// we're NOT "using namespace std;" here, to avoid collisions between the beta variable and std::beta in c++17
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using namespace cv;

double getPSNR(const Mat &I1, const Mat &I2);

/* Peak Signal to Noise Ratio */

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
 * @function main
 * @brief Main function
	/// Read image given by user
	//! [basic-linear-transform-load]
//	CommandLineParser parser( argc, argv, "/Users/haowang/Standard Pictures/111548040079_.pic_hd.jpg" );
	Mat image = imread("/Users/haowang/Standard Pictures/test1.jpg", 1);
	if (image.empty()) {
		cout << "Could not open or find the image!\n" << endl;
		cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << "inputImg" << endl;
		return -1;
	//! [basic-linear-transform-load]

	//! [basic-linear-transform-output]

	Mat new_image = Mat::zeros(image.size(), image.type());
	//! [basic-linear-transform-output]

	//! [basic-linear-transform-parameters]
	double alpha = 1.0; /*< Simple contrast control */
	int beta = 0;       /*< Simple brightness control */

	/// Initialize values by usr
	cout << " Basic Linear Transforms " << endl;
	cout << "-------------------------" << endl;
	cout << "* Orginal Image Size is:   " << image.size << endl;
	cout << "* Enter the alpha value [1.0-3.0]:  ";
	cin >> alpha;
	cout << "* Enter the beta value [0-100]: ";
	cin >> beta;
	//! [basic-linear-transform-parameters]

	/// Do the operation new_image(i,j) = alpha*image(i,j) + beta
	/// Instead of these 'for' loops we could have used simply:
	/// image.convertTo(new_image, -1, alpha, beta);
	/// but we wanted to show you how to access the pixels :)

	//! [basic-linear-transform-operation]
	for (int y = 0; y < image.rows; y++) {
		for (int x = 0; x < image.cols; x++) {
			for (int c = 0; c < image.channels(); c++) {
				new_image.at(y, x)[c] =
						saturate_cast(alpha * image.at(y, x)[c] + beta);
	//! [basic-linear-transform-operation]

	//! [basic-linear-transform-display]

	Mat ResizedImg, ResizedNewImg, ShaprenImg;

//	Resize images
	resize(image, ResizedImg, Size(image.cols * 0.3, image.rows * 0.3), INTER_LINEAR);
	resize(new_image, ResizedNewImg, Size(new_image.cols * 0.3, new_image.rows * 0.3), INTER_LINEAR);
	cout << "* Resized Image Size is:   " << ResizedNewImg.size << endl;

//	Sharpen the operated image by using filter2D
	Mat kernel = (Mat_(3, 3) << 0, -1, 0,
			-1, 5, -1,
			0, -1, 0);

	double t = (double) getTickCount();  // Define a timer

//	CV_EXPORTS_W void filter2D( InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int ddepth,
//                            InputArray kernel, Point anchor = Point(-1,-1),
//                            double delta = 0, int borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT );
///** @brief Applies a separable linear filter to an image.
	filter2D(ResizedNewImg, ShaprenImg, ResizedNewImg.depth(), kernel);

	t = ((double) getTickCount() - t) / getTickFrequency();

	double psnr_filter2D = getPSNR(ResizedNewImg, ShaprenImg);

	cout << "Built-in filter2D time passed in seconds:     " << t << endl;
	cout << "Built-in filter2D  sharpen psnr is: " << psnr_filter2D << "dB" << endl;

// Show stuff

	namedWindow("Original Image", WINDOW_NORMAL); //creat windows
	namedWindow("New Image", WINDOW_NORMAL);
	namedWindow("Sharpen Image",WINDOW_NORMAL);

	imshow("Original Image", ResizedImg);
	imshow("New Image", ResizedNewImg);
	imshow("Sharpen Image", ShaprenImg);

	/// Wait until user press some key
	//! [basic-linear-transform-display]
	return 0;

/* Peak Signal to Noise Ratio */
double getPSNR(const Mat &I1, const Mat &I2) {
//	the original image is I1 and the sharpen image is I2
	Mat s1;
	absdiff(I1, I2, s1);       // |I1 - I2|
	s1.convertTo(s1, CV_32F);  // cannot make a square on 8 bits
	s1 = s1.mul(s1);           // |I1 - I2|^2

