

     ZPLANE Z-plane zero-pole plot.
    ZPLANE(Z,P) plots the zeros Z and poles P (in column vectors) with the 
    unit circle for reference.  Each zero is represented with a 'o' and 
    each pole with a 'x' on the plot.  Multiple zeros and poles are 
    indicated by the multiplicity number shown to the upper right of the 
    zero or pole.  ZPLANE(Z,P) where Z and/or P is a matrix, plots the zeros
    or poles in different columns using the colors specified by the axes 
    ColorOrder property.
    ZPLANE(B,A) where B and A are row vectors containing transfer function
    polynomial coefficients plots the poles and zeros of B(z)/A(z).  Note
    that if B and A are both scalars they will be interpreted as Z and P.
    [HZ,HP,Hl] = ZPLANE(Z,P) returns vectors of handles to the lines and 
    text objects generated.  HZ is a vector of handles to the zeros lines, 
    HP is a vector of handles to the poles lines, and Hl is a vector of 
    handles to the axes / unit circle line and to text objects which are 
    present when there are multiple zeros or poles.  In case there are no 
    zeros or no poles, HZ or HP is set to the empty matrix [].
    ZPLANE(Z,P,AX) puts the plot into the axes specified by the handle AX.

      假设为一个零点,多个极点系统且b=[0.2 0.8 0.64],a=1,用zplane(b,a)就可以画出如下的系统零极点图。







