The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People


Words and Phrases

1.Understanding how to tap into that right brain capacity greatly increases our first creation ability.

tap into:to understand and express something such as people’s beliefs or attitudes

e.g. Salesman has the ability to tap into people’s attitudes so as to seize the opportunities to let them buy his products.

2. The right with simultaneous and holistic thinking.

holistic: considering a whole thing or being to be more than a collection of parts整体的;全面的

e.g. Environmental problems usually require holistic solutions.

3.They become very reverent.

Reverent: showing great respect and admiration 非常尊敬的;深表崇敬的

e.g. When people went to church, they looked very reverent.

4. in the heat of:  at the busiest time, or during the most difficult part of something

e.g.In the heat of the speech competition, I forgot to be nervous.


Key points

1.expand perspective

2.Visualization and affirmation

3.Identifying roles and goals

4.personal mission statements

1.作者去一家酒店,看到每个人都能够打心底里去服务和帮助他人,满足顾客的需求,让顾客享受到无与伦比的服务,让我想到了海底捞,经常听到别人说的一句话:去吃的不是火锅,而是服务。我真的很佩服他们,能够每个人都那么细致,那么有礼貌,那么周到体贴,让顾客吃得开心,享受到很好的服务,这背后就有作者提到的organizational mission  statements吧,有他们的核心价值和宗旨。

2.我觉得我的生活就缺少这样一种personal mission statements, 所以做起事来经常是三分钟热度,因为没有看得太重要。完成最好,没有完成也就不了了之。所以呀,我真的得好好考量自己的personal mission statements, 不能再懒得去思考,到时候就是因为懒得去想而错过太多太多,真的后悔莫及。Habit 2今天也就结束了,这个"以终为始"的习惯,给了我一些危机感,我不能总是认为时间还有太多,想做的事情一推再推。要想到在生命结束之时,是否已经活成自己想要的样子,是否有意义而精彩,是否对自己这一生感到满意,所以这样的思考要慢慢的去付诸于行动,才能有所成效。加油吧!

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