Module | Explanation | Explanation(Chinese) |
a10_server | Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices' server object. | |
a10_server_axapi3 | Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices | |
a10_service_group | Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices' service groups. | |
a10_virtual_server | Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices' virtual servers. | |
aci_aaa_user | Manage AAA users (aaa:User) | |
aci_aaa_user_certificate | Manage AAA user certificates (aaa:UserCert) | |
aci_access_port_to_interface_policy_leaf_profile | Manage Fabric interface policy leaf profile interface selectors (infra:HPortS, infra:RsAccBaseGrp, infra:PortBlk) | |
aci_aep | Manage attachable Access Entity Profile (AEP) objects (infra:AttEntityP, infra:ProvAcc) | |
aci_aep_to_domain | Bind AEPs to Physical or Virtual Domains (infra:RsDomP) | |
aci_ap | Manage top level Application Profile (AP) objects (fv:Ap) | |
aci_bd | Manage Bridge Domains (BD) objects (fv:BD) | |
aci_bd_subnet | Manage Subnets (fv:Subnet) | |
aci_bd_to_l3out | Bind Bridge Domain to L3 Out (fv:RsBDToOut) | |
aci_config_rollback | Provides rollback and rollback preview functionality (config:ImportP) | |
aci_config_snapshot | Manage Config Snapshots (config:Snapshot, config:ExportP) | |
aci_contract | Manage contract resources (vz:BrCP) | |
aci_contract_subject | Manage initial Contract Subjects (vz:Subj) | |
aci_contract_subject_to_filter | Bind Contract Subjects to Filters (vz:RsSubjFiltAtt) | |
aci_domain | Manage physical, virtual, bridged, routed or FC domain profiles (phys:DomP, vmm:DomP, l2ext:DomP, l3ext:DomP, fc:DomP) | |
aci_domain_to_encap_pool | Bind Domain to Encap Pools (infra:RsVlanNs) | |
aci_domain_to_vlan_pool | Bind Domain to VLAN Pools (infra:RsVlanNs) | |
aci_encap_pool | Manage encap pools (fvns:VlanInstP, fvns:VxlanInstP, fvns:VsanInstP) | |
aci_encap_pool_range | Manage encap ranges assigned to pools (fvns:EncapBlk, fvns:VsanEncapBlk) | |
aci_epg | Manage End Point Groups (EPG) objects (fv:AEPg) | |
aci_epg_monitoring_policy | Manage monitoring policies (mon:EPGPol) | |
aci_epg_to_contract | Bind EPGs to Contracts (fv:RsCons, fv:RsProv) | |
aci_epg_to_domain | Bind EPGs to Domains (fv:RsDomAtt) | |
aci_fabric_node | Manage Fabric Node Members (fabric:NodeIdentP) | |
aci_filter | Manages top level filter objects (vz:Filter) | |
aci_filter_entry | Manage filter entries (vz:Entry) | |
aci_firmware_source | Manage firmware image sources (firmware:OSource) | |
aci_interface_policy_fc | Manage Fibre Channel interface policies (fc:IfPol) | |
aci_interface_policy_l2 | Manage Layer 2 interface policies (l2:IfPol) | |
aci_interface_policy_leaf_policy_group | Manage fabric interface policy leaf policy groups (infra:AccBndlGrp, infra:AccPortGrp) | |
aci_interface_policy_leaf_profile | Manage fabric interface policy leaf profiles (infra:AccPortP) | |
aci_interface_policy_lldp | Manage LLDP interface policies (lldp:IfPol) | |
aci_interface_policy_mcp | Manage MCP interface policies (mcp:IfPol) | |
aci_interface_policy_ospf | Manage OSPF interface policies (ospf:IfPol) | |
aci_interface_policy_port_channel | Manage port channel interface policies (lacp:LagPol) | |
aci_interface_policy_port_security | Manage port security (l2:PortSecurityPol) | |
aci_interface_selector_to_switch_policy_leaf_profile | Bind interface selector profiles to switch policy leaf profiles (infra:RsAccPortP) | |
aci_l3out | Manage Layer 3 Outside (L3Out) objects (l3ext:Out) | |
aci_l3out_route_tag_policy | Manage route tag policies (l3ext:RouteTagPol) | |
aci_rest | Direct access to the Cisco APIC REST API | |
aci_static_binding_to_epg | Bind static paths to EPGs (fv:RsPathAtt) | |
aci_switch_leaf_selector | Bind leaf selectors to switch policy leaf profiles (infra:LeafS, infra:NodeBlk, infra:RsAccNodePGrep) | |
aci_switch_policy_leaf_profile | Manage switch policy leaf profiles (infra:NodeP) | |
aci_switch_policy_vpc_protection_group | Manage switch policy explicit vPC protection groups (fabric:ExplicitGEp, fabric:NodePEp). | |
aci_taboo_contract | Manage taboo contracts (vz:BrCP) | |
aci_tenant | Manage tenants (fv:Tenant) | |
aci_tenant_action_rule_profile | Manage action rule profiles (rtctrl:AttrP) | |
aci_tenant_ep_retention_policy | Manage End Point (EP) retention protocol policies (fv:EpRetPol) | |
aci_tenant_span_dst_group | Manage SPAN destination groups (span:DestGrp) | |
aci_tenant_span_src_group | Manage SPAN source groups (span:SrcGrp) | |
aci_tenant_span_src_group_to_dst_group | Bind SPAN source groups to destination groups (span:SpanLbl) | |
aci_vlan_pool | Manage VLAN pools (fvns:VlanInstP) | |
aci_vlan_pool_encap_block | Manage encap blocks assigned to VLAN pools (fvns:EncapBlk) | |
aci_vrf | Manage contexts or VRFs (fv:Ctx) | |
acl | Sets and retrieves file ACL information. | |
acme_account | Create, modify or delete ACME accounts | |
acme_account_facts | Retrieves information on ACME accounts | |
acme_certificate | Create SSL/TLS certificates with the ACME protocol | |
acme_certificate_revoke | Revoke certificates with the ACME protocol | |
acme_challenge_cert_helper | Prepare certificates required for ACME challenges such as `tls-alpn-01' | |
add_host | add a host (and alternatively a group) to the ansible-playbook in-memory inventory | |
airbrake_deployment | Notify airbrake about app deployments | |
aireos_command | Run commands on remote devices running Cisco WLC | |
aireos_config | Manage Cisco WLC configurations | |
aix_inittab | Manages the inittab on AIX | |
aix_lvol | Configure AIX LVM logical volumes | |
alternatives | Manages alternative programs for common commands | |
aos_asn_pool | Manage AOS ASN Pool | |
aos_blueprint | Manage AOS blueprint instance | |
aos_blueprint_param | Manage AOS blueprint parameter values | |
aos_blueprint_virtnet | Manage AOS blueprint parameter values | |
aos_device | Manage Devices on AOS Server | |
aos_external_router | Manage AOS External Router | |
aos_ip_pool | Manage AOS IP Pool | |
aos_logical_device | Manage AOS Logical Device | |
aos_logical_device_map | Manage AOS Logical Device Map | |
aos_login | Login to AOS server for session token | |
aos_rack_type | Manage AOS Rack Type | |
aos_template | Manage AOS Template | |
apache2_mod_proxy | Set and/or get members' attributes of an Apache httpd 2.4 mod_proxy balancer pool | |
apache2_module | Enables/disables a module of the Apache2 webserver. | |
apk | Manages apk packages | |
apt | Manages apt-packages | |
apt_key | Add or remove an apt key | |
apt_repository | Add and remove APT repositories | |
apt_rpm | apt_rpm package manager | |
archive | Creates a compressed archive of one or more files or trees | |
aruba_command | Run commands on remote devices running Aruba Mobility Controller | |
aruba_config | Manage Aruba configuration sections | |
asa_acl | Manage access-lists on a Cisco ASA | |
asa_command | Run arbitrary commands on Cisco ASA devices | |
asa_config | Manage configuration sections on Cisco ASA devices | |
assemble | Assembles a configuration file from fragments | |
assert | Asserts given expressions are true | |
async_status | Obtain status of asynchronous task | |
at | Schedule the execution of a command or script file via the at command | |
atomic_container | Manage the containers on the atomic host platform | |
atomic_host | Manage the atomic host platform | |
atomic_image | Manage the container images on the atomic host platform | |
authorized_key | Adds or removes an SSH authorized key | |
avi_actiongroupconfig | Module for setup of ActionGroupConfig Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_alertconfig | Module for setup of AlertConfig Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_alertemailconfig | Module for setup of AlertEmailConfig Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_alertscriptconfig | Module for setup of AlertScriptConfig Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_alertsyslogconfig | Module for setup of AlertSyslogConfig Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_analyticsprofile | Module for setup of AnalyticsProfile Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_api_session | Avi API Module | |
avi_api_version | Avi API Version Module | |
avi_applicationpersistenceprofile | Module for setup of ApplicationPersistenceProfile Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_applicationprofile | Module for setup of ApplicationProfile Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_authprofile | Module for setup of AuthProfile Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_autoscalelaunchconfig | Module for setup of AutoScaleLaunchConfig Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_backup | Module for setup of Backup Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_backupconfiguration | Module for setup of BackupConfiguration Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_certificatemanagementprofile | Module for setup of CertificateManagementProfile Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_cloud | Module for setup of Cloud Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_cloudconnectoruser | Module for setup of CloudConnectorUser Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_cloudproperties | Module for setup of CloudProperties Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_cluster | Module for setup of Cluster Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_clusterclouddetails | Module for setup of ClusterCloudDetails Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_controllerproperties | Module for setup of ControllerProperties Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_customipamdnsprofile | Module for setup of CustomIpamDnsProfile Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_dnspolicy | Module for setup of DnsPolicy Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_errorpagebody | Module for setup of ErrorPageBody Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_errorpageprofile | Module for setup of ErrorPageProfile Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_gslb | Module for setup of Gslb Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_gslbapplicationpersistenceprofile | Module for setup of GslbApplicationPersistenceProfile Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_gslbgeodbprofile | Module for setup of GslbGeoDbProfile Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_gslbhealthmonitor | Module for setup of GslbHealthMonitor Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_gslbservice | Module for setup of GslbService Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_gslbservice_patch_member | Avi API Module | |
