Dell m4800 装Ubuntu 14.04 无线网卡驱动的问题

由于系统驱动问题,DELL M4800安装Ubuntu 14.04找不到wifi模块,需要更新驱动。步骤如下:

Update of the driver : 

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get --reinstall install bcmwl-kernel-source

如果还没找到wifi,在官网下载最新的驱动,编译。按照驱动的readme.txt 如下:

# rmmod wl 

Did a find on all wk.ko on my computer and renamed all (except the newly created by the makefile)

# mv /wl.ko /wl.ko.orig

# cp wl.ko /wl.ko

# depmod

# modprobe wl

Got some errors so I did this :

# rmmod wl

and run (from the place where I copied the new wl.ko file):

# modprobe cfg80211


# insmod wl.ko

After a reboot of my machine and could activate wireless from the network icon (desktop right upper corner), and could connect to my private (wpa/wpa2)

 network with password.
