MNC 移动设备网络代码/运营商 (Mobile Network Code)

MNC 移动设备网络代码/运营商 (Mobile Network Code)

  1. 概述
  2. MNC 运营商
  3. 注释


移动设备网络代码(英语:Mobile Network Code,MNC)是与移动设备国家地区代码(Mobile Country Code,MCC)(也称为“MCC / MNC”)相结合,以用来表示唯一一个的移动设备的网络运营商。这些运营商可以是使用的GSM/LTE、CDMA、iDEN、TETRA和通用移动通讯系统的公共陆基移动网亦或是卫星网络。ITU-T协议E.212中定义移动设备国家代码。



MNC 运营商


MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态
001 01 测试 测试网络 营运中

阿拉伯联合酋长国 - AE

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
424 02 Etisalat Emirates Telecom Corp 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
424 03 du Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800  

阿根廷 - AR

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
722 010 Movistar Telefónica Móviles Argentina S.A. 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS / LTE 1700  
722 020 Nextel NII Holdings 营运中 iDEN 800  
722 34 Personal Telecom Personal S.A. 营运中 Unknown  
722 36 Personal Telecom Personal SA 不明 未知  
722 040 Globalstar TE.SA.M Argentina S.A. 营运中 Unknown  
722 070 Movistar Telefónica Móviles Argentina S.A. 营运中 GSM 1900 Also uses or had used MNC 07
722 310 Claro AMX Argentina S.A. 营运中 GSM 1900  
722 320 Claro AMX Argentina S.A. 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS / LTE 1700  
722 330 Claro AMX Argentina S.A. 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS / LTE 1700  
722 341 Personal Telecom Personal S.A. 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS / LTE 700 / LTE 1700 / LTE 2600 LTE bands 28 / 4 / 7
722 350 PORT-HABLE Hutchison Telecommunications Argentina S.A. 营运中 GSM 900 Acquired by Claro

奥地利 - AT

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
232 01 A1 Telekom Austria 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 2600 former A1 / Mobilkom / PTA
232 02   A1 Telekom Austria 计划保留    
232 03 T-Mobile AT T_Mobile Austria 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 former Max.Mobil / national roaming agreement with 232-10
232 04 T-Mobile AT T-Mobile Austria Gmbh 不明 Unknown  
232 05 3 Hutchison Drei Austria 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100 owned by Hutchison Drei Austria / former Orange Austria / One / Connect
232 06 Orange AT Orange Austria GmbH 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
232 07 tele.ring T-Mobile Austria 营运中 MVNO brand of T-Mobile Austria
232 08 Lycamobile Lycamobile Austria 营运中 MVNO  
232 09 Tele2Mobil A1 Telekom Austria 营运中 MVNO division bought from Tele2 by A1 Telekom Austria; customers "moved" to bob (232-11)
232 10 3 Hutchison Drei Austria 营运中 UMTS 2100 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600 national roaming agreement with 232-03, one-way national roaming agreement with 232-01
232 11 bob A1 Telekom Austria 营运中 MVNO brand of A1 Telekom Austria
232 12 yesss! A1 Telekom Austria 营运中 MVNO owned by A1 Telekom Austria / one-way national roaming agreement with 232-05
232 13 upc UPC Austria 营运中 MVNO  
232 14   Hutchison Drei Austria 计划保留 Unknown  
232 15 Vectone Mobile Mundio Mobile Austria 营运中 MVNO former Barablu Mobile Austria, uses A1
232 16   Hutchison Drei Austria 计划保留 Unknown  
232 17   MASS Response Service GmbH 不明 Unknown  
232 18   smartspace GmbH 不明 MVNO  
232 19   Tele2 Telecommunication GmbH 不明 Unknown  
232 20 m:tel MTEL Austrija GmbH 营运中 MVNO  
232 21   Salzburg AG für Energie, Verkehr und Telekommunikation 不明 Unknown  
232 22   Plintron Austria Limited 不明 MVNO  
232 23   T-Mobile Austria GmbH 不明 Unknown  
232 91 GSM-R A ÖBB 营运中 GSM-R railways communication
232 92 ArgoNET ArgoNET GmbH 营运中 CDMA450 / LTE450 machine to machine communication for critical infrastructure

比利时 - BE

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
206 00 Proximus Belgacom Mobile 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
206 01 Proximus Belgacom Mobile 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
206 02   Infrabel 营运中 GSM-R  
206 05 Telenet Telenet 营运中 MVNO Using Base's Network
206 06 Lycamobile Lycamobile sprl 营运中 MVNO  
206 07 Vectone Mobile Mundio Mobile Belgium nv 计划保留 MVNO  
206 08   Nethys 不明 Unknown  
206 09 Voxbone Voxbone mobile 营运中 MVNO MNC withdrawn
206 10 Orange Belgium Orange S.A. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 Former Mobistar
206 15   Elephant Talk Communications Schweiz GmbH 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
206 16   NextGen Mobile Ltd. 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
206 20 Base Telenet 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800  
206 25   Voyacom SPRL 不明 LTE 2600  
206 28   BICS 不明 Unknown  
206 30 Mobile Vikings Unleashed NV 营运中 MVNO Uses Base network
206 33   Ericsson NV 不明 Unknown Test network
206 40 JOIN JOIN Experience (Belgium) 营运中 MVNO MNC withdrawn
206 50   IP Nexia 营运中 MVNO  

百慕大(英国) - BM

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
350 000 CellOne Bermuda Digital Communications Ltd. 营运中 GSM 1900 / UMTS 850 / LTE 850  
350 01 Digicel Bermuda Telecommunications (Bermuda & West Indies) Ltd 计划保留 GSM 1900  
350 02 Mobility M3 Wireless 营运中 GSM 1900 / UMTS  
350 05   Telecom Networks 不明 Unknown  
350 11   Deltronics 不明 Unknown  

巴西 - BR

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
724 00 Nextel NII Holdings, Inc. 营运中 iDEN 850 Defunct since March 2018.
724 02 TIM Telecom Italia Mobile 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600  
724 03 TIM Telecom Italia Mobile 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600  
724 04 TIM Telecom Italia Mobile 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600  
724 05 Claro Claro 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
724 06 Vivo Vivo S.A. 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
724 07 Sercomtel Sercomtel Celular 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850  
724 10 Vivo Vivo S.A. 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
724 11 Vivo Vivo S.A. 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
724 15 Sercomtel Sercomtel Celular 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850  
724 16 Brasil Telecom GSM Brasil Telecom GSM 营运中 GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 acquired by Oi, MNC used for existing Brasil Telecom SIM Cards only
724 17 Correios Correios Celular 营运中 MVNO Through TIM network
724 18 datora Datora (Vodafone) 营运中 MVNO Through TIM network
724 23 Vivo Vivo S.A. 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 formerly used by the acquired Telemig Celular
724 24   Amazonia Celular 不明 Unknown acquired by Oi
724 28 No name   营运中 Unknown Used for RanSharing control and roaming between Vivo and Claro
724 30 Oi TNL PCS Oi 不明 Unknown  
724 31 Oi TNL PCS Oi 营运中 GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
724 32 Algar Telecom Algar Telecom S.A. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 1800 LTE bands 28 / 3
724 33 Algar Telecom Algar Telecom S.A. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 1800  
724 34 Algar Telecom Algar Telecom S.A. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 1800  
724 35   Telcom Telecomunicações 不明 Unknown  
724 36   Options Telecomunicações 不明 Unknown  
724 37 aeiou Unicel 营运中 Unknown Bankruptcy in 2011
724 38 Claro Claro 不明 Unknown  
724 39 Nextel NII Holdings, Inc. 营运中 UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800  
724 54 Conecta PORTO SEGURO TELECOMUNICAÇÔES 营运中 MVNO Through TIM network
724 99 Local   营运中 Unknown Used for RanSharing control and roaming between TIM and Oi


白俄罗斯 - BY

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
257 01 velcom   营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100  
257 02 MTS Mobile TeleSystems 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 LTE via beCloud
257 03 DIALLOG BelCel 营运中 CDMA 450 Closed on 21 January 2014
257 04 life:) Belarusian Telecommunications Network 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 Former BeST; LTE via beCloud
257 05 byfly Beltelecom 营运中 WiMAX 3500 Closed on 1 May 2017
257 06 beCloud Belorussian Cloud Technologies 营运中 LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 Former Yota Bel; wholesale network used by MTS and life:)
257 501 BelCel JV   不明    


加拿大 - CA

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
302 130 Xplornet Xplornet Communications 营运中 TD-LTE 3500 / WiMAX  
302 131 Xplornet Xplornet Communications 营运中 TD-LTE 3500 / WiMAX  
302 220 Telus Mobility, Koodo Mobile, Public Mobile Telus Mobility 营运中 UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900 / LTE 1700 / LTE 2600 Used in IMSI to identify Telus subscribers on shared network 302-880
302 221 Telus Telus Mobility 不明 Unknown  
302 222 Telus Telus Mobility 不明 Unknown  
302 250 ALO ALO Mobile Inc. 不明 Unknown  
302 270 EastLink Bragg Communications 营运中 UMTS 1700 / LTE 1700 Nova Scotia and PEI
302 290 Airtel Wireless Airtel Wireless 营运中 iDEN 900 Calgary, AB
302 300   ECOTEL Inc. 不明 Unknown  
302 320 Rogers Wireless Rogers Communications 营运中 UMTS 1700 Former Mobilicity
302 340 Execulink Execulink 营运中 MVNO  
302 350 FIRST FIRST Networks Operations 营运中 GSM 850 MNC withdrawn
302 360 MiKe Telus Mobility 营运中 iDEN 800 iDEN shut down January 2016
302 361 Telus Telus Mobility 营运中 CDMA 800 / CDMA 1900 CDMA shut down 31 May 2017; MNC withdrawn
302 370 Fido Fido Solutions (Rogers Wireless) 营运中 MVNO former Microcell Telecommunications
302 380 Keewaytinook Mobile Keewaytinook Okimakanak Mobile 营运中 UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900 Former Dryden Mobility
302 390 DMTS Dryden Mobility 营运中 Unknown Acquired by Tbaytel in 2012; MNC withdrawn
302 420 ABC A.B.C. Allen Business Communications Ltd. 营运中 TD-LTE 3500 British Columbia
302 480 SSi Connexions SSi Connexions 不明 Unknown  
302 490 Freedom Mobile Shaw Communications 营运中 UMTS 1700 / LTE 700 / LTE 1700 / LTE 2600 Former Wind Mobile; LTE bands 13, 4, 66, 7
302 491 Freedom Mobile Shaw Communications 不明 Unknown  
302 500 Videotron Videotron 营运中 UMTS 1700 / LTE 1700  
302 510 Videotron Videotron 营运中 UMTS 1700 / LTE 1700  
302 520 Videotron Videotron 不明 Unknown  
302 530 Keewaytinook Mobile Keewaytinook Okimakanak Mobile 营运中 GSM Northwestern Ontario; also spelled Keewatinook Okimacinac
302 540   Rovvr Communications Inc. 不明 Unknown  
302 560 Lynx Mobility Lynx Mobility 营运中 CDMA / GSM Northern Quebec, Nunavut, Labrador
302 570 LightSquared LightSquared 不明 Unknown  
302 590 Quadro Mobility Quadro Communications Co_op 营运中 Unknown Southwestern Ontario
302 610 Bell Mobility, Virgin Mobile Canada Bell Mobility 营运中 UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900 / LTE 700 / LTE 1700 / LTE 1900 / LTE 2600 Used in IMSI to identify Bell subscribers on shared network 302-880; LTE bands 17, 29, 4, 2, 7
302 620 ICE Wireless ICE Wireless 营运中 UMTS 850 / GSM 1900 / LTE 850 / LTE 1900 Northern Canada
302 630 Aliant Mobility Bell Aliant 不明 Unknown  
302 640 Bell Bell Mobility 营运中 CDMA 800 / CDMA 1900 CDMA to shut down in April 2019
302 650 TBaytel Thunder Bay Telephone 营运中 UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900 / LTE 2600  
302 652   BC Tel Mobility (Telus) 营运中 CDMA2000 CDMA shut down 31 May 2017
302 653 Telus Telus Mobility 营运中 CDMA 800 / CDMA 1900 CDMA shut down 31 May 2017
302 655 MTS Bell MTS 营运中 CDMA 800 / CDMA 1900 former Manitoba Telephone System; CDMA to shut down 30 Apr 2019
302 656 TBay Thunder Bay Telephone Mobility 营运中 CDMA MNC withdrawn; CDMA shut down 1 October 2014
302 657 Telus Telus Mobility 营运中 CDMA 800 / CDMA 1900 CDMA shut down 31 May 2017
302 660 MTS Bell MTS 营运中 UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900 / LTE 1700  
302 670 CityTel Mobility CityWest 不明 Unknown  
302 680 SaskTel SaskTel Mobility 营运中 TD-LTE 2600 CDMA 850 shut down 5 July 2017
302 690 Bell Bell Mobility 营运中 UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900  
302 701   MB Tel Mobility 营运中 CDMA2000  
302 702   MT&T Mobility (Aliant) 营运中 CDMA2000  
302 703   New Tel Mobility (Aliant) 营运中 CDMA2000  
302 710 Globalstar   营运中 Satellite CDMA  
302 720 Rogers Wireless Rogers Communications 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900 / LTE 700 / LTE 1700 / LTE 2600 former Rogers AT&T Wireless; LTE bands 12, 4, 7
302 730 TerreStar Solutions TerreStar Networks 不明 Unknown  
302 740 Shaw Telecom Shaw Communications 营运中 Unknown  
302 750 SaskTel SaskTel Mobility 不明 Unknown  
302 760 Public Mobile Telus Mobility 营运中 MVNO Acquired by Telus, CDMA network shut down 2014
302 770 TNW Wireless TNW Wireless Inc. 营运中 UMTS 850 Former Rural Com; national coverage based on iPCS technology and Wi-Nodes
302 780 SaskTel SaskTel Mobility 营运中 UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900 / LTE 1700  
302 790   NetSet Communications 营运中 WiMAX / TD-LTE 3500 Manitoba
302 820 Rogers Wireless Rogers Communications 不明 Unknown  
302 860 Telus Telus Mobility 不明 Unknown  
302 880 Bell / Telus / SaskTel Shared Telus, Bell, and SaskTel 营运中 UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900  
302 920 Rogers Wireless Rogers Communications 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
302 940 Wightman Mobility Wightman Telecom 营运中 UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900  
302 990     不明 Unknown For testing

瑞士 - CH

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
228 01 Swisscom Swisscom AG 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600 GSM shutdown planned for 2020
228 02 Sunrise Sunrise Communications AG 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
228 03 Salt Salt Mobile SA 营运中 GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600 Former Orange
228 05   Comfone AG 营运中 Unknown Former Togewanet AG
228 06 SBB-CFF_FFS SBB AG 营运中 GSM-R 900 railways communication
228 07 IN&Phone IN&Phone SA 营运中 GSM 1800 MNC withdrawn, bankrupt in 2012
228 08 Tele4u TelCommunication Services AG 营运中 GSM 1800 owned by Sunrise, former Tele2
228 09   Comfone AG 不明 Unknown  
228 10   Stadt Polizei Zürich 营运中 Unknown  
228 11   Swisscom Broadcast AG 不明 Unknown  
228 12 Sunrise Sunrise Communications AG 营运中    
228 50   3G Mobile AG 营运中 UMTS 2100 MNC withdrawn
228 51   relario AG 营运中 MVNO Former BebbiCell AG
228 52 Barablu Barablu 营运中   MNC withdrawn
228 53 upc cablecom UPC Schweiz GmbH 营运中 MVNO  
228 54 Lycamobile Lycamobile AG 营运中 MVNO  
228 55   WeMobile SA 不明   SMS relay only
228 56   SMSRelay AG 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
228 57   Mitto AG 不明   SMS relay only
228 58 beeone Beeone Communications SA 营运中 MVNO  
228 59 Vectone Mundio Mobile Limited 营运中 MVNO MNC withdrawn
228 60 Sunrise Sunrise Communications AG 不明 Unknown Former network sharing test with Salt Mobile
228 61   Compatel Ltd. 不明   SMS relay only
228 99   Swisscom Broadcast AG 不明   Test network

智利 - CL

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
730 01 entel Entel Telefonía Móvil S.A. 营运中 GSM 1900 / UMTS 1900 / LTE 700 / LTE 2600  
730 02 movistar Telefónica Móvil de Chile 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900 / LTE 700 / LTE 2600  
730 03 CLARO CL Claro Chile S.A. 营运中 GSM 1900 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900 / LTE 700 / LTE 2600  
730 04 WOM Novator Partners 营运中 iDEN 800 Former Nextel
730 05   Multikom S.A. 不明 Unknown  
730 06 Telsur Blue Two Chile S.A. 营运中 MVNO  
730 07 movistar Telefónica Móvil de Chile 不明 Unknown  
730 08 VTR Móvil VTR S.A. 营运中 MVNO Uses movistar
730 09 WOM Novator Partners 营运中 UMTS 1700 / LTE 1700 Former Nextel; roaming with entel and Claro networks (GSM / UMTS)
730 10 entel Entel Telefonía Móvil S.A. 营运中 GSM 1900 / UMTS 1900  
730 11   Celupago S.A. 不明 Unknown  
730 12 Colo_Colo MóvilWanderers Móvil Telestar Móvil S.A. 营运中 MVNO Uses movistar
730 13 Virgin Mobile Tribe Mobile Chile SPA 营运中 MVNO Uses movistar
730 14   Netline Telefónica Móvil Ltda 不明 Unknown  
730 15   Cibeles Telecom S.A. 不明 Unknown  
730 16   Nomade Telecomunicaciones S.A. 不明 MVNO  
730 17   COMPATEL Chile Limitada 不明 Unknown  
730 18   Empresas Bunker S.A. 不明 Unknown  
730 19 móvil Falabella Sociedad Falabella Móvil SPA 营运中 MVNO Uses entel
730 20   Inversiones Santa Fe Limitada 不明 Unknown  
730 22   Cellplus SpA 不明 Unknown  
730 23   Claro Servicios Empresariales S. A. 不明 Unknown  
730 99 Will WILL Telefonía 营运中 GSM 1900 / UMTS 1900 Wireless local loop

