Chapter4 阅读笔记
Where Have All the Criminals Gone?
open-and-shut thinking
“It may be more comforting to believe what the newspapers say, that the drop in crime was due to brilliant policing and clever gun control and a surging economy. We have evolved with a tendency to link causality to things we can touch or feel, not to some distant or difficult phenomenon. We believe especially in near-term causes: a snake bites your friend, he screams with pain, and he dies. The snakebite, you conclude, must have killed him. Most of the time, such a reckoning is correct. But when it comes to cause and effect, there is often a trap in such open-and-shut thinking. We smirk now when we think of ancient cultures that embraced faulty causes-the warriors who believed, for instance, that it was their raping of a virgin that brought them victory on the battlefield. But we too embrace faulty causes, usually at the urging of an expert proclaiming a truth in which he has a vested interest.”
这让我想到昨天兰先生问我,你知道香港经济为什么会衰落吗?我想了想说,“97香港回归后自由贸易港的地位不行了,回归后政策不好了。”在我的大脑里好象在哪里听到过类似的说法。兰先生很认真的说,“你的这解释是大部分人犯的错误,你仔细想想政策真的发生变化了吗?” 我犯的错误恰好是忽略了香港的发展历史,只关注短期历史。
作者在分析每个因素了时候都离开经济学的数据分析,通过这一章作者提出一个经济学概念:unintened benefit
The crime drop was, in the language of economists, an “unintended benefit” of legalized abortion.But one need not oppose abortion on moral or religious grounds to feel shaken by the notion of a private sadness being converted into a public good.
破窗效应(英语:Broken windows theory)是犯罪学的一个理论,该理论由詹姆士·威尔逊(James Q. Wilson)及乔治·凯林(George L. Kelling)提出,并刊于《The Atlantic Monthly》1982年3月版的一篇题为《Broken Windows》的文章。此理论认为环境中的不良现象如果被放任存在,会诱使人们仿效,甚至变本加厉。 一幢有少许破窗的建筑为例,如果那些窗不被修理好,可能将会有破坏者破坏更多的窗户。最终他们甚至会闯入建筑内,如果发现无人居住,也许就在那里定居或者纵火。一面墙,如果出现一些涂鸦没有被清洗掉,很快的,墙上就布满了乱七八糟、不堪入目的东西;一条人行道有些许纸屑,不久后就会有更多垃圾,最终人们会视若理所当然地将垃圾顺手丢弃在地上。这个现象,就是犯罪心理学中的破窗效应!
1. construe: 理解;领会;
If something is construed in a particular way, its nature or meaning is interpreted in that way.
What may seem helpful behaviour to you can beconstrued as interference by others...
2. in tandem with
与…协作;配合;If one person does something in tandem with another person, the two people do it by working together.
3. turnnstile
a mechanical gate consisting of revolving horizontal arms fixed to a vertical post, allowing only one person at a time to pass through
jump a subway turnstile
4. panacea
a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases
万能之计; 灵丹妙药, 包治百病的灵药: