HTML DOM Window 对象

HTML DOM Window 对象

Window 对象

Window 对象用于描述浏览器窗口. A Window object is created automatically with every instance of a or tag.

IE: Internet Explorer, F: Firefox, N: Netscape, W3C: World Wide Web Consortium (Internet Standard).

Window 对象集合

集合 说明 IE F N W3C
frames[] 返回所有在window中已经命名的frame 3 1 2  


对象名 说明 IE  F N W3C
clientInformation 包含了有关浏览器的信息 4      
clipboardData 包含了系统剪贴板的有关数据信息 5      
document 这个对象可用于访问页面中的所有元素 3      
event 描述某一事件状态 4      
external   4      
history 包含了用户曾经用浏览器访问过的URL 3      
location 包含了当前浏览器地址栏中的URL 3      
navigator 包含了客户端浏览器的相关信息 3      
screen 包含了客户端显示屏的相关信息 4      

Window 对象属性

属性名 说明 IE  F N W3C
closed 返回所引用窗口是否关闭的boolean型值 4 1 3  
defaultStatus 设置或返回浏览器窗口状态栏的缺省文本(在页面载入时显示) 3 1 2  
dialogArguments 返回所有传递到模式对话框窗口中的参数 4      
dialogHeight 设置或返回模式对话框窗口的高度 4      
dialogLeft 设置或返回模式对话框窗口距屏幕左边界的距离(单位为像素) 4      
dialogTop 设置或返回模式对话框窗口距屏幕顶部边界的距离(单位为像素) 4      
dialogWidth 设置或返回模式对话框窗口的宽度 4      
frameElement 返回 frame 或 iframe 对象所在父文档的窗口 5      
length 设置或返回窗口中包含的frame的数量 4 1 6  
name 设置或返回窗口的名称 3 1 2  
offscreenBuffering 设置或获取对象在对用户可见之前是否要先在屏幕外绘制 4      
opener 设置或获取创建当前窗口的窗口的引用 4 1 3  
parent 获取对象层次中的父窗口 3 1 2  
returnValue 设置或获取从模式对话框返回的值 4      
screenLeft 获取浏览器客户端左上角相对于屏幕左上角的 x 坐标 5      
screenTop 获取浏览器客户端左上角相对于屏幕左上角的 y 坐标 5      
self 返回对当前窗口的引用 3 1 2  
status 设置或获取位于窗口底部状态栏的信息 3 1 2  
top 获取最顶层的祖先窗口 3 1 2  

Window 对象方法

方法 说明 IE F N W3C
alert() 显示一个带有指定信息和确定按钮的警告对话框 3 1 2  
attachEvent("event",pointer)   5      
blur() 将焦点从当前窗口移除 4 1 3  
clearInterval(ID)  取消由setInterval() 方法设置的timeout时间 4 1 4  
clearTimeout(ID)  取消由setTimeout()方法设置的timeout时间 3 1 2  
close() 关闭当前窗口 3 1 2  
confirm() 显示一个带有指定信息和确定、取消按钮的对话框 3 1 2  
createPopup() 创建弹出窗口 5      
execScript("code", "lang")

执行指定的脚本, 参数说明如下:

code 必需,要执行的脚本代码
lang 必需,为 JScript 、 VBScript 、 JavaScript一种

focus() 设这当前窗口的焦点位置 4 1 3  
moveBy(x,y) 将当前窗口移动指定大小个像素位置(相对当前位置) 4 1 4  
moveTo(x,y) 将当前窗口移动到指定位置(绝对位置) 4 1 4  
navigate("URL") 载入指定的URL到当前窗口 3      
open() 打开一个新浏览窗口 3      
print() 打印当前窗口的内容 5 1 4  


3 1 2  
resizeBy() 缩放当前窗口指定个像素大小(相对缩放) 4      
resizeTo() 缩放当前窗口到指定大小(绝对缩放) 4 1.5    
scroll() (不推荐使用). 使用 scrollTo() 来代替 4      
scrollBy() 滚动当前窗口内容指定个像素位置(相对滚动) 4 1 4  
scrollTo() 滚动当前窗口内容到指定像素位置(绝对滚动) 4 1 4  
setActive()   5      
setInterval(code, millisec[, "lang"])


code (必须).一个函数或一段要执行的代码
millisec (必须). 毫秒数
lang (可选). JScript | VBScript | JavaScript