avi_hardwaresecuritymodulegroup | Module for setup of HardwareSecurityModuleGroup Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_healthmonitor | Module for setup of HealthMonitor Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_httppolicyset | Module for setup of HTTPPolicySet Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_ipaddrgroup | Module for setup of IpAddrGroup Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_ipamdnsproviderprofile | Module for setup of IpamDnsProviderProfile Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_l4policyset | Module for setup of L4PolicySet Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_microservicegroup | Module for setup of MicroServiceGroup Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_network | Module for setup of Network Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_networkprofile | Module for setup of NetworkProfile Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_networksecuritypolicy | Module for setup of NetworkSecurityPolicy Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_pkiprofile | Module for setup of PKIProfile Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_pool | Module for setup of Pool Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_poolgroup | Module for setup of PoolGroup Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_poolgroupdeploymentpolicy | Module for setup of PoolGroupDeploymentPolicy Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_prioritylabels | Module for setup of PriorityLabels Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_role | Module for setup of Role Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_scheduler | Module for setup of Scheduler Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_seproperties | Module for setup of SeProperties Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_serverautoscalepolicy | Module for setup of ServerAutoScalePolicy Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_serviceengine | Module for setup of ServiceEngine Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_serviceenginegroup | Module for setup of ServiceEngineGroup Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_snmptrapprofile | Module for setup of SnmpTrapProfile Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_sslkeyandcertificate | Module for setup of SSLKeyAndCertificate Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_sslprofile | Module for setup of SSLProfile Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_stringgroup | Module for setup of StringGroup Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_systemconfiguration | Module for setup of SystemConfiguration Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_tenant | Module for setup of Tenant Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_trafficcloneprofile | Module for setup of TrafficCloneProfile Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_useraccount | Avi UserAccount Module | |
avi_useraccountprofile | Module for setup of UserAccountProfile Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_virtualservice | Module for setup of VirtualService Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_vrfcontext | Module for setup of VrfContext Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_vsdatascriptset | Module for setup of VSDataScriptSet Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_vsvip | Module for setup of VsVip Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_wafpolicy | Module for setup of WafPolicy Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_wafprofile | Module for setup of WafProfile Avi RESTful Object | |
avi_webhook | Module for setup of Webhook Avi RESTful Object | |
awall | Manage awall policies | |
aws_acm_facts | Retrieve certificate facts from AWS Certificate Manager service | |
aws_api_gateway | Manage AWS API Gateway APIs | |
aws_application_scaling_policy | Manage Application Auto Scaling Scaling Policies | |
aws_az_facts | Gather facts about availability zones in AWS. | |
aws_batch_compute_environment | Manage AWS Batch Compute Environments | |
aws_batch_job_definition | Manage AWS Batch Job Definitions | |
aws_batch_job_queue | Manage AWS Batch Job Queues | |
aws_caller_facts | Get facts about the user and account being used to make AWS calls. | |
aws_config_aggregation_authorization | Manage cross-account AWS Config authorizations | |
aws_config_aggregator | Manage AWS Config aggregations across multiple accounts | |
aws_config_delivery_channel | Manage AWS Config delivery channels | |
aws_config_recorder | Manage AWS Config Recorders | |
aws_config_rule | Manage AWS Config resources | |
aws_direct_connect_connection | Creates, deletes, modifies a DirectConnect connection | |
aws_direct_connect_gateway | Manage AWS Direct Connect Gateway. | |
aws_direct_connect_link_aggregation_group | Manage Direct Connect LAG bundles. | |
aws_direct_connect_virtual_interface | Manage Direct Connect virtual interfaces. | |
aws_eks_cluster | Manage Elastic Kubernetes Service Clusters | |
aws_elasticbeanstalk_app | create, update, and delete an elastic beanstalk application | |
aws_glue_connection | Manage an AWS Glue connection | |
aws_glue_job | Manage an AWS Glue job | |
aws_inspector_target | Create, Update and Delete Amazon Inspector Assessment Targets | |
aws_kms | Perform various KMS management tasks. | |
aws_kms_facts | Gather facts about AWS KMS keys | |
aws_region_facts | Gather facts about AWS regions. | |
aws_s3 | manage objects in S3. | |
aws_s3_bucket_facts | Lists S3 buckets in AWS | |
aws_s3_cors | Manage CORS for S3 buckets in AWS | |
aws_ses_identity | Manages SES email and domain identity | |
aws_ses_identity_policy | Manages SES sending authorization policies | |
aws_sgw_facts | Fetch AWS Storage Gateway facts | |
aws_ssm_parameter_store | Manage key-value pairs in aws parameter store. | |
aws_waf_condition | create and delete WAF Conditions | |
aws_waf_facts | Retrieve facts for WAF ACLs, Rule , Conditions and Filters. | |
aws_waf_rule | create and delete WAF Rules | |
aws_waf_web_acl | create and delete WAF Web ACLs | |
azure | create or terminate a virtual machine in azure | |
azure_rm_acs | Manage an Azure Container Service Instance (ACS). | |
azure_rm_aks | Manage a managed Azure Container Service (AKS) Instance. | |
azure_rm_aks_facts | Get Azure Kubernetes Service facts. | |
azure_rm_appgateway | Manage Application Gateway instance. | |
azure_rm_appserviceplan | Manage App Service Plan | |
azure_rm_appserviceplan_facts | Get azure app service plan facts. | |
azure_rm_autoscale | Manage Azure autoscale setting. | |
azure_rm_autoscale_facts | Get Azure Auto Scale Setting facts. | |
azure_rm_availabilityset | Manage Azure availability set. | |
azure_rm_availabilityset_facts | Get availability set facts. | |
azure_rm_containerinstance | Manage an Azure Container Instance. | |
azure_rm_containerregistry | Manage an Azure Container Registry. | |
azure_rm_containerregistry_facts | Get Azure Container Registry facts. | |
azure_rm_deployment | Create or destroy Azure Resource Manager template deployments | |
azure_rm_dnsrecordset | Create, delete and update DNS record sets and records. | |
azure_rm_dnsrecordset_facts | Get DNS Record Set facts. | |
azure_rm_dnszone | Manage Azure DNS zones. | |
azure_rm_dnszone_facts | Get DNS zone facts. | |
azure_rm_functionapp | Manage Azure Function Apps | |
azure_rm_functionapp_facts | Get Azure Function App facts | |
azure_rm_image | Manage Azure image. | |
azure_rm_keyvault | Manage Key Vault instance. | |
azure_rm_keyvaultkey | Use Azure KeyVault keys. | |
azure_rm_keyvaultsecret | Use Azure KeyVault Secrets. | |
azure_rm_loadbalancer | Manage Azure load balancers. | |
azure_rm_loadbalancer_facts | Get load balancer facts. | |
azure_rm_managed_disk | Manage Azure Manage Disks | |
azure_rm_managed_disk_facts | Get managed disk facts. | |
azure_rm_mysqldatabase | Manage MySQL Database instance. | |
azure_rm_mysqldatabase_facts | Get Azure MySQL Database facts. | |
azure_rm_mysqlserver | Manage MySQL Server instance. | |
azure_rm_mysqlserver_facts | Get Azure MySQL Server facts. | |
azure_rm_networkinterface | Manage Azure network interfaces. | |
azure_rm_networkinterface_facts | Get network interface facts. | |
azure_rm_postgresqldatabase | Manage PostgreSQL Database instance. | |
azure_rm_postgresqldatabase_facts | Get Azure PostgreSQL Database facts. | |
azure_rm_postgresqlserver | Manage PostgreSQL Server instance. | |
azure_rm_postgresqlserver_facts | Get Azure PostgreSQL Server facts. | |
azure_rm_publicipaddress | Manage Azure Public IP Addresses. | |
