06_02_Flink DataStream多流合并算子

在关系型数据库中,最常见的多表关联有笛卡尔积连接,left outer join,rght outer join,full
join,inner join。在Flink中,支持多流关联的有3中算子,如下:

06_02_Flink DataStream多流合并算子_第1张图片


object TestCoGroup {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val env: StreamExecutionEnvironment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment

    val stream1: DataStream[(String, String)] = env.readTextFile("C:\\Users\\j\\Desktop\\1.txt")
      .map(value => {
        val arr: Array[String] = value.split(" ")
        (arr(0), arr(1))

    val stream2: DataStream[(String, String)] = env.readTextFile("C:\\Users\\j\\Desktop\\2.txt")
      .map(value => {
        val arr: Array[String] = value.split(" ")
        (arr(0), arr(1))
    stream1.coGroup(stream2).where(new Function[(String, String), String] {
      override def apply(v1: (String, String)): String = {
    }).equalTo(new Function[(String, String), String] {
      override def apply(v1: (String, String)): String = {
      .apply(new CoGroupFunction[(String, String), (String, String), String] {
        override def coGroup(first: lang.Iterable[(String, String)], second: lang.Iterable[(String, String)], collector: Collector[String]): Unit = {

          import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
          val stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("Data in stream1: \n")
          for (item <- first) {
            stringBuilder.append("" + item._1 + "<=>" + item._2 + "\n")
          stringBuilder.append("Data in stream2: \n")
          import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
          for (item <- second) {
            stringBuilder.append("" + item._1 + "<=>" + item._2 + "\n")
    //2<=>b      null
    //null       1<=>c
    //1<=>a      1<=>c


object TestJoin {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

    val env: StreamExecutionEnvironment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment

    val stream1: DataStream[(String, String)] = env.readTextFile("C:\\Users\\j\\Desktop\\1.txt")
      .map(value => {
        val arr: Array[String] = value.split(" ")
        (arr(0), arr(1))

    val stream2: DataStream[(String, String)] = env.readTextFile("C:\\Users\\j\\Desktop\\2.txt")
      .map(value => {
        val arr: Array[String] = value.split(" ")
        (arr(0), arr(1))

      .apply(new FlatJoinFunction[(String, String), (String, String), String] {
        override def join(in1: (String, String), in2: (String, String), collector: Collector[String]): Unit = {

Tumbling Window Join
06_02_Flink DataStream多流合并算子_第2张图片

Sliding Window Join
06_02_Flink DataStream多流合并算子_第3张图片

Session Window Join
06_02_Flink DataStream多流合并算子_第4张图片

Interval Join
KeyedStream,KeyedStream → DataStream
• 在给定的周期内,按照指定的key对两个KeyedStream进行join操作,把符合join条件的两个event 拉到一起,然后怎么处理由用户你来定义。
• key1 == key2 && e1.timestamp + lowerBound <= e2.timestamp <= e1.timestamp + upperBound
• 场景:把一定时间范围内相关的分组数据拉成一个宽表
06_02_Flink DataStream多流合并算子_第5张图片

object TestIntervalJoin {
  case class Transcript(var id: String, var name: String, var subject: String, var score: Int, var time: Long)
  case class Student(var id: String, var name: String, var clazz: String, var time: Long)

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val env: StreamExecutionEnvironment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
    val TRANSCRIPTS: Array[Transcript] = Array[Transcript](
      Transcript("1", "张三", "语文", 100, System.currentTimeMillis),
      Transcript("2", "李四", "语文", 78, System.currentTimeMillis),
      Transcript("3", "王五", "语文", 99, System.currentTimeMillis),
      Transcript("4", "赵六", "语文", 81, System.currentTimeMillis),
      Transcript("5", "钱七", "语文", 59, System.currentTimeMillis),
      Transcript("6", "马二", "语文", 97, System.currentTimeMillis))
    val STUDENTS: Array[Student] = Array[Student](
      Student("1", "张三", "class1", System.currentTimeMillis),
      Student("2", "李四", "class1", System.currentTimeMillis),
      Student("3", "王五", "class1", System.currentTimeMillis),
      Student("4", "赵六", "class2", System.currentTimeMillis),
      Student("5", "钱七", "class2", System.currentTimeMillis),
      Student("6", "马二", "class2", System.currentTimeMillis))
    // TRANSCRIPTS: _* 可以将数组转换成可变参数
    val input1: DataStream[Transcript] = env.fromElements(TRANSCRIPTS: _*).assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new AscendingTimestampExtractor[Transcript] {
      override def extractAscendingTimestamp(t: Transcript): Long = t.time
    val input2: DataStream[Student] = env.fromElements(STUDENTS: _*).assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new AscendingTimestampExtractor[Student] {
      override def extractAscendingTimestamp(t: Student): Long = t.time

