《论文阅读笔记》Deep Metric Learning via Lifted Structured Feature Embedding

1.解释Lifted ,Structured

可以参考structured learning : to prediction structured ojects ,rather than scalar discrete or real values.For example,the problem of translating a natural language sentence into a syntactic representation such as a parse tree can be seen as a structured prediction problem in which the structured output domain is the set of all possible parse trees.

feature embedding:特征映射

Lifting problem : 参考 Homotopy lifting property

2.what is metric learning
当前主流的Metric learning 方法当属triplet loss,常见的还有Contrastive loss,但是这两种方法都没有很充分的利用每个training batch 的信息。引用原文的一句话:
taking full advantage of the training batches in the neural network training by lifting the vector of pairwise distance within the batch to the matrix of pairwise distances

3.what is the problem
the existing approaches cannot take full adwantage of the training batches used during the mini-batch stochastic gradient descent traning of the networks 。即,由于采用的是deep learning 的方法,我们采用的SGD随机梯度方法训练网络,每次计算都是一个batch,triplet 和contrastive 这这两种方法都没有充分利用整个batch size,triplet 是一个三元组(achor,negative,postive),contrastive是一个二元组(xi,xj)(xi,xj可以是来自同一个类,或者来自不同类),如果是triplet 和 contrastive ,每个batch size 都是由这些二元组或者三元组组成,如下图
《论文阅读笔记》Deep Metric Learning via Lifted Structured Feature Embedding_第1张图片

计算loss 和更新权重时,只依赖(x1,x2),(x3,x4),(x5,x6),而跟(x1,x3),(x4,x6)等等没有关系,triplet也有这种问题。

为了充分利用一个batch 里样本,来更新权重和计算loss,作者就提出了 Lifted Structured embedding

4 . what is Lifted Structured embedding

如果想学习最完美的metric learning 函数,那么理论上的loss 函数:
《论文阅读笔记》Deep Metric Learning via Lifted Structured Feature Embedding_第2张图片

P是train set里的正样本对集,N是train set里所有可能的负样本对集,但是如果想用deep learning来实现的话,那么可以看到,负样本对太多了。
(1)loss 是一个非光滑函数

(1)将loss 换成一个光滑的上界函数来代替;
(2)将样本集分成无数小的batch,每个batch 采用上述方法计算loss

因此从之前的O(m)pairs变成了O(m^2) 个pairs

5 .定义距离函数

《论文阅读笔记》Deep Metric Learning via Lifted Structured Feature Embedding_第3张图片

f(x)是cnn 学习到的特征,将每张图片映射到这个256维的向量,然后用这256维向量来计算距离。


《论文阅读笔记》Deep Metric Learning via Lifted Structured Feature Embedding_第4张图片

转化为光滑的上界函数也是因为:嵌套的max loss函数会导致network 收敛到一个坏的局部最优点。


《论文阅读笔记》Deep Metric Learning via Lifted Structured Feature Embedding_第5张图片
《论文阅读笔记》Deep Metric Learning via Lifted Structured Feature Embedding_第6张图片

lifted structured feature embedding 大大增加了训练的样本数目pairs num;