azure_rm_publicipaddress_facts | Get public IP facts. | |
azure_rm_resource | Create any Azure resource. | |
azure_rm_resource_facts | Generic facts of Azure resources. | |
azure_rm_resourcegroup | Manage Azure resource groups. | |
azure_rm_resourcegroup_facts | Get resource group facts. | |
azure_rm_route | Manage Azure route resource. | |
azure_rm_routetable | Manage Azure route table resource. | |
azure_rm_routetable_facts | Get route table facts. | |
azure_rm_securitygroup | Manage Azure network security groups. | |
azure_rm_securitygroup_facts | Get security group facts. | |
azure_rm_sqldatabase | Manage SQL Database instance. | |
azure_rm_sqlfirewallrule | Manage Firewall Rule instance. | |
azure_rm_sqlserver | Manage SQL Server instance | |
azure_rm_sqlserver_facts | Get SQL Server facts. | |
azure_rm_storageaccount | Manage Azure storage accounts. | |
azure_rm_storageaccount_facts | Get storage account facts. | |
azure_rm_storageblob | Manage blob containers and blob objects. | |
azure_rm_subnet | Manage Azure subnets. | |
azure_rm_trafficmanagerendpoint | Manage Azure Traffic Manager endpoint. | |
azure_rm_trafficmanagerendpoint_facts | Get Azure Traffic Manager endpoint facts | |
azure_rm_trafficmanagerprofile | Manage Azure Traffic Manager profile. | |
azure_rm_trafficmanagerprofile_facts | Get Azure Traffic Manager profile facts | |
azure_rm_virtualmachine | Manage Azure virtual machines. | |
azure_rm_virtualmachine_extension | Managed Azure Virtual Machine extension | |
azure_rm_virtualmachine_facts | Get virtual machine facts. | |
azure_rm_virtualmachine_scaleset | Manage Azure virtual machine scale sets. | |
azure_rm_virtualmachine_scaleset_facts | Get Virtual Machine Scale Set facts | |
azure_rm_virtualmachineimage_facts | Get virtual machine image facts. | |
azure_rm_virtualnetwork | Manage Azure virtual networks. | |
azure_rm_virtualnetwork_facts | Get virtual network facts. | |
azure_rm_webapp | Manage Web App instance. | |
azure_rm_webapp_facts | Get azure web app facts. | |
bcf_switch | Create and remove a bcf switch. | |
beadm | Manage ZFS boot environments on FreeBSD/Solaris/illumos systems. | |
bearychat | Send BearyChat notifications | |
bigip_appsvcs_extension | Manage application service deployments | |
bigip_asm_policy | Manage BIG-IP ASM policies | |
bigip_cli_alias | Manage CLI aliases on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_cli_script | Manage CLI scripts on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_command | Run arbitrary command on F5 devices | |
bigip_config | Manage BIG-IP configuration sections | |
bigip_configsync_action | Perform different actions related to config-sync | |
bigip_data_group | Manage data groups on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_device_auth | Manage system authentication on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_device_connectivity | Manages device IP configuration settings for HA on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_device_dns | Manage BIG-IP device DNS settings | |
bigip_device_facts | Collect facts from F5 BIG-IP devices | |
bigip_device_group | Manage device groups on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_device_group_member | Manages members in a device group | |
bigip_device_httpd | Manage HTTPD related settings on BIG-IP | |
bigip_device_license | Manage license installation and activation on BIG-IP devices | |
bigip_device_ntp | Manage NTP servers on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_device_sshd | Manage the SSHD settings of a BIG-IP | |
bigip_device_trust | Manage the trust relationships between BIG-IPs | |
bigip_facts | Collect facts from F5 BIG-IP devices | |
bigip_firewall_address_list | Manage address lists on BIG-IP AFM | |
bigip_firewall_dos_profile | Manage AFM DoS profiles on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_firewall_policy | Manage AFM security firewall policies on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_firewall_port_list | Manage port lists on BIG-IP AFM | |
bigip_firewall_rule | Manage AFM Firewall rules | |
bigip_firewall_rule_list | Manage AFM security firewall policies on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_gtm_datacenter | Manage Datacenter configuration in BIG-IP | |
bigip_gtm_facts | Collect facts from F5 BIG-IP GTM devices | |
bigip_gtm_global | Manages global GTM settings | |
bigip_gtm_monitor_bigip | Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM BIG-IP monitors | |
bigip_gtm_monitor_external | Manages external GTM monitors on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_gtm_monitor_firepass | Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM FirePass monitors | |
bigip_gtm_monitor_http | Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM http monitors | |
bigip_gtm_monitor_https | Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM https monitors | |
bigip_gtm_monitor_tcp | Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM tcp monitors | |
bigip_gtm_monitor_tcp_half_open | Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM tcp half-open monitors | |
bigip_gtm_pool | Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM pools | |
bigip_gtm_pool_member | Manage GTM pool member settings | |
bigip_gtm_server | Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM servers | |
bigip_gtm_virtual_server | Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM virtual servers | |
bigip_gtm_wide_ip | Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM wide ip | |
bigip_hostname | Manage the hostname of a BIG-IP | |
bigip_iapp_service | Manages TCL iApp services on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_iapp_template | Manages TCL iApp templates on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_iapplx_package | Manages Javascript iApp packages on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_irule | Manage iRules across different modules on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_log_destination | Manages log destinations on a BIG-IP. | |
bigip_log_publisher | Manages log publishers on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_management_route | Manage system management routes on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_monitor_dns | Manage DNS monitors on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_monitor_external | Manages external LTM monitors on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_monitor_http | Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM http monitors | |
bigip_monitor_https | Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM https monitors | |
bigip_monitor_snmp_dca | Manages BIG-IP SNMP data collecting agent (DCA) monitors | |
bigip_monitor_tcp | Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM tcp monitors | |
bigip_monitor_tcp_echo | Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM tcp echo monitors | |
bigip_monitor_tcp_half_open | Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM tcp half-open monitors | |
bigip_monitor_udp | Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM udp monitors | |
bigip_node | Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM nodes | |
bigip_partition | Manage BIG-IP partitions | |
bigip_policy | Manage general policy configuration on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_policy_rule | Manage LTM policy rules on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_pool | Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM pools | |
bigip_pool_member | Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM pool members | |
bigip_profile_client_ssl | Manages client SSL profiles on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_profile_dns | Manage DNS profiles on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_profile_http | Manage HTTP profiles on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_profile_http_compression | Manage HTTP compression profiles on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_profile_oneconnect | Manage OneConnect profiles on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_profile_persistence_src_addr | Manage source address persistence profiles | |
bigip_profile_tcp | Manage TCP profiles on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_profile_udp | Manage UDP profiles on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_provision | Manage BIG-IP module provisioning | |
bigip_qkview | Manage qkviews on the device | |
bigip_remote_role | Manage remote roles on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_remote_syslog | Manipulate remote syslog settings on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_routedomain | Manage route domains on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_selfip | Manage Self-IPs on a BIG-IP system | |
bigip_service_policy | Manages service policies on a BIG-IP. | |
bigip_smtp | Manages SMTP settings on the BIG-IP | |
bigip_snat_pool | Manage SNAT pools on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_snmp | Manipulate general SNMP settings on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_snmp_community | Manages SNMP communities on a BIG-IP. | |
bigip_snmp_trap | Manipulate SNMP trap information on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_software_image | Manage software images on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_software_install | Install software images on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_software_update | Manage the software update settings of a BIG-IP | |
bigip_ssl_certificate | Import/Delete certificates from BIG-IP | |
bigip_ssl_key | Import/Delete SSL keys from BIG-IP | |
