53. Full of mistakes. 错误百出

1. 单词部分

spell(spelt = spelt) 拼写

How do you spell "..." ?  


intelligent 聪明的,有智慧的

clever adj. 聪明的(含贬义)

brilliant  极端聪明的

talented 有才能的,有天赋的

mistake 错误

a / two mistake 一个/ 两个错误

make a mistake. 犯错


He made many mistakes in the exam.

present 礼物

a birthday present   生日礼物

a Christmas present   圣诞礼物

dictionary 词典

English-Chinese dictionary  英汉字典

Chinese-English dictionary  汉英字典

e-dictionary  电子字典

He is a walk dictionary.  他是个活字典。

2. 课文介绍


full of mistakes

His math paper is full of mistakes.

be full of mistakes.

full 不是动词,所以前面要加be。

You've typed it with only one "L".



a. 和...在一起

I am with my grilfriend.


b. 带有、具有

a house with a garden    带有花园的房子

a book with a greed cover   绿皮书

c. 以...方式,用、

We hear with our ears. 听用耳朵

We see with our eye. 看用眼睛

d. 对于,至于...

What are you going to do with that ... ?


What's the matter with you ? 对于你,这件事要怎么处理呢?

I'm sorry about that.  关于那个,我很抱歉。


a. 关于...

a book about Chinese history. 一本关于历史的书

b. ...怎么样? (询问别人)

What about you?   你怎么样, 你去不去呀!

What about a drink?   要不然咱们去喝一杯吧?

sorry it / that.

3. 语法讲解


1). 构成 : to do

want to do 想要干嘛

want sb to do 想要某人干嘛

tell  sb to do  告诉某人干嘛

ask sb to do

2). 使用


He wants to buy a new car.


I want you to try it.


I want him to move his car.


Tell him to go back right now.

4. 单词句型讲解

carry 携带、运送

bring 带走

take 带走

fetch 去了再回来,取

May I bring my boyfriend here next time, mom?  next time 下次

A taxi carried them to the station yesterday.  昨天一辆出租车把他们送到车站。

Please take the umbrella with you,It's going to rain.


The day before yesterday ,he brought us some good news.


The boss says to her,"please fetch me my documents in that room"


correct 改正,纠正

Please correct the mistake you have made on the paper.


keep 保留,保存

keep - kept - kept

I have kept the old photo for a long time.  a long time 很长时间。


Keep in touch 。 保持联系

I want yo to carry it.

He wants you to correct it.

He wants us to listen to it. 他想让我们听它。

He wants me to describe it.. 他想让我描述它。

I don't want you to hurt yourself. 我不想让你伤者自己。

She does't want him to slip. 我不想让他摔倒

Tell him not to fall. 跟他说, 不要掉下来

Tell him not to miss it. 不要错过这个车。

5. 知识拓展

1). 常见的缩写:

want to ... = wanna ...

thanks = thx

kind of  = kinda

going to = gonna

2). 简单地道的口语:

got it ?   明白了吗?

You wish! 想得美

So what  那又怎么样呢

No way 没门

No offense 没有冒犯的意思

Eyes front 朝前看

good point 说的好

all right   没关系, ok

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