	Scalar s = sum(s1);        // sum elements per channel

	double sse = s.val[0] + s.val[1] + s.val[2]; // sum channels

	if (sse <= 1e-10) // for small values return zero
		return 0;
	else {
		double mse = sse / (double) (I1.channels() * I1.total());
		double psnr = 10.0 * log10((255 * 255) / mse);
		return psnr;


  • 我们使用cv :: imread加载图像并将其保存在Mat对象中:
  CommandLineParser parser( argc, argv, "{@input | ../data/lena.jpg | input image}" );
    Mat image = imread( parser.get( "@input" ) );
    if( image.empty() )
      cout << "Could not open or find the image!\n" << endl;
      cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " " << endl;
      return -1;
  • 现在,由于我们将对此图像进行一些转换,因此我们需要一个新的Mat对象来存储它。此外,我们希望它具有以下功能:
    • 初始像素值等于零
    • 与原始图像的大小和类型相同
 Mat new_image = Mat::zeros( image.size(), image.type() );  
// the same size and type of Mat img

我们观察到cv :: Mat :: zeros返回一个基于image.size()image.type()的Matlab样式的零初始值设定项

  • 我们现在问α的值和β 由用户输入:
 double alpha = 1.0; /*< Simple contrast control */
    int beta = 0;       /*< Simple brightness control */
    cout << " Basic Linear Transforms " << endl;
    cout << "-------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "* Enter the alpha value [1.0-3.0]: "; cin >> alpha;
    cout << "* Enter the beta value [0-100]: ";    cin >> beta;
  • 现在,执行操作g(i,j)= α · f(i,j)+ b我们将访问图像中的每个像素。由于我们使用BGR图像进行操作,因此每个像素(B,G和R)将有三个值,因此我们也将单独访问它们。
  • 代码:
 for( int y = 0; y < image.rows; y++ ) {
        for( int x = 0; x < image.cols; x++ ) {
            for( int c = 0; c < image.channels(); c++ ) {
                new_image.at(y,x)[c] =
                  saturate_cast( alpha*image.at(y,x)[c] + beta );

请注意以下内容(仅限C ++代码):

  • 要访问图像中的每个像素,我们使用以下语法:image.at (y,x)[c]其中y是行,x是列,c是R,G或B(0,1或2)。
  • 由于操作α&CenterDot;&p(i,j)+ b可以给出超出范围的值或不是整数(如果α是浮动),我们使用cv :: saturate_cast来确保值是有效的。
  • 最后,我们创建窗口并以通常的方式显示图像。


    imshow("Original Image", image);
    imshow("New Image", new_image);




其中cv :: Mat :: convertTo将有效地执行* new_image = a * image + beta *。但是,我们想向您展示如何访问每个像素。在任何情况下,两种方法都给出相同的结果,但convertTo更优化,工作速度更快。


(4)图像增强- Part1. 对比度增强_第2张图片







(4)图像增强- Part1. 对比度增强_第3张图片

暗部细节提升明显,人物轮廓及细节也凸显出来,原本被掩盖的色彩信息也有了较为出色的还原。但是,我们注意到,采用这种简单的线性对比度调整在调整暗部亮度和对比度(HDR-HIGH Dynamic Range)的同时会使得亮部过曝,因此需要对图像进行动态对比度调整,在提升暗部亮度的同时也要保持亮部的原本亮度值。






绘制不同的伽玛值,当γ< 1中,原始的暗区将是明亮,直方图将被向右移位,而这将是与相对的γ> 1。


以下图像示例α=1.3和β= 40。


以下图像已用:γ校正= 0.4




                             左:alpha,beta校正后的直方图;  中:原始图像的直方图; 右:伽马校正后的直方图




 Mat lookUpTable(1, 256, CV_8U);
    uchar* p = lookUpTable.ptr();
    for( int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
        p[i] = saturate_cast(pow(i / 255.0, gamma_) * 255.0);
    Mat res = img.clone();
    LUT(img, lookUpTable, res);


 * Created with Clion IDEA.
 * Description: Simple program to change contrast and brightness
 * User: haowang
 * Date: 2019-02-15
 * Time: 12:31

#include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"

// we're NOT "using namespace std;" here, to avoid collisions between the beta variable and std::beta in c++17
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using namespace cv;

namespace {
/** Global Variables */
	double alpha = 1.0; /*< Simple contrast control */
	int beta = 0;       /*< Simple brightness control */
	int gamma_cor = 100;
	double getPSNR_val = 0;