bigip_static_route | Manipulate static routes on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_sys_db | Manage BIG-IP system database variables | |
bigip_sys_global | Manage BIG-IP global settings | |
bigip_timer_policy | Manage timer policies on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_traffic_group | Manages traffic groups on BIG-IP | |
bigip_trunk | Manage trunks on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_tunnel | Manage tunnels on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_ucs | Manage upload, installation and removal of UCS files | |
bigip_ucs_fetch | Fetches a UCS file from remote nodes | |
bigip_user | Manage user accounts and user attributes on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_vcmp_guest | Manages vCMP guests on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_virtual_address | Manage LTM virtual addresses on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_virtual_server | Manage LTM virtual servers on a BIG-IP | |
bigip_vlan | Manage VLANs on a BIG-IP system | |
bigip_wait | Wait for a BIG-IP condition before continuing | |
bigiq_application_fasthttp | Manages BIG-IQ FastHTTP applications | |
bigiq_application_fastl4_tcp | Manages BIG-IQ FastL4 TCP applications | |
bigiq_application_fastl4_udp | Manages BIG-IQ FastL4 UDP applications | |
bigiq_application_http | Manages BIG-IQ HTTP applications | |
bigiq_application_https_offload | Manages BIG-IQ HTTPS offload applications | |
bigiq_application_https_waf | Manages BIG-IQ HTTPS WAF applications | |
bigiq_regkey_license | Manages licenses in a BIG-IQ registration key pool | |
bigiq_regkey_license_assignment | Manage regkey license assignment on BIG-IPs from a BIG-IQ | |
bigiq_regkey_pool | Manages registration key pools on BIG-IQ | |
bigiq_utility_license | Manage utility licenses on a BIG-IQ | |
bigiq_utility_license_assignment | Manage utility license assignment on BIG-IPs from a BIG-IQ | |
bigmon_chain | Create and remove a bigmon inline service chain. | |
bigmon_policy | Create and remove a bigmon out-of-band policy. | |
bigpanda | Notify BigPanda about deployments | |
blockinfile | Insert/update/remove a text block surrounded by marker lines | |
bower | Manage bower packages with bower | |
bundler | Manage Ruby Gem dependencies with Bundler | |
bzr | Deploy software (or files) from bzr branches | |
campfire | Send a message to Campfire | |
capabilities | Manage Linux capabilities | |
catapult | Send a sms / mms using the catapult bandwidth api | |
ce_aaa_server | Manages AAA server global configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_aaa_server_host | Manages AAA server host configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_acl | Manages base ACL configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_acl_advance | Manages advanced ACL configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_acl_interface | Manages applying ACLs to interfaces on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_bfd_global | Manages BFD global configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices. | |
ce_bfd_session | Manages BFD session configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices. | |
ce_bfd_view | Manages BFD session view configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices. | |
ce_bgp | Manages BGP configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_bgp_af | Manages BGP Address-family configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_bgp_neighbor | Manages BGP peer configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_bgp_neighbor_af | Manages BGP neighbor Address-family configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_command | Run arbitrary command on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices. | |
ce_config | Manage Huawei CloudEngine configuration sections. | |
ce_dldp | Manages global DLDP configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_dldp_interface | Manages interface DLDP configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_eth_trunk | Manages Eth-Trunk interfaces on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_e_bd_vni | Manages EVPN VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI) on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_e_bgp | Manages BGP EVPN configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_e_bgp_rr | Manages RR for the VXLAN Network on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_e_global | Manages global configuration of EVPN on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_facts | Gets facts about HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_file_copy | Copy a file to a remote cloudengine device over SCP on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_info_center_debug | Manages information center debug configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_info_center_global | Manages outputting logs on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_info_center_log | Manages information center log configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_info_center_trap | Manages information center trap configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_interface | Manages physical attributes of interfaces on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_interface_ospf | Manages configuration of an OSPF interface instanceon HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_ip_interface | Manages L3 attributes for IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_link_status | Get interface link status on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_mlag_config | Manages MLAG configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_mlag_interface | Manages MLAG interfaces on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_mtu | Manages MTU settings on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_netconf | Run an arbitrary netconf command on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_netstream_aging | Manages timeout mode of NetStream on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_netstream_export | Manages netstream export on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_netstream_global | Manages global parameters of NetStream on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_netstream_template | Manages NetStream template configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_ntp | Manages core NTP configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_ntp_auth | Manages NTP authentication configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_ospf | Manages configuration of an OSPF instance on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_ospf_vrf | Manages configuration of an OSPF VPN instance on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_reboot | Reboot a HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_rollback | Set a checkpoint or rollback to a checkpoint on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_sflow | Manages sFlow configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_snmp_community | Manages SNMP community configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_snmp_contact | Manages SNMP contact configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_snmp_location | Manages SNMP location configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_snmp_target_host | Manages SNMP target host configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_snmp_traps | Manages SNMP traps configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_snmp_user | Manages SNMP user configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_startup | Manages a system startup information on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_static_route | Manages static route configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_stp | Manages STP configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_switchport | Manages Layer 2 switchport interfaces on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_vlan | Manages VLAN resources and attributes on Huawei CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_vrf | Manages VPN instance on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_vrf_af | Manages VPN instance address family on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_vrf_interface | Manages interface specific VPN configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. | |
ce_vrrp | Manages VRRP interfaces on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices. | |
ce_vxlan_arp | Manages ARP attributes of VXLAN on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices. | |
ce_vxlan_gateway | Manages gateway for the VXLAN network on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices. | |
ce_vxlan_global | Manages global attributes of VXLAN and bridge domain on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices. | |
ce_vxlan_tunnel | Manages VXLAN tunnel configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices. | |
ce_vxlan_vap | Manages VXLAN virtual access point on HUAWEI CloudEngine Devices. | |
certificate_complete_chain | Complete certificate chain given a set of untrusted and root certificates | |
circonus_annotation | create an annotation in circonus | |
cisco_spark | Send a message to a Cisco Spark Room or Individual. | |
clc_aa_policy | Create or Delete Anti Affinity Policies at CenturyLink Cloud. | |
clc_alert_policy | Create or Delete Alert Policies at CenturyLink Cloud. | |
clc_blueprint_package | deploys a blue print package on a set of servers in CenturyLink Cloud. | |
clc_firewall_policy | Create/delete/update firewall policies | |
clc_group | Create/delete Server Groups at Centurylink Cloud | |
