人脸数据库汇总—Part 3


人脸数据库汇总—Part 1 - holybin的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

人脸数据库汇总—Part 2 - holybin的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

人脸数据库汇总—Part 4 - holybin的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET



Glasgow unfamiliar face database

Three imagesof each of 303 identities, plus20 video stills for training


Meissner Caucasian andAfrican American set

Around 100 ofeach race, each neutral andsmiling.  Access by email permission.


Brazillian FEIdatabase

100 of eachsex, 14 images for each atvarious angles.  640x480 pixels.  Alsoincludes cropped frontalimages, smile and neutral. WIth permission, I've mirrored the main imagecollections here, since downloadfrom Brazil can be quite slow: part1  part2  part3  part4  cropped1  cropped2


Radboudface database

67 identities, each with 8 expressions:Anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness,surprise, contempt, and neutral, 3gaze directions and five cameraangles.  Access by request.


IndianFace database

11 images ofeach of 39 men, 22 womenfrom Indian institute of technology Kanpur,640x480 colour (not greyscale as itsays on their site).


SocialCognition and Social Neuroscience lab at Princeton

A variety ofcollections of faces, includingsome computer generated, rated on dimensionssuch as trustworthiness anddominance.


KarolinskaDirectedEmotional Faces - KDEF

 70 individuals, each displaying 7different emotional expressions, each expressionbeing photographed (twice) from5 different angles.



BioID Face Detection Database

1521 images with human faces, recordedundernatural conditions, i.e. varying illumination and complex background. Theeyepositions have been set manually (and are included in the set) forcalculatingthe accuracy of a face detector. A formula is presented tonormalize thedecision of a match or mismatch. This is, to my knowledge, thefirst attempt tofinally create a real test scenario with precise rules on howto calculate theaccuracy of a face detector - open for all to compare theirresults in ascientific way!


FGnet - FaceandGesture Recognition Working Group 

European FGnet encourages developmentofface and gesture recognition techniques. Among other contributions worthhavinga look at, they provide resources especially useful forfacedetection/recognition. Have a look at "Benchmark Data" to accessthelist of useful datasets!


CarnegieMellon Test Images

(1)PIE Database         The CMUPose, Illumination, and Expression (PIE) database, provided by SimonBaker

(2)frontal_images      test imagesfor the facedetection task, provided by Henry A. Rowley

(3)profile_images       testimages forthe face detection task, provided by Henry Schneiderman

(4)facial_expressions         CMU-Pittfacial expression database, provided by Jeff Cohn.



Lots of face images, mostly peoplefromAsia. Single face pictures are in the "one faces" subdirectory.



Average female and male face (UniversityRegensburg,Germany) for Causes and Consequences of Human FacialAttractiveness.