	Mat ResizedImg, ResizedNewImg, ShaprenImg, img_gamma_corrected;

	/* Peak Signal to Noise Ratio */
	double getPSNR(const Mat &I1, const Mat &I2) {
//	the original image is I1 and the sharpen image is I2
		Mat s1;
		absdiff(I1, I2, s1);       // |I1 - I2|
		s1.convertTo(s1, CV_32F);  // cannot make a square on 8 bits
		s1 = s1.mul(s1);           // |I1 - I2|^2

		Scalar s = sum(s1);        // sum elements per channel

		double sse = s.val[0] + s.val[1] + s.val[2]; // sum channels

		if (sse <= 1e-10) // for small values return zero
			return 0;
		else {
			double mse = sse / (double) (I1.channels() * I1.total());
			double psnr = 10.0 * log10((255 * 255) / mse);
			return psnr;

	void gammaCorrection(const Mat &img, const double gamma_) {
		CV_Assert(gamma_ >= 0);
		//! [changing-contrast-brightness-gamma-correction]
		Mat lookUpTable(1, 256, CV_8U);
		uchar *p = lookUpTable.ptr();
		for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
			p[i] = saturate_cast(pow(i / 255.0, gamma_) * 255.0);

		Mat res = img.clone();
		LUT(img, lookUpTable, res);
		//! [changing-contrast-brightness-gamma-correction]

		hconcat(img, res, img_gamma_corrected);

		imshow("Gamma correction", img_gamma_corrected);


	void on_gamma_correction_trackbar(int, void *) {
		double gamma_value = gamma_cor / 100.0;
		gammaCorrection(ResizedImg, gamma_value);
//		getPSNR_val = getPSNR(ResizedImg, img_gamma_corrected);
//		cout << "When gamma =  " << gamma_value << "    , PSNR =  " << getPSNR_val << endl;


int main(int argc, char **argv) {
 * @function main
 * @brief Main function
	/// Read image given by user
	//! [basic-linear-transform-load]
//	CommandLineParser parser( argc, argv, "/Users/haowang/Standard Pictures/111548040079_.pic_hd.jpg" );
	Mat image = imread("/Users/haowang/Standard Pictures/test1.jpg", 1);
	if (image.empty()) {
		cout << "Could not open or find the image!\n" << endl;
		cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << "inputImg" << endl;
		return -1;
	//! [basic-linear-transform-load]

	//! [basic-linear-transform-output]
	Mat new_image = Mat::zeros(image.size(), image.type());
	//! [basic-linear-transform-output]

	/// Initialize values by usr
	cout << " Basic Linear Transforms " << endl;
	cout << "-------------------------" << endl;
	cout << "* Orginal Image Size is:   " << image.size << endl;
	cout << "* Enter the alpha value [1.0-3.0]:  ";
	cin >> alpha;
	cout << "* Enter the beta value [0-100]: ";
	cin >> beta;
	//! [basic-linear-transform-parameters]

	/// Do the operation new_image(i,j) = alpha*image(i,j) + beta
	/// Instead of these 'for' loops we could have used simply:
	/// image.convertTo(new_image, -1, alpha, beta);
	/// but we wanted to show you how to access the pixels :)

	//! [basic-linear-transform-operation]
	for (int y = 0; y < image.rows; y++) {
		for (int x = 0; x < image.cols; x++) {
			for (int c = 0; c < image.channels(); c++) {
				new_image.at(y, x)[c] =
						saturate_cast(alpha * image.at(y, x)[c] + beta);
	//! [basic-linear-transform-operation]

	//! [basic-linear-transform-display]

//	Resize images
	resize(image, ResizedImg, Size(image.cols * 0.3, image.rows * 0.3), INTER_LINEAR);
	resize(new_image, ResizedNewImg, Size(new_image.cols * 0.3, new_image.rows * 0.3), INTER_LINEAR);
	cout << "* Resized Image Size is:   " << ResizedNewImg.size << endl;