clc_loadbalancer | Create, Delete shared loadbalancers in CenturyLink Cloud. | |
clc_modify_server | modify servers in CenturyLink Cloud. | |
clc_publicip | Add and Delete public ips on servers in CenturyLink Cloud. | |
clc_server | Create, Delete, Start and Stop servers in CenturyLink Cloud. | |
clc_server_snapshot | Create, Delete and Restore server snapshots in CenturyLink Cloud. | |
cli_command | Run a cli command on cli-based network devices | |
cli_config | Push text based configuration to network devices over network_cli | |
cloud_init_data_facts | Retrieve facts of cloud-init. | |
cloudflare_dns | manage Cloudflare DNS records | |
cloudformation | Create or delete an AWS CloudFormation stack | |
cloudformation_facts | Obtain facts about an AWS CloudFormation stack | |
cloudformation_stack_set | Manage groups of CloudFormation stacks | |
cloudfront_distribution | create, update and delete aws cloudfront distributions. | |
cloudfront_facts | Obtain facts about an AWS CloudFront distribution | |
cloudfront_invalidation | create invalidations for aws cloudfront distributions | |
cloudfront_origin_access_identity | create, update and delete origin access identities for a cloudfront distribution. | |
cloudscale_floating_ip | Manages floating IPs on the cloudscale.ch IaaS service | |
cloudscale_server | Manages servers on the cloudscale.ch IaaS service | |
cloudtrail | manage CloudTrail create, delete, update | |
cloudwatchevent_rule | Manage CloudWatch Event rules and targets | |
cloudwatchlogs_log_group | create or delete log_group in CloudWatchLogs | |
cloudwatchlogs_log_group_facts | get facts about log_group in CloudWatchLogs | |
cnos_backup | Backup the current running or startup configuration to a remote server on devices running Lenovo CNOS | |
cnos_bgp | Manage BGP resources and attributes on devices running CNOS | |
cnos_command | Run arbitrary commands on Lenovo CNOS devices | |
cnos_conditional_command | Execute a single command based on condition on devices running Lenovo CNOS | |
cnos_conditional_template | Manage switch configuration using templates based on condition on devices running Lenovo CNOS | |
cnos_config | Manage Lenovo CNOS configuration sections | |
cnos_factory | Reset the switch startup configuration to default (factory) on devices running Lenovo CNOS. | |
cnos_facts | Collect facts from remote devices running Lenovo CNOS | |
cnos_image | Perform firmware upgrade/download from a remote server on devices running Lenovo CNOS | |
cnos_interface | Manage interface configuration on devices running Lenovo CNOS | |
cnos_portchannel | Manage portchannel (port channel) configuration on devices running Lenovo CNOS | |
cnos_reload | Perform switch restart on devices running Lenovo CNOS | |
cnos_rollback | Roll back the running or startup configuration from a remote server on devices running Lenovo CNOS | |
cnos_save | Save the running configuration as the startup configuration on devices running Lenovo CNOS | |
cnos_showrun | Collect the current running configuration on devices running on CNOS | |
cnos_template | Manage switch configuration using templates on devices running Lenovo CNOS | |
cnos_vlag | Manage VLAG resources and attributes on devices running Lenovo CNOS | |
cnos_vlan | Manage VLAN resources and attributes on devices running Lenovo CNOS | |
cobbler_sync | Sync Cobbler | |
cobbler_system | Manage system objects in Cobbler | |
command | Executes a command on a remote node | |
composer | Dependency Manager for PHP | |
consul | Add, modify & delete services within a consul cluster. | |
consul_acl | Manipulate Consul ACL keys and rules | |
consul_kv | Manipulate entries in the key/value store of a consul cluster | |
consul_session | Manipulate consul sessions | |
copy | Copies files to remote locations | |
cpanm | Manages Perl library dependencies. | |
cpm_user | Get various status and parameters from WTI OOB and PDU devices | |
cron | Manage cron.d and crontab entries | |
cronvar | Manage variables in crontabs | |
crypttab | Encrypted Linux block devices | |
cs_account | Manages accounts on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_affinitygroup | Manages affinity groups on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_cluster | Manages host clusters on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_configuration | Manages configuration on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_disk_offering | Manages disk offerings on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_domain | Manages domains on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_facts | Gather facts on instances of Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_firewall | Manages firewall rules on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_host | Manages hosts on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_instance | Manages instances and virtual machines on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_instance_facts | Gathering facts from the API of instances from Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_instance_nic | Manages NICs of an instance on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_instance_nic_secondaryip | Manages secondary IPs of an instance on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_instancegroup | Manages instance groups on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_ip_address | Manages public IP address associations on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_iso | Manages ISO images on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_loadbalancer_rule | Manages load balancer rules on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_loadbalancer_rule_member | Manages load balancer rule members on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_network | Manages networks on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_network_acl | Manages network access control lists (ACL) on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_network_acl_rule | Manages network access control list (ACL) rules on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_network_offering | Manages network offerings on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_nic | Manages NICs and secondary IPs of an instance on Apache CloudStack based clouds | |
cs_pod | Manages pods on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_portforward | Manages port forwarding rules on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_project | Manages projects on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_region | Manages regions on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_resourcelimit | Manages resource limits on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_role | Manages user roles on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_role_permission | Manages role permissions on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_router | Manages routers on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_securitygroup | Manages security groups on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_securitygroup_rule | Manages security group rules on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_service_offering | Manages service offerings on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_snapshot_policy | Manages volume snapshot policies on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_sshkeypair | Manages SSH keys on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_staticnat | Manages static NATs on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_storage_pool | Manages Primary Storage Pools on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_template | Manages templates on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_user | Manages users on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_vmsnapshot | Manages VM snapshots on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_volume | Manages volumes on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_vpc | Manages VPCs on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_vpc_offering | Manages vpc offerings on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs__connection | Manages site-to-site VPN connections on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs__customer_gateway | Manages site-to-site VPN customer gateway configurations on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs__gateway | Manages site-to-site VPN gateways on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_zone | Manages zones on Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cs_zone_facts | Gathering facts of zones from Apache CloudStack based clouds. | |
cv_server_provision | Provision server port by applying or removing template configuration to an Arista CloudVision Portal configlet that is applied to a switch. | |
cyberark_authentication | Module for CyberArk Vault Authentication using PAS Web Services SDK | |
cyberark_user | Module for CyberArk User Management using PAS Web Services SDK | |
data_pipeline | Create and manage AWS Datapipelines | |
datadog_event | Posts events to Datadog service | |
datadog_monitor | Manages Datadog monitors | |
dconf | Modify and read dconf database | |
debconf | Configure a .deb package | |
debug | Print statements during execution | |
dellos10_command | Run commands on remote devices running Dell OS10 | |
dellos10_config | Manage Dell EMC Networking OS10 configuration sections | |
dellos10_facts | Collect facts from remote devices running Dell EMC Networking OS10 | |
dellos6_command | Run commands on remote devices running Dell OS6 | |