中国 - CN

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
460 00 中国移动 中国移动通信集团有限公司 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / TD-SCDMA 1900 / TD-SCDMA 2000 / TD-LTE 1900 / TD-LTE 2300 / TD-LTE 2500  
460 01 中国联通 中国联合网络通信集团有限公司 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300 / TD-LTE 2500 CDMA network sold to China Telecom
460 02 中国移动 中国移动通信集团有限公司 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / TD-SCDMA 1900 / TD-SCDMA 2000 / TD-LTE 1900 / TD-LTE 2300 / TD-LTE 2500  
460 03 中国电信 中国电信集团有限公司 营运中 CDMA2000 800 / LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 2300 / TD-LTE 2500 EV-DO
460 04 中国移动 中国移动通信集团有限公司 不明 Unknown  
460 05 中国电信 中国电信集团有限公司 营运中 CDMA2000 800 / LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 2300 / TD-LTE 2500  
460 06 中国联通 中国联合网络通信集团有限公司 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100  
460 07 中国移动 中国移动通信集团有限公司 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / TD-SCDMA 1900 / TD-SCDMA 2000 / TD-LTE 1900 / TD-LTE 2300 / TD-LTE 2500  
460 08 中国移动 中国移动通信集团有限公司 不明 Unknown  
460 09 中国联通 中国联合网络通信集团有限公司 营运中 Unknown  
460 11 中国电信 中国电信集团有限公司 不明 Unknown  
460 20 中移铁通 中移铁通有限公司 营运中 GSM-R  

哥伦比亚 - CO

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
732 001 movistar Colombia Telecomunicaciones S.A. ESP 营运中 Unknown  
732 002 Edatel Edatel S.A. ESP 不明 Unknown  
732 003   LLEIDA S.A.S. 不明 Unknown  
732 004   COMPATEL COLOMBIA SAS 不明 Unknown  
732 020 Tigo Une EPM Telecomunicaciones S.A. E.S.P. 营运中 LTE 2600 Former Une_EPM; Former Emtelsa; merged with Tigo
732 099 EMCALI Empresas Municipales de Cali 营运中 GSM 900  
732 101 Claro COMCEL S.A. 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900 / LTE 2600  
732 102   Bellsouth Colombia 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / CDMA 850 MNC withdrawn; network acquired by movistar
732 103 Tigo Colombia Móvil S.A. ESP 营运中 GSM 1900 / UMTS / LTE 1700  
732 111 Tigo Colombia Móvil S.A. ESP 营运中 GSM 1900 / UMTS / LTE 1700  
732 123 movistar Colombia Telecomunicaciones S.A. ESP 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS / LTE 1700 / LTE 1900 / CDMA 850  
732 130 AVANTEL Avantel S.A.S 营运中 GSM 850 / iDEN / LTE 1700  
732 142   Une EPM Telecomunicaciones S.A. E.S.P. 不明 Unknown  
732 154 Virgin Mobile Virgin Mobile Colombia S.A.S. 营运中 MVNO Uses movistar
732 165   Colombia Móvil S.A. ESP 不明 Unknown  
732 176   DirecTV Colombia Ltda 营运中 TD-LTE 2600  
732 187 eTb Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogotá S.A. ESP 营运中 LTE 1700  
732 199   SUMA Movil SAS 不明 Unknown  
732 208   UFF Movil SAS 不明 Unknown  



德国 - DE

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
262 01 Telekom Telekom Deutschland GmbH 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800/ / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 Formerly D1 - DeTeMobil, D1-Telekom, T-D1, T-Mobile
262 02 Vodafone Vodafone D2 GmbH 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 Former D2 Mannesmann
262 03 E-Plus E-Plus Mobilfunk 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100  
262 04 Vodafone Vodafone D2 GmbH 计划保留 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100  
262 05 E-Plus E-Plus Mobilfunk 计划保留 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100  
262 06 Telekom Telekom Deutschland GmbH 计划保留 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
262 09 Vodafone Vodafone D2 GmbH 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 2600 Internal testing IOT
262 10   DB Netz AG 营运中 GSM-R Former Arcor, Vodafone
262 12   Dolphin Telecom 营运中 TETRA Company defunct since 2005
262 13   Mobilcom Multimedia 营运中 UMTS 2100 License returned in 2003, MNC withdrawn
262 14   Group 3G UMTS 营运中 UMTS 2100 License revoked in 2007, MNC withdrawn
262 15 Airdata   营运中 TD-SCDMA data only
262 16   Telogic Germany GmbH 营运中 MVNO formerly Vistream; bankruptcy in 2012
262 18   NetCologne 营运中 MVNO also CDMA 450
262 19   Inquam Deutschland 不明 CDMA 450  
262 21   Multiconnect GmbH 不明 Unknown  
262 22   sipgate Wireless GmbH 不明 MVNO  
262 23   Drillisch Online AG 营运中 MVNO  
262 41   First Telecom GmbH 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
262 42 CCC Event Chaos Computer Club 营运中 GSM 1800 Used on events like Chaos Communication Congress
262 43 Lycamobile Lycamobile 营运中 MVNO Uses Vodafone
262 60   DB Telematik 营运中 GSM_R 900  
262 72   Ericsson GmbH 不明 Unknown  
262 73   Xantaro Deutschland GmbH 不明 Unknown  
262 74   Qualcomm CDMA Technologies GmbH 不明 Unknown  
262 75   Core Network Dynamics GmbH 营运中   Test network
262 76   Siemens AG 营运中 GSM 900 Test network; MNC withdrawn
262 77 E-Plus   营运中 GSM 900 Test network
262 78 Telekom Telekom Deutschland GmbH 不明 Unknown  
262 79   ng4T GmbH 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
262 92   Nash Technologies 营运中 GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 Test network
262 901 Debitel   营运中 未知  

丹麦 - DK

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
238 01 TDC TDC A/S 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
238 02 Telenor Telenor Denmark 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 Former Sonofon
238 03   Syniverse Technologies 不明 Unknown Former End2End / MIGway A/S / MACH Connectivity
238 04   NextGen Mobile Ltd T/A CardBoardFish 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
238 05 TetraNet Dansk Beredskabskommunikation A/S 营运中 TETRA Former ApS KBUS 38 nr. 4418; owned by Motorola Solutions
238 06 3 Hi3G Denmark ApS 营运中 UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
238 07 Vectone Mobile Mundio Mobile (Denmark) Limited 营运中 MVNO Former Barablu; MNC withdrawn
238 08 Voxbone Voxbone mobile 营运中 MVNO Former Nordisk Mobiltelefon
238 09 SINE Dansk Beredskabskommunikation A/S 营运中 TETRA Owned by Motorola Solutions
238 10 TDC TDC A/S 营运中 Unknown Test network
238 11 SINE Dansk Beredskabskommunikation A/S 营运中 TETRA Test network
238 12 Lycamobile Lycamobile Denmark Ltd 营运中 MVNO  
238 13   Compatel Limited 不明 Unknown  
238 14   Monty UK Global Limited 不明 Unknown  
238 15   Ice Danmark ApS 不明 Unknown  
238 16   Tismi B.V. 不明 Unknown  
238 17   Naka AG 营运中 MVNO MNC withdrawn
238 18   Cubic Telecom 不明 Unknown  
238 20 Telia Telia 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
238 23 GSM-R DK Banedanmark 营运中 GSM-R  
238 25 Viahub SMS Provider Corp. 不明 MVNO  
238 28   LINK Mobile A/S 不明 Unknown Former CoolTEL ApS
238 30   Interactive digital media GmbH 不明 Unknown Former Telia
238 40   Ericsson Danmark A/S 营运中 Unknown Test network; former Sense Communications Denmark A/S; MNC withdrawn
238 42   Greenwave Mobile IoT ApS 不明 Unknown Former Brandtel ApS, Tel42 ApS
238 43   MobiWeb Limited 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
238 66   TT-Netværket P/S 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 Former Telia, now shared network Telia/Telenor
238 73   Onomondo ApS 不明 Unknown  
238 77 Telenor Telenor Denmark 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 Former Tele2


埃及 - EG

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
602 01 Orange Orange Egypt 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 Former Mobinil
602 02 Vodafone Vodafone Egypt 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800  
602 03 Etisalat Etisalat Egypt 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800  
602 04 WE Telecom Egypt 营运中 LTE  

西班牙 - ES

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
214 01 Vodafone Vodafone Spain 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600  
214 02 Altecom/Fibracat Alta Tecnologia en Comunicacions SL 营运中 TD-LTE 2600 Some MVNO use this MNC (Fibracat, Aircom, Anxanet, Netports)
214 03 Orange Orange Espagne S.A.U 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600 Also use MNC 33; Some MVNO use this MNC (Euskaltel, móbilR, Hualong, The Phone House Spain, CABLE movil, SUOP)
214 04 Yoigo Xfera Moviles SA 营运中 LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 Acquired by Grupo MÁSMÓVIL; used by MÁSMÓVIL, Yoigo, Pepephone and LlamaYa; roams on Orange always for 2G/3G and 4G where there is no Yoigo coverage
214 05 Movistar Telefónica Móviles España 营运中 MVNO Used by resellers (e.g. Tuenti - Movistar's own low cost virtual operator in roaming, TeleCable)
214 06 Vodafone Vodafone Spain 营运中 MVNO Used by resellers (e.g. Lowi - Vodafone's own low cost virtual operator, Lebara, Hits)
214 07 Movistar Telefónica Móviles España 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600 Used by Movistar and O₂ Spain - Movistar's own low cost virtual operator
214 08 Euskaltel   营运中 MVNO Some MVNO use this MNC (RACC)
214 09 Orange Orange Espagne S.A.U 营运中 MVNO Used by resellers
214 10   ZINNIA TELECOMUNICACIONES, S.L.U. 不明 Unknown Former Operadora de Telecomunicaciones Opera SL
214 11   TELECOM CASTILLA-LA MANCHA, S.A. 不明 Unknown Former Orange (Orange Espagne S.A.U)
214 12   SAC CONVERGENT AGGREGATION SERVICES, S.L.U. 不明 Unknown Former Contacta Servicios Avanzados de Telecomunicaciones SL
214 13   Incotel Ingeniera y Consultaria SL 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
214 14   Incotel Servicioz Avanzados SL 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
214 15 BT BT Group España Compañia de Servicios Globales de Telecomunicaciones S.A.U. 营运中 MVNO MNC withdrawn
214 16 TeleCable Telecable de Asturias S.A.U. 营运中 MVNO Acquired by Euskaltel
214 17 Móbil R R Cable y Telecomunicaciones Galicia S.A. 营运中 MVNO Acquired by Euskaltel
214 18 ONO Vodafone Spain 营运中 MVNO MNC withdrawn; acquired by Vodafone
214 19 Simyo Orange España Virtual Sl. 营运中 MVNO Acquired by Orange
214 20 Fonyou Fonyou Telecom S.L. 营运中 MVNO MNC withdrawn
214 21 Jazztel Orange Espagne S.A.U 营运中 MVNO Acquired by Orange in 2014
214 22 DIGI mobil Best Spain Telecom 营运中 MVNO  
214 23 Barablu Barablu Móvil España 不明 MVNO  
214 24 Eroski Eroski Móvil España 营运中 MVNO Closed; Some MVNO use this MNC (Orbitel, Vizzavi)
214 25 Lycamobile LycaMobile S.L. 营运中 MVNO  
214 26   Lleida Networks Serveis Telemátics, SL 不明 Unknown  
214 27 Truphone SCN Truphone, S.L. 营运中 MVNO  
214 28 Murcia4G Consorcio de Telecomunicaciones Avanzadas, S.A. 营运中 TD-LTE 2600 LTE band 38
214 29   NEO-SKY 2002, S.A. 营运中 TD-LTE 3500  
214 30   Compatel Limited 不明 Unknown  
214 31   Red Digital De Telecomunicaciones de las Islas Baleares, S.L. 不明 Unknown  
214 32 Tuenti Telefónica Móviles España 营运中 MVNO MNC 05 in roaming.
214 34   Aire Networks del Mediterráneo, S.L.U. 营运中 LTE 2600  
214 37   Vodafone Spain 不明 Unknown  
214 51 ADIF Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias 营运中 GSM_R  

法国 - FR

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
208 00 Orange France Télécom 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / UMTS 900  
208 01 Orange Orange S.A. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 2600  
208 02 Orange Orange S.A. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 Zones Blanches
208 03 MobiquiThings MobiquiThings 营运中 MVNO  
208 04 Sisteer Societe d'ingenierie systeme telecom et reseaux 营运中 MVNO  
208 05   Globalstar Europe 营运中 Satellite  
208 06   Globalstar Europe 营运中 Satellite  
208 07   Globalstar Europe 营运中 Satellite  
208 08 SFR Altice 营运中 MVNO Former Completel
208 09 SFR Altice 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 is launched for SFR outbound roaming services
208 10 SFR Altice 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 LTE 2600 MNC also used in Monaco
208 11 SFR Altice 营运中 UMTS 2100 Femtocells
208 12   Hewlett-Packard France 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
208 13 SFR Altice 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 Zones Blanches
208 14 SNCF Réseau SNCF Réseau 营运中 GSM_R  
208 15 Free Mobile Iliad 营运中 UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 LTE bands 28 / 3 / 7
208 16 Free Mobile Iliad 营运中 UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
208 17 LEGOS Local Exchange Global Operation Services 不明 Unknown  
208 18 Voxbone Voxbone mobile 营运中 MVNO MNC withdrawn
208 19   Altitude Infrastructure 不明 Unknown  
208 20 Bouygues Bouygues Telecom 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 MNC also used in Monaco
208 21 Bouygues Bouygues Telecom 不明 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / UMTS 900  
208 22 Transatel Mobile Transatel 不明 Unknown MVNE Uses Orange
208 23   Syndicat mixte ouvert Charente Numérique 不明 Unknown Former Omea Telecom (bought by SFR in 2014)
208 24 MobiquiThings MobiquiThings 营运中 MVNO  
208 25 LycaMobile LycaMobile 营运中 MVNO  
208 26 NRJ Mobile Euro_Information Telecom SAS 营运中 MVNO Uses SFR, Orange and Bouygues Telecom
208 27   Coriolis Telecom 营运中 MVNO Former Afone
208 28   Airbus Defence and Space SAS 不明 Unknown  
208 29   Cubic télécom France 营运中 MVNO Former Société International Mobile Communication
208 30   Syma Mobile 营运中 MVNO  
208 31 Vectone Mobile Mundio Mobile 营运中 MVNO Uses SFR or RED
208 32 Orange Orange S.A. 不明 Unknown  
208 33   Département des Pyrénées_Atlantiques 不明 Unknown  
208 50   EDF 不明 Unknown  
208 70   Weaccess group 不明 Unknown  
208 86   SEM@FOR77 不明 Unknown Former Nomotech
208 87 RATP Régie autonome des transports parisiens 不明 Unknown  
208 88 Bouygues Bouygues Telecom 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 Zones Blanches
208 89   Fondation b_com 不明 Unknown former Omer Telecom Ltd
208 90   Images & Réseaux 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
208 91   Orange S.A. 不明 Unknown  
208 92 Com4Innov Association Plate-forme Télécom 营运中 TD-LTE 2300 / LTE 2600 Test network; MNC withdrawn
208 93   Thales Communications & Security SAS 不明 Unknown Former TDF
208 94   Halys 不明 Unknown  
208 95   Orange S.A. 不明 Unknown  
208 96   Axione 不明 Unknown  
208 97   Thales Communications & Security SAS 不明 Unknown  
208 98   Société Air France 不明 Unknown  