    val keyedStream: KeyedStream[Transcript, String] = input1.keyBy(new KeySelector[Transcript, String]() {
      override def getKey(value: Transcript): String = value.id
    val otherKeyedStream: KeyedStream[Student, String] = input2.keyBy(new KeySelector[Student, String]() {
      override def getKey(value: Student): String = value.id
    //e1.timestamp + lowerBound <= e2.timestamp <= e1.timestamp + upperBound
    // key1 == key2 && leftTs - 2 < rightTs < leftTs + 2
      .between(Time.milliseconds(-2), Time.milliseconds(2))
      .process(new ProcessJoinFunction[Transcript, Student, (String, String, String, String, Integer)]() {
        override def processElement(transcript: Transcript, student: Student, ctx: ProcessJoinFunction[Transcript, Student, (String, String, String, String, Integer)]#Context, out: Collector[(String, String, String, String, Integer)]): Unit = {
          out.collect((transcript.id, transcript.name, student.clazz, transcript.subject, transcript.score))
    //2> (3,王五,class1,语文,99)
    //1> (2,李四,class1,语文,78)
    //1> (4,赵六,class2,语文,81)
    //1> (6,马二,class2,语文,97)
    //3> (5,钱七,class2,语文,59)


connect & union(合并流)
之间可以共享状态(比如计数)。这在第一个流的输入会影响第二个流 时, 会非常有用; union
• union是DataStream* → DataStream
• connect只能连接两个流,而union可以连接多于两个流
• connect连接的两个流类型可以不一致,而union连接的流的类型必须一致

object TestConnect {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val env: StreamExecutionEnvironment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
    val someStream: DataStream[Long] = env.generateSequence(0, 10)

    val otherStream: DataStream[String] = env.fromElements(WORDS: _*)
    val connectedStreams: ConnectedStreams[Long, String] = someStream.connect(otherStream)

    val result: DataStream[Object] = connectedStreams.flatMap((value1: Long, collector1) => {
    }, (value2, collector2) => {

  val WORDS: Array[String] = Array[String]("And thus the native hue of resolution", "Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought;", "And enterprises of great pith and moment,", "With this regard, their currents turn awry,", "And lose the name of action.--Soft you now!", "The fair Ophelia!--Nymph, in thy orisons", "Be all my sins remember'd.")

跟map and flatMap类似,只不过作用在ConnectedStreams上
• ConnectedStreams → DataStream

split & select (拆分流)
• split
 DataStream → SplitStream
 按照指定标准将指定的DataStream拆分成多个流用SplitStream来表示
• select
 SplitStream → DataStream
 跟split搭配使用,从SplitStream中选择一个或多个流

object TestSplitAndSelect {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val env: StreamExecutionEnvironment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
    val input: DataStream[Long] = env.generateSequence(0, 10)
    // TraversableOnce代表函数需返回一个Scala集合
    val splitStream: SplitStream[Long] = input.split(item=>{
      val output = ArrayBuffer[String]()
      if (item % 2 == 0) output.append("even")
      else output.append("odd")

    splitStream.print(); //返回0-10所有流数据
    val even: DataStream[Long] = splitStream.select("even")
    val odd: DataStream[Long] = splitStream.select("odd") //返回1,3,5,7,9
    val all: DataStream[Long] = splitStream.select("even", "odd")
