

  • 1. 引言
  • 2. Spring注解编程模型
    • 2.1 元注解(Meta-Annotations)
    • 2.2 Spring模式注解(Stereotype Annotations)
    • 2.3 Spring组合注解(Composed Annotations)
      • 2.3.1 MetadataReader
    • 2.4 Spring注解属性别名和覆盖(Attribute Aliases and Overrides)

1. 引言

模式注解使框架的配置变得简洁明了,从Spring Framework 3.1开始Spring开始全面支持面向注解配置,其中一些核心注解如下


Spring 注解 场景说明 起始版本
@Repository 数据仓库模式注解 2.0
@Component 通用组件模式注解 2.5
@Service 服务模式注解 2.5
@Controller Web控制器模式注解 2.5
@Configuration 配置类模式注解 3.0


Spring 注解 场景说明 起始版本
@ImportResource 替换XML元素 2.5
@Import 导入bean或者@configuration配置类 3.0
@ComponentScan 扫描指定package下标注Spring模式注解的类 3.1


Spring 注解 场景说明 起始版本
@Autowired Bean依赖注入,支持多种依赖查找方式 2.5
@Qualifier 细粒度限定@autowired注入 2.5
Spring 注解 场景说明 起始版本
@Resource @Bean依赖注入,仅支持名称依赖查找方式 2.5


Spring 注解 场景说明 起始版本
@Bean 替换XML元素 3.0
@DependsOn 替换XML元素 3.0
@Lazy 替换XML元素 3.0
@Primary 替换XML元素 3.0
@Role 替换XML元素 3.1
@Lookup 替换XML元素 4.1


Spring 注解 场景说明 起始版本
@Profile 配置化条件装配 3.1
@Conditional 编程条件装配 4.0


Spring 注解 场景说明 起始版本
@PropertySource 配置属性抽象 3.1
@PropertySources @PropertySource集合注解 4.0


Java 注解 场景说明 起始版本
@PostConstruct 替换XML元素 2.5
@PreDestroy 替换XML元素 2.5


Java 注解 场景说明 起始版本
@AliasFor 别名注解属性,实现复用的目的 4.2


Java 注解 场景说明 起始版本
@Indexed 提升Spring模式注解的扫描效率 5.0

2. Spring注解编程模型


  • 元注解(Meta-Annotations)
  • Spring模式注解(Stereotype Annotations)
  • Spring组合注解(Composed Annotations)
  • Spring注解属性别名和覆盖(Attribute Aliases and Overrides)

2.1 元注解(Meta-Annotations)


2.2 Spring模式注解(Stereotype Annotations)


A sterotype annotation is an annotation that is used to declare the role that a componnet plays within the application.

简而言之Stereotype Annotations就是说明组件扮演的角色,以@Component注解为例,@Service、@Repository、@Controler、@RestController及@Configuration都包含@Component注解,所以包含@Component的功能,同时他们在不同的场景下扮演不同的角色。在Spring Framework 4.x 之前以@Component注解为例,只能识别两层的@Component派生注解,在Spring Framework 4.x 之后可以递归识别多层次的@Component派生注解。
扫描注解并模拟初始化过程简单的原理我在另一篇Java基础 注解中有简要的分析了一下,主要过程就是根据配置的basePackage属性到该路径下搜索有相应注解标记的类。
还有一点是,处于性能方面的Spring获取底层元数据的方式是通过ASM实现的,而不是通过反射,如ClassReader类,相对于ClassLoader体系,Spring ASM更为底层,读取的是类资源,直接操作的是其中的字节码,获取相关元信息,在读取元信息方面Spring抽象出MetadataReader接口。

2.3 Spring组合注解(Composed Annotations)

其目的在于将多个注解行为组合成单个自定义注解,比如@SpringBootApplication注解由@SpringBootConfiguration、@EnableAutoConfiguration、@ComponentScan等几个注解组成,Spring并没有考虑通过Java反射的手段来解析元注解信息,而是抽象出AnnotationMetadata接口,其实现类为AnnotationMetadataReadingVisitor,从Spring 4.0开始,在初始化过程中AnnotationMetadataReadingVisitor所关联的AnnotationAttributesReadingVisitor采用递归查找元注解,并保存在AnnotationMetadataReadingVisitor的metaAnnotationMap字段中。

package org.springframework.core.type.classreading;

 * ASM visitor which looks for annotations defined on a class or method,
 * including meta-annotations.

