Summary for events in flex4


In this chapter, I described the Flex event architecture and how you can create your own events to
share data between application components. You learned the following:
● a Flex applications are event-driven.
● Every component that dispatches events includes EventDispatcher in its inheritance hierarchy.
● You handle events with either MXML-based event handlers or the addEventListener() method.
    调用event的处理函数一般有两种方式(MXML-based & AS),比如
myForm.addEventListener(LoginEvent.LOGIN, loginHandler); //LoginEvent.LOGIN就是String("login")
[Event(name=”login”, type=”events.LoginEvent”)]
或者 myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
● Event handler functions receive a single event argument and return void.
● Flash Builder 4 adds the capability to generate event handler functions for all Flex components and events.
● You can declare and dispatch custom events from your custom components.
● You can create custom event classes to store and send data from custom components to the rest of the application.
    在我看来,这点比较适用于数据交换、传递。在组件内监听一个事件,进行一些处理,把结果保存在event的属性上,比如event.text,在组件外可以通过handler function把这个属性传递给其他的组件属性。
● To make a custom event class bubble, set its bubbles property to true.
    在我的理解,各个“容器”“从小到大”,依次响应event,比如click(如果设有handler function)
● Override the Event class’s clone() method if you want to be able to re-dispatch custom event objects from an event handler method.
● You handle custom events and event classes with the same architecture as pre-built classes that are included in the Flex SDK.