英国 - GB

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
234 00 BT BT Group 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100  
234 01 Vectone Mobile Mundio Mobile Limited 营运中 MVNO Previously Mapesbury Communications Ltd.; uses EE network
234 02 O2 (UK) Telefónica Europe 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 2300  
234 03 Airtel_Vodafone Jersey Airtel Ltd 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 Guernsey, Jersey
234 04 FMS Solutions Ltd FMS Solutions Ltd 计划保留 GSM 1800  
234 05   COLT Mobile Telecommunications Limited 营运中   MNC withdrawn
234 06   Internet Computer Bureau Limited 营运中   MNC withdrawn
234 07 Vodafone UK Vodafone 营运中 GSM 1800 Former Cable & Wireless Worldwide; MNC withdrawn
234 08 BT OnePhone BT OnePhone (UK) Ltd 营运中 MVNO Uses the EE Network
234 09   Tismi BV 不明    
234 10 O2 (UK) Telefónica Europe 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 2300  
234 11 O2 (UK) Telefónica Europe 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 2300  
234 12 Railtrack Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd 营运中 GSM-R  
234 13 Railtrack Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd 营运中 GSM-R  
234 14 Hay Systems Ltd Hay Systems Ltd 营运中 GSM 1800  
234 15 Vodafone UK Vodafone 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600 / TD-LTE 2600  
234 16 Talk Talk TalkTalk Communications Limited 营运中 MVNO Formerly Opal Tel Ltd; uses Vodafone network
234 17   FleXtel Limited 不明    
234 18 Cloud9 Cloud9 营运中 MVNO Isle of Man network shut down
234 19 Private Mobile Networks PMN Teleware plc 营运中 GSM 1800 Private GSM; roaming with Vodafone
234 20 3 Hutchison 3G UK Ltd 营运中 UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 National roaming with Orange (UK)'s 2G network
234 21   LogicStar Ltd 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
234 22   Telesign Mobile Limited 不明 Unknown Former Routo Telecommunications Limited
234 23   Icron Network Limited 不明 Unknown  
234 24 Greenfone Stour Marine Limited 营运中 MVNO Uses Stour Marine network
234 25 Truphone Truphone 营运中 MVNO Uses Vodafone network
234 26 Lycamobile Lycamobile UK Limited 营运中 MVNO Uses O2 Network
234 27   Teleena UK Limited 营运中 MVNE  
234 28   Marathon Telecom Limited 营运中 MVNO Holds unused spectrum in Jersey
234 29 aql (aq) Limited 不明 Unknown  
234 30 T_Mobile UK EE 营运中 GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600 Previously owned by Deutsche Telekom; used by MVNOs Asda Mobile & Virgin Mobile
234 31 T_Mobile UK EE 计划保留 GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600  
234 32 T_Mobile UK EE 计划保留 GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600  
234 33 Orange EE 营运中 GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600 Previously owned by Orange S.A.
234 34 Orange EE 营运中 GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600 Previously owned by Orange S.A.
234 35   JSC Ingenium (UK) Limited 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
234 36 Sure Mobile Sure Isle of Man Ltd. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / LTE Isle of Man; former Cable & Wireless
234 37   Synectiv Ltd 不明 Unknown  
234 38 Virgin Mobile Virgin Media 不明 Unknown  
234 39   Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd. 不明 Unknown Former SSE Energy Supply Limited
234 50 JT JT Group Limited 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 Guernsey, Jersey; former Wave Telecom
234 51 Relish UK Broadband Limited 营运中 TD-LTE 3500 / TD-LTE 3700  
234 52   Shyam Telecom UK Ltd 不明 Unknown  
234 53   Limitless Mobile Ltd 营运中 MVNO  
234 54 iD Mobile The Carphone Warehouse Limited 营运中 MVNO Uses Three UK
234 55 Sure Mobile Sure (Guernsey) Limited 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 Guernsey, Jersey; former Cable & Wireless
234 56   CESG 不明 Unknown  
234 57   Sky UK Limited 不明 Unknown  
234 58 Pronto GSM Manx Telecom 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 Isle of Man
234 59   Limitless Mobile Ltd 营运中 MVNO  
234 70   AMSUK Ltd. 不明 Unknown  
234 71   Home Office 不明 Unknown  
234 72 Hanhaa Mobile Hanhaa Limited 营运中 MVNO M2M applications
234 76 BT BT Group 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800  
234 78 Airwave Airwave Solutions Ltd 营运中 TETRA  
234 86   EE 不明 Unknown  

英国 - GB

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
235 00 Vectone Mobile Mundio Mobile Limited 不明    
235 01   EE 不明 Unknown  
235 02   EE 不明 Unknown  
235 03 Relish UK Broadband Limited 不明 Unknown  
235 77 BT BT Group 不明    
235 88   Telet Research (N.I.) Limited 不明 LTE  
235 91 Vodafone UK Vodafone United Kingdom 不明    
235 92 Vodafone UK Vodafone United Kingdom 营运中   Former Cable & Wireless UK; MNC withdrawn
235 94   Hutchison 3G UK Ltd 不明    
235 95   Network Rail Infrastructure Limited 测试 GSM-R  


希腊 - GR

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
202 01 Cosmote COSMOTE - Mobile Telecommunications S.A. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
202 02 Cosmote COSMOTE - Mobile Telecommunications S.A. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
202 03   OTE 不明 Unknown  
202 04   OSE 不明 GSM-R Former EDISY
202 05 Vodafone Vodafone Greece 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 former PanaFon
202 06   Cosmoline 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
202 07   AMD Telecom 不明 Unknown  
202 09 Wind Wind Hellas Telecommunications S.A. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 former Q-Telecom
202 10 Wind Wind Hellas Telecommunications S.A. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 former Telestet & TIM
202 11   interConnect 不明 Unknown  
202 12   Yuboto 营运中 MVNO  
202 13   Compatel Limited 不明 Unknown  
202 14 Cyta Hellas CYTA 营运中 MVNO MVNO on Vodafone's network
202 15   BWS 不明 Unknown  
202 16   Inter Telecom 营运中 MVNO  



香港(中国) - HK

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
454 00 1O1O / One2Free / New World Mobility / SUNMobile CSL Limited 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
454 01   CITIC Telecom 1616 营运中 MVNO MVNO on CSL network; network code operational only at land borders and Airport to attract inbound roamers to join 454-00
454 02   CSL Limited 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 Network code operational only at land borders and Airport to attract inbound roamers to join 454-00
454 03 3 Hutchison Telecom 营运中 UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
454 04 3 (2G) Hutchison Telecom 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800  
454 05 3 (CDMA) Hutchison Telecom 营运中 CDMA 800 Defunct CDMA IS-95 network, decommissioned on 19 November 2008 at 23:59
454 06 SmarTone SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600  
454 07 China Unicom China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited 营运中 MVNO MVNO on PCCW Mobile network code operational only at land borders and Airport to attract inbound roamers to join 454-16 or 454-19
454 08 Truphone Truphone Limited 营运中 MVNO Former Trident
454 09   China Motion Telecom 营运中 MVNO MVNO on CSL network
454 10 New World Mobility CSL Limited 营运中 GSM 1800 Signal Combined with 454-00
454 11   China-Hong Kong Telecom 营运中 MVNO MVNO on PCCW Mobile and Hutchison Telecom networks
454 12 CMCC HK China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited 营运中 GSM 1800 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300 / LTE 2600 Formerly Peoples
454 13 CMCC HK China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited 营运中 MVNO MVNO on PCCW Mobile (3G)
454 14   Hutchison Telecom 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 Network code operational only at land borders and Airport to attract inbound roamers to join 454-03 or 454-04
454 15   SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited 营运中 GSM 1800 Network code operational only at land borders and Airport to attract inbound roamers to join 454-06
454 16 PCCW Mobile (2G) PCCW 营运中 GSM 1800 Formerly SUNDAY
454 17   SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited 营运中 GSM 1800 Network code operational only at land borders and Airport to attract inbound roamers to join 454-06
454 18   CSL Limited 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800  
454 19 PCCW Mobile (3G) PCCW_HKT 营运中 UMTS 2100  
454 20 PCCW Mobile (4G) PCCW_HKT 营运中 LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
454 21   21Vianet Mobile Ltd. 不明 MVNO  
454 22   263 Mobile Communications (HongKong) Limited 营运中 MVNO Formerly P Plus Communications, Delcom (HK) Ltd
454 23 Lycamobile Lycamobile Hong Kong Ltd 营运中 MVNO Closed on 27 April 2018
454 24   Multibyte Info Technology Ltd 营运中 MVNO  
454 25   Hong Kong Government 不明 Unknown  
454 26   Hong Kong Government 不明 Unknown  
454 29 PCCW Mobile (CDMA) PCCW_HKT 营运中 CDMA 800 CDMA2000 1xEV-DO Rev A network for inbound roamers, with limited coverage
454 30   China Data Enterprises Ltd 不明 Unknown  
454 31 CTExcel China Telecom Global Limited 营运中 MVNO  
454 32   Hong Kong Broadband Network Ltd 营运中 MVNO  
454 35   Webbing Hong Kong Ltd 营运中 MVNO  

匈牙利 - HU

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
216 01 Telenor Telenor Magyarország Zrt. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 Former Pannon, Pannon GSM
216 02   MVM Net Ltd. 营运中 LTE 450 For government use
216 03 DIGI DIGI Telecommunication Ltd. 营运中 LTE 1800 Planned
216 04   Invitech ICT Services Ltd. 不明 Unknown  
216 30 T_Mobile Magyar Telekom Plc 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 Former WESTEL, Westel 900; MNC has the same numerical value as the area code
216 70 Vodafone Vodafone Magyarország Zrt. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / UMTS 900 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 MNC has the same numerical value as the area code
216 71 upc UPC Hungary Ltd. 营运中 MVNO  
216 99 MAV GSM-R Magyar Államvasutak 不明 GSM-R 900  


印度尼西亚 - ID

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
510 00 PSN PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (ACeS) 营运中 Satellite  
510 01 Indosat Ooredoo PT Indonesian Satellite Corporation Tbk (INDOSAT) 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 Former PT Satelindo
510 03 StarOne PT Indosat Tbk 营运中 CDMA 800 Shut down on 30 June 2015
510 07 TelkomFlexi PT Telkom 营运中 CDMA 800 Network shut down end of 2015
510 08 AXIS PT Natrindo Telepon Seluler 营运中 GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 Merged with XL (MNC 11), MNC 08 no longer used
510 09 Smartfren PT Smartfren Telecom 营运中 LTE 850 / TD-LTE 2300 CDMA 1900 shut down December 2016, CDMA 850 shut down November 2017
510 10 Telkomsel PT Telekomunikasi Selular 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
510 11 XL PT XL Axiata Tbk 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800  
510 20 TELKOMMobile PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk 营运中 GSM 1800 Merged with Telkomsel
510 21 IM3 PT Indonesian Satellite Corporation Tbk (INDOSAT) 营运中 GSM 1800 Merged with Indosat (MNC 01), MNC 21 no longer used
510 27 Net 1 PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia 营运中 CDMA 450 / LTE 450 Former Ceria
510 28 Fren/Hepi PT Mobile-8 Telecom 营运中 LTE 850 / TD-LTE 2300 Merged with SMART (MNC 09), CDMA 850 shut down November 2017
510 78 Hinet PT Berca Hardayaperkasa 营运中 TD-LTE 2300 Denpasar, Pekanbaru and Makassar
510 88 BOLT! 4G LTE PT Internux 营运中 TD-LTE 2300 Shut down on 28 December 2018
510 89 3 PT Hutchison CP Telecommunications 营运中 GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800  
510 99 Esia PT Bakrie Telecom 营运中 CDMA 800 Merged with Smartfren (MNC 09)

爱尔兰共和国 - IE

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
272 01 Vodafone Vodafone Ireland 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800  
272 03 Eir Eir Group plc 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 Former Meteor
272 04   Access Telecom 不明 Unknown  
272 05 3 Hutchison 3G Ireland limited 营运中 UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800  
272 07 Eir Eir Group plc 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 Former eMobile
272 08 Eir Eir Group plc 不明 Unknown  
272 09   Clever Communications Ltd. 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
272 11 Tesco Mobile Liffey Telecom 营运中 MVNO Uses 3
272 13 Lycamobile Lycamobile 营运中 MVNO Uses 3
272 15 Virgin Mobile UPC 营运中 MVNO Former upc
272 16 Carphone Warehouse Carphone Warehouse 营运中 MVNO  
272 17 3 Hutchison 3G Ireland limited 不明 Unknown  
272 18   Cubic Telecom Limited 营运中 MVNO  

印度 - IN

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
404 01 Vodafone India Haryana 营运中 GSM 900  
404 02 AirTel Punjab 营运中 GSM 900  
404 03 AirTel Himachal Pradesh 营运中 GSM 900  
404 04 IDEA Delhi & NCR 营运中 GSM 1800  
404 05 Vodafone India Gujarat 营运中 GSM 900 Formerly Hutch / Fascel
404 07 IDEA Andhra Pradesh and Telangana 营运中 GSM 900  
404 09 Reliance Assam 营运中 GSM 900  
404 10 AirTel Delhi & NCR 营运中 GSM 900  
404 11 Vodafone India Delhi & NCR 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800  
404 12 IDEA Haryana 营运中 GSM 900 Former Escotel
404 13 Vodafone India Andhra Pradesh and Telangana 营运中 GSM 1800  
404 14 IDEA Punjab 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 Former Spice
404 15 Vodafone India Uttar Pradesh (East) 营运中 GSM 900  
404 16 Airtel North East 营运中 GSM 900 Former Hexacom
404 17 AIRCEL West Bengal 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800  
404 18 Reliance Himachal Pradesh 营运中 GSM 900  
404 19 IDEA Kerala 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 Former Escotel
404 20 Vodafone India Mumbai 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100 Former Hutchison Maxtouch / Orange / Hutch
404 21 Loop Mobile Mumbai 营运中 GSM 900 Former BPL Mobile
404 22 IDEA Maharashtra & Goa 营运中 GSM 900  
404 24 IDEA Gujarat 营运中 GSM 900  
404 25 AIRCEL Bihar 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800  
404 27 Vodafone India Maharashtra & Goa 营运中 GSM 900  
404 28 AIRCEL Orissa 营运中 GSM 900  
404 29 AIRCEL Assam 营运中 GSM 900  
404 30 Vodafone India Kolkata 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 Former Command / Hutch
404 31 AirTel Kolkata 营运中 GSM 900  
404 34 cellone Haryana 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 35 Aircel Himachal Pradesh 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800  
404 36 Reliance Bihar & Jharkhand 营运中 GSM 900  
404 37 Aircel Jammu & Kashmir 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 38 cellone Assam 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 40 AirTel Chennai 营运中 Unknown  
404 41 Aircel Chennai 营运中 GSM 900 Formerly RPG
404 42 Aircel Tamil Nadu 营运中 GSM 900  
404 43 Vodafone India Tamil Nadu 营运中 GSM 900  
404 44 IDEA Karnataka 营运中 GSM 900 / LTE 1800 Former Spice
404 45 Airtel Karnataka 营运中 GSM / TD-LTE 2300  
404 46 Vodafone India Kerala 营运中 GSM 900  
404 48 Dishnet Wireless Unknown 营运中 GSM 900  
404 49 Airtel Andhra Pradesh and Telangana 营运中 GSM 900  
404 50 Reliance North East 营运中 GSM 900  
404 51 cellone Himachal Pradesh 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 52 Reliance Orissa 营运中 GSM 900  
404 53 cellone Punjab 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 54 cellone Uttar Pradesh (West) 营运中 GSM 900 / UTMS 2100  
404 55 cellone Uttar Pradesh (East) 营运中 GSM 900 / UTMS 2100  
404 56 IDEA Uttar Pradesh (West) 营运中 GSM 900  
404 57 cellone Gujarat 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 58 cellone Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 59 cellone Rajasthan 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 60 Vodafone India Rajasthan 营运中 GSM 900  
404 62 cellone Jammu & Kashmir 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 64 cellone Chennai 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 66 cellone Maharashtra & Goa 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 67 Reliance Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 68 DOLPHIN Delhi & NCR 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 69 DOLPHIN Mumbai 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 70 AirTel Rajasthan 营运中 Unknown  
404 71 cellone Karnataka (Bangalore) 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 72 cellone Kerala 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 73 cellone Andhra Pradesh and Telangana 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 74 cellone West Bengal 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 75 cellone Bihar 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 76 cellone Orissa 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 77 cellone North East 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 78 IDEA Madhya Pradesh & Chattishgarh 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 79 cellone Andaman Nicobar 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 80 cellone Tamil Nadu 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 81 cellone Kolkata 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
404 82 IDEA Himachal Pradesh 营运中 Unknown  
404 83 Reliance Kolkata 营运中 GSM 1800  
404 84 Vodafone India Chennai 营运中 GSM 1800  
404 85 Reliance West Bengal 营运中 GSM 1800  
404 86 Vodafone India Karnataka 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800  
404 87 IDEA Rajasthan 营运中 Unknown  
404 88 Vodafone India Vodafone Punjab 营运中 Unknown  
404 89 IDEA Uttar Pradesh (East) 营运中 Unknown  
404 90 AirTel Maharashtra 营运中 GSM 1800  
404 91 AIRCEL Kolkata 营运中 GSM 900  
404 92 AirTel Mumbai 营运中 GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100  
404 93 AirTel Madhya Pradesh 营运中 GSM 1800  
404 94 AirTel Tamil Nadu 营运中 Unknown  
404 95 AirTel Kerala 营运中 GSM 1800  
404 96 AirTel Haryana 营运中 GSM 1800  
404 97 AirTel Uttar Pradesh (West) 营运中 Unknown  
404 98 AirTel Gujarat 营运中 Unknown  
404 927 Uninor Gujarat 营运中 未知  