dellos6_config | Manage Dell EMC Networking OS6 configuration sections | |
dellos6_facts | Collect facts from remote devices running Dell EMC Networking OS6 | |
dellos9_command | Run commands on remote devices running Dell OS9 | |
dellos9_config | Manage Dell EMC Networking OS9 configuration sections | |
dellos9_facts | Collect facts from remote devices running Dell EMC Networking OS9 | |
deploy_helper | Manages some of the steps common in deploying projects. | |
digital_ocean | Create/delete a droplet/SSH_key in DigitalOcean | |
digital_ocean_account_facts | Gather facts about DigitalOcean User account | |
digital_ocean_block_storage | Create/destroy or attach/detach Block Storage volumes in DigitalOcean | |
digital_ocean_certificate | Manage certificates in DigitalOcean. | |
digital_ocean_certificate_facts | Gather facts about DigitalOcean certificates | |
digital_ocean_domain | Create/delete a DNS domain in DigitalOcean | |
digital_ocean_domain_facts | Gather facts about DigitalOcean Domains | |
digital_ocean_floating_ip | Manage DigitalOcean Floating IPs | |
digital_ocean_floating_ip_facts | DigitalOcean Floating IPs facts | |
digital_ocean_image_facts | Gather facts about DigitalOcean images | |
digital_ocean_load_balancer_facts | Gather facts about DigitalOcean load balancers | |
digital_ocean_region_facts | Gather facts about DigitalOcean regions | |
digital_ocean_size_facts | Gather facts about DigitalOcean Droplet sizes | |
digital_ocean_snapshot_facts | Gather facts about DigitalOcean Snapshot | |
digital_ocean_sshkey | Manage DigitalOcean SSH keys | |
digital_ocean_sshkey_facts | DigitalOcean SSH keys facts | |
digital_ocean_tag | Create and remove tag(s) to DigitalOcean resource. | |
digital_ocean_tag_facts | Gather facts about DigitalOcean tags | |
digital_ocean_volume_facts | Gather facts about DigitalOcean volumes | |
dimensiondata_network | Create, update, and delete MCP 1.0 & 2.0 networks | |
dimensiondata_vlan | Manage a VLAN in a Cloud Control network domain. | |
django_manage | Manages a Django application. | |
dladm_etherstub | Manage etherstubs on Solaris/illumos systems. | |
dladm_iptun | Manage IP tunnel interfaces on Solaris/illumos systems. | |
dladm_linkprop | Manage link properties on Solaris/illumos systems. | |
dladm_vlan | Manage VLAN interfaces on Solaris/illumos systems. | |
dladm_vnic | Manage VNICs on Solaris/illumos systems. | |
dnf | Manages packages with the `dnf' package manager | |
dnsimple | Interface with dnsimple.com (a DNS hosting service) | |
dnsmadeeasy | Interface with dnsmadeeasy.com (a DNS hosting service). | |
docker_container | manage docker containers | |
docker_image | Manage docker images. | |
docker_image_facts | Inspect docker images | |
docker_login | Log into a Docker registry. | |
docker_network | Manage Docker networks | |
docker_secret | Manage docker secrets. | |
docker_service | Manage docker services and containers. | |
docker_swarm | Manage Swarm cluster | |
docker_swarm_service | docker swarm service | |
docker_volume | Manage Docker volumes | |
dpkg_selections | Dpkg package selection selections | |
dynamodb_table | Create, update or delete AWS Dynamo DB tables. | |
dynamodb_ttl | set TTL for a given DynamoDB table. | |
easy_install | Installs Python libraries | |
ec2 | create, terminate, start or stop an instance in ec2 | |
ec2_ami | create or destroy an image in ec2 | |
ec2_ami_copy | copies AMI between AWS regions, return new image id | |
ec2_ami_facts | Gather facts about ec2 AMIs | |
ec2_ami_find | Searches for AMIs to obtain the AMI ID and other information | |
ec2_asg | Create or delete AWS Autoscaling Groups | |
ec2_asg_facts | Gather facts about ec2 Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs) in AWS | |
ec2_asg_lifecycle_hook | Create, delete or update AWS ASG Lifecycle Hooks. | |
ec2_customer_gateway | Manage an AWS customer gateway | |
ec2_customer_gateway_facts | Gather facts about customer gateways in AWS | |
ec2_eip | manages EC2 elastic IP (EIP) addresses. | |
ec2_eip_facts | List EC2 EIP details | |
ec2_elb | De-registers or registers instances from EC2 ELBs | |
ec2_elb_facts | Gather facts about EC2 Elastic Load Balancers in AWS | |
ec2_elb_lb | Creates or destroys Amazon ELB. | |
ec2_eni | Create and optionally attach an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) to an instance | |
ec2_eni_facts | Gather facts about ec2 ENI interfaces in AWS | |
ec2_group | maintain an ec2 VPC security group. | |
ec2_group_facts | Gather facts about ec2 security groups in AWS. | |
ec2_instance | Create & manage EC2 instances | |
ec2_instance_facts | Gather facts about ec2 instances in AWS | |
ec2_key | create or delete an ec2 key pair | |
ec2_lc | Create or delete AWS Autoscaling Launch Configurations | |
ec2_lc_facts | Gather facts about AWS Autoscaling Launch Configurations | |
ec2_lc_find | Find AWS Autoscaling Launch Configurations | |
ec2_metadata_facts | Gathers facts (instance metadata) about remote hosts within ec2 | |
ec2_metric_alarm | Create/update or delete AWS Cloudwatch 'metric alarms' | |
ec2_placement_group | Create or delete an EC2 Placement Group | |
ec2_placement_group_facts | List EC2 Placement Group(s) details | |
ec2_remote_facts | Gather facts about ec2 instances in AWS | |
ec2_scaling_policy | Create or delete AWS scaling policies for Autoscaling groups | |
ec2_snapshot | creates a snapshot from an existing volume | |
ec2_snapshot_copy | copies an EC2 snapshot and returns the new Snapshot ID. | |
ec2_snapshot_facts | Gather facts about ec2 volume snapshots in AWS | |
ec2_tag | create and remove tags on ec2 resources. | |
ec2_vol | create and attach a volume, return volume id and device map | |
ec2_vol_facts | Gather facts about ec2 volumes in AWS | |
ec2_vpc_dhcp_option | Manages DHCP Options, and can ensure the DHCP options for the given VPC match what's requested | |
ec2_vpc_dhcp_option_facts | Gather facts about dhcp options sets in AWS | |
ec2_vpc_egress_igw | Manage an AWS VPC Egress Only Internet gateway | |
ec2_vpc_endpoint | Create and delete AWS VPC Endpoints. | |
ec2_vpc_endpoint_facts | Retrieves AWS VPC endpoints details using AWS methods. | |
ec2_vpc_igw | Manage an AWS VPC Internet gateway | |
ec2_vpc_igw_facts | Gather facts about internet gateways in AWS | |
ec2_vpc_nacl | create and delete Network ACLs. | |
ec2_vpc_nacl_facts | Gather facts about Network ACLs in an AWS VPC | |
ec2_vpc_nat_gateway | Manage AWS VPC NAT Gateways. | |
ec2_vpc_nat_gateway_facts | Retrieves AWS VPC Managed Nat Gateway details using AWS methods. | |
ec2_vpc_net | Configure AWS virtual private clouds | |
ec2_vpc_net_facts | Gather facts about ec2 VPCs in AWS | |
ec2_vpc_peer | create, delete, accept, and reject VPC peering connections between two VPCs. | |
ec2_vpc_peering_facts | Retrieves AWS VPC Peering details using AWS methods. | |
ec2_vpc_route_table | Manage route tables for AWS virtual private clouds | |
ec2_vpc_route_table_facts | Gather facts about ec2 VPC route tables in AWS | |
ec2_vpc_subnet | Manage subnets in AWS virtual private clouds | |
ec2_vpc_subnet_facts | Gather facts about ec2 VPC subnets in AWS | |
ec2_vpc_vgw | Create and delete AWS VPN Virtual Gateways. | |
ec2_vpc_vgw_facts | Gather facts about virtual gateways in AWS | |
ec2_vpc_ | Create, modify, and delete EC2 VPN connections. | |
ec2_vpc__facts | Gather facts about VPN Connections in AWS. | |
ec2_win_password | gets the default administrator password for ec2 windows instances | |
ecs_attribute | manage ecs attributes | |
ecs_cluster | create or terminate ecs clusters | |
ecs_ecr | Manage Elastic Container Registry repositories | |
ecs_service | create, terminate, start or stop a service in ecs | |
ecs_service_facts | list or describe services in ecs | |
ecs_task | run, start or stop a task in ecs | |
ecs_taskdefinition | register a task definition in ecs | |
ecs_taskdefinition_facts | describe a task definition in ecs | |
edgeos_command | Run one or more commands on EdgeOS devices | |
edgeos_config | Manage EdgeOS configuration on remote device | |
edgeos_facts | Collect facts from remote devices running EdgeOS | |
efs | create and maintain EFS file systems | |
efs_facts | Get information about Amazon EFS file systems | |
ejabberd_user | Manages users for ejabberd servers | |
elasticache | Manage cache clusters in Amazon Elasticache. | |
elasticache_facts | Retrieve facts for AWS Elasticache clusters | |
elasticache_parameter_group | Manage cache security groups in Amazon Elasticache. | |
elasticache_snapshot | Manage cache snapshots in Amazon Elasticache. | |
elasticache_subnet_group | manage Elasticache subnet groups | |
elasticsearch_plugin | Manage Elasticsearch plugins | |
elb_application_lb | Manage an Application load balancer | |
elb_application_lb_facts | Gather facts about application ELBs in AWS | |
elb_classic_lb | Creates or destroys Amazon ELB. | |
elb_classic_lb_facts | Gather facts about EC2 Elastic Load Balancers in AWS | |
elb_instance | De-registers or registers instances from EC2 ELBs | |
elb_network_lb | Manage a Network Load Balancer | |
elb_target | Manage a target in a target group | |
elb_target_facts | Gathers which target groups a target is associated with. | |
elb_target_group | Manage a target group for an Application or Network load balancer | |
elb_target_group_facts | Gather facts about ELB target groups in AWS | |
emc_vnx_sg_member | Manage storage group member on EMC VNX | |
enos_command | Run arbitrary commands on Lenovo ENOS devices | |
enos_config | Manage Lenovo ENOS configuration sections | |
enos_facts | Collect facts from remote devices running Lenovo ENOS | |
eos_banner | Manage multiline banners on Arista EOS devices | |
