title: Matrix.NET - C# managed code classes for Linear Algebra.
Introduction: Matrix.NET 2.0 is a complete redesign based on this premise:
Math.NET is a mathematical open source library written in C#. Math.NET aims to provide a self contained* clean framework for symbolic mathematical (CAS, Computer Algebra System), and also for numerical / scientific computations. The Math.NET project is covered under the LGPL or rarely GPL, vary amoung various components.
(* does not depend on external libraries like Intel MKL, BLAS or LAPACK)
After public release 0.19, the original project, now called Math.NET Symbolics: Classic, was abandoned due to architectorial limitations, and Math.NET was redesigned and rewritten from scratch, seperated in several packages: Numerics, Symbolics and SignalProcessing. This website and the Wiki deal with this new architecture while the old website remains in place (see below). Unfortunately, the new architecture still suports hardly all features of the old architecture yet, but opens up some new areas (particularly numerical methods) and, looking at the new symbolics architecture, has the potential to outstrip the old architecture soon. Also, Math.NET is no longer a one-man project - currently we're a team of 5-6 developers.
十二 Math.NET
link: http://nmath.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
Math.NET is a mathematical open source library written in C#. Math.NET aims to provide a self contained clean framework for symbolic mathematical (CAS, Computer Algebra System), and also for numerical / scientific computations. The Math.NET project is covered under the GPL or LGPL, vary amoung various components. If you have questions, visit our FAQ.
link: http://mathnet.opensourcedotnet.info/Default.aspx
overview: A mathematical open source (LGPL & GPL) library written in C#/.Net, aiming to provide a self contained clean framework for symbolic algebraic and numerical / scientific computations.
十三 .Math
link: http://hebertsoft.com/dotmath/
overview: Welcome to .Math, the OpenSource expression compiler for the .NET platform written entirely in C#. Offering speed through compilation of expressions, the library allows for variable handling, an entire function library and the ability to add your own functions.
.Math Sourcecode is available as an OpenSource license on the web at http://workspaces.gotdotnet.com/math.
link: http://sharptoolbox.com/tools/math-expression-compiler
overview: Open source expression compiler written entirely in C#.
.Math parses and compiles an expression and makes variables available for discovery and setting through the API. This library enables free-form, user-entered expressions within an application with variable support and allows for the addition of user-defined functions.
The library binary is available along with source code, including NUnit tests.
十四: dotMath
link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/dotmath/
overview: The dotMath library is a two-pass expression compiler written entirely in C# for the Microsoft .NET platform. The library requires only the core .NET library (supporting all shipping versions 1.0 and 1.1). The library is capable of running on any system
link: http://www.codeplex.com/dotMath
Welcome to dotMath, the extensible OpenSource expression compiler for the .NET platform written entirely in C#. Offering speed through compilation of expressions, the library allows for variable handling, an entire function library and the ability to add your own functions.
If you need to evaluate fixed or variable expressions, dotMath is your solution:
十五:mathworks公司的一个open source math component,忘记了名字,以后找到了再详述。
美国Visual Numerics公司在2006年年底之前为全校师生提供使用Visual Numerics数据分析工具软件,全校师生使用可申请授权。该软件的授权范围只限于本校师生用于科研与教学活动,且只限于在各院、系、所以及研究中心的四颗(不含)处理器以下的计算机服务器上运行。
从即日起在工作时间内,欢迎大家到计算机与信息管理中心的用户服务中心办理申请使用Visual Numerics数据分析工具的手续。申请的步骤如下:
项次 申请系所 使用人 产品类别 OS & Compiler Host Name Host ID
姓名 学号 email
1 IMSL C Windows XP / MS Visual C++ .NET 2003 12345678 12345678
2、用户服务中心审核资格后,提供产品下载帐号,并将用户信息提交给美国Visual Numerics公司。
联系地点:中央主楼218房间 联系人:张如侠
联系电话:62771940 62771942
Visual Numerics公司提供的产品清单及介绍
一、 定量分析(数值分析)类:Fortran, C, C++, Java, C# 等各种计算器语言程序(函式)库
IMSL Fortran Library程序库
IMSL Fortran 整合了IMSL F90、IMSL F77与并行处理功能,成为完整、单一的数学、统计程序库。全新、弹性的接口,适用最新的Fortran语法与可选择的参数。IMSL提供完整的向下兼容功能;能提高程序的品质,减少错误,加速程序的开发。IMSL支持Windows, Linux, Unix以及各种最新超级计算机之作业环境。IMSL针对金融产业推出许多新的优化算法,也整合了更多新的LAPACK程序。IMSL TS是100% thread safety程序库,所有程序均在「多执行绪」状态下经过检验与测试。科学家可在同一时间重复的呼叫相同的、或是不同的数学、统计程序,进行大型的数值分析,能确保数据运算的正确性。
IMSL C Library (CNL)程序库
CNL是为C与C++程序设计师所开发之工具,以IMSL Fortran程序库做为基础,运用C语言的优点予以撰写。拥有400余种经过验证、可靠的数学、统计程序。CNL涵盖了85% 以上IMSL Fortran的功能。最新版本的CNL包含许多的新程序,如优化(Optimization)、数据探采、时间序列以及实验设计等,同时也能支持更多、最新的作业环境。
IMSL C# Library程序库
IMSL C# 是为C#、Visual BasicTM .NET 程序设计师所开发之工具。IMSL C# 是以IMSL Fortran程序库为基础,以100% pure C# 所开发,涵盖了绝大多数IMSL Fortran经过证明、精确可靠的数学、统计程序。IMSL C# 能与Microsoft的Excel, .NET的各种图形、应用系统甚至于第三方厂商以 .NET所开发的软件图形、应用系统做充分、完美的结合。
JMSL-IMSL Library for Java程序库
JMSL是一套Java的数学、统计、图形程序库,由纯 Java 所撰写;提供您开发Java程序与网络应用系统的组件。JMSL程序库是以经过多年测试、可靠、快速的IMSL Fortran算法理论做基础来改写,提供您值得信赖的数学、统计程序库,以及许多种常用的2-D图形组件库。
二、 定性分析(图形分析)类: PV-WAVE系列产品
PV-WAVE是一套数组导向的第四代程序语言(4-GL),有简易、直觉的语法,容易操作的使用者接口。 从1D/2D 的图形、等高线、表面处理,到 3D 三维曲面图形、断层 (Iso-Surface)处理。 由饼图、直方图... 到各种图形绘制、影像处理、2D/3D 向量图形...,到动画呈现 ...等等。 PV-WAVE能处理大型数据集、提供各类数据型式(Byte, integer, floating, complex, table, structure...)、支持各种数据格式(ASCII, Binaries, Images, C/Fortran...),也可以外接其它程序语言、各种数据库,支持各种操作系统。以高效能、精确性与令人惊叹的速度来帮您呈现、分析数据。PV-WAVE也可以内建IMSL程序库,在做图形分析之同时进行数值计算与分析。
JWAVE (Java-Enabled PV-WAVE)
SPSS .NET wrapper assembly goes open source