印度 - IN

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
405 01 Reliance Andhra Pradesh and Telangana 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 03 Reliance Bihar 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 04 Reliance Chennai 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 05 Reliance Delhi & NCR 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 06 Reliance Gujarat 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 07 Reliance Haryana 营运中 GSM  
405 08 Reliance Himachal Pradesh 营运中 GSM  
405 09 Reliance Jammu & Kashmir 营运中 GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100  
405 10 Reliance Karnataka 营运中 GSM  
405 11 Reliance Kerala 营运中 GSM  
405 12 Reliance Kolkata 营运中 GSM  
405 13 Reliance Maharashtra & Goa 营运中 GSM  
405 14 Reliance Madhya Pradesh 营运中 GSM  
405 15 Reliance Mumbai 营运中 GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100  
405 17 Reliance Orissa 营运中 GSM  
405 18 Reliance Punjab 营运中 GSM  
405 19 Reliance Rajasthan 营运中 GSM  
405 20 Reliance Tamil Nadu 营运中 GSM  
405 21 Reliance Uttar Pradesh (East) 营运中 GSM  
405 22 Reliance Uttar Pradesh (West) 营运中 GSM  
405 23 Reliance West Bengal 营运中 GSM  
405 025 TATA DOCOMO Andhra Pradesh and Telangana 营运中 CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G
405 026 TATA DOCOMO Assam 营运中 CDMA 2000 EDGE, 2.5G
405 027 TATA DOCOMO Bihar/Jharkhand 营运中 CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 EDGE, 2.75G
405 028 TATA DOCOMO Chennai 营运中 CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 EDGE, 2.75G
405 029 TATA DOCOMO Delhi 营运中 CDMA 2000 EDGE, 2.75G
405 030 TATA DOCOMO Gujarat 营运中 CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G
405 031 TATA DOCOMO Haryana 营运中 CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G
405 032 TATA DOCOMO Himachal Pradesh 营运中 CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G
405 033 TATA DOCOMO Jammu & Kashmir 营运中 CDMA 2000 EDGE, 2.75G
405 034 TATA DOCOMO Karnataka 营运中 CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G
405 035 TATA DOCOMO Kerala 营运中 CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G
405 036 TATA DOCOMO Kolkata 营运中 CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 EDGE, 2.75G
405 037 TATA DOCOMO Maharashtra & Goa 营运中 CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G
405 038 TATA DOCOMO Madhya Pradesh 营运中 CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G
405 039 TATA DOCOMO Mumbai 营运中 CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 EDGE, 2.75G
405 041 TATA DOCOMO Orissa 营运中 CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 EDGE, 2.75G
405 042 TATA DOCOMO Punjab 营运中 CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G
405 043 TATA DOCOMO Rajasthan 营运中 CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G
405 044 TATA DOCOMO Tamil Nadu including Chennai 营运中 CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 EDGE, 2.75G
405 045 TATA DOCOMO Uttar Pradesh (E) 营运中 CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 EDGE, 2.75G
405 046 TATA DOCOMO Uttar Pradesh (W) & Uttarakhand 营运中 CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G
405 047 TATA DOCOMO West Bengal 营运中 CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 EDGE, 2.75G
405 51 AirTel West Bengal 营运中 GSM 900  
405 52 AirTel Bihar & Jharkhand 营运中 GSM 900  
405 53 AirTel Orissa 营运中 GSM  
405 54 AirTel Uttar Pradesh (East) 营运中 GSM 900  
405 55 Airtel Jammu & Kashmir 营运中 GSM 900 / UTMS 2100  
405 56 AirTel Assam 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800  
405 66 Vodafone India Uttar Pradesh (West) 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800  
405 67 Vodafone India West Bengal 营运中 Unknown  
405 70 IDEA Bihar & Jharkhand 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 86 IDEA Jammu & Kashmir 营运中 GSM 1800 / UTMS 2100  
405 750 Vodafone India Jammu & Kashmir 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 751 Vodafone India Assam 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 752 Vodafone India Bihar & Jharkhand 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 753 Vodafone India Orissa 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 754 Vodafone India Himachal Pradesh 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 755 Vodafone India North East 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 756 Vodafone India Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 799 IDEA Mumbai 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800  
405 800 AIRCEL Delhi & NCR 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 801 AIRCEL Andhra Pradesh and Telangana 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 802 AIRCEL Gujarat 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 803 AIRCEL Karnataka 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 804 AIRCEL Maharashtra & Goa 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 805 AIRCEL Mumbai 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 806 AIRCEL Rajasthan 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 807 AIRCEL Haryana 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 808 AIRCEL Madhya Pradesh 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 809 AIRCEL Kerala 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 810 AIRCEL Uttar Pradesh (East) 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 811 AIRCEL Uttar Pradesh (West) 营运中 GSM  
405 812 AIRCEL Punjab 营运中 GSM License cancelled by Supreme Court
405 818 Uninor Uttar Pradesh (West) 营运中 GSM  
405 819 Uninor Andhra Pradesh and Telangana 营运中 GSM  
405 820 Uninor Karnataka 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 821 Uninor Kerala 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 822 Uninor Kolkata 营运中 GSM  
405 824 Videocon Datacom Assam 计划保留 GSM 1800  
405 827 Videocon Datacom Gujarat 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 834 Videocon Datacom Madhya Pradesh 计划保留 GSM 1800  
405 840 Jio West Bengal 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 844 Uninor Delhi & NCR 营运中 GSM  
405 845 IDEA Assam 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 846 IDEA Jammu & Kashmir 营运中 GSM 1800 / UTMS 2100  
405 847 IDEA Karnataka 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 848 IDEA Kolkata 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 849 IDEA North East 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 850 IDEA Orissa 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 851 IDEA Punjab 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 852 IDEA Tamil Nadu 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 853 IDEA West Bengal 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 854 Jio Andhra Pradesh 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 855 Jio Assam 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 856 Jio Bihar 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 857 Jio Gujarat 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 858 Jio Haryana 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 859 Jio Himachal Pradesh 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 860 Jio Jammu & Kashmir 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 861 Jio Karnataka 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 862 Jio Kerala 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 863 Jio Madhya Pradesh 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 864 Jio Maharashtra 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 865 Jio North East 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 866 Jio Orissa 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 867 Jio Punjab 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 868 Jio Rajasthan 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 869 Jio Tamil Nadu (incl. Chennai) 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 870 Jio Uttar Pradesh (West) 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 871 Jio Uttar Pradesh (East) 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 872 Jio Delhi 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 873 Jio Kolkata 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 874 Jio Mumbai 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300  
405 875 Uninor Assam 计划保留 GSM 1800  
405 880 Uninor West Bengal 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 881 S Tel Assam 计划保留 GSM 1800  
405 908 IDEA Andhra Pradesh and Telangana 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 909 IDEA Delhi 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 910 IDEA Haryana 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 911 IDEA Maharashtra 营运中 GSM 1800  
405 912 Etisalat DB(cheers) Andhra Pradesh and Telangana 营运中 GSM 1800 License cancelled by Supreme Court
405 913 Etisalat DB(cheers) Delhi & NCR 营运中 GSM 1800 License cancelled by Supreme Court
405 914 Etisalat DB(cheers) Gujarat 营运中 GSM 1800 License cancelled by Supreme Court
405 917 Etisalat DB(cheers) Kerala 营运中 GSM 1800 License cancelled by Supreme Court
405 927 Uninor Gujarat 营运中 Unknown  
405 929 Uninor Maharashtra 营运中 GSM 1800  

意大利 - IT

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
222 01 TIM Telecom Italia S.p.A 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1500 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
222 02 Elsacom   营运中 Satellite (Globalstar) Retired
222 04 Intermatica   不明 Unknown  
222 05 Telespazio   不明 Unknown  
222 06 Vodafone Vodafone Italia S.p.A. 营运中 5G Testing Dedicated Test Network
222 07 Nòverca Nòverca Italia 营运中 MVNO MVNO operation shut down May 2015
222 08 Fastweb Fastweb S.p.A. 营运中 MVNO  
222 10 Vodafone Vodafone Italia S.p.A. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1500 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600  
222 30 RFI Rete Ferroviaria Italiana 营运中 GSM-R 900 railways communication
222 33 Poste Mobile Poste Mobile S.p.A. 营运中 MVNO uses Vodafone and Wind Network
222 34 BT Italia BT Italia 计划保留 MVNO uses TIM Network
222 35 Lycamobile Lycamobile 营运中 MVNO uses Vodafone Network
222 36 Digi Mobil Digi Italy S.r.l. 不明 Unknown uses TIM Network
222 37 3 Italia Wind Tre 不明 Unknown  
222 38 LINKEM Linkem S.p.A. 营运中 TD-LTE 3500 spectrum shared with GO Internet
222 39 SMS Italia SMS Italia S.r.l. 不明 Unknown  
222 43 TIM Telecom Italia S.p.A. 营运中 LTE for 5G NSA Dedicated Test Network
222 47 Tiscali Tiscali S.p.A. 营运中 TD-LTE 3500 acquired by Fastweb in 2018
222 48 TIM Telecom Italia S.p.A. 不明 Unknown  
222 49 Vianova Welcome Italia S.p.A. 不明 MVNO  
222 50 Iliad Iliad Italia 营运中 UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
222 77 IPSE 2000   营运中 UMTS 2100 Retired
222 88 Wind Wind Tre 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600  
222 98 BLU BLU S.p.A. 营运中 GSM 900  
222 99 3 Italia Wind Tre 营运中 UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600  


约旦 - JO

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
416 01 zain JO Jordan Mobile Telephone Services 营运中 GSM 900 / LTE 1800 Former Fastlink
416 02 XPress Telecom XPress Telecom 营运中 iDEN 800 Shut down in 2010
416 03 Umniah Umniah Mobile Company 营运中 GSM 1800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 3500  
416 77 Orange Petra Jordanian Mobile Telecommunications Company (MobileCom) 营运中 GSM 900 / LTE 1800  

日本 - JP

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
440 00 Y!Mobile SoftBank Corp. 营运中 UMTS 1800 band 9
440 01 UQ WiMAX UQ Communications Inc. 营运中 WiMAX 2500 / TD-LTE 2500 LTE band 41
440 02   Hanshin Cable Engineering Co., Ltd. 不明 WiMAX 2500  
440 03 IIJmio Internet Initiative Japan Inc. 营运中 MVNO  
440 04   Japan Radio Company, Ltd. 不明 Unknown  
440 05   Wireless City Planning Inc. 营运中 TD-LTE 2500 band 41; owned by SoftBank
440 06   SAKURA Internet Inc. 不明 Unknown  
440 07   LTE-X, Inc. 不明 MVNO  
440 08   Panasonic Systems Solutions Japan Co., Ltd. 不明 Unknown  
440 09   Marubeni Wireless Communications Inc. 营运中 MVNO  
440 10 NTT docomo NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 营运中 UMTS 850 / UMTS 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 850 / LTE 1500 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 3500 bands 1, 9, 19, 21, 28, 42
440 11   Rakuten Mobile Network, Inc. 营运中 1700 Launch planned for Oct 2019
440 12   Cable media waiwai Co., Ltd. 不明 Unknown  
440 13 NTT docomo NTT DoCoMo 营运中 未知  
440 14 NTT docomo NTT DoCoMo Tohoku 营运中 未知  
440 15 NTT docomo NTT DoCoMo 营运中 未知  
440 16 NTT docomo NTT DoCoMo 营运中 未知  
440 17 NTT docomo NTT DoCoMo 营运中 未知  
440 18 NTT docomo NTT DoCoMo Tokai 营运中 未知  
440 19 NTT docomo NTT DoCoMo Hokkaido 营运中 未知  
440 20 SoftBank SoftBank Corp. 营运中 UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 900 / LTE 1500 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 3500 bands 1, 8, 9, 11, 28, 42
440 21 SoftBank SoftBank Corp. 营运中 UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 900 / LTE 1500 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 3500 bands 1, 8, 9, 11, 28, 42
440 22 NTT docomo NTT DoCoMo Kansai 营运中 未知  
440 23 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo Tokai 营运中 未知  
440 24 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo Chugoku 营运中 未知  
440 25 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo Hokkaido 营运中 未知  
440 26 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo Kyushu 营运中 未知  
440 27 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMoTohoku 营运中 未知  
440 28 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo Shikoku 营运中 未知  
440 29 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo 营运中 未知  
440 30 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo 营运中 未知  
440 31 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo Kansai 营运中 未知  
440 32 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo 营运中 未知  
440 33 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo Tokai 营运中 未知  
440 34 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo Kyushu 营运中 未知  
440 35 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo Kansai 营运中 未知  
440 36 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo 营运中 未知  
440 37 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo 营运中 未知  
440 38 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo 营运中 未知  
440 39 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo 营运中 未知  
440 40 SoftBank SoftBank Mobile Corp 营运中 未知 Formerly known as Vodafone K.K.
440 41 SoftBank SoftBank Mobile Corp 营运中 未知 Formerly known as Vodafone K.K.
440 42 SoftBank SoftBank Mobile Corp 营运中 未知 Formerly known as Vodafone K.K.
440 43 SoftBank SoftBank Mobile Corp 营运中 未知 Formerly known as Vodafone K.K.
440 44 SoftBank SoftBank Mobile Corp 营运中 未知 Formerly known as Vodafone K.K.
440 45 SoftBank SoftBank Mobile Corp 营运中 未知 Formerly known as Vodafone K.K.
440 46 SoftBank SoftBank Mobile Corp 营运中 未知 Formerly known as Vodafone K.K.
440 47 SoftBank SoftBank Mobile Corp 营运中 未知 Formerly known as Vodafone K.K.
440 48 SoftBank SoftBank Mobile Corp 营运中 未知 Formerly known as Vodafone K.K.
440 49 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo 营运中 未知  
440 50 au KDDI Corporation 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 850 / LTE 1500 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 3500 bands 1, 11, 26 (18), 28, 42
440 51 au KDDI Corporation 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 850 / LTE 1500 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 3500 bands 1, 11, 26 (18), 28, 42
440 52 au KDDI Corporation 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 850 / LTE 1500 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 3500 bands 1, 11, 26 (18), 28, 42
440 53 au KDDI Corporation 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 850 / LTE 1500 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 3500 bands 1, 11, 26 (18), 28, 42
440 54 au KDDI Corporation 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 850 / LTE 1500 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 3500 bands 1, 11, 26 (18), 28, 42
440 55 KDDI KDDI Corporation 营运中 未知  
440 56 KDDI KDDI Corporation 营运中 未知  
440 58 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo Kansai 营运中 未知  
440 60 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo Kansai 营运中 未知  
440 61 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo Chugoku 营运中 未知  
440 62 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo Kyushu 营运中 未知  
440 63 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo 营运中 未知  
440 64 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo 营运中 未知  
440 65 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo Shikoku 营运中 未知  
440 66 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo 营运中 未知  
440 67 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo Tohoku 营运中 未知  
440 68 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo Kyushu 营运中 未知  
440 69 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo 营运中 未知  
440 70 au KDDI Corporation 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 850 / LTE 1500 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 3500 bands 1, 11, 26 (18), 28, 42
440 71 au KDDI Corporation 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 850 / LTE 1500 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 3500 bands 1, 11, 26 (18), 28, 42
440 72 au KDDI Corporation 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 850 / LTE 1500 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 3500 bands 1, 11, 26 (18), 28, 42
440 73 au KDDI Corporation 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 850 / LTE 1500 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 3500 bands 1, 11, 26 (18), 28, 42
440 74 au KDDI Corporation 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 850 / LTE 1500 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 3500 bands 1, 11, 26 (18), 28, 42
440 75 au KDDI Corporation 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 850 / LTE 1500 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 3500 bands 1, 11, 26 (18), 28, 42
440 76 au KDDI Corporation 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 850 / LTE 1500 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 3500 bands 1, 11, 26 (18), 28, 42
440 77 KDDI KDDI Corporation 营运中 未知  
440 78 au Okinawa Cellular Telephone 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 2100  
440 79 KDDI KDDI Corporation 营运中 未知  
440 80 TU-KA TU-KA Cellular Tokyo 营运中 未知 Closed on March 31, 2008.
440 81 TU-KA TU-KA Cellular Tokyo 营运中 未知 Closed on March 31, 2008.
440 82 TU-KA TU-KA Phone Kansai 营运中 未知 Closed on March 31, 2008.
440 83 TU-KA TU-KA Cellular Tokai 营运中 未知 Closed on March 31, 2008.
440 84 TU-KA TU-KA Phone Kansai 营运中 未知 Closed on March 31, 2008.
440 85 TU-KA TU-KA Cellular Tokai 营运中 未知 Closed on March 31, 2008.
440 86 TU-KA TU-KA Cellular Tokyo 营运中 未知 Closed on March 31, 2008.
440 87 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo Chugoku 营运中 未知  
440 88 KDDI KDDI Corporation 营运中 未知  
440 89 KDDI KDDI Corporation 营运中 未知  
440 90 SoftBank SoftBank Mobile Corp 营运中 未知 Formerly known as Vodafone K.K.
440 91   Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games 不明 Unknown  
440 92 SoftBank SoftBank Mobile Corp 营运中 未知 Formerly known as Vodafone K.K.
440 93 SoftBank SoftBank Mobile Corp 营运中 未知 Formerly known as Vodafone K.K.
440 94 SoftBank SoftBank Mobile Corp 营运中 未知 Formerly known as Vodafone K.K.
440 95 SoftBank SoftBank Mobile Corp 营运中 未知 Formerly known as Vodafone K.K.
440 96 SoftBank SoftBank Mobile Corp 营运中 未知 Formerly known as Vodafone K.K.
440 97 SoftBank SoftBank Mobile Corp 营运中 未知 Formerly known as Vodafone K.K.
440 98 SoftBank SoftBank Mobile Corp 营运中 未知 Formerly known as Vodafone K.K.
440 99 DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo 营运中 未知  

日本 - JP

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
441 00   Wireless City Planning Inc. 营运中 TD-LTE 2500 band 41; owned by SoftBank
441 01 SoftBank SoftBank Corp. 营运中 UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 900 / LTE 1500 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 3500 bands 1, 8, 9, 11, 28, 42
441 10 UQ WiMAX UQ Communications Inc. 营运中 WiMAX 2500 / TD-LTE 2500 LTE band 41


肯尼亚 - KE

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
639 01 Safaricom Safaricom Limited 不明 Unknown  
639 02 Safaricom Safaricom Limited 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800  
639 03 Airtel Bharti Airtel 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 Former Celtel, then Zain
639 04   Mobile Pay Kenya Limited 不明 Unknown  
639 05 yu Essar Telecom Kenya 营运中 GSM 900 Former Econet Wireless; network sold to Safaricom in 2014, subscribers moved to Airtel
639 06   Finserve Africa Limited 不明 Unknown  
639 07 Telkom Telkom Kenya 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 Former Orange Kenya; CDMA 850 MHz shut down in Mar 2015
639 08   Sema Mobile Services Limited 营运中 MVNO Uses Airtel
639 09   Homeland Media Group Limited 不明 Unknown  
639 10 Faiba 4G Jamii Telecommunications Limited 营运中 LTE 700 LTE band 28
639 11   WiAfrica Kenya Limited 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn

