Mac OSX程序员使用笔记


  1. mac os 下 virtualbox 网络设置如何使用桥接模式
    mac上装了virtualbox,虚拟机winXp,想要让虚拟机通过桥接模式上网,这样可以很方便的模拟一台真实机器。设置过程中最关键的就是虚拟机的设置:网络中网卡链接方式选“网卡桥接”;界面名称(关键的地方来了)选USB Ethernet,因为我的mac是使用usb转接口连接的有线。下面附上virtualbox的官方文档信息:
    To enable bridged networking, all you need to do is to open the Settings dialog of a virtual machine, Go to the “Network” page and select “Bridged network” in the drop down list for the “Attached to” field. Finally, select desired host interface from the list at the bottom of the page, which contains the physical network interfaces of your systems. On a typical MacBook, for example, this will allow you to select between “en1: AirPort” (which is the wireless interface) and “en0: Ethernet”, which represents the interface with a network cable.

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