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A Complete List of What's new in Delphi 10 Seattle

Key New Features Benefits
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! FMX Application Platform for creating native iOS applications for iOS 7.x and iOS 8.x, for both ARMv7 and ARM 64-bit. Supports iOS 8.4.
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! FMX Application Platform for creating native Android ARMv7 applications for Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0.3, 4.0.4), Jelly Bean (4.1, 4.2, 4.3), Kit Kat (4.4), and Lollipop (5.x). Supports Android 5.1.1.
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! VCL (Visual Component Library) for rapidly building 64-bit applications for Windows 10, Windows 8.x and Windows 7; Windows Server 2008 and 2012.
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! VCL (Visual Component Library) for rapidly building 32-bit applications for Windows 10, Windows 8.x and Windows 7; Windows Server 2008 and 2012.
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Microsoft Windows SDK support for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 APIs. Includes support for calling both classic Win32/Win64 APIs and also WinRT APIs.
  • New in 10 Seattle! Mouse-over Hints support for FireMonkey visual controls on desktop
  • New in 10 Seattle! Native style presentation for Windows for Edit and Memo platform controls
  • New in 10 Seattle! FireMonkey controls zOrder support for Windows
  • New in 10 Seattle! Enhance Clipboard support to allow copy/paste of bitmaps
  • New in 10 Seattle! Touch animation for Android platform
  • New in 10 Seattle! FireMonkey apps can receive intents, regardless of the source (email, web link, other app). A new sample demonstrates this ability.
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! MultiView component to create a UI that adapts to the form factor, from mobile to tablet, from portrait to landscape. Now with specific support for Windows 10 UI.
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Specific TSwitch behavior for Windows 10 UI
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Edit and Calendar ability to dynamically render a platform native UI control on iOS
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! ListView platform controls for iOS
  • New in 10 Seattle! ScrollBox platform controls for iOS
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Bluetooth LE component (on platforms that fully support the technology)
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Bluetooth framework improvements and new Bluetooth component for classic Bluetooth connectivity
  • New in 10 Seattle! New TBeaconDevice class for turning a device on one of the supported platforms into a “beacon”
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Notification Center Component for using notifications in your iOS and Android applications, including notification sound and now supporting also Windows 10 Notifications
  • New in 10 Seattle! Allow the use of IFMXDragDropService to drag data to another applications on OS X
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Bitmap Style Designer enhancement, including new templates for Windows, Mac OS and Android Lollipop styles, ability to create blank styles for different platforms, and to adjust objects for different graphic resolutions
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Improved integrated FireMonkey Style Designer and enhancement to the TStyleBook component to support a collection of styles for various platforms
  • New in 10 Seattle! StyleViewer for Windows 10 Style in Bitmap Style Designer
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Object Inspector to set component properties and events
  • New in 10 Seattle! High-DPI Awareness and 4K monitors support, plus Windows 8.1/10 multi-monitor support for VCL applications
  • New in 10 Seattle! New custom VCL controls corresponding to some of the new Windows 10 UI controls, which can also be used on previous version of Windows
  • New in 10 Seattle! New ActivityIndicator VCL control
  • New in 10 Seattle! New SearchBox VCL control
  • New in 10 Seattle! New RelativePanel VCL control
  • New in 10 Seattle! New ToggleSwitch VCL control
  • New in 10 Seattle! New SplitView VCL control
  • New in 10 Seattle! Modern looking SelectDirectory function
  • New in 10 Seattle! Windows 10 specific VCL styles, to build applications matching Microsoft’s Modern look and feel
  • New in 10 Seattle! VCL Styling improvements, including support for styling common dialogs and the TWebBrowser component
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Premium styles including TabletLight, Sky, and Glow VCL styles
  • New in 10 Seattle! Support for Android Services in the IDE, including wizards to create Android Services and to add them to an existing Android app
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Deploy apps to the iOS Device (Debug/Ad Hoc/ App Store), now with several iOS device provisioning improvements to simplify the deployment process – including Auto Bundle identifier
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Delphi 1 through XE8 project import and C++Builder 3 through XE8 project import
  • New in 10 Seattle! Support for calling WinRT APIs, thought over 40 specific Object Pascal interface units
  • New in 10 Seattle! Support for Windows 10 Notifications using the NotificationCenter component
  • New in 10 Seattle! Support for contracts, the system mechanism for sharing information with other Windows 10 applications (apps can behave like contract sources) using the new SharingContract component
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Delphi and C++ RTL for OS X (enhanced OS X exceptions handling)
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Native zip file support. TZipFile class now has a callback to use during the extraction process to know the current progress
