实验内容:WindowsXP SP2下Cygwin和NS2.28的安装
1. Download the cygwin.rar.
2. Decompress the cygwin.rar
1. Click the setup.exe to install cygwin.
2. Because the language of operating system is Traditional Chinese. The text of button is shown in Chinese. But you don’t need to worry about this. I think it is shown in English in your computer. Just click “Next”.
3. Then choose “Install from Local Directory”
4. Click “Next”.
(Just keep the settings as they are.)
5. Click “Next”
6. Click “Browse” to choose where the software is. (Please choose “ftp%3a%2f%2fftp.nctu.edu.tw%2fWindows%2fcygwin”)
7. Click “OK”.
8. Click “Next” and you will see the figure shown as follows. In this window, the cygwin setup program let you choose what software you want to install.
9. Click “View” first to make the word “Category “change to “Full”.
10. XFree86-base, XFree86-bin, XFree86-prog, XFree86-lib, XFree86-etc, make, patch, perl, gcc, gcc-g++, gawk, gnuplot, tar and gzip must be chosen. For example, if I want to install XFree-86 base (upper figure), click the “Skip” of “New” column. The “Skip” will be changed to “4.3.0-1” (lower figure).
11. Click “Next”.
(Please be patient. It may take a long time to finish the installation.)
12. When setup is done, it will be shown as following figure. Click “Finish”.
13. Click “OK” to finish the cygwin setup program.
1. Click the icon on the desktop.
2. For the first time execution, it will generate some environment parameter setting files. In my computer, Administrator is my login name to windows system. Therefore, the cygwin will create a folder named “Administrator” under home directory. (The actual path for Administrator folder is: c:/cygwin/home/ Administrator) It should be noticed that the login name can not have any space in your name.
3. Download myNS2.
4. Decompress the ns-allinone-2.28.rar.
5. Move this folder under c:/cygwin/home/ Administrator. (P.S. Administrator is my login name)
6. Open a cygwin window
7. Change the path to ns-allinone-2.28/ns-2.28
8. Run the command “./configure; make clean; make
9. Please be patient. It will take some time to finish the compilation.
10. When it is done, it should look like as follows.
11. To make sure that you have successfully installed myNS2, you need to check whether you can find ns.exe under ns-allinone-2.28/ns-2.28
12. Run the example script to test whether you have setup the path or not.
14. If you see the error message like “ns command not found”, no worry about this. Sometimes even you have setup the path, but it does not work. You can copy the ns.exe (nam.exe) to the same place as the simulation script. Run the simulation with “./ns.exe” and it will be ok.
在按照上面的规则第一次安装时,进入startxwin界面后,运行ns,会出现ns command not found,这个时候可以采用一种简单的方法,不用修改环境变量,直接把ns或者nam.exe文件直接拷贝都.tcl脚本文件的文件夹下面,然后再运行就OK。
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