This visitor is fully recursive, taking into account any nested * annotations or nested annotation arrays. * * @author Juergen Hoeller * @author Chris Beams * @author Phillip Webb * @author Sam Brannen * @since 3.0 */ final class AnnotationAttributesReadingVisitor extends RecursiveAnnotationAttributesVisitor { private final MultiValueMap attributesMap; private final Map> metaAnnotationMap; public AnnotationAttributesReadingVisitor(String annotationType, MultiValueMap attributesMap, Map> metaAnnotationMap, @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader) { super(annotationType, new AnnotationAttributes(annotationType, classLoader), classLoader); this.attributesMap = attributesMap; this.metaAnnotationMap = metaAnnotationMap; } @Override public void visitEnd() { super.visitEnd(); Class annotationClass = this.attributes.annotationType(); if (annotationClass != null) { List attributeList = this.attributesMap.get(this.annotationType); if (attributeList == null) { this.attributesMap.add(this.annotationType, this.attributes); } else { attributeList.add(0, this.attributes); } if (!AnnotationUtils.isInJavaLangAnnotationPackage(annotationClass.getName())) { try { Annotation[] metaAnnotations = annotationClass.getAnnotations(); if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(metaAnnotations)) { Set visited = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (Annotation metaAnnotation : metaAnnotations) { //递归查找元注解 recursivelyCollectMetaAnnotations(visited, metaAnnotation); } if (!visited.isEmpty()) { Set metaAnnotationTypeNames = new LinkedHashSet<>(visited.size()); for (Annotation ann : visited) { metaAnnotationTypeNames.add(ann.annotationType().getName()); } this.metaAnnotationMap.put(annotationClass.getName(), metaAnnotationTypeNames); } } } catch (Throwable ex) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Failed to introspect meta-annotations on " + annotationClass + ": " + ex); } } } } } //递归查找元注解 private void recursivelyCollectMetaAnnotations(Set visited, Annotation annotation) { Class annotationType = annotation.annotationType(); String annotationName = annotationType.getName(); if (!AnnotationUtils.isInJavaLangAnnotationPackage(annotationName) && visited.add(annotation)) { try { // Only do attribute scanning for public annotations; we'd run into // IllegalAccessExceptions otherwise, and we don't want to mess with // accessibility in a SecurityManager environment. if (Modifier.isPublic(annotationType.getModifiers())) { this.attributesMap.add(annotationName, AnnotationUtils.getAnnotationAttributes(annotation, false, true)); } for (Annotation metaMetaAnnotation : annotationType.getAnnotations()) { recursivelyCollectMetaAnnotations(visited, metaMetaAnnotation); } } catch (Throwable ex) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Failed to introspect meta-annotations on " + annotation + ": " + ex); } } } } }

2.3.1 MetadataReader


package org.springframework.core.type.classreading;

 * Simple facade for accessing class metadata,
 * as read by an ASM {@link org.springframework.asm.ClassReader}.
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @since 2.5
public interface MetadataReader {

	 * Return the resource reference for the class file.
	Resource getResource();

	 * Read basic class metadata for the underlying class.
	ClassMetadata getClassMetadata();

	 * Read full annotation metadata for the underlying class,
	 * including metadata for annotated methods.
	AnnotationMetadata getAnnotationMetadata();


需要注意的是无论是ClassMetadata还是AnnotationMetadata,均没有Java Class和Annotation API那样丰富的关联属性,MetadataReader有明显的资源特性,getResource()方法关联了类资源的Resource信息,他在Spring Framework中有一个final实现类SimpleMetadataReader,其关联的ClassMetadata和AnnotationMetadata信息在构造阶段完成初始化

package org.springframework.core.type.classreading;

 * {@link MetadataReader} implementation based on an ASM
 * {@link org.springframework.asm.ClassReader}.

