(1)He went to town with the purpose of buying a new computer.他进城的目的是买一台新计算机。
(2)Most online services have their own browsers.大多数在线服务都有自己的浏览器。
(3)Floppy disk may be double-density or high-density.软盘可以是双倍密度的或者高密度的。
(4)The formula then includes the addresses of the cells.公式包括单元的地址。
(5)C might best be described as a "medium level language”.C语言也许最适宜被称为“中级语言”。
(6)Every browser has the buit-in ability to understand HTML.每一个浏览器都有内置的功能来理解HTML。
(7)C is one of the most popular computer languages in the world.C语言是世界上最流行的计算机语言之一。
(8)Java technology is both a programming language and a platform.Java技术既是一种编程语言,也是一个平台。
(9)In fact,a window manager can be thought of as a GUI for a CLI OS.实际上,一个视窗管理器可以被看作是命令行操作系统的图形用户界面。
(10)A database management system thandles user requests .fon atabase action.数据库管理系统处理用户对数据库的操作请求。
(1)Machine language consists of the raw numbers that can be directly understood by a particular processor.机器语言由一些能被特殊处理器所理解的未加工的数字组成。
(2)The actual effect of any particular virus depends on how it was programmed by the person who wrote the virus.任何一个特别病毒的实际效果取决于编写该病毒的程序员是如何编程的。
(3)An anti-virus program that hasn't been updated for several months will not provide much protection against current viruses.几个月不升级的抗病毒软件面对当前的病毒不能提供什么保护。
(4)Memory is typically measured in kilobytes or megabytes,and disk space is typically measured in megabytes or gigabytes.一般地说,内存以千字节或兆字节来度量,磁盘空间以兆字节或吉字节来度量。
(5)The hypertext transfer protocol is the native protocol of browsers and is most typically used to transfer HTML formatted files.超文本传输协议是浏览器自己的协议,一般用于传递HTML格式的文件。
(6)LAN is the extent of network which connects computers that are physically close together,typicaly within a single room or building.局域网是一个由相互接近的、特别是在一个房间内或一个建筑内的计算机连接起来的网络。
(7)For mobile users,firewas allow remote aces into the rivate network by the use of secure logon procedures and authentication certificates.对于移动用户来说,防火墙允许通过使用安全登录规程和鉴定证书来远程访问私有网络。
(8)From the Internet users' point of view,to download a file is to request it from another computer (or from a Web page on another computer)and to receive it.从因特网用户的观点看,下载文件是从另一个计算机(或从另一个计算机的网页)上请求它并接收它。
(9)After the Soviet launch of the Sputnik satellite in 1957,the US military set up the Advanced Research Projects A gency to fund research in things sometimes only vaguely related to military matters.在1957年苏联发射了人造地球卫星之后,美国军事部门开始建立高级研究计划署(ARPA)以资助一些有时与军事含糊地相关的研究。
(10)Often a chip set will fit on one chip.通常一个芯片组被集成在一个芯片上。
(1)It loads the operating system into memory and allows it to begin operation.它把操作系统装入内存并启动操作系统。
(2)On the computer,there are two basic types of items that need to be organized.在计算机上,有两种基本项目需要组织。
(3)Fonts are used by computer for on-screen display and printers for hardcopy output.字体可以用于计算机屏幕显示和打印机的硬拷贝输出。
(4)Optical fiber is thin filaments of glass through which light beams are transmitted.光纤是一个可以传输光束的玻璃细丝。
(5)When you type things on the keyboard,the letters and numbers show up on the monitor.当你在键盘上输入时,这些字符和数字就出现在监视器上。
(6)An intranet is a private network.There are many intranets scattered all over the world.内联网是私有网络。许多内联网分散在世界各地。
(7)On the computer screen,a folder most often looks like a yellow or blue paper file folder.在计算机屏幕上,文件夹通常看上去像黄色或蓝色的纸文件夹。
(8)Once you've encoded your source content,the process of creating streamig media is complete.一旦完成源内容的编码,制作流媒体的过程就完成了。
(9)Syntactically,a domain name consists of a sequence of names(labels) separated by periods(dots).从语法结构上说,一个域名包括用圆点隔开一系列名称(标志)。
(10)The quality of video you see on your monitor depends on both the video card and the monitor you choose.你在显示器上看到的视频质量取决于视频卡和你所选择的显示器。
(1) Star topologies are normally implemented using twisted pair cable,specifically unshielded unshielded twisted pair(UTP).星型拓扑通常由双绞线实现,特别是非屏蔽双绞线。
(2)A video card is the part ofyour compuer that transforms video data into the visual dislay you see on your monitor.视频卡是计算机的一部分,它把视频数据转换成你在显示器上能看到的可视信息。
(3)A muliuser operating system allows many diferent users to take advantage of the computer's resources simultaneously.多用户操作系统允许不同的用户同时利用计算机资源。
(4)Address is the unique location of an information site on the Internet,a specific file(for example,a Web page),or an E-mail user.地址是因特网上信息网站、一个特定文件(如网页)或一个电子邮件用户的唯一位置。
(5)Over the years,ARPA has funded many projects in computer science research,many of which had a profound effect on the state of the art.多年来,ARPA已经在计算机科学研究方面资助了许多项目,其中很多都对现代工艺水平有深远的影响。
(6)In truth of course by making the creation of more complex software practical,computer languages have merely created new types of software bugs.当然实际上,随着更复杂软件应用的出现,计算机语言只不过又产生了软件故障的新类型。
(7)A computer virus is a program designed to spread itself by first infecting executable files or the system areas of hard and floppy disks and then making copies of itself.计算机病毒是一个程序,当首次感染可执行文件或硬盘和软盘的系统区域后开始传播自己并制作自己的拷贝。