eos_command | Run arbitrary commands on an Arista EOS device | |
eos_config | Manage Arista EOS configuration sections | |
eos_eapi | Manage and configure Arista EOS eAPI. | |
eos_facts | Collect facts from remote devices running Arista EOS | |
eos_interface | Manage Interface on Arista EOS network devices | |
eos_l2_interface | Manage L2 interfaces on Arista EOS network devices. | |
eos_l3_interface | Manage L3 interfaces on Arista EOS network devices. | |
eos_linkagg | Manage link aggregation groups on Arista EOS network devices | |
eos_lldp | Manage LLDP configuration on Arista EOS network devices | |
eos_logging | Manage logging on network devices | |
eos_static_route | Manage static IP routes on Arista EOS network devices | |
eos_system | Manage the system attributes on Arista EOS devices | |
eos_user | Manage the collection of local users on EOS devices | |
eos_vlan | Manage VLANs on Arista EOS network devices | |
eos_vrf | Manage VRFs on Arista EOS network devices | |
etcd3 | Set or delete key value pairs from an etcd3 cluster | |
execute_lambda | Execute an AWS Lambda function | |
exo_dns_domain | Manages domain records on Exoscale DNS API. | |
exo_dns_record | Manages DNS records on Exoscale DNS. | |
exos_command | Run commands on remote devices running Extreme EXOS | |
exos_config | Manage Extreme Networks EXOS configuration sections | |
exos_facts | Collect facts from devices running Extreme EXOS | |
expect | Executes a command and responds to prompts. | |
facter | Runs the discovery program `facter' on the remote system | |
fail | Fail with custom message | |
fetch | Fetches a file from remote nodes | |
file | Sets attributes of files | |
filesystem | Makes a filesystem | |
find | Return a list of files based on specific criteria | |
firewalld | Manage arbitrary ports/services with firewalld | |
flatpak | Manage flatpaks | |
flatpak_remote | Manage flatpak repository remotes | |
flowadm | Manage bandwidth resource control and priority for protocols, services and zones on Solaris/illumos systems | |
flowdock | Send a message to a flowdock | |
fmgr_provisioning | Provision devices via FortiMananger | |
fmgr_script | Add/Edit/Delete and execute scripts | |
foreman | Manage Foreman Resources | |
fortios_address | Manage fortios firewall address objects | |
fortios_config | Manage config on Fortinet FortiOS firewall devices | |
fortios_ipv4_policy | Manage IPv4 policy objects on Fortinet FortiOS firewall devices | |
fortios_webfilter | Configure webfilter capabilities of FortiGate and FortiOS. | |
ftd_configuration | Manages configuration on Cisco FTD devices over REST API | |
ftd_file_download | Downloads files from Cisco FTD devices over HTTP(S) | |
ftd_file_upload | Uploads files to Cisco FTD devices over HTTP(S) | |
gc_storage | This module manages objects/buckets in Google Cloud Storage. | |
gcdns_record | Creates or removes resource records in Google Cloud DNS | |
gcdns_zone | Creates or removes zones in Google Cloud DNS | |
gce | create or terminate GCE instances | |
gce_eip | Create or Destroy Global or Regional External IP addresses. | |
gce_img | utilize GCE image resources | |
gce_instance_template | create or destroy instance templates of Compute Engine of GCP. | |
gce_labels | Create, Update or Destroy GCE Labels. | |
gce_lb | create/destroy GCE load-balancer resources | |
gce_mig | Create, Update or Destroy a Managed Instance Group (MIG). | |
gce_net | create/destroy GCE networks and firewall rules | |
gce_pd | utilize GCE persistent disk resources | |
gce_snapshot | Create or destroy snapshots for GCE storage volumes | |
gce_tag | add or remove tag(s) to/from GCE instances | |
gconftool2 | Edit GNOME Configurations | |
gcp_backend_service | Create or Destroy a Backend Service. | |
gcp_compute_address | Creates a GCP Address | |
gcp_compute_address_facts | Gather facts for GCP Address | |
gcp_compute_backend_bucket | Creates a GCP BackendBucket | |
gcp_compute_backend_bucket_facts | Gather facts for GCP BackendBucket | |
gcp_compute_backend_service | Creates a GCP BackendService | |
gcp_compute_backend_service_facts | Gather facts for GCP BackendService | |
gcp_compute_disk | Creates a GCP Disk | |
gcp_compute_disk_facts | Gather facts for GCP Disk | |
gcp_compute_firewall | Creates a GCP Firewall | |
gcp_compute_firewall_facts | Gather facts for GCP Firewall | |
gcp_compute_forwarding_rule | Creates a GCP ForwardingRule | |
gcp_compute_forwarding_rule_facts | Gather facts for GCP ForwardingRule | |
gcp_compute_global_address | Creates a GCP GlobalAddress | |
gcp_compute_global_address_facts | Gather facts for GCP GlobalAddress | |
gcp_compute_global_forwarding_rule | Creates a GCP GlobalForwardingRule | |
gcp_compute_global_forwarding_rule_facts | Gather facts for GCP GlobalForwardingRule | |
gcp_compute_health_check | Creates a GCP HealthCheck | |
gcp_compute_health_check_facts | Gather facts for GCP HealthCheck | |
gcp_compute_http_health_check | Creates a GCP HttpHealthCheck | |
gcp_compute_http_health_check_facts | Gather facts for GCP HttpHealthCheck | |
gcp_compute_https_health_check | Creates a GCP HttpsHealthCheck | |
gcp_compute_https_health_check_facts | Gather facts for GCP HttpsHealthCheck | |
gcp_compute_image | Creates a GCP Image | |
gcp_compute_image_facts | Gather facts for GCP Image | |
gcp_compute_instance | Creates a GCP Instance | |
gcp_compute_instance_facts | Gather facts for GCP Instance | |
gcp_compute_instance_group | Creates a GCP InstanceGroup | |
gcp_compute_instance_group_facts | Gather facts for GCP InstanceGroup | |
gcp_compute_instance_group_manager | Creates a GCP InstanceGroupManager | |
gcp_compute_instance_group_manager_facts | Gather facts for GCP InstanceGroupManager | |
gcp_compute_instance_template | Creates a GCP InstanceTemplate | |
gcp_compute_instance_template_facts | Gather facts for GCP InstanceTemplate | |
gcp_compute_network | Creates a GCP Network | |
gcp_compute_network_facts | Gather facts for GCP Network | |
gcp_compute_route | Creates a GCP Route | |
gcp_compute_route_facts | Gather facts for GCP Route | |
gcp_compute_router | Creates a GCP Router | |
gcp_compute_router_facts | Gather facts for GCP Router | |
gcp_compute_ssl_certificate | Creates a GCP SslCertificate | |
gcp_compute_ssl_certificate_facts | Gather facts for GCP SslCertificate | |
gcp_compute_ssl_policy | Creates a GCP SslPolicy | |
gcp_compute_ssl_policy_facts | Gather facts for GCP SslPolicy | |
gcp_compute_subnetwork | Creates a GCP Subnetwork | |
gcp_compute_subnetwork_facts | Gather facts for GCP Subnetwork | |
gcp_compute_target_http_proxy | Creates a GCP TargetHttpProxy | |
gcp_compute_target_http_proxy_facts | Gather facts for GCP TargetHttpProxy | |
gcp_compute_target_https_proxy | Creates a GCP TargetHttpsProxy | |
gcp_compute_target_https_proxy_facts | Gather facts for GCP TargetHttpsProxy | |
gcp_compute_target_pool | Creates a GCP TargetPool | |
gcp_compute_target_pool_facts | Gather facts for GCP TargetPool | |
gcp_compute_target_ssl_proxy | Creates a GCP TargetSslProxy | |
gcp_compute_target_ssl_proxy_facts | Gather facts for GCP TargetSslProxy | |
gcp_compute_target_tcp_proxy | Creates a GCP TargetTcpProxy | |
gcp_compute_target_tcp_proxy_facts | Gather facts for GCP TargetTcpProxy | |
gcp_compute_target__gateway | Creates a GCP TargetVpnGateway | |
gcp_compute_target__gateway_facts | Gather facts for GCP TargetVpnGateway | |
gcp_compute_url_map | Creates a GCP UrlMap | |
gcp_compute_url_map_facts | Gather facts for GCP UrlMap | |
gcp_compute__tunnel | Creates a GCP VpnTunnel | |
gcp_compute__tunnel_facts | Gather facts for GCP VpnTunnel | |
gcp_container_cluster | Creates a GCP Cluster | |
gcp_container_node_pool | Creates a GCP NodePool | |
gcp_dns_managed_zone | Creates a GCP ManagedZone | |
gcp_dns_resource_record_set | Creates a GCP ResourceRecordSet | |
gcp_forwarding_rule | Create, Update or Destroy a Forwarding_Rule. | |
gcp_healthcheck | Create, Update or Destroy a Healthcheck. | |
gcp_pubsub_subscription | Creates a GCP Subscription | |
gcp_pubsub_topic | Creates a GCP Topic | |
gcp_spanner_database | Creates a GCP Database | |
gcp_spanner_instance | Creates a GCP Instance | |
gcp_sql_database | Creates a GCP Database | |
gcp_sql_instance | Creates a GCP Instance | |
gcp_sql_user | Creates a GCP User | |
gcp_storage_bucket | Creates a GCP Bucket | |
gcp_storage_bucket_access_control | Creates a GCP BucketAccessControl | |
gcp_target_proxy | Create, Update or Destroy a Target_Proxy. | |
gcp_url_map | Create, Update or Destory a Url_Map. | |
gcpubsub | Create and Delete Topics/Subscriptions, Publish and pull messages on PubSub | |
gcpubsub_facts | List Topics/Subscriptions and Messages from Google PubSub. | |
gcspanner | Create and Delete Instances/Databases on Spanner | |
gem | Manage Ruby gems | |
get_url | Downloads files from HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP to node | |
getent | A wrapper to the unix getent utility | |
git | Deploy software (or files) from git checkouts | |
git_config | Read and write git configuration | |
github_deploy_key | Manages deploy keys for GitHub repositories. | |
github_hooks | Manages GitHub service hooks. | |
github_issue | View GitHub issue. | |
github_key | Manage GitHub access keys. | |
github_release | Interact with GitHub Releases | |
gitlab_deploy_key | Manages GitLab project deploy keys. | |
gitlab_group | Creates/updates/deletes Gitlab Groups | |
gitlab_hooks | Manages GitLab project hooks. | |
gitlab_project | Creates/updates/deletes Gitlab Projects | |
gitlab_user | Creates/updates/deletes Gitlab Users | |
gluster_peer | Attach/Detach peers to/from the cluster | |
gluster_volume | Manage GlusterFS volumes | |