//	Sharpen the operated image by using filter2D
	Mat kernel = (Mat_(3, 3) << 0, -1, 0,
			-1, 5, -1,
			0, -1, 0);

	double t = (double) getTickCount();  // Define a timer

//	CV_EXPORTS_W void filter2D( InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int ddepth,
//                            InputArray kernel, Point anchor = Point(-1,-1),
//                            double delta = 0, int borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT );
///** @brief Applies a separable linear filter to an image.
	filter2D(ResizedNewImg, ShaprenImg, ResizedNewImg.depth(), kernel);

	t = ((double) getTickCount() - t) / getTickFrequency();

	double psnr_filter2D = getPSNR(ResizedNewImg, ShaprenImg);

	cout << "Built-in filter2D time passed in seconds:     " << t << endl;
	cout << "Built-in filter2D  sharpen psnr is: " << psnr_filter2D << "dB" << endl;

//! [changing-contrast-brightness-gamma-correction]
	img_gamma_corrected = Mat(ResizedImg.rows, ResizedImg.cols * 2, ResizedImg.type());

	hconcat(ResizedImg, ResizedImg, img_gamma_corrected);

// Show stuff

	namedWindow("Original Image", WINDOW_NORMAL); //creat windows
	namedWindow("New Image", WINDOW_NORMAL);
	namedWindow("Sharpen Image", WINDOW_NORMAL);
	namedWindow("Gamma correction", WINDOW_NORMAL);

	imshow("Original Image", ResizedImg);
	imshow("New Image", ResizedNewImg);
	imshow("Sharpen Image", ShaprenImg);

	createTrackbar("Gamma correction", "Gamma correction", &gamma_cor, 200, on_gamma_correction_trackbar);

	on_gamma_correction_trackbar(0, 0);

	/// Wait until user press some key
	//! [basic-linear-transform-display]
	return 0;


(4)图像增强- Part1. 对比度增强_第4张图片


(4)图像增强- Part1. 对比度增强_第5张图片





lookUpTable = np.empty((1,256), np.uint8)
    for i in range(256):
        lookUpTable[0,i] = np.clip(pow(i / 255.0, gamma) * 255.0, 0, 255)
    res = cv.LUT(img_original, lookUpTable)



from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
import argparse

alpha = 1.0
alpha_max = 500
beta = 0
beta_max = 200
gamma = 1.0
gamma_max = 200

def basicLinearTransform():
    res = cv.convertScaleAbs(img_original, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
    img_corrected = cv.hconcat([img_original, res])
    cv.imshow("Brightness and contrast adjustments", img_corrected)

def gammaCorrection():
    ## [changing-contrast-brightness-gamma-correction]
    lookUpTable = np.empty((1,256), np.uint8)
    for i in range(256):
        lookUpTable[0,i] = np.clip(pow(i / 255.0, gamma) * 255.0, 0, 255)

    res = cv.LUT(img_original, lookUpTable)
    ## [changing-contrast-brightness-gamma-correction]

    img_gamma_corrected = cv.hconcat([img_original, res]);
    cv.imshow("Gamma correction", img_gamma_corrected);

def on_linear_transform_alpha_trackbar(val):
    global alpha
    alpha = val / 100

def on_linear_transform_beta_trackbar(val):
    global beta
    beta = val - 100

def on_gamma_correction_trackbar(val):
    global gamma
    gamma = val / 100

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Code for Changing the contrast and brightness of an image! tutorial.')
parser.add_argument('--input', help='Path to input image.', default='lena.jpg')
args = parser.parse_args()

img_original = cv.imread(cv.samples.findFile(args.input))
if img_original is None:
    print('Could not open or find the image: ', args.input)

img_corrected = np.empty((img_original.shape[0], img_original.shape[1]*2, img_original.shape[2]), img_original.dtype)
img_gamma_corrected = np.empty((img_original.shape[0], img_original.shape[1]*2, img_original.shape[2]), img_original.dtype)

img_corrected = cv.hconcat([img_original, img_original])
img_gamma_corrected = cv.hconcat([img_original, img_original])

cv.namedWindow('Brightness and contrast adjustments')
cv.namedWindow('Gamma correction')

alpha_init = int(alpha *100)
cv.createTrackbar('Alpha gain (contrast)', 'Brightness and contrast adjustments', alpha_init, alpha_max, on_linear_transform_alpha_trackbar)
beta_init = beta + 100
cv.createTrackbar('Beta bias (brightness)', 'Brightness and contrast adjustments', beta_init, beta_max, on_linear_transform_beta_trackbar)
gamma_init = int(gamma * 100)
cv.createTrackbar('Gamma correction', 'Gamma correction', gamma_init, gamma_max, on_gamma_correction_trackbar)