(8)When the entire RAM is being used (for example if there are many programs open at the same time) the computer will swap data to the hard drive and back to give the impression that there is slightly more memory.当所有RAM都被使用了(如许多程序同时打开),计算机就把数据交换到硬盘上,给用户的印象是好像还有些内存。
(9)The compiler ignores all comments.编译程序忽略全部注释。
(10)You can E-mail your document without ever leaving word.你不用离开Word就可以用电子邮件发送你的文档。
(1)A laptop is a microcomputer small enough to use on one's lap.便携式电脑(膝上型电脑)是微型计算机,小得足以放在膝盖上使用。
(2)Formulas are entered in the worksheet cell and must begin with an equal sign "=".公式被输入在电子表格的单元格中并必须以等号“=”开头。
(3)The principal types of printers include dot-matrix,daisy wheel,inkjet,and laser.打印机的主要类型有:点阵式、菊瓣轮式、喷墨式和激光打印式。
(4)ARPANET made possible collaborations between people who were thousands of miles apart.阿帕网可以使相隔数千英里的人合作。
(5)The hypertext markup language is the language most frequently used to express Web pages.超文本标识语言是表示网页的最常用的语言。
(6)The elements of a record represent different types of information and are accessed by name.记录元素代表不同类型的信息,可以通过名字访问。
(7)In computing and computer applications,matrices are used to arrange set of data in table form.在数值计算和计算机应用中,矩阵用于组织表格形式的数据。
(8)On the Internet,a node or stopping point can be either a gateway node or a host (end-point)node.在因特网中,一个节点或一个止点都可以是网关节点或主(端点)节点。
(9)A counterrotating ring is a ring topology that consists of two rings transmitting in opposite directions.反向环是由两个相反方向的环构成的环型拓扑。
(10)In the simplest networks,a switch is not required for messages that are sent and received within the network.在最简单的网络中,无须用交换机来发送和接收网内的消息。
(1)Deselect the text by clicking anywhere outside of the selecion onthe pageor presing an arrow key on the keyboard.
(2)By the late 1950s,there were many researchers on AI, and most of them were basing their work on programming computers.
(3)Artificial intelligence is the science and engineering of making inteligent machines,especialy intelligent computer programs.
(4)Virus scan any new programs or other files that may contain executable code before you run or open them,no matter where they come from.
(5)It also amplifies the carrier signal,and accepts data packets,(perhaps buffering them during periods of network congestion)and forwards them.
(6)More video card memory and faster graphics processors can result in more stunning and enjoyable visual effects when running games and programs with detailed graphic design.
(7)As long as both computers recognize the same protocol,they can communicate without too much difficulty over the same network or even via a simple direct modem connection regardless whether or not they are themselves of the same type.
(8)C was developed in the early 1970s.C语言的研制始于19世纪70年代初期。
(9)The biggest problem with BASIC is portability.BASIC最大的问题是可移植性差。
(10)The CPU and memory are usually on the motherboard .CPU和内存通常在主板上。
(1)A brouter is a network bridge combined with a router.桥式路由器是结合了路由器的网桥。
(2)Nothing epitomizes modern life better than the computer.没有什么能比计算机更好地体现现代生活。
(3)The BIOS determines whether the video card is operational.BIOS测定显卡是否可以使用。
(4)What are the advantages and disadvantages of a ring topology?星型拓扑有何优点与缺点?
(5)A network typically means a group of computers working together.网络一般是指一组计算机共同工作。
(6)Ideally,you should back up your entire system on a regular basis.理想的情况是,定期备份整个系统。
(7)A bus topology connects each computer(node)to a single segment trunk.总线型拓扑把每个计算机(节点)连接到一个单段干线。
(8)In general,higher-level languages can be either interpreted or compiled.通常高级语言都可以被解释或编译。
(9)A firewall is a set of related programs located at a network gateway server.防火墙是网络网关服务器上的一组相关程序。
(10)After the formula is typed into the cell,the calculation executes immediately.公式被输入到单元格后,就立即计算了。
(1)Tape must be read or written sequentially,not randomly.磁带必须顺序读写,不能随机读写。
(2)The data we have collected is not enough to be convincing.我们所收集的数据还不足以令人信服。
(3)A gateway is often associated with both a router and a switch.网关也往往与路由器和交换机相关。
(4)All computer data can ultimately be reduced to a series of bits.所有的计算机数据都可以最后简化成一系列的位。
(5)The computer chip primarily responsible for executing instructions.计算机芯片主要负责执行指令。
(6)None of the projects had such a profound effect as the ARPANET project.没有任何一个其他项目像阿帕网项目这样影响深远。
(7)Mixed referencing can also be used where only the row or column is fixed.当只有行或列固定时,可以使用混合引用。
(8)Dialogue Box is a box which appears on screen,inviting input from the user.对话框是出现在屏幕上的框,让用户进行输入。
(9)LISP is a programming language wellsuited to,and well used by AI researchers.LISP是适合人工智能的编程语言,也是被人工智能研究者用得很好的编程语言。
(10)Some people classify languages into two categories,higher-level and lower-level.有些人把语言分为以下两种:高级语言和低级语言。