韩国 - KR

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
450 01   Globalstar Asia Pacific 营运中 Satellite  
450 02 KT KT 不明 5G Test network; former Hansol PCS (CDMA2000 1800), Merged with KT in 2002
450 03 Power 017 Shinsegi Telecom, Inc. 营运中 CDMA2000 800 Merged with SK Telecom in 2002; MNC withdrawn
450 04 KT KT 营运中 NB-IoT IoT network; former CDMA2000 1800
450 05 SKTelecom SK Telecom 营运中 CDMA2000 800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600  
450 06 LG U+ LG Telecom 营运中 CDMA2000 1800 / LTE 850 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600  
450 07 KT KT 不明 Unknown  
450 08 olleh KT 营运中 UMTS 2100 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100  
450 11 SK Telink Korea Cable Telecom 营运中 MVNO MVNO of SK Telecom
450 12 SKTelecom SK Telecom 不明 Unknown IoT network


澳门(中国) - MO

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
455 00 SmarTone SmarTone Macao 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100  
455 01 CTM C.T.M. Telemovel+ 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800  
455 02 China Telecom China Telecom 营运中 CDMA2000 800  
455 03 3 Hutchison Telecom 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800  
455 04 CTM C.T.M. Telemovel+ 营运中 GSM900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100  
455 05 3 Hutchison Telecom 营运中 UMTS 2100  
455 06 SmarTone SmarTone Macao 不明 未知  
455 07 未知 未知 营运中 LTE  

墨西哥 - MX

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
334 001   Comunicaciones Digitales Del Norte, S.A. de C.V. 不明 Unknown  
334 010 AT&T AT&T Mexico 营运中 iDEN 800 Former Nextel
334 020 Telcel América Móvil 营运中 GSM 1900 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900 / LTE 1700 / LTE 2600 former Radiomóvil Dipsa
334 030 Movistar Telefónica 营运中 GSM 1900 / UMTS 850 / LTE 1900 former Pegaso PCS; used by MVNO Virgin Mobile
334 040 Unefon AT&T Mexico 营运中 CDMA2000 800 / CDMA2000 1900 Shut down 2016
334 050 AT&T / Unefon AT&T Mexico 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900 / UMTS 1700 / LTE 850 / LTE 1700 Former Iusacell
334 060   Servicios de Acceso Inalambrico, S.A. de C.V. 不明 Unknown  
334 066   Telefonos de México, S.A.B. de C.V. 不明 Unknown  
334 070 Unefon AT&T Mexico 不明 Unknown  
334 080 Unefon AT&T Mexico 不明 Unknown  
334 090 AT&T AT&T Mexico 营运中 UMTS 1700 / LTE 850 / LTE 1700 Former Nextel
334 100   Telecomunicaciones de México 不明 Unknown  
334 110   Maxcom Telecomunicaciones, S.A.B. de C.V. 不明 MVNO  
334 120   Quickly Phone, S.A. de C.V. 不明 MVNO  
334 130   Axtel, S.A.B. de C.V. 不明 Unknown  
334 140 Altan Redes Altán Redes S.A.P.I. de C.V. 营运中 LTE 700 Red compartida
334 150 Ultranet Ultravisión, S.A. de C.V. 营运中 LTE 2600  

马来西亚 - MY

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
502 01 ATUR 450 Telekom Malaysia Bhd 营运中 CDMA2000 450  
502 10   Maxis, DiGi, Celcom, XOX 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 Former Celcom
502 11 TM Homeline Telekom Malaysia Bhd 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / LTE 850  
502 12 Maxis Maxis Communications Berhad 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 Used by MVNO Kartu As; LTE 2600 in co-operation with REDtone
502 13 Celcom Celcom Axiata Berhad 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 Former Emartel, TMTouch; LTE 2600 in co-operation with Altel
502 14   Telekom Malaysia Berhad for PSTN SMS 不明    
502 16 DiGi DiGi Telecommunications 营运中 GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 LTE 2600 coverage limited to certain areas in the Klang Valley at the moment; former Mutiara Telecom
502 17 Maxis Maxis Communications Berhad 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 2600 Former TimeCel, Adam017
502 18 U Mobile U Mobile Sdn Bhd 营运中 UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 Domestic Roaming with Maxis, also for GSM Former Mobikom
502 19 Celcom Celcom Axiata Berhad 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 2600  
502 20 Electcoms Electcoms Berhad 营运中 DMR Uses TM CDMA
502 150 Tune Talk Tune Talk Sdn Bhd 营运中 MVNO uses Celcom
502 151 SalamFone Baraka Telecom Sdn Bhd 营运中 MVNO (MVNO)-MAXIS, previously using DiGi; MNC withdrawn
502 152 Yes YTL Communications Sdn Bhd 营运中 WiMAX 2300 / TD-LTE 2300 / TD-LTE 2600  
502 153 unifi Webe Digital Sdn Bhd 营运中 WiMAX 2300 / LTE 850 Former Packet One Networks; subsidiary of Telekom Malaysia
502 154 Tron Talk Focus Sdn Bhd 营运中 MVNO Uses Digi
502 155 Clixster Clixster Mobile Sdn Bhd 营运中 MVNO Uses Digi; MNC withdrawn
502 156 Altel Altel Communications Sdn Bhd 营运中 MVNO Using Celcom; LTE 2600 band licensed to Celcom
502 157 Telin Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (M) Sdn Bhd 营运中 MVNO Uses U Mobile

澳大利亚 - NF

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
505 01 Telstra Telstra Corporation Limited 营运中 UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 LTE bands 28 / 8 / 3 / 1; GSM shut down 1 December 2016; UMTS 2100 to shut down 25 March 2019
505 02 Optus Singtel Optus Proprietary Limited 营运中 UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 2300 LTE bands 28 / 3 / 1 / 40; GSM shut down 1 August 2017
505 03 Vodafone Vodafone Hutchison Australia Proprietary Limited 营运中 UMTS 850 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 LTE bands 5 / 3 / 1; GSM shut down 30 April 2018
505 04   Department of Defence 营运中 Unknown Private network
505 05 Ozitel   营运中   Brand was taken over by Telstra.
505 06 3 Vodafone Hutchison Australia Proprietary Limited 营运中 UMTS 2100 Vodafone Hutchison Australia and Telstra ended their network sharing agreement on 31 August 2012. The 3TELSTRA network was shut down on this date.
505 07 Vodafone Vodafone Network Pty. Ltd. 不明 Unknown  
505 08 One.Tel One.Tel Limited 营运中 GSM 900 Brand was dissolved.
505 09 Airnet   营运中   No longer provide mobile services.
505 10 Norfolk Telecom Norfolk Telecom 营运中 GSM 900  
505 11 Telstra Telstra Corporation Ltd. 不明 Unknown  
505 12 3 Vodafone Hutchison Australia Proprietary Limited 营运中 UMTS 2100 See MNC 06
505 13 RailCorp Railcorp, Transport for New South Wales 营运中 GSM-R 1800 For use by Sydney Trains Digital Train Radio System
505 14 AAPT TPG Telecom 营运中 MVNO Wholesale from Vodafone Hutchison Australia
505 15 3GIS   营运中   Taken over by Vodafone.
505 16 VicTrack Victorian Rail Track 营运中 GSM-R 1800 Digital Train Radio System
505 17   Optus 不明 TD-LTE 2300 Former Vivid Wireless Pty. Ltd.
505 18 Pactel Pactel International Pty Ltd 不明    
505 19 Lycamobile Lycamobile Pty Ltd 营运中 MVNO  
505 20   Ausgrid Corporation 不明 Unknown  
505 21   Queensland Rail Limited 不明 GSM-R 1800  
505 22   iiNet Ltd 不明 Unknown  
505 23   Challenge Networks Pty. Ltd. 不明 LTE 2100  
505 24   Advanced Communications Technologies Pty. Ltd. 不明 Unknown  
505 25   Pilbara Iron Company Services Pty Ltd 不明 Unknown  
505 26   Dialogue Communications Pty. Ltd. 不明 Unknown  
505 27   Nexium Telecommunications 不明 Unknown  
505 28   RCOM International Pty Ltd 不明 Unknown  
505 30   Compatel Limited 不明 Unknown  
505 31   BHP Billiton 不明 Unknown  
505 32   Thales Australia 不明 Unknown  
505 33   CLX Networks Pty Ltd 不明 Unknown  
505 34   Santos Limited 不明 Unknown  
505 35   MessageBird Pty Ltd 不明 Unknown  
505 36 Optus Optus Mobile Pty. Ltd. 不明 Unknown  
505 37   Yancoal Australia Ltd 不明 Unknown  
505 38 Truphone Truphone Pty Ltd 营运中 MVNO Formerly Crazy John's
505 39 Telstra Telstra Corporation Ltd. 不明 Unknown  
505 40   CITIC Pacific Mining 不明 Unknown  
505 41   Aqura Technologies Pty 不明 Unknown Former OTOC
505 42 GEMCO Groote Eylandt Mining Company Pty Ltd 不明 Unknown  
505 43   Arrow Energy Pty Ltd 不明 Unknown  
505 44   Roy Hill Iron Ore Pty Ltd 不明 Unknown  
505 45   Clermont Coal Operations Pty Ltd 不明 Unknown  
505 50   Pivotel Group Pty Limited 营运中 Satellite  
505 61 CommTel NS Commtel Network Solutions Pty Ltd 计划保留 LTE 1800 / LTE 2100  
505 62 NBN National Broadband Network Co. 营运中 TD-LTE 2300 LTE band 40
505 68 NBN National Broadband Network Co. 营运中 TD-LTE 2300 LTE band 40
505 71 Telstra Telstra Corporation Limited 营运中 Unknown  
505 72 Telstra Telstra Corporation Limited 营运中 Unknown  
505 88   Pivotel Group Pty Limited 营运中 Satellite Former Localstar Holding Pty. Ltd.
505 90 Optus Singtel Optus Proprietary Limited 营运中 Unknown  
505 99 One.Tel One.Tel 营运中 GSM 1800 Brand was dissolved. Rail operators purchased 1800 spectrum.

荷兰 - NL

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
204 01   RadioAccess Network Services 不明 Unknown  
204 02 Tele2 Tele2 Nederland B.V. 营运中 LTE 800 / LTE 2600 2G and 3G National Roaming Agreement on T-Mobile Netherlands
204 03 Voiceworks Voiceworks B.V. 营运中 MVNE / PrivateGSM 1800  
204 04 Vodafone Vodafone Libertel B.V. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
204 05   Elephant Talk Communications Premium Rate Services 不明 Unknown  
204 06 Vectone Mobile Mundio Mobile (Netherlands) Ltd 营运中 MVNO  
204 07   Teleena (MVNE) 营运中 MVNE  
204 08 KPN KPN Mobile The Netherlands B.V. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600 UMTS to shut down Jan 2022
204 09 Lycamobile Lycamobile Netherlands Limited 营运中 MVNO  
204 10 KPN KPN B.V. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
204 11   VoipIT B.V. 不明 Unknown  
204 12 Telfort KPN Mobile The Netherlands B.V. 营运中   Subbrand of KPN, National Roaming Agreement on KPN
204 13   Unica Installatietechniek B.V. 不明 Unknown  
204 14   6GMOBILE B.V. 计划保留   went into Bankruptcy
204 15 Ziggo Ziggo B.V. 营运中 LTE 2600 business users only
204 16 T_Mobile (BEN) T-Mobile Netherlands B.V 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600  
204 17 Intercity Zakelijk Intercity Mobile Communications B.V. 营运中 MVNE  
204 18 upc UPC Nederland B.V. 营运中 MVNO  
204 19   Mixe Communication Solutions B.V. 不明 Unknown  
204 20 T_Mobile T-Mobile Netherlands B.V 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600 Former Orange Netherlands MCC/MNC
204 21   ProRail B.V. 营运中 GSM-R 900  
204 22   Ministerie van Defensie 不明 Unknown  
204 23   Wyless Nederland B.V. 营运中 MVNE Former ASPIDER Solutions; now owned by KORE Wireless
204 24   Private Mobility Nederland B.V. 不明 Unknown  
204 25   CapX B.V. 营运中 PrivateGSM 1800  
204 26   SpeakUp B.V. 不明 Unknown  
204 27   Breezz Nederland B.V. 不明 Unknown  
204 28   Lancelot B.V. 不明 Unknown  
204 29   Private Mobile Ltd 不明 Unknown  
204 60   Nextgen Mobile Ltd 不明 Unknown  
204 61   BodyTrace Netherlands B.V. 营运中 MVNO  
204 62 Voxbone Voxbone mobile 营运中 MVNO  
204 64   Zetacom B.V. 不明 Unknown  
204 65   AGMS Netherlands B.V. 不明 Unknown  
204 66   Utility Connect B.V. 营运中 CDMA 450 Subsidiary of Alliander; network operated by KPN
204 67   Koning en Hartman B.V. 营运中 PrivateGSM 1800 Former RadioAccess B.V.
204 68   Roamware (Netherlands) B.V. 不明 Unknown  
204 69   KPN Mobile The Netherlands B.V. 不明    

新西兰 - NZ

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
530 00 Telecom Telecom New Zealand 营运中 AMPS 800 / TDMA 800 Shut down on 31 March 2007
530 01 Vodafone Vodafone New Zealand 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 UMTS 2100 is used in urban areas. UMTS 900 is referred to as "3G extended" and used in rural areas.
530 02 Telecom Telecom New Zealand 营运中 CDMA2000 800 Shut down on 31 July 2012
530 03 Woosh Woosh Wireless 营运中 UMTS-TDD 2000 Former Walker Wireless; wireless broadband only
530 04 Vodafone TelstraClear New Zealand 营运中 UMTS 2100 Former TelstraClear
530 05 Spark Spark New Zealand 营运中 UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2300 / LTE 2600 Formerly Telecom New Zealand, Xtra
530 06 Skinny Spark New Zealand 营运中 MVNO  
530 07   Bluereach Limited 不明 Unknown  
530 24 2degrees 2degrees 营运中 UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800  

菲律宾 - PH

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
515 01 Islacom Globe Telecom via Innove Communications 营运中 GSM 900  
515 02 Globe Globe Telecom 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2500  
515 03 SMART PLDT via Smart Communications 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 850 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 2300 / TD-LTE 2500 Formerly PilTel
515 05 Sun Cellular Digital Telecommunications Philippines 营运中 GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 Uses SMART for LTE roaming
515 11   PLDT via ACeS Philippines 不明 Unknown  
515 18 Cure PLDT via Smart's Connectivity Unlimited Resources Enterprise 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100 Formerly ümobile, then Red Mobile; shut down 2012
515 24 ABS_CBN Mobile ABS-CBN Convergence with Globe Telecom 营运中 MVNO  
515 88   Next Mobile Inc. 营运中 iDEN Former Nextel Philippines

巴基斯坦 - PK

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
410 01 Jazz Mobilink-PMCL 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 Former Mobilink
410 02 3G EVO / CharJi 4G PTCL 营运中 CDMA2000 1900 / TD-LTE 1900  
410 03 Ufone Pakistan Telecommunication Mobile Ltd 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800  
410 04 Zong China Mobile 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 Former Paktel
410 05 SCO Mobile SCO Mobile Ltd 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800  
410 06 Telenor Telenor Pakistan 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 850 / LTE 1800  
410 07 Jazz WaridTel 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 Former Warid Pakistan
410 08 SCO Mobile SCO Mobile Ltd 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800  

波兰 - PL

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
260 01 Plus Polkomtel Sp. z o.o. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 LTE roaming with Aero 2
260 02 T_Mobile T-Mobile Polska S.A. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 2100 former Era; see MNC 260-34 for shared LTE network
260 03 Orange Polska Telefonia Komórkowa Centertel Sp. z o.o. 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 2100 former Idea; see MNC 260-34 for shared LTE network; CDMA2000 450 shut down April 2017
260 04 Aero2 Aero 2 Sp. z o.o. 营运中 Unknown former CenterNet S.A.
260 05 Orange Polska Telefonia Komórkowa Centertel Sp. z o.o. 营运中 UMTS 2100 not in use, using MNC 03
260 06 Play P4 Sp. z o.o. 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600 Also roaming on Polkomtel and Orange 2G/3G network
260 07 Netia Netia S.A. 营运中 MVNO MVNO on Play (P4)
260 08   E-Telko Sp. z o.o. 营运中 Unknown  
260 09 Lycamobile Lycamobile Sp. z o.o. 营运中 MVNO On Polkomtel 2G/3G network
260 10 T_Mobile T-Mobile Polska S.A. 不明 Unknown former Telefony Opalenickie S.A., Sferia; CDMA 800 shut down in 2014; LTE 800 leased to Aero 2;
260 11 Nordisk Polska Nordisk Polska Sp. z o.o. 营运中 CDMA2000 420  
260 12 Cyfrowy Polsat Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. 营运中 MVNO MVNO on Polkomtel
260 13   Move Telecom S.A. 不明 Unknown Former Sferia
260 14 Sferia Sferia S.A. 营运中   MNC withdrawn
260 15 Aero2 Aero 2 Sp. z o.o. 营运中 LTE 1800 former CenterNet S.A.; combined network with Mobyland; GSM 1800 shut down in 2010
260 16 Aero2 Aero 2 Sp. z o.o. 营运中 LTE 1800 former Mobyland; combined network with CenterNet; GSM 1800 shut down in 2010
260 17 Aero2 Aero 2 Sp. z o.o. 营运中 UMTS 900 / TD-LTE 2600  
260 18 AMD Telecom AMD Telecom S.A. 不明 Unknown  
260 19 Teleena Teleena Holding BV 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn July 2016
260 20 Mobile.Net Mobile.Net Sp. z o.o. 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
260 21 Exteri Exteri Sp. z o.o. 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn May 2014
260 22 Arcomm Arcomm Sp. z o.o. 不明 Unknown  
260 23 Amicomm Amicomm Sp. z o.o. 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn July 2016
260 24   IT Partners Telco Sp. z o.o. 不明 Unknown former WideNet Sp. z o.o.
260 25   Polskie Sieci Radiowe Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.a. 营运中 Unknown Former Best Solutions & Technology Experience Sp. z o.o. MNC withdrawn
260 26 ATE Advanced Technology & Experience Sp. z o.o. 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn July 2016
260 27 Intertelcom Intertelcom Sp. z o.o. 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn July 2016
260 28 PhoneNet PhoneNet Sp. z o.o. 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn July 2016
260 29 Interfonica Interfonica Sp. z o.o. 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn July 2016
260 30 GrandTel GrandTel Sp. z o.o. 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn July 2016
260 31 Phone IT Phone IT Sp. z o.o. 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
260 32   Compatel Limited 不明 Unknown  
260 33 Truphone Truphone Poland Sp. z o.o. 营运中 MVNO  
260 34 NetWorkS! T-Mobile Polska S.A. 营运中 LTE 800 / LTE 2600 Shared network T-Mobile / Orange
260 35   PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. 营运中 GSM-R  
260 36 Vectone Mobile Mundio Mobile 营运中 MVNO MNC withdrawn May 2014
260 37   NEXTGEN MOBILE LTD 不明 Unknown  
260 38   CALLFREEDOM Sp. z o.o. 不明 Unknown  
260 39 Voxbone VOXBONE SA 营运中 MVNO  
260 40   Interactive Digital Media GmbH 不明 Unknown  
260 41   EZ PHONE MOBILE Sp. z o.o. 不明 Unknown  
260 42   MobiWeb Telecom Limited 不明 Unknown  
260 43   Smart Idea International Sp. z o.o. 不明 Unknown  
260 44   Rebtel Poland Sp. z o.o. 不明 Unknown  
260 45   Virgin Mobile Polska Sp. z o.o. 营运中 MVNO  
260 46   Terra Telekom Sp. z o.o. 不明 Unknown  
260 47   SMShighway Limited 不明 Unknown  
260 48   AGILE TELECOM S.P.A. 不明 Unknown  
260 49   Messagebird B.V. 不明 Unknown  
260 98 Play P4 Sp. z o.o. 营运中 LTE 1800 Test network