Package-visible in order to allow for repackaging the ASM library * without effect on users of the {@code core.type} package. * * @author Juergen Hoeller * @author Costin Leau * @since 2.5 */ final class SimpleMetadataReader implements MetadataReader { private final Resource resource; private final ClassMetadata classMetadata; private final AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata; SimpleMetadataReader(Resource resource, @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader) throws IOException { InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(resource.getInputStream()); ClassReader classReader; try { classReader = new ClassReader(is); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new NestedIOException("ASM ClassReader failed to parse class file - " + "probably due to a new Java class file version that isn't supported yet: " + resource, ex); } finally { is.close(); } AnnotationMetadataReadingVisitor visitor = new AnnotationMetadataReadingVisitor(classLoader); classReader.accept(visitor, ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG); this.annotationMetadata = visitor; // (since AnnotationMetadataReadingVisitor extends ClassMetadataReadingVisitor) this.classMetadata = visitor; this.resource = resource; } @Override public Resource getResource() { return this.resource; } @Override public ClassMetadata getClassMetadata() { return this.classMetadata; } @Override public AnnotationMetadata getAnnotationMetadata() { return this.annotationMetadata; } }


private Set scanCandidateComponents(String basePackage) {
		Set candidates = new LinkedHashSet<>();
		try {
			String packageSearchPath = ResourcePatternResolver.CLASSPATH_ALL_URL_PREFIX +
					resolveBasePackage(basePackage) + '/' + this.resourcePattern;
			Resource[] resources = getResourcePatternResolver().getResources(packageSearchPath);
			boolean traceEnabled = logger.isTraceEnabled();
			boolean debugEnabled = logger.isDebugEnabled();
			for (Resource resource : resources) {
				if (traceEnabled) {
					logger.trace("Scanning " + resource);
				if (resource.isReadable()) {
					try {
						MetadataReader metadataReader = getMetadataReaderFactory().getMetadataReader(resource);
						if (isCandidateComponent(metadataReader)) {
							ScannedGenericBeanDefinition sbd = new ScannedGenericBeanDefinition(metadataReader);
							if (isCandidateComponent(sbd)) {
								if (debugEnabled) {
									logger.debug("Identified candidate component class: " + resource);
							else {
								if (debugEnabled) {
									logger.debug("Ignored because not a concrete top-level class: " + resource);
						else {
							if (traceEnabled) {
								logger.trace("Ignored because not matching any filter: " + resource);
					catch (Throwable ex) {
				else {
					if (traceEnabled) {
						logger.trace("Ignored because not readable: " + resource);
		catch (IOException ex) {
		return candidates;


public interface MetadataReaderFactory {

	 * Obtain a MetadataReader for the given class name.
	 * @param className the class name (to be resolved to a ".class" file)
	 * @return a holder for the ClassReader instance (never {@code null})
	 * @throws IOException in case of I/O failure
	MetadataReader getMetadataReader(String className) throws IOException;

	 * Obtain a MetadataReader for the given resource.
	 * @param resource the resource (pointing to a ".class" file)
	 * @return a holder for the ClassReader instance (never {@code null})
	 * @throws IOException in case of I/O failure
	MetadataReader getMetadataReader(Resource resource) throws IOException;



 * 通过MetadataReaderFactory获取metadataReader实例并获取元信息
public class AnnotationMetadataInfo {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    String className = AnnotationMetadataInfo.class.getName();
    MetadataReaderFactory metadataReaderFactory = new CachingMetadataReaderFactory();
    MetadataReader metadataReader = metadataReaderFactory.getMetadataReader(className);
    AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata = metadataReader.getAnnotationMetadata();
    Set set = annotationMetadata.getAnnotationTypes();
    set.forEach(annotationTypeName -> {
          metaAnnotationTypeName -> {

2.4 Spring注解属性别名和覆盖(Attribute Aliases and Overrides)
