抽空为大家整理了人工智能顶会ICLR 2020录用的Meta learning 元学习相关的最新论文,感兴趣的朋友们赶紧Mark读起来吧!
[1]. Meta-Q-Learning
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=SJeD3CEFPH
作者 | Rasool Fakoor, Pratik Chaudhari, Stefano Soatto, Alexander J. Smola
Amazon; University of Pennsylvania
[2]. Learning to Balance: Bayesian Meta-Learning for Imbalanced and Out-of-distribution Tasks
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=rkeZIJBYvr
作者 | Hae Beom Lee, Hayeon Lee, Donghyun Na, Saehoon Kim, Minseop Park, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang
[3]. Meta-Learning with Warped Gradient Descent
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=rkeiQlBFPB
作者 | Sebastian Flennerhag, Andrei A. Rusu, Razvan Pascanu, Francesco Visin, Hujun Yin, Raia Hadsell
[4]. Meta-Learning without Memorization
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=BklEFpEYwS
作者 | Mingzhang Yin, George Tucker, Mingyuan Zhou, Sergey Levine, Chelsea Finn
单位 | UT Austin; Google Research; UC Berkeley; Stanford
[5]. Meta-Learning Acquisition Functions for Transfer Learning in Bayesian Optimization
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=ryeYpJSKwr
作者 | Michael Volpp, Lukas P. Fröhlich, Kirsten Fischer, Andreas Doerr, Stefan Falkner, Frank Hutter, Christian Daniel
[6]. Improving Generalization in Meta Reinforcement Learning using Learned Objectives
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=S1evHerYPr
作者 | Louis Kirsch, Sjoerd van Steenkiste, Juergen Schmidhuber
[7]. Automated Relational Meta-learning
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=rklp93EtwH
作者 | Huaxiu Yao, Xian Wu, Zhiqiang Tao, Yaliang Li, Bolin Ding, Ruirui Li, Zhenhui Li
单位 | Pennsylvania State University; University of Notre Dame; Northeastern University
[8]. ES-MAML: Simple Hessian-Free Meta Learning
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=S1exA2NtDB
作者 | Xingyou Song, Wenbo Gao, Yuxiang Yang, Krzysztof Choromanski, Aldo Pacchiano, Yunhao Tang
单位 | Google Brain; UC Berkeley; Columbia University
[9]. Watch, Try, Learn: Meta-Learning from Demonstrations and Rewards
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=SJg5J6NtDr
作者 | Allan Zhou, Eric Jang, Daniel Kappler, Alex Herzog, Mohi Khansari, Paul Wohlhart, Yunfei Bai, Mrinal Kalakrishnan, Sergey Levine, Chelsea Finn
单位 | Google Brain; UC Berkeley; Stanford
[10]. Few-shot Text Classification with Distributional Signatures
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=H1emfT4twB
作者 | Yujia Bao, Menghua Wu, Shiyu Chang, Regina Barzilay
单位 | MIT; IBM Research
[11]. A Theoretical Analysis of the Number of Shots in Few-Shot Learning
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=HkgB2TNYPS
作者 | Tianshi Cao, Marc T Law, Sanja Fidler
单位 | University of Toronto; Vector Institute; Nvidia
[12]. Rapid Learning or Feature Reuse? Towards Understanding the Effectiveness of MAML
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=rkgMkCEtPB
作者 | Aniruddh Raghu, Maithra Raghu, Samy Bengio, Oriol Vinyals
单位 | MIT; Cornell University; Google Brain; DeepMind
[13]. Differentially Private Meta-Learning
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=rJgqMRVYvr
作者 | Jeffrey Li, Mikhail Khodak, Sebastian Caldas, Ameet Talwalkar
单位 | Carnegie Mellon University;
[14]. MetaPix: Few-Shot Video Retargeting
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=SJx1URNKwH
作者 | Jessica Lee, Deva Ramanan, Rohit Girdhar
单位 | Carnegie Mellon University
[15]. Towards Fast Adaptation of Neural Architectures with Meta Learning
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=r1eowANFvr
作者 | Dongze Lian, Yin Zheng, Yintao Xu, Yanxiong Lu, Leyu Lin, Peilin Zhao, Junzhou Huang, Shenghua Gao
单位 | ShanghaiTech University; Tencent; University of Texas at Arlington
[16]. Bayesian Meta Sampling for Fast Uncertainty Adaptation
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=Bkxv90EKPB
作者 | Zhenyi Wang, Yang Zhao, Ping Yu, Ruiyi Zhang, Changyou Chen
单位 | State University of New York at Buffalo; Duke University
[17]. Meta-Learning Deep Energy-Based Memory Models
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=SyljQyBFDH
作者 | Sergey Bartunov, Jack Rae, Simon Osindero, Timothy Lillicrap
单位 | DeepMind
[18]. Meta-learning curiosity algorithms
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=BygdyxHFDS
作者 | Ferran Alet, Martin F. Schneider, Tomas Lozano-Perez, Leslie Pack Kaelbling
单位 | MIT
[19]. VariBAD: A Very Good Method for Bayes-Adaptive Deep RL via Meta-Learning
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=Hkl9JlBYvr
作者 | Luisa Zintgraf, Kyriacos Shiarlis, Maximilian Igl, Sebastian Schulze, Yarin Gal, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson
单位 | University of Oxford; Microsoft Research
[20]. Empirical Bayes Transductive Meta-Learning with Synthetic Gradients
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=Hkg-xgrYvH
作者 | Shell Xu Hu, Pablo Moreno, Yang Xiao, Xi Shen, Guillaume Obozinski, Neil Lawrence, Andreas Damianou
单位 | University of Cambridge; Amazon
[21]. Meta Reinforcement Learning with Autonomous Inference of Subtask Dependencies
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=HkgsWxrtPB
作者 | Sungryull Sohn, Hyunjae Woo, Jongwook Choi, Honglak Lee
单位 | University of Michigan; Google Brain
[22]. A Meta-Transfer Objective for Learning to Disentangle Causal Mechanisms
链接 | https://openreview.net/pdf?id=ryxWIgBFPS
作者 | Yoshua Bengio, Tristan Deleu, Nasim Rahaman, Nan Rosemary Ke, Sebastien Lachapelle, Olexa Bilaniuk, Anirudh Goyal, Christopher Pal
单位 | MILA