4 1 4  


3 1 2  
showHelp("URL"[, contextID])

显示一个帮助文件 (必须是.htm或.chm格式). 使用此方法时,当用户点击F1或点击菜单栏上的帮助时会弹出一个帮助窗口, 为防止出现默认的帮助窗口应该设置返回值为false, 参数含义如下

URL (必须). 帮助文件的URL
contextID (可选). 一个指向帮助文件指定章节的标识,可以为string 或integer型

showModalDialog("URL"[, args, "list"]) Loads a URL in a modal dialog box. A modal dialog box retains focus while open. The user CANNOT switch windows until the dialog box is closed. The arguments can take the following values:

"URL" - Required. The URL of the document to display.

args - Optional. The arguments to use when displaying the URL. Use this parameter to pass a value of any type, including an array of values. The dialog box can extract the values from the dialogArguments property of the window object.

"list" - Optional. Specifies the window ornaments for the dialog box, using one or more of the following semicolon-delimited values:

dialogHeight : number the height* of the dialog window
dialogLeft : number the left position of the dialog window
dialogTop : number the top position of the dialog window
dialogWidth : number the width* of the dialog window
center : yes | no | 1 | 0 | on | off whether to center the dialog window within the desktop. Default is yes
dialogHide : yes | no | 1 | 0 | on | off whether the dialog window is hidden when printing. Only available when a dialog box is opened from a trusted application. Default is no
edge : sunken | raised the edge style of the dialog window. Default is raised
help : yes | no | 1 | 0 | on | off whether the dialog window displays the Help icon. Default is yes
resizable : yes | no | 1 | 0 | on | off whether the dialog window is resizable. Default is no
scroll : yes | no | 1 | 0 | on | off whether the dialog window displays scrollbars. Default is yes
status : yes | no | 1 | 0 | on | off whether the dialog window displays a status bar. Default is yes for untrusted dialog windows and no for trusted dialog windows
unadorned : yes | no | 1 | 0 | on | off whether the dialog window displays the border window chrome. Only available when a dialog window is opened from a trusted application. Default is no

showModelessDialog("URL"[, args, "list"]) Loads a URL in a modeless dialog box. The modeless dialog box displays even when the user switches focus to another window (useful for menus and Help systems). The arguments can take the following values:

"URL" - Required. The URL of the document to display.

args - Optional. The arguments to use when displaying the URL. Use this parameter to pass a value of any type, including an array of values. The dialog box can extract the values from the dialogArguments property of the window object.

"list" - Optional. Specifies the window ornaments for the dialog box, using one or more of the following semicolon-delimited values:

dialogHeight : number the height* of the dialog window
dialogLeft : number the left position of the dialog window
dialogTop : number the top position of the dialog window
dialogWidth : number the width* of the dialog window
center : yes | no | 1 | 0 | on | off whether to center the dialog window within the desktop. Default is yes
dialogHide : yes | no | 1 | 0 | on | off whether the dialog window is hidden when printing. Only available when a dialog box is opened from a trusted application. Default is no
edge : sunken | raised the edge style of the dialog window. Default is raised
help : yes | no | 1 | 0 | on | off whether the dialog window displays the Help icon. Default is yes
resizable : yes | no | 1 | 0 | on | off whether the dialog window is resizable. Default is no
scroll : yes | no | 1 | 0 | on | off whether the dialog window displays scrollbars. Default is yes
status : yes | no | 1 | 0 | on | off whether the dialog window displays a status bar. Default is yes for untrusted dialog windows and no for trusted dialog windows
unadorned : yes | no | 1 | 0 | on | off whether the dialog window displays the border window chrome. Only available when a dialog window is opened from a trusted application. Default is no


* The default unit of measure for dialogHeight and dialogWidth in IE4 is em; in IE5 it is px. Other values to use: cm, mm, in, pt, pc, or ex. For consistent results, use px! Note: The min. dialogHeight you can specify is 100px.

Window Object Events

Syntax: window.event_name="someJavaScriptCode"

Event Description IE F N W3C
onBlur Executes some code when a Blur event occurs   1 3  
onError Executes some code when an Error event occurs   1 3  
onFocus Executes some code when a Focus event occurs   1 3  
onLoad Executes some code when an Load event occurs   1 2  
onResize Executes some code when a Resize event occurs   1 4  
onUnload Executes some code when an Unload event occurs   1 2  
