#PS:这个只是 《 我自己 》理解,如果和你的
这里的OSD是on screen display的简写,翻译过来就是在"屏幕"上的显示。这里的"屏幕”是指在一副画面。所以,osd可以理解为在一副画面上叠加信息。
1 得到想要的文字的字体的bitmap
2 根据输入的起始位置和当前第几个字符的信息,计算出当前字要显示到对应图像坐标中的哪个块。
3 把对应的块截出来形成一个小图像,并计算平均灰度。
4 根据灰度值来决定显示黑色还是白色,主要是利用了色差,使人更显目的知道显示了什么。
from freetype import *
import numpy as np
import cv2
import math
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#return bgr mat and gray mat
def GetBGRAndGrayImg(filename):
img = cv2.imread(filename)
img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
return img, img_gray
freetype_face = None
def InitFreeType(path):
global freetype_face
freetype_face = Face(path)
def SetFreeTypeCharPixelSize(pixel_w, pixel_h):
freetype_face.set_pixel_sizes( pixel_w, pixel_h )
def SetFreeTypeCharRotate(angle):
matrix = Matrix(int((math.cos(angle)) * 0x10000), int((math.sin(angle)) * 0x10000),
int((math.sin(angle)) * 0x10000), int((math.cos(angle)) * 0x10000))
freetype_face.set_transform(matrix, Vector(0, 0))
#return a matrix of char, white pixel is actual font, black pixel is background of font
def GetCharMatrixFromFont(char):
bitmap = freetype_face.glyph.bitmap
return numpy.array(bitmap.buffer).reshape(bitmap.rows, bitmap.width), bitmap.width, bitmap.rows
# 下面就是根据传入的位置,文字,然后计算每个文字bitmap的矩阵对应的实际图像对应位置的区域平均灰度,决定显示什么颜色,然后进行像素替换即可。注意:这里的用的第一个字所在的下边界作为对齐的标准线。
def GetOSDImg(img, img_g, text, start_pos, interval=0):
next_char_pos_x = start_pos[0]
cur_pos_x = start_pos[0]
next_char_pos_y = start_pos[1]
cur_pos_y = start_pos[1]
baseline_y = start_pos[1]
for text_i, text_e in enumerate(text):
char_array, char_width, char_height = GetCharMatrixFromFont(text_e)
#caculate gray
gray_matrix = img_g[next_char_pos_x:next_char_pos_x + char_width, next_char_pos_y:next_char_pos_y+char_height]
gray_matrix_mean = gray_matrix.mean()
if text_i == 0:
baseline_y += char_height
cur_pos_y = baseline_y-char_height
for h, h_e in enumerate(char_array):
for w, w_e in enumerate(h_e):
if w_e == 0:
if gray_matrix_mean > 128:
img[ cur_pos_y + h, cur_pos_x + w ] = [0, 0, 0]
img[ cur_pos_y + h, cur_pos_x + w ] = [255, 255, 255]
#caculate next char position
cur_pos_x += char_width + interval
#cur_pos_y += char_height
next_char_pos_x += char_width
next_char_pos_y += char_height
return img
if __name__ == "__main__":
img_t, img_g_t = GetBGRAndGrayImg("test.jpg")
img = cv2.resize(img_t, (352, 288), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
img_g = cv2.resize(img_g_t, (352, 288), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
# SetFreeTypeCharPixelSize(10, 10)
freetype_face.set_char_size(5*64, 0, 300, 0)
osd_img = GetOSDImg(img, img_g, "km/habcdefg你好吗?", np.array([50, 50]), 3)
#osd_img = osd_img.reshape(288, 352, 3)[:, :, (2, 1, 0)]
cv2.imshow('osd', osd_img)
# plt.imshow(osd_img)
plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
# # First pass to compute bbox
# width, height, baseline = 0, 0, 0
# previous = 0
# for i, c in enumerate(text):
# face.load_char(c)
# bitmap = slot.bitmap
# height = max(height,
# bitmap.rows + max(0,-(slot.bitmap_top-bitmap.rows)))
# baseline = max(baseline, max(0,-(slot.bitmap_top-bitmap.rows)))
# kerning = face.get_kerning(previous, c)
# width += (slot.advance.x >> 6) + (kerning.x >> 6)
# previous = c
# Z = numpy.zeros((height,37), dtype=numpy.ubyte)
# print(Z.shape)
# # Second pass for actual rendering
# x, y = 0, 0
# previous = 0
# for c in text:
# face.load_char(c)
# bitmap = slot.bitmap
# top = slot.bitmap_top
# left = slot.bitmap_left
# w,h = bitmap.width, bitmap.rows
# y = height-baseline-top
# kerning = face.get_kerning(previous, c)
# x += (kerning.x >> 6)
# print(x, y ,h, w)
# Z[y:y+h,x:x+w] += numpy.array(bitmap.buffer, dtype='ubyte').reshape(h,w)
# x += (slot.advance.x >> 6)
# previous = c
# print(Z.shape)
# img = cv2.imread("test.jpg")
# img_g = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# array = np.array(img)
# #RGB
# array = array.reshape(520, 520, 3)[:, :, (2, 1, 0)]
# print(array)
# array_g = np.array(img_g)
# array_g = array_g.reshape(520, 520)
# print(array_g.shape)
# x = 250
# y = 250
# front_matrix = array_g[x: x + Z.shape[0], y: y+Z.shape[1] ]
# front_matrix_mean = front_matrix.mean()
# print(front_matrix_mean)
# for h, h_e in enumerate(Z):
# for w, w_e in enumerate(h_e):
# if w_e == 0:
# continue
# if front_matrix_mean > 128:
# #R
# array[ x + w, y + h , 0] = 0
# #G
# array[ x + w, y + h, 1 ] = 0
# #B
# array[ x + w, y + h , 2] = 0
# else:
# #R
# array[ x + w, y + h , 0] = 255
# #G
# array[ x + w, y + h, 1 ] = 255
# #B
# array[ x + w, y + h , 2] = 255
# # plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10*Z.shape[0]/float(Z.shape[1])))
# plt.imshow(array)
# plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
# plt.show()
设定freetype 为unicode解码
用wchar_t来代替char,std::wstring 代替 std::string 。用这个wchar_t作为index去freetype查字形。
std::wstring tmp_str = L"Fu*k You!!! \x20星星";
const char * tmp = L"Fu*k You!!! \x20星星";