葡萄牙 - PT

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
268 01 Vodafone Vodafone Portugal 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 formerly Telecel (2001)
268 02 MEO Telecomunicações Móveis Nacionais 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
268 03 NOS NOS Comunicações 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 formerly Optimus (2014)
268 04 LycaMobile LycaMobile 营运中 MVNO  
268 05   Oniway - Inforcomunicaçôes, S.A. 营运中 UMTS 2100 License withdrawn in 2003; MNC withdrawn
268 06 MEO Telecomunicações Móveis Nacionais 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600 formerly TMN (2014)
268 07 Vectone Mobile Mundio Mobile (Portugal) Limited 营运中 MVNO MNC withdrawn
268 11   Compatel, Limited 不明 Unknown  
268 12   Infraestruturas de Portugal, S.A. 营运中 GSM-R former Refer Telecom, IP Telecom - Serviços de Telecomunicações, S.A.
268 13   G9Telecom, S.A. 不明 Unknown  
268 21 Zapp Zapp Portugal 营运中 CDMA2000 450 Closed down in September 2011; MNC withdawn
268 80 MEO Telecomunicações Móveis Nacionais 不明 Unknown  

俄罗斯 - RU

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
250 01 MTS Mobile TeleSystems 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600 / TD-LTE 2600  
250 02 MegaFon MegaFon PJSC 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 Former North-West GSM
250 03 NCC Nizhegorodskaya Cellular Communications 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 Purchased by Tele2
250 04 Sibchallenge Sibchallenge 营运中 GSM 900  
250 05 ETK Yeniseytelecom 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / CDMA2000 450 Purchased by Tele2
250 06 Skylink CJSC Saratov System of Cellular Communications 营运中 CDMA2000 450  
250 07 SMARTS Zao SMARTS 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800  
250 08 Vainah Telecom CS "VainahTelecom" 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / LTE 2300  
250 09 Skylink Khabarovsky Cellular Phone 营运中 CDMA2000 450  
250 10 DTC Dontelekom 营运中 GSM 900  
250 11 Yota Scartel 营运中 MVNO  
250 12 Akos   营运中 GSM 1800  
250 13 KUGSM Kuban GSM 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800  
250 14 MegaFon MegaFon OJSC 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / TD-LTE 2600  
250 15 SMARTS SMARTS Ufa, SMARTS Uljanovsk 营运中 GSM 1800  
250 16 Miatel Miatel 营运中 MVNO  
250 17 Utel JSC Uralsvyazinform 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 Former Ermak RMS
250 18 Osnova Telecom   营运中 TD-LTE 2300  
250 19 INDIGO INDIGO 营运中 GSM 1800 Since 19 December 2009 merged with Tele2
250 20 Tele2 Tele2 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 450 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
250 21 GlobalTel JSC "GlobalTel" 营运中 Satellite  
250 22   Vainakh Telecom 营运中 TD-LTE 2300  
250 23 Thuraya GTNT 营运中 Satellite MVNO Former Mobicom Novosibirsk
250 27 Letai Tattelecom 营运中 GSM 1800 / LTE 1800  
250 28 Beeline Beeline 营运中 GSM 900 Former EXTEL
250 29 Iridium Iridium Communications 营运中 Satellite MVNO  
250 30 Megafon Ostelecom 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 Russian MCC is used
250 32 Win Mobile K-Telecom 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 Unapproved use in Crimea only
250 33 Sevmobile Sevtelekom 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 Unapproved use in Crimea only
250 34 Krymtelekom Krymtelekom 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 Unapproved use in Crimea only
250 35 MOTIV EKATERINBURG-2000 营运中 GSM 1800 / LTE 1800  
250 38 Tambov GSM Central Telecommunication Company 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800  
250 39 Rostelecom ROSTELECOM 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / TD-LTE 2300 / LTE 2600 Tele2 code 250 20 is used since acquiring
250 44   Stavtelesot / North Caucasian GSM 营运中 Unknown  
250 50 MTS 营运中 MVNO Based on MTS
250 54 TTK Tattelecom 营运中 LTE 1800  
250 60 Volna mobile KTK Telecom 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 Unapproved use in Crimea only
250 61 Intertelecom Intertelecom 营运中 CDMA 800 Unapproved use in Crimea only
250 62 Tinkoff Mobile Tinkoff Mobile 营运中 MVNO  
250 91 Sonic Duo Sonic Duo CJSC 营运中 GSM 1800  
250 92   Primtelefon 营运中 Unknown  
250 93   Telecom XXI 营运中 Unknown  
250 99 Beeline OJSC Vimpel-Communications 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
250 811   Votek Mobile 营运中 AMPS / DAMPS / GSM 1800  


沙特阿拉伯 - SA

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
420 01 Al Jawal (STC ) Saudi Telecom Company 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 2300  
420 03 Mobily Etihad Etisalat Company 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 / TD-LTE 2600  
420 04 Zain SA Zain Saudi Arabia 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / TD-LTE 2600 Active September 2008
420 05 Virgin Mobile Virgin Mobile Saudi Arabia 营运中 MVNO Uses Al Jawal network
420 21 RGSM Saudi Railways GSM 营运中 GSM-R 900  


瑞典 - SE

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
240 01 Telia TeliaSonera Sverige AB 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600  
240 02 3 HI3G Access AB 营运中 UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 2600 / TD-LTE 2600  
240 03 Net 1 Netett Sverige AB 营运中 LTE 450 Former; CDMA 450 shut down
240 04 SWEDEN 3G Infrastructure Services AB 营运中 UMTS 2100 Owned by Hi3G Access (3) and Telenor. Not available in major cities since the owners operate their own city networks.
240 05 Sweden 3G Svenska UMTS-Nät AB 营运中 UMTS 2100 Owned by Telia and Tele2. Available all over Sweden.
240 06 Telenor Telenor Sverige AB 营运中 UMTS 2100 former Vodafone Sweden
240 07 Tele2 Tele2 Sverige AB 营运中 UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 MOCN r6 network
240 08 Telenor Telenor Sverige AB 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 Now merged with Tele2 into Net4Mobility
240 09 Com4 Communication for Devices in Sweden AB 不明 Unknown former djuice (Telenor MVNO)
240 10 Spring Mobil Tele2 Sverige AB 营运中   Only used on femto- and nanocells
240 11   ComHem AB 不明 Unknown Former Lindholmen Science Park AB
240 12 Lycamobile Lycamobile Sweden Limited 营运中 MVNO  
240 13   Alltele Företag Sverige AB 不明 Unknown  
240 14   Tele2 Business AB 不明 Unknown Former TDC Sverige AB (MVNO)
240 15   Wireless Maingate Nordic AB 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100  
240 16   42 Telecom AB 营运中 GSM  
240 17 Gotanet Götalandsnätet AB 营运中 MVNO  
240 18   Generic Mobile Systems Sweden AB 不明 Unknown  
240 19 Vectone Mobile Mundio Mobile (Sweden) Limited 营运中 MVNO MVNO in Telia's network
240 20   Wireless Maingate Messaging Services AB 营运中 GSM  
240 21 MobiSir Trafikverket ICT 营运中 GSM_R 900  
240 22   EuTel AB 不明 Unknown  
240 23   Infobip Limited (UK) 营运中 Unknown  
240 24 Sweden 2G Net4Mobility HB 营运中 GSM 900 / LTE 800 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 LTE1800 only available in major cities, it was deployed mostly to boost sales of the iPhone 5; owned by Telenor and Tele2.
240 25   Monty UK Global Ltd 不明 Unknown Former Digitel Mobile Srl
240 26   Twilio Sweden AB 不明 Unknown Former Beepsend AB
240 27   GlobeTouch AB 营运中 MVNO Former Fogg Mobile AB; M2M services only
240 28   LINK Mobile A/S 不明 Unknown Former CoolTEL Aps
240 29   Mercury International Carrier Services 不明 Unknown  
240 30   NextGen Mobile Ltd. 不明 Unknown  
240 31   RebTel Network AB 不明 Unknown Former Mobimax AB
240 32   Compatel Limited 不明 Unknown  
240 33   Mobile Arts AB 不明 Unknown  
240 34   Trafikverket centralfunktion IT 不明 Unknown Formerly Tigo, Pro Net;
240 35   42 Telecom LTD 不明 Unknown  
240 36   interactive digital media GmbH 不明 Unknown  
240 37   CLX Networks AB 营运中 Unknown  
240 38 Voxbone Voxbone mobile 营运中 MVNO  
240 39   Borderlight AB 不明 Unknown Former iCentrex Sweden AB
240 40   North net connect AB 不明 Unknown Former ReWiCom Scandinavia AB
240 41   Shyam Telecom UK Ltd. 不明 Unknown  
240 42   Telenor Connexion AB 不明 Unknown  
240 43   MobiWeb Ltd. 不明 Unknown  
240 44   Telenabler AB 不明 Unknown Former Limitless Mobile AB
240 45   Spirius AB 不明 Unknown  
240 46 Viahub SMS Provider Corp. 不明 MVNO  
240 47   Viatel Sweden AB 不明 Unknown  
240 60   Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 不明 Unknown Test network; Temporary license until 31 December 2019
240 61   MessageBird B.V. 不明 Unknown  

新加坡 - SG

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
525 01 SingTel Singapore Telecom 营运中 UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 GSM shut down on 1 April 2017
525 02 SingTel-G18 Singapore Telecom 营运中 GSM 1800 GSM shut down on 1 April 2017
525 03 M1 M1 Limited 营运中 UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 GSM shut down on 1 April 2017
525 05 StarHub StarHub Mobile 营运中 UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 / TD-LTE 2600 GSM shut down on 1 April 2017
525 06 StarHub StarHub Mobile 不明 Unknown  
525 07 SingTel Singapore Telecom 不明 Unknown  
525 08 StarHub StarHub Mobile 不明 Unknown  
525 09 Circles.Life Liberty Wireless Pte Ltd 营运中 MVNO  
525 10   TPG Telecom Pte Ltd 营运中 LTE 900 / TD-LTE 2300  
525 12 Grid GRID Communications Pte Ltd. 营运中 iDEN 800 Digital Trunked Radio Network

泰国 - TH

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
520 00 TrueMove H / my by CAT CAT Telecom 营运中 UMTS 850 Former Hutch Thailand; inbound roaming for TrueMove H
520 01 AIS Advanced Info Service 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 900 UMTS 900 shut down in 2013; GSM 900 shut down in February 2016
520 02 CAT CDMA CAT Telecom 营运中 CDMA 800 Network shut down in April 2013; frequency re-farmed for UMTS 850 network 520-00
520 03 AIS Advanced Wireless Network Company Ltd. 营运中 UMTS 2100 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100  
520 04 TrueMove H True Move H Universal Communication Company Ltd. 营运中 UMTS 2100 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 UMTS roaming with network 520-00
520 05 dtac TriNet / LINE DTAC TriNet Company Ltd. 营运中 UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 GSM roaming with network 520-18, LTE 2300 roaming with 520-47
520 09   Royal Thai Police 营运中 LTE 850 LTE band 26
520 10  ? WCS IQ 不明 未知  
520 15 AIS-T / TOT Mobile TOT Public Company Limited 营运中 UMTS 2100 Former Thaimobile 1900, ACT Mobile
520 18 dtac Total Access Communications Public Company Ltd. 营运中 GSM 1800 GSM 1800 to shut down in 2018
520 20 ACeS ACeS 不明 Satellite  
520 23 AIS GSM 1800 Digital Phone Company Ltd. 营运中 GSM 1800 Owned by AIS; network shut down in January 2016
520 25 WE PCT True Corporation 营运中 PHS 1900 In Bangkok area
520 47 dtac-T / LINE / TOT Mobile TOT Public Company Limited 营运中 TD-LTE 2300 LTE band 40
520 88 True Move H True Corporation 营运中 UMTS 850 Uses CAT 3G+ for radio access, also GSM roaming with True Move
520 99 TrueMove True Corporation 营运中 GSM 1800 Network shut down in January 2016

土耳其 - TR

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
286 01 Turkcell Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S. 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2100 / LTE 2600  
286 02 Vodafone Vodafone Turkey 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 Formerly known as Telsim
286 03 Türk Telekom Türk Telekom 营运中 GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 Former Aria, merged with Aycell to form Avea
286 04 Aycell Aycell 营运中 GSM 1800 Merged into Aria to form Avea


台湾 - TW

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
466 01 FarEasTone Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd 营运中 UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 LTE band 28; GSM shut down July 2017
466 02 FarEasTone Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd 营运中 GSM 900  
466 03 FarEasTone Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd 不明 UMTS 2100  
466 05 APTG Asia Pacific Telecom 营运中 LTE 700 / LTE 900 / TD-LTE 2600 LTE bands 28 / 8 / 41; CDMA 850 MHz shut down Dec 2017
466 06 FarEasTone Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd 营运中 GSM 1800 Former KG Telecom until 2004
466 07 FarEasTone Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd 营运中 WiMAX 2600 Shut down in 2015
466 09 VMAX Vmax Telecom 营运中 WiMAX 2600  
466 10 G1 Global Mobile Corp. 营运中 WiMAX 2600  
466 11 Chunghwa LDM LDTA/Chunghwa Telecom 营运中 GSM 1800 Also known as "Long Distance & Mobile Business Group"
466 12   Ambit Microsystems 营运中 LTE 700 / LTE 900 Subsidiary of Foxconn; LTE band 28
466 56 FITEL First International Telecom 营运中 WiMAX 2600 / PHS Bankruptcy in 2014
466 68   Tatung InfoComm 营运中 WiMAX 2600 License expired in 2014
466 88 FarEasTone Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd 营运中 GSM 1800 Former KG Telecom until 2004, KG Telecom brand used until 2009
466 89 T Star Taiwan Star Telecom 营运中 UMTS 2100 / LTE 900 / LTE 2600  
466 90 T Star Taiwan Star Telecom 不明 LTE 900  
466 92 Chunghwa Chunghwa Telecom 营运中 UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 900 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600 GSM shut down July 2017
466 93 MobiTai Mobitai Communications 营运中 GSM 900 Acquired by Taiwan Mobile in 2004, MobiTai brand used until 2008
466 97 Taiwan Mobile Taiwan Mobile Co. Ltd 营运中 UMTS 2100 / LTE 700 / LTE 1800 LTE band 28; GSM shut down July 2017
466 99 TransAsia TransAsia Telecoms 营运中 GSM 900 Acquired by Taiwan Mobile in 2002, TransAsia brand used until 2008

