







[b][size=large][url=http://tos-dr.info/]http://tos-dr.info/[/url] (ToS;DR : Terms of Service; Didn't Read)
成立于2012年6月,旨在分解使用各大主流网站或者服务时,需要无条件接受的使用许可协议(Terms of Service)和隐私条款(Privacy Policies)中的存在的不合理条款。[/size][/b]

[b][size=large]项目负责人[url=http://twitter.com/hugoroyd]Hugo Roy[/url]从[url=http://www.azarask.in/blog/post/privacy-icons/]Privacy Icons[/url]和[url=http://github.com/pde/tosback2]EFF's TOSBack[/url]获得灵感启动ToS;DR项目,由于这项工作需要专业的法律知识,所以Hugo也希望大家都能够加入进来一起来做Review。[/size][/b]

Twitter、Twitpic、Facebook、Steam、Delicious、GitHub、SoundCloud、Google、DuckDuckGo、500px、SeenThis、Amazon、Apple、AT&T、Comcast、Foursquare、Loopt、Microsoft、myspace、Skype、Verizon、Yahoo!、Dropbox、LinkedIn、Sonic.net、Zoosk、WhatsApp、Habbo、eBuddy、Evernote、vBulletin、Minecraft、RuneScape、Wordpress.com、Rapidshare、BearShare、phpBB、Wordfeud、Xfire、World of Warcraft、OLX、bitly、Hypster、Wikipedia、Spideroak、Gravatar、identi.ca、Instagram、FlattrNo等[/size][/b]

[quote][b]“I have read and agree to the Terms” is the biggest lie on the web. We aim to fix that.

[b][size=large]在这个网站上,分析了大量的网站的服务协议,按照颜色分类绿色Class A表示“良心条款”、红色Class E表示“不良条款”。最不受欢迎的条款包括“无法取消服务、无法删除账号”、“第三方应用查看资料”、“账号可被随时关停”、“法律实施不透明”等。这些被网友评级为“不良条款”的条款基本上在所有的网站或者应用中都存在。除此之外,也有许多条款被网友评级为“良心条款”,比如Twitter的“使用用户资料会告知”和“追踪数据10天内删除”,Facebook的“帮助保护账号安全”和“法律实施透明”,SeenThis的“用户可以索取个人数据”和“可以取消账户”,Google和LinkedIn的“使用资料会向用户申请”等。


[b]Business Transfers[/b]
Can they sell your data?

[b]Suspension and Censorship[/b]
Can they end your use of the service at any time?

[b]Equality of rights[/b]

[b]Personal Data[/b]
Can you control your privacy?

[b]Changing Terms[/b]
When and how can the terms change?

[b]Jurisdiction and governing laws[/b]
What is the jurisdiction, what laws govern the terms?

[b]Anonymity and Tracking [/b]
Are you being spied on?The terms sometimes describe the level of logging and the level of data collection and which kinds of data the service is processing.

[b]Cookies and related technologies[/b]
Cookies are files stored locally in your web browser containing identifiable information. (Category: track)

[b]Data portability[/b]
Can you get your data back?It is essential that users who do not wish to continue using a service can get their data out of the service, and thus avoid lock-in. (Category: leave)

[b]Law and government requests [/b]
How do services deal with government requests?

[b]Scope of the copyright license [/b]
Do you grant only the necessary rights?
Copyright law gives you control over how your content (texts, photos, videos, etc.) can be used, by whom they can be distributed, modified, etc. Sometimes, online services need your permission to perform certain tasks with your content. That's why they ask you to grant them a copyright license. But sometimes, the copyright license is so broad, that your content can be exploited by others without asking you. (Category: ownership)

What happens with the content you generate on the service?
The content and the data you generate on services online is usually subject to copyright law. When your data are collected by services, they can be considered personal data. It means that it is your content, your data: you can decide.

[b]Law enforcement and due process[/b]
What are the law enforcement standards followed by the service? (Category: law-gov)

[b]Easy to read [/b]
Are the terms easy to find and well written?

[b]Right to leave the service[/b]
To avoid lock-in and stay in control

Your relationship with the service and the community

[b]User information Transparency and education[/b]
The level of information provided by the ‪service that is beneficial to the user.Waiving your right What kind of rights do you give up on?
Logs How long do they keep them?

[b]Third Parties[/b]