  • New in 10 Seattle! JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) processing using a JSON.NET implementation for JSON streaming with new readers and writers (including base TJsonReader and TJsonWriter classes)
  • New in 10 Seattle! Specialized JSON readers and writers, including the new TJsonTextReader and TJsonTextWriter classes, and support for Extended JSON
  • New in 10 Seattle! Binary JSON (BSON) readers and writers support, as part of the same JSON.NET architecture (including the new TBsonReader and TBsonWriter classes)
  • New in 10 Seattle! JSON and BSON fluent method builders, including the TJSONArrayBuilder and TJSONObjectBuilder classes
  • New in 10 Seattle! JSON and BSON fast forward-only iterator (TJSONIterator)
  • New in 10 Seattle! IDE built with large memory address model, to provide significantly more memory to the embedded compilers, integrated debuggers, and various tools executed in the IDE process
  • New in 10 Seattle! Redesigned compiler unit caching mechanism, to free older units in case the available memory is begin filled up, when compiling project groups with multiple projects
  • New in 10 Seattle! Improved multi-monitor support in the IDE, with the ability to place most forms and panes on different secondary monitors
  • New in 10 Seattle! Form designer option to hide/show non-visual controls icon (reducing form design potential clutter)
  • New in 10 Seattle! Structure View Icons representing the corresponding component
  • New in 10 Seattle! Unsaved file auto-recovery – unsaved work is periodically saved to a temporary location. If the IDE closes ungracefully (because of a system crash) the IDE will attempt to recover the user’s unsaved work
  • New in 10 Seattle! Enhanced IDE Project Options to easily enable High-DPI Awareness in your applications
  • New in 10 Seattle! Full customization of the Object Inspector layout, with the ability of hiding the description panel, the quick actions, and the new filter panel
  • New in 10 Seattle! Object Inspector contents can be filtered to display specific elements
  • New in 10 Seattle! Shortcuts to increase/decrease the size of the font in the code editor
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! GetIt Library Manager for easy discovery, download and update of source code libraries, components, and other features from Embarcadero GetIt servers*. Extended with Categories, UI improvements, and new actions* Use of GetIt requires Internet connectivity. The feature is not available to off-line developers.
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Project statistics information for activity tracking and to better understand team productivity
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Clipboard history, keeping track of the content of past cut and copy operations, to paste it once more
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Multi -paste support to let you perform the same paste operation on multiple source code lines at once
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Parenthesis matching, flow control highlighting, and structural highlighting
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Flow control highlighting, to visually see the flow jumps in your code directly in the editor
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Code navigation toolbar with classes and methods combo boxes at the top of the editor
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Smart keys, now fully integrated
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Smart symbol search
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! A set of new examples and demos to help new and existing developers get the most out of the environment
  • New in 10 Seattle! Support for C++ parallel compilation
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Updated Subversion libraries to 1.8.13
  • New in 10 Seattle! Prototype synchronization – as you change the prototype for a function, you can use this feature to synchronize the interface and implementation sections to match (Object Pascal language only)
  • New in 10 Seattle! Remote iOS 64-bit device debugging
  • New in 10 Seattle! Complete FireDAC support for the NoSQL MongoDB database, including a new FireDAC MongoDB driver
  • New in 10 Seattle! MongoDB API wrapping classes, including TMongoConnection, TMongoDatabase, TMongoCollection and more
  • New in 10 Seattle! MongoDB query, pipeline, update commands, and more with fluent methods builders
  • New in 10 Seattle! MongoDB specific datasets, inlcuding TFDMongoDataSet (which allows to attach dataset to MongoDB cursor), TFDMongoQuery (which allows to execute queries to MongoDB collection) and TFDMongoPipeline (which allows to execute pipelines to MongoDB collection)
  • New in 10 Seattle!DUnitX unit testing support for mobile platforms (iOS and Android)
  • New in 10 Seattle! Example of the use of the FDSchemaAdapter component in DataSnap applications
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Specific DataSnap support for exposing FireDAC datasets and reconciling changes using deltas (with the unit FireDACJSONReflect), now with data compression for better throughput optimization
  • New in 10 Seattle! DataSnap clients uses System.NET for HTTP and HTTPS, with no need to deploy the OpenSLL client library
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) API
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Amazon Queue Service API
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Amazon SimpleDB API
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Cloud libraries now use the System.Net native HTTP and HTTPS support
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! JSON reader and writers used in the BaaS client library
  • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! JSON reader and writers used in the REST client library