美国 - US

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
310 004 Verizon Verizon Wireless 营运中 Unknown  
310 005 Verizon Verizon Wireless 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 1900  
310 006 Verizon Verizon Wireless 营运中 Unknown  
310 010 Verizon Verizon Wireless 营运中 Unknown Former MCI Inc.
310 012 Verizon Verizon Wireless 营运中 LTE 700 / LTE 1700 / LTE 1900  
310 013 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown Former MobileTel, Alltel
310 014     不明 Unknown For testing
310 015 Southern LINC Southern Communications 不明 iDEN  
310 016 AT&T AT&T Mobility 营运中 CDMA2000 1900 / CDMA2000 1700 Former Cricket Wireless; shut down in September 2015
310 017 ProxTel North Sight Communications Inc. 营运中 iDEN Puerto Rico; MNC withdrawn
310 020 Union Wireless Union Telephone Company 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS  
310 026 T-Mobile   营运中 GSM 1900 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100 Formerly Cook Inlet Voicestream
310 030 AT&T AT&T Mobility 营运中 GSM 850 Former Centennial Wireless
310 032 IT&E Wireless IT&E Overseas, Inc 营运中 CDMA 1900 / GSM 1900 / LTE 700 Guam
310 033   Guam Telephone Authority 不明 Unknown  
310 034 Airpeak Airpeak 营运中 iDEN Former Nevada Wireless
310 035 ETEX Wireless ETEX Communications, LP 不明 Unknown  
310 040 MTA Matanuska Telephone Association, Inc. 营运中 CDMA Formerly Concho Cellular Telephone Co.; then Alaska, shut down 2017; MNC withdrawn
310 046 SIMMETRY TMP Corp 营运中 GSM 1900  
310 050 GCI Alaska Communications 营运中 CDMA Former ACS Wireless Inc.
310 053 Virgin Mobile Sprint 营运中 MVNO  
310 054   Alltel US 营运中 Unknown Uses Sprint's network
310 59 Cellular One   营运中 CDMA uses USA MCC
310 060   Consolidated Telcom 不明 1900 North Dakota
310 066 U.S. Cellular U.S. Cellular 营运中 GSM / CDMA  
310 070 AT&T AT&T Mobility 营运中 GSM 850 Former Highland Cellular, Cingular
310 080 AT&T AT&T Mobility 营运中 GSM 1900 Former Corr Wireless Communications LLC
310 090 AT&T AT&T Mobility 营运中 GSM 1900 Former Edge Wireless, Cingular, Cricket Wireless
310 100 Plateau Wireless New Mexico RSA 4 East LP 营运中 GSM 850 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1700 Acquired by AT&T
310 110 IT&E Wireless PTI Pacifica Inc. 营运中 CDMA / GSM 850 / LTE 700 Northern Mariana Islands
310 120 Sprint Sprint Corporation 营运中 CDMA2000 1900 / LTE 850 / LTE 1900  
310 130 Carolina West Wireless Carolina West Wireless 营运中 CDMA2000 1900 North Carolina
310 140 GTA Wireless Teleguam Holdings, LLC 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 850 / LTE 1700 Previously called Guam Telephone Authority mPulse
310 150 AT&T AT&T Mobility 营运中 GSM 850 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900 Originally BellSouth Mobility DCS, then Cingular Wireless, then Aio Wireless, then rebranded as the new GSM Cricket Wireless
310 160 T-Mobile T_Mobile US 营运中 GSM 1900  
310 170 AT&T AT&T Mobility 营运中 GSM 1900 Formerly Pacific Bell Wireless, then Cingular Wireless CA/NV known as "Cingular Orange"
310 180 West Central West Central Wireless 营运中 GSM 850 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900  
310 190 GCI Alaska Wireless Communications, LLC 营运中 GSM 850 Dutch Harbor, Alaska
310 200   T-Mobile 营运中 GSM 1900  
310 210   T-Mobile 营运中 GSM 1900 Iowa
310 220   T-Mobile 营运中 GSM 1900 Kansas / Oklahoma
310 230   T-Mobile 营运中 GSM 1900 Utah
310 240   T-Mobile 营运中 GSM 1900 New Mexico / Texas / Arizona
310 250   T-Mobile 营运中 GSM 1900 Hawaii
310 260 T-Mobile T_Mobile USA 营运中 GSM 1900 / UMTS 1900 / UMTS 1700 / LTE 850 / LTE 700 / LTE 1900 / LTE 1700 Former Cook Inlet West Wireless, Voicestream; now universal USA code. Also used for Ting.
310 270   T-Mobile 营运中 GSM 1900 Formerly Powertel
310 280 AT&T AT&T Mobility 营运中 GSM 1900 Former Centennial Puerto Rico
310 290 nep NEP Cellcorp Inc. 营运中 GSM 1900 Shut down 22 September 2015
310 300 Big Sky Mobile iSmart Mobile, LLC 营运中 GSM 1900 Montana; former Get Mobile Inc., SmartCall, LLC; acquired by T-Mobile in 2017
310 310   T-Mobile 营运中 GSM 1900 Formerly Aerial Communications
310 311   Farmers Wireless 营运中 GSM 1900 NE Alabama; acquired by AT&T in 2008
310 320 Cellular One Smith Bagley, Inc. 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS Arizona / New Mexico
310 330   Wireless Partners, LLC 不明 LTE Former AN Subsidiary LLC, AWCC, - acquired by AT&T, CDMA shut down February 2015;
310 340 Limitless Mobile Limitless Mobile, LLC 不明 GSM 1900 Kansas; Former High Plains Midwest LLC dba Westlink Communications, acquired by United Wireless in 2013; in bankruptcy since November 2016
310 350 Verizon Verizon Wireless 营运中 CDMA Former Mohave Cellular L.P.
310 360 Pioneer Cellular Cellular Network Partnership 营运中 CDMA Oklahoma
310 370 Docomo NTT Docomo Pacific 营运中 GSM 1900 / UMTS 850 / LTE 700 Guam, Northern Mariana Islands; former Guamcell
310 380 AT&T AT&T Mobility 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900 Former AT&T Wireless Services, then Cingular Wireless (known as "Cingular Blue")
310 390 Cellular One of East Texas TX-11 Acquisition, LLC 营运中 GSM 850 / LTE 700 / CDMA Former Yorkville Telephone Cooperative
310 400 iConnect Wave Runner LLC 营运中 GSM 1900 / UMTS 1900 / LTE 700 Guam
310 410 AT&T AT&T Mobility 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900 Formerly Cingular Wireless, also used in Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands
310 420 Cincinnati Bell Cincinnati Bell Wireless 营运中 GSM 1900 / UMTS 1700 Shut down 28 February 2015; MNC withdrawn
310 430 GCI GCI Communications Corp. 营运中 GSM 1900 / UMTS 1900 Former Alaska Digitel
310 440   Numerex 营运中 MVNO Former Dobson / Cellular One; M2M only
310 450 Viaero Viaero Wireless 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900 Formerly North East Cellular Inc., CellONE; Colorado / Kansas / Nebraska
310 460 Conecto NewCore Wireless LLC 营运中 MVNO Former Simmetry / TMP Corporation (shut down 30 June 2012)
310 470 Shentel Shenandoah Telecommunications Company 营运中 CDMA2000 1900 Former nTelos; note that 310-470 may also be in use by Docomo Pacific
310 480 iConnect Wave Runner LLC 营运中 iDEN Guam; also known as Choice Phone LLC
310 490   T-Mobile 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 Former Triton PCS, SunCom
310 500 Alltel Public Service Cellular Inc. 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 1900 Georgia
310 510 Cellcom Nsighttel Wireless LLC 不明 Unknown Formerly Airtel Wireless LLC (iDEN, Montana)
310 520 TNS Transaction Network Services 不明 Unknown Formerly Verisign
310 530 iWireless Iowa Wireless Services LLC 不明 Unknown Formerly West Virginia Wireless (bought by Verizon in 2007)
310 540 Phoenix Hilliary Communications 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 Oklahoma
310 550   Syniverse Technologies 不明 Unknown Former Wireless Solutions International
310 560 AT&T AT&T Mobility 营运中 GSM 850 Former Dobson Cellular, Cingular Wireless; MNC withdrawn
310 570 Cellular One TX-10, LLC and Central Louisiana Cellular, LLC (MTPCS) 营运中 GSM 850 / LTE 700 Montana network (former Chinook Wireless) shut down in 2014
310 580   Inland Cellular Telephone Company 营运中 CDMA2000 Former PCS One
310 590   Verizon Wireless 不明 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 Former Western Wireless Corporation, Alltel, then Verizon
310 600 Cellcom New-Cell Inc. 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 1900 Wisconsin
310 610 Epic PCS Elkhart Telephone Co. 营运中 GSM 1900 Shut down 30 April 2015, sold to PTCI and United Wireless; MNC withdrawn
310 620 Cellcom Nsighttel Wireless LLC 不明 Unknown Formerly Coleman County Telecom
310 630 miSpot Agri-Valley Communications 营运中 LTE 700 Shut down 30 November 2014
310 640   Numerex 营运中 MVNO M2M only; formerly Einstein PCS, AirFire / Airadigm, shut down 2 September 2014
310 650 Jasper Jasper Technologies 营运中 MVNO M2M only
310 660 T-Mobile   营运中 GSM 1900 Formerly DigiPhone PCS / DigiPH
310 670 AT&T AT&T Mobility 不明 Unknown Former Northstar
310 680 AT&T AT&T Mobility 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 Formerly Cellular One DCS, NPI Wireless, Cingular
310 690 Limitless Mobile Limitless Mobile, LLC 不明 GSM 1900 / LTE 1900 Former Conestoga Wireless, Keystone Wireless d/b/a Immix Wireless; in bankruptcy since November 2016
310 700 Bigfoot Cellular Cross Valiant Cellular Partnership 不明 GSM  
310 710 ASTAC Arctic Slope Telephone Association Cooperative 营运中 UMTS 850 / LTE Alaska; GSM shut down January 2017
310 720   Syniverse Technologies 不明 Unknown Former Wireless Solutions International
310 730 U.S. Cellular U.S. Cellular 不明 Unknown Formerly Sea Mobile
310 740 Viaero Viaero Wireless 营运中 LTE 700 / LTE 1700 / LTE 1900 Former Telemetrix Technologies, Convey Communications Inc., Green Eagle Communications, Inc.
310 750 Appalachian Wireless East Kentucky Network, LLC 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 1900  
310 760   Lynch 3G Communications Corporation 营运中 Unknown  
310 770 iWireless Iowa Wireless Services 营运中 GSM 1900 / UMTS 1700 / LTE 1700 / LTE 1900 Iowa
310 780 Dispatch Direct D. D. Inc. 营运中 iDEN Former Airlink PCS, Connect Net Inc.
310 790 BLAZE PinPoint Communications Inc. 营运中 GSM 1900 / UMTS / LTE Nebraska
310 800   T-Mobile 营运中 GSM 1900 Formerly SOL Communications
310 810   LCFR LLC 营运中 1900 Owned by New Dimension Wireless; formerly Brazos Cellular Communications Ltd.; MNC withdrawn
310 820   Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown Former South Canaan Cellular
310 830 Sprint Sprint Corporation 营运中 WiMAX Former Caprock Cellular (GSM, sold to AT&T in 2010), Clearwire
310 840 telna Mobile Telecom North America Mobile, Inc. 营运中 MVNO Formerly Edge Mobile LLC
310 850 Aeris Aeris Communications, Inc. 营运中 MVNO M2M only; is a Full MVNO despite marketing claims to the contrary
310 860 Five Star Wireless TX RSA 15B2, LP 营运中 CDMA Owned by West Central Wireless
310 870 PACE Kaplan Telephone Company 营运中 GSM 850 Louisiana; spectrum sold to AT&T in 2014; MNC withdrawn
310 880 DTC Wireless Advantage Cellular Systems, Inc. 营运中 LTE Tennessee; owned by DeKalb Telephone Cooperative; fixed wireless only, GSM 850 discontinued January 2017
310 890   Verizon Wireless 不明 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 Former Unicel / Rural Cellular Corporation
310 900 Mid_Rivers Wireless Cable & Communications Corporation 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 1900 Montana
310 910   Verizon Wireless 不明 GSM 850 Former First Cellular of Southern Illinois, Alltel
310 920   James Valley Wireless, LLC 营运中 CDMA South Dakota; includes NVC
310 930   Copper Valley Wireless 营运中 CDMA Alaska
310 940   Tyntec Inc. 不明 MVNO Formerly Poka Lambro Telecommunications Ltd., Iris Wireless LLC
310 950 AT&T AT&T Mobility 营运中 GSM 850 Former Texas RSA 1 d/b/a XIT Cellular
310 960 STRATA UBET Wireless 营运中 CDMA Utah
310 970   Globalstar 营运中 Satellite  
310 980 Peoples Telephone Texas RSA 7B3 营运中 CDMA / LTE 700 Texas; spectrum sold to AT&T; MNC withdrawn
310 990 Evolve Broadband Worldcall Interconnect Inc. 营运中 LTE 700 LTE band 17

美国 - US

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
311 000 West Central Wireless Mid-Tex Cellular Ltd. 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 1900 Texas
311 010 Chariton Valley Chariton Valley Communications 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 1900 Missouri
311 012 Verizon Verizon Wireless 营运中 CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 1900  
311 020 Chariton Valley Missouri RSA 5 Partnership 营运中 GSM 850 Missouri
311 030 Indigo Wireless Americell PA 3 Partnership 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 850 Pennsylvania
311 040 Choice Wireless Commnet Wireless 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / CDMA 2000 / UMTS  
311 050   Thumb Cellular LP 营运中 CDMA2000 850 Michigan
311 060   Space Data Corporation 营运中 Unknown Former Farmers Cellular Telephone Inc.
311 070 AT&T AT&T Mobility 营运中 GSM 850 Former Easterbrooke Cellular Corporation, Wisconsin RSA #7 Limited Partnership
311 080 Pine Cellular Pine Telephone Company 营运中 GSM 850 / LTE Oklahoma
311 090 AT&T AT&T Mobility 营运中 GSM 1900 Former Siouxland PCS, Long Lines Wireless, acquired by AT&T Dec. 2013
311 100   Nex_Tech Wireless 营运中 CDMA2000 Kansas; former High Plains Wireless L.P.
311 110 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown Former High Plains Wireless L.P., Alltel
311 120 iConnect Wave Runner LLC 营运中 Unknown Guam; also known as Choice Phone LLC
311 130   Lightsquared L.P. 营运中 LTE Former Cell One Amarillo (Amarillo License L.P.); MNC withdrawn
311 140 Bravado Wireless Cross Telephone Company 营运中 CDMA Oklahoma; former MBO Wireless, Sprocket Wireless
311 150   Wilkes Cellular 营运中 GSM 850 Georgia
311 160   Lightsquared L.P. 营运中 LTE Former Endless Mountains Wireless (acquired by Dobson Cellular in 2005) MNC withdrawn
311 170   Broadpoint Inc. 营运中 GSM 850 Gulf of Mexico; former PetroCom
311 180 AT&T AT&T Mobility 营运中 GSM 850 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900 Former Pacific Telesis, Cingular Wireless
311 190 AT&T AT&T Mobility 不明 Unknown Former Cellular Properties Inc.
311 200   ARINC 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
311 210   Telnyx LLC 营运中 MVNO Former Farmers Cellular Telephone, Emery Telcom Wireless
311 220 U.S. Cellular U.S. Cellular 营运中 CDMA  
311 230 C Spire Wireless Cellular South Inc. 营运中 CDMA 850 / CDMA 1900 / LTE 700 / LTE 850 / LTE 1700 / LTE 1900 / TD-LTE 2500  
311 240   Cordova Wireless 营运中 GSM / UMTS 850 / WiMAX Alaska
311 250 iConnect Wave Runner LLC 营运中 Unknown Guam
311 260 Sprint Sprint Corporation 营运中 WiMAX Former CellularOne of San Luis Obispo (sold to AT&T in 2010, Clearwire
311 270 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown Former Alltel
311 271 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown Former Alltel
311 272 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown Former Alltel
311 273 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown Former Alltel
311 274 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown Former Alltel
311 275 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown Former Alltel
311 276 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown Former Alltel
311 277 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown Former Alltel
311 278 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown Former Alltel
311 279 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown Former Alltel
311 280 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown  
311 281 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown  
311 282 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown  
311 283 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown  
311 284 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown  
311 285 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown  
311 286 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown  
311 287 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown  
311 288 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown  
311 289 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown  
311 290 BLAZE PinPoint Communications Inc. 营运中 GSM 1900 / UMTS / LTE Nebraska
311 300   Nexus Communications, Inc. 营运中 Unknown Former Rutal Cellular Corporation; MNC withdrawn
311 310 NMobile Leaco Rural Telephone Company Inc. 营运中 CDMA2000 New Mexico; shut down June 2018
311 320 Choice Wireless Commnet Wireless 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / CDMA 2000 / UMTS  
311 330 Bug Tussel Wireless Bug Tussel Wireless LLC 营运中 GSM 1900 / LTE 1700 / WiMAX 3700 Wisconsin
311 340   Illinois Valley Cellular 营运中 CDMA2000 / LTE 850 Illinois
311 350 Nemont Sagebrush Cellular, Inc. 营运中 CDMA2000 Former Torrestar Networks Inc.; Montana
311 360   Stelera Wireless 营运中 UMTS 1700 shut down 30 April 2013
311 370 GCI Wireless General Communication Inc. 营运中 LTE 1700 Former Alaska Communications
311 380   New Dimension Wireless Ltd. 营运中 MVNO  
311 390 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown Former Midwest Wireless Holdings LLC, Alltel
311 400     不明 Unknown Former Salmon PCS LLC, New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC; for testing
311 410 Chat Mobility Iowa RSA No. 2 LP 营运中 CDMA Iowa
311 420 NorthwestCell Northwest Missouri Cellular LP 营运中 CDMA Missouri
311 430 Chat Mobility RSA 1 LP 不明 CDMA Former Cellular 29 Plus; acquired by Chat Mobility in 2009; Iowa
311 440   Bluegrass Cellular LLC 营运中 CDMA Kentucky
311 450 PTCI Panhandle Telecommunication Systems Inc. 营运中 GSM 1900 / LTE 700 Also known as Panhandle Telephone Cooperative, Inc.; Oklahoma
311 460   Electric Imp Inc. 不明 Unknown Former Fisher Wireless Services Inc.
311 470 Viya Vitelcom Cellular Inc. 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / TD-LTE 2500 Former Innovative Wireless; US Virgin Islands
311 480 Verizon Verizon Wireless 营运中 LTE 700 C Block
311 481 Verizon Verizon Wireless 营运中 LTE 700 C Block for future use
311 482 Verizon Verizon Wireless 营运中 LTE 700 C Block for future use
311 483 Verizon Verizon Wireless 营运中 LTE 700 C Block for future use
311 484 Verizon Verizon Wireless 营运中 LTE 700 C Block for future use
311 485 Verizon Verizon Wireless 营运中 LTE 700 C Block for future use
311 486 Verizon Verizon Wireless 营运中 LTE 700 C Block for future use
311 487 Verizon Verizon Wireless 营运中 LTE 700 C Block for future use
311 488 Verizon Verizon Wireless 营运中 LTE 700 C Block for future use
311 489 Verizon Verizon Wireless 营运中 LTE 700 C Block for future use
311 490 Sprint Sprint Corporation 营运中 LTE 850 / LTE 1900 / TD-LTE 2500 Former Wirefree Partners LLC, acquired by Sprint in 2010; LTE bands 25, 26, 41
311 500   Mosaic Telecom 营运中 UMTS / LTE 700 / LTE 1700 Former CTC Telecom Inc.; discontinued cellular service in 2016; MNC withdrawn
311 510   Ligado Networks 营运中 LTE Former Benton-Lian Wireless, Lightsquared L.P.
311 520   Lightsquared L.P. 营运中 LTE Former Crossroads Wireless Inc.; MNC withdrawn
311 530 NewCore NewCore Wireless LLC 营运中 LTE 1900 Former Wireless Communications Venture
311 540   Proximiti Mobility Inc. 营运中 GSM 850 Former Keystone Wireless Inc.; MNC withdrawn
311 550 Choice Wireless Commnet Midwest LLC 营运中 GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / CDMA 2000 / UMTS  
311 560 OTZ Cellular OTZ Communications, Inc. 营运中 GSM 850 Alaska
311 570 BendBroadband Bend Cable Communications LLC 营运中 UMTS 1700 / LTE 1700 shut down 25-July-2014; MNC withdrawn
311 580 U.S. Cellular U.S. Cellular 营运中 LTE 700 / LTE 850  
311 590 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown Former California RSA No3 Ltd Partnership d/b/a Golden State Cellular, acquired by Verizon in 2014
311 600 Limitless Mobile Limitless Mobile, LLC 不明 CDMA Former Cox Wireless, shut down in 2012; in bankruptcy since November 2016
311 610 SRT Communications North Dakota Network Co. 营运中 CDMA North Dakota; shut down in 2017
311 620   TerreStar Networks, Inc. 营运中 Satellite  
311 630 C Spire Wireless Cellular South Inc. 不明 Unknown Former Corr Wireless Communications
311 640 Rock Wireless Standing Rock Telecommunications 营运中 LTE 700 A Block; covering an American Indian reservation straddling remote parts of North and South Dakota
311 650 United Wireless United Wireless 营运中 CDMA / LTE 700 / WiMAX 3700 Kansas
311 660 Metro Metro by T_Mobile 营运中 MVNO Former MetroPCS; CDMA2000 1900 / CDMA2000 1700 shut down in 2015; LTE 1700 merged with T-Mobile US
311 670 Pine Belt Wireless Pine Belt Cellular Inc. 营运中 CDMA / LTE 700 Alabama
311 680   GreenFly LLC 不明 GSM 1900 Iowa
311 690   TeleBEEPER of New Mexico 营运中 paging New Mexico; 850 MHz band never used
311 700   Midwest Network Solutions Hub LLC 不明 MVNO Former TotalSolutions Telecom LLC, Aspenta International, Inc.
311 710   Northeast Wireless Networks LLC 不明 Unknown  
311 720   MainePCS LLC 营运中 GSM 1900 Bankrupt in 2009
311 730   Proximiti Mobility Inc. 不明 GSM 850 Former Keystone Wireless Inc.
311 740   Telalaska Cellular 营运中 GSM 850 / LTE Alaska
311 750 ClearTalk Flat Wireless LLC 不明 Unknown Former NetAmerica Alliance
311 760   Edigen Inc. 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
311 770   Altiostar Networks, Inc. 不明 Unknown Former Geneseo Communications Services Inc., Radio Mobile Access Inc.
311 780 Pioneer Cellular Cellular Network Partnership 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
311 790   Coleman County Telephone Cooperative, Inc. 不明 Unknown Former Cellular Network Partnership d/b/a Pioneer Cellular
311 800   Bluegrass Cellular LLC 营运中 LTE 700 Kentucky
311 810   Bluegrass Cellular LLC 营运中 LTE 700 Kentucky
311 820   Sonus Networks 不明 Unknown Former Kineto Wireless Inc.
311 830   Thumb Cellular LP 营运中 LTE 700 Michigan
311 840 Cellcom Nsight Spectrum LLC 营运中 LTE 700 Wisconsin
311 850 Cellcom Nsight Spectrum LLC 营运中 LTE 700 Wisconsin
311 860 STRATA Uintah Basin Electronic Telecommunications 营运中 LTE 700 Utah
311 870 Boost Mobile Sprint Corporation 营运中 MVNO  
311 880 Sprint Sprint Corporation 不明 Unknown  
311 890   Globecomm Network Services Corporation 不明 Unknown  
311 900   GigSky 营运中 MVNO  
311 910 MobileNation SI Wireless LLC 营运中 CDMA / LTE Tennessee
311 920 Chariton Valley Missouri RSA 5 Partnership 不明 Unknown Missouri
311 930   Syringa Wireless 营运中 LTE 700 Former Cablevision Systems Corporation; Idaho; fixed broadband; shut down Dec 2015
311 940 Sprint Sprint Corporation 营运中 WiMAX Former Clearwire
311 950 ETC Enhanced Telecommmunications Corp. 营运中 CDMA / LTE 700 Former Sunman Telecommunications Corp.; Indiana; fixed broadband
311 960 Lycamobile Lycamobile USA Inc. 营运中 MVNO uses T-Mobile
311 970 Big River Broadband Big River Broadband, LLC 营运中 LTE 1700 Utilizing 20 MHz in A block
311 980   LigTel Communications 不明 Unknown  
311 990   VTel Wireless 营运中 LTE 700 / LTE 1700  

美国 - US

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
312 010 Chariton Valley Chariton Valley Communication Corporation, Inc 不明 Unknown Missouri
312 020   Infrastructure Networks, LLC 营运中 LTE 700 Focused on oil & gas industries
312 030 Bravado Wireless Cross Wireless 营运中 LTE 700 Oklahoma; former MBO Wireless, Sprocket Wireless
312 040   Custer Telephone Co_op (CTCI) 营运中 LTE 700 Idaho
312 050   Fuego Wireless 营运中 LTE 700 fixed broadband; New Mexico; shut down in 2016, spectrum sold to AT&T and Infrastructure Networks; MNC withdrawn
312 060   CoverageCo 不明 CDMA / GSM Vermont
312 070   Adams Networks Inc 营运中 LTE 700 C block fixed broadband; Illinois
312 080 SyncSouth South Georgia Regional Information Technology Authority 营运中 UMTS-TDD 700 LTE 700 planned
312 090 AT&T AT&T Mobility 不明 Unknown Former Allied Wireless
312 100   ClearSky Technologies, Inc. 不明 Unknown  
312 110   Texas Energy Network LLC 营运中 LTE MNC withdrawn
312 120 Appalachian Wireless East Kentucky Network, LLC 营运中 LTE 700  
312 130 Appalachian Wireless East Kentucky Network, LLC 营运中 LTE 700  
312 140 Revol Wireless Cleveland Unlimited, Inc. 营运中 CDMA Shut down 2014, acquired by Sprint; MNC withdrawn
312 150 NorthwestCell Northwest Missouri Cellular LP 营运中 LTE 700 Missouri
312 160 Chat Mobility RSA1 Limited Partnership 营运中 LTE 700 Iowa
312 170 Chat Mobility Iowa RSA No. 2 LP 营运中 LTE 700 Iowa
312 180   Limitless Mobile LLC 不明 Unknown Former Keystone Wireless LLC
312 190 Sprint Sprint Corporation 不明 Unknown  
312 200   Voyager Mobility LLC 营运中 MVNO Shut down 2015; MNC withdrawn
312 210   Aspenta International, Inc. 营运中 MVNO  
312 220 Chariton Valley Chariton Valley Communication Corporation, Inc. 营运中 LTE 700  
312 230 SRT Communications North Dakota Network Co. 营运中 Unknown North Dakota; shut down in 2017
312 240 Sprint Sprint Corporation 不明 Unknown Former Clearwire
312 250 Sprint Sprint Corporation 不明 Unknown Former Clearwire
312 260 NewCore Central LTE Holdings 营运中 LTE 1900  
312 270 Pioneer Cellular Cellular Network Partnership 营运中 LTE 700 Oklahoma
312 280 Pioneer Cellular Cellular Network Partnership 营运中 LTE 700 Oklahoma
312 290 STRATA Uintah Basin Electronic Telecommunications 不明 Unknown  
312 300 telna Mobile Telecom North America Mobile, Inc. 营运中 MVNO  
312 310   Clear Stream Communications, LLC 营运中 LTE 700 North Carolina; owned by Carolina West Wireless, Wilkes Communications
312 320   RTC Communications LLC 营运中 LTE 700 Indiana; former S and R Communications LLC
312 330 Nemont Nemont Communications, Inc. 营运中 LTE 700 Montana
312 340 MTA Matanuska Telephone Association, Inc. 营运中 LTE 700 Alaska
312 350   Triangle Communication System Inc. 营运中 LTE 700 Montana
312 360   Wes_Tex Telecommunications, Ltd. 不明 Unknown Texas
312 370 Choice Wireless Commnet Wireless 营运中 LTE  
312 380   Copper Valley Wireless 营运中 LTE 700 Alaska
312 390 FTC Wireless FTC Communications LLC 营运中 UMTS / LTE South Carolina; owned by Farmers Telephone Cooperative
312 400 Mid_Rivers Wireless Mid-Rivers Telephone Cooperative 营运中 LTE 700 Montana
312 410   Eltopia Communications, LLC 不明 Unknown  
312 420   Nex_Tech Wireless 营运中 LTE 700 Kansas
312 430   Silver Star Communications 营运中 CDMA / LTE 700 Wyoming
312 440   Consolidated Telcom 不明 2500 North Dakota
312 450   Cable & Communications Corporation 不明 Unknown  
312 460   Ketchikan Public Utilities (KPU) 营运中 LTE 700 Alaska
312 470 Carolina West Wireless Carolina West Wireless 营运中 LTE 700 North Carolina
312 480 Nemont Sagebrush Cellular, Inc. 不明 Unknown  
312 490   TrustComm, Inc. 不明 Satellite  
312 500   AB Spectrum LLC 营运中 LTE 700 MNC withdrawn
312 510   WUE Inc. 不明 LTE Nevada; CDMA shut down
312 520   ANIN 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
312 530 Sprint Sprint Corporation 营运中 Unknown  
312 540   Broadband In Hand LLC 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
312 550   Great Plains Communications, Inc. 不明 Unknown  
312 560   NHLT Inc. 营运中 MVNO MNC withdrawn
312 570 Blue Wireless Buffalo-Lake Erie Wireless Systems Co., LLC 营运中 CDMA / LTE  
312 580   Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP 不明 Unknown Former Shuttle Wireless Solutions Inc., Bingham McCutchen LLP
312 590 NMU Northern Michigan University 营运中 LTE 2600 EBS Band (LTE band 7)
312 600 Nemont Sagebrush Cellular, Inc. 不明 Unknown  
312 610 nTelos nTelos Licenses, Inc. 营运中 LTE 1900 MNC withdrawn
312 620   GlobeTouch Inc. 营运中 MVNO Former Fogg Mobile, Inc.
312 630   NetGenuity, Inc. 不明 Unknown  
312 640 Nemont Sagebrush Cellular, Inc. 营运中 Unknown MNC withdrawn
312 650   365 Wireless LLC 不明 Unknown  
312 660 nTelos nTelos Wireless 营运中 LTE 1900 MNC withdrawn
312 670 FirstNet AT&T Mobility 营运中 Unknown  
312 680 AT&T AT&T Mobility 不明 Unknown  
312 690   TGS, LLC 营运中 MVNO/MVNE  
312 700   Wireless Partners, LLC 营运中 LTE 700 Maine
312 710   Great North Woods Wireless LLC 营运中 LTE New Hampshire; former Wireless Partners, LLC
312 720 Southern LINC Southern Communications Services 营运中 LTE  
312 730   Triangle Communication System Inc. 营运中 CDMA Montana
312 740 Locus Telecommunications KDDI America, Inc. 营运中 MVNO  
312 750   Artemis Networks LLC 不明 Unknown  
312 760 ASTAC Arctic Slope Telephone Association Cooperative 不明 Unknown Alaska
312 770 Verizon Verizon Wireless 不明 Unknown  
312 780   Redzone Wireless 营运中 TD-LTE 2500 LTE band 41; Maine
312 790   Gila Electronics 不明 Unknown  
312 800   Cirrus Core Networks 不明 MVNO  
312 810 BBCP Bristol Bay Telephone Cooperative 营运中 CDMA / LTE Alaska
312 820   Santel Communications Cooperative, Inc. 不明 Unknown South Dakota
312 830   Kings County Office of Education 营运中 WiMAX California
312 840   South Georgia Regional Information Technology Authority 不明 Unknown Georgia
312 850   Onvoy Spectrum, LLC 不明 MVNO Former Emergency Networks LLC
312 860 ClearTalk Flat Wireless, LLC 营运中 CDMA / LTE 1900 / LTE 1700 Texas
312 870   GigSky Mobile, LLC 营运中 MVNO  
312 880   Albemarle County Public Schools 不明 Unknown  
312 890   Circle Gx 不明 Unknown  
312 900 ClearTalk Flat West Wireless, LLC 营运中 CDMA / LTE 1900 / LTE 1700 Arizona, California
312 910 Appalachian Wireless East Kentucky Network, LLC 不明 Unknown  
312 920   Northeast Wireless Networks LLC 不明 Unknown  
312 930   Hewlett-Packard Communication Services, LLC 不明 Unknown  
312 940   Webformix 营运中 Unknown Oregon
312 950   Custer Telephone Co_op (CTCI) 营运中 CDMA Idaho
312 960   M&A Technology, Inc. 不明 Unknown  
312 970   IOSAZ Intellectual Property LLC 不明 Unknown  
312 980   Mark Twain Communications Company 不明 Unknown  
312 990 Premier Broadband Premier Holdings LLC 不明 Unknown  

美国 - US

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
313 000   Tennessee Wireless 营运中 Unknown  
313 010 Bravado Wireless Cross Wireless LLC 不明 Unknown Former Sprocket Wireless
313 020 CTC Wireless Cambridge Telephone Company Inc. 营运中 CDMA Idaho
313 030 Snake River PCS Eagle Telephone System Inc. 营运中 CDMA Oregon
313 040 NNTC Wireless Nucla-Naturita Telephone Company 营运中 CDMA Colorado
313 050 Breakaway Wireless Manti Tele Communications Company, Inc. 营运中 CDMA Utah; shut down 2018
313 060   Country Wireless 营运中 Unknown Wisconsin
313 070   Midwest Network Solutions Hub LLC 不明 Unknown  
313 080   Speedwavz LLP 营运中 Unknown Ohio
313 090   Vivint Wireless, Inc. 营运中 Unknown  
313 100 FirstNet 700 MHz Public Safety Broadband 营运中 LTE 700 D Block
313 200   Mercury Network Corporation 营运中 Unknown Michigan
313 210 AT&T AT&T Mobility 不明 Unknown  
313 220   Custer Telephone Co_op (CTCI) 不明 Unknown  
313 230   Velocity Communications Inc. 不明 LTE Montana
313 240 Peak Internet Fundamental Holdings, Corp. 不明 Unknown Colorado
313 250   Imperial County Office of Education 不明 LTE California
313 260   Expeto Wireless Inc. 营运中 MVNO  
313 270   Blackstar Management 不明 Unknown  
313 280   King Street Wireless, LP 不明 LTE 700 Fixed wireless; mobile service through U.S. Cellular
313 290   Gulf Coast Broadband LLC 不明 LTE Fixed wireless; Louisiana
313 300   Cambio WiFi of Delmarva, LLC 营运中 LTE Maryland
313 310   CAL.NET, Inc. 不明 Unknown  
313 320   Paladin Wireless 不明 LTE 3500 Fixed wireless; Georgia
313 330   CenturyTel Broadband Services LLC 不明 Unknown  
313 340   Dish Network 不明 Unknown  
313 350   Dish Network 不明 Unknown  
313 360   Dish Network 不明 Unknown  
313 370   Red Truck Wireless, LLC 不明 Unknown Fixed wireless
313 380   OptimERA Inc. 不明 Unknown  
313 390   Altice USA Wireless, Inc. 不明 MVNO  
313 400   Texoma Communications, LLC 不明 Unknown  
313 410   pdvWireless 不明 Unknown  

美国 - US

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
316 010 Nextel Nextel Communications 营运中 iDEN 800 Merged with Sprint forming Sprint Nextel; iDEN network shut down June 2013
316 011 Southern LINC Southern Communications Services 营运中 iDEN 800  


越南 - VN

MCC MNC 品牌 运营商 状态 Bands (MHz) 备注
452 01 MobiFone Vietnam Mobile Telecom Services Company 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100  
452 02 Vinaphone Vietnam Telecom Services Company 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800  
452 03 S_Fone S-Telecom 营运中 CDMA2000 800 License revoked; MNC withdawn
452 04 Viettel Mobile Viettel Telecom 营运中 GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800  
452 05 Vietnamobile Hanoi Telecom 营运中 GSM 900 / UMTS 2100  
452 06 EVNTelecom EVN Telecom 营运中 CDMA2000 450 License revoked; MNC withdrawn
452 07 Gmobile GTEL Mobile JSC 营运中 GSM 1800 Former Beeline
452 08 I-Telecom Indochina Telecom 营运中 WiMAX Former EVNTelecom


  1. MCC 之 000-099、100-199 和 800-899 为保留码。
  2. MCC 之 901 为国际共享,用于跨国网络(如:卫星电话)。