grafana_dashboard | Manage Grafana dashboards | |
grafana_datasource | Manage Grafana datasources | |
grafana_plugin | Manage Grafana plugins via grafana-cli | |
group | Add or remove groups | |
group_by | Create Ansible groups based on facts | |
grove | Sends a notification to a grove.io channel | |
gunicorn | Run gunicorn with various settings. | |
hall | Send notification to Hall | |
haproxy | Enable, disable, and set weights for HAProxy backend servers using socket commands. | |
helm | Manages Kubernetes packages with the Helm package manager | |
heroku_collaborator | Add or delete app collaborators on Heroku | |
hg | Manages Mercurial (hg) repositories | |
hipchat | Send a message to Hipchat. | |
homebrew | Package manager for Homebrew | |
homebrew_cask | Install/uninstall homebrew casks. | |
homebrew_tap | Tap a Homebrew repository. | |
honeybadger_deployment | Notify Honeybadger.io about app deployments | |
hostname | Manage hostname | |
hpilo_boot | Boot system using specific media through HP iLO interface | |
hpilo_facts | Gather facts through an HP iLO interface | |
hponcfg | Configure HP iLO interface using hponcfg | |
htpasswd | manage user files for basic authentication | |
iam | Manage IAM users, groups, roles and keys | |
iam_cert | Manage server certificates for use on ELBs and CloudFront | |
iam_group | Manage AWS IAM groups | |
iam_managed_policy | Manage User Managed IAM policies | |
iam_mfa_device_facts | List the MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) devices registered for a user | |
iam_policy | Manage IAM policies for users, groups, and roles | |
iam_role | Manage AWS IAM roles | |
iam_role_facts | Gather information on IAM roles | |
iam_server_certificate_facts | Retrieve the facts of a server certificate | |
iam_user | Manage AWS IAM users | |
ibm_sa_host | Adds hosts to or removes them from IBM Spectrum Accelerate storage systems. | |
ibm_sa_pool | Handles pools on an IBM Spectrum Accelerate storage array. | |
ibm_sa_vol | Handle volumes on an IBM Spectrum Accelerate storage array | |
icinga2_feature | Manage Icinga2 feature | |
icinga2_host | Manage a host in Icinga2 | |
imc_rest | Manage Cisco IMC hardware through its REST API | |
imgadm | Manage SmartOS images | |
import_playbook | Import a playbook | |
import_role | Import a role into a play | |
import_tasks | Import a task list | |
include | Include a play or task list | |
include_role | Load and execute a role | |
include_tasks | Dynamically include a task list | |
include_vars | Load variables from files, dynamically within a task | |
infini_export | Create, Delete or Modify NFS Exports on Infinibox | |
infini_export_client | Create, Delete or Modify NFS Client(s) for existing exports on Infinibox | |
infini_fs | Create, Delete or Modify filesystems on Infinibox | |
infini_host | Create, Delete and Modify Hosts on Infinibox | |
infini_pool | Create, Delete and Modify Pools on Infinibox | |
infini_vol | Create, Delete or Modify volumes on Infinibox | |
infinity | manage Infinity IPAM using Rest API | |
influxdb_database | Manage InfluxDB databases | |
influxdb_query | Query data points from InfluxDB. | |
influxdb_retention_policy | Manage InfluxDB retention policies | |
influxdb_user | Manage InfluxDB users | |
influxdb_write | Write data points into InfluxDB. | |
ini_file | Tweak settings in INI files | |
interfaces_file | Tweak settings in /etc/network/interfaces files | |
ios_banner | Manage multiline banners on Cisco IOS devices | |
ios_command | Run commands on remote devices running Cisco IOS | |
ios_config | Manage Cisco IOS configuration sections | |
ios_facts | Collect facts from remote devices running Cisco IOS | |
ios_interface | Manage Interface on Cisco IOS network devices | |
ios_l2_interface | Manage Layer-2 interface on Cisco IOS devices. | |
ios_l3_interface | Manage Layer-3 interfaces on Cisco IOS network devices. | |
ios_linkagg | Manage link aggregation groups on Cisco IOS network devices | |
ios_lldp | Manage LLDP configuration on Cisco IOS network devices. | |
ios_logging | Manage logging on network devices | |
ios_ping | Tests reachability using ping from Cisco IOS network devices | |
ios_static_route | Manage static IP routes on Cisco IOS network devices | |
ios_system | Manage the system attributes on Cisco IOS devices | |
ios_user | Manage the aggregate of local users on Cisco IOS device | |
ios_vlan | Manage VLANs on IOS network devices | |
ios_vrf | Manage the collection of VRF definitions on Cisco IOS devices | |
iosxr_banner | Manage multiline banners on Cisco IOS XR devices | |
iosxr_command | Run commands on remote devices running Cisco IOS XR | |
iosxr_config | Manage Cisco IOS XR configuration sections | |
iosxr_facts | Collect facts from remote devices running IOS XR | |
iosxr_interface | Manage Interface on Cisco IOS XR network devices | |
iosxr_logging | Configuration management of system logging services on network devices | |
iosxr_netconf | Configures NetConf sub-system service on Cisco IOS-XR devices | |
iosxr_system | Manage the system attributes on Cisco IOS XR devices | |
iosxr_user | Manage the aggregate of local users on Cisco IOS XR device | |
ip_netns | Manage network namespaces | |
ipa_config | Manage Global FreeIPA Configuration Settings | |
ipa_dnsrecord | Manage FreeIPA DNS records | |
ipa_dnszone | Manage FreeIPA DNS Zones | |
ipa_group | Manage FreeIPA group | |
ipa_hbacrule | Manage FreeIPA HBAC rule | |
ipa_host | Manage FreeIPA host | |
ipa_hostgroup | Manage FreeIPA host-group | |
ipa_role | Manage FreeIPA role | |
ipa_service | Manage FreeIPA service | |
ipa_subca | Manage FreeIPA Lightweight Sub Certificate Authorities. | |
ipa_sudocmd | Manage FreeIPA sudo command | |
ipa_sudocmdgroup | Manage FreeIPA sudo command group | |
ipa_sudorule | Manage FreeIPA sudo rule | |
ipa_user | Manage FreeIPA users | |
ipa_vault | Manage FreeIPA vaults | |
ipadm_addr | Manage IP addresses on an interface on Solaris/illumos systems | |
ipadm_addrprop | Manage IP address properties on Solaris/illumos systems. | |
ipadm_if | Manage IP interfaces on Solaris/illumos systems. | |
ipadm_ifprop | Manage IP interface properties on Solaris/illumos systems. | |
ipadm_prop | Manage protocol properties on Solaris/illumos systems. | |
ipify_facts | Retrieve the public IP of your internet gateway. | |
ipinfoio_facts | Retrieve IP geolocation facts of a host's IP address | |
ipmi_boot | Management of order of boot devices | |
ipmi_power | Power management for machine | |
iptables | Modify the systems iptables | |
irc | Send a message to an IRC channel | |
ironware_command | Run arbitrary commands on Extreme IronWare devices | |
ironware_config | Manage configuration sections on Extreme Ironware devices | |
ironware_facts | Collect facts from devices running Extreme Ironware | |
iso_extract | Extract files from an ISO image | |
jabber | Send a message to jabber user or chat room | |
java_cert | Uses keytool to import/remove key from java keystore(cacerts) | |
java_keystore | Create or delete a Java keystore in JKS format. | |
jboss | deploy applications to JBoss | |
jenkins_job | Manage jenkins jobs | |
jenkins_job_facts | Get facts about Jenkins jobs | |
jenkins_plugin | Add or remove Jenkins plugin | |
jenkins_script | Executes a groovy script in the jenkins instance | |
jira | create and modify issues in a JIRA instance | |
junos_banner | Manage multiline banners on Juniper JUNOS devices | |
junos_command | Run arbitrary commands on an Juniper JUNOS device | |
junos_config | Manage configuration on devices running Juniper JUNOS | |
junos_facts | Collect facts from remote devices running Juniper Junos | |
junos_interface | Manage Interface on Juniper JUNOS network devices | |
junos_l2_interface | Manage Layer-2 interface on Juniper JUNOS network devices | |
junos_l3_interface | Manage L3 interfaces on Juniper JUNOS network devices | |
junos_linkagg | Manage link aggregation groups on Juniper JUNOS network devices | |
junos_lldp | Manage LLDP configuration on Juniper JUNOS network devices | |
junos_lldp_interface | Manage LLDP interfaces configuration on Juniper JUNOS network devices | |
junos_logging | Manage logging on network devices | |
junos_netconf | Configures the Junos Netconf system service | |
junos_package | Installs packages on remote devices running Junos | |
junos_rpc | Runs an arbitrary RPC over NetConf on an Juniper JUNOS device | |
junos_scp | Transfer files from or to remote devices running Junos | |
junos_static_route | Manage static IP routes on Juniper JUNOS network devices | |
junos_system | Manage the system attributes on Juniper JUNOS devices | |
junos_user | Manage local user accounts on Juniper JUNOS devices | |
junos_vlan | Manage VLANs on Juniper JUNOS network devices | |
junos_vrf | Manage the VRF definitions on Juniper JUNOS devices | |
k8s | Manage Kubernetes (K8s) objects | |
k8s_facts | Describe Kubernetes (K8s) objects | |
k8s_scale | Set a new size for a Deployment, ReplicaSet, Replication Controller, or Job. | |
katello | Manage Katello Resources | |
kernel_blacklist | Blacklist kernel modules | |
keycloak_client | Allows administration of Keycloak clients via Keycloak API | |
keycloak_clienttemplate | Allows administration of Keycloak client templates via Keycloak API | |
kibana_plugin | Manage Kibana plugins | |
kinesis_stream | Manage a Kinesis Stream. | |
known_hosts | Add or remove a host from the `known_hosts' file | |
kubernetes | Manage Kubernetes resources | |
lambda | Manage AWS Lambda functions | |
lambda_alias | Creates, updates or deletes AWS Lambda function aliases. | |
lambda_event | Creates, updates or deletes AWS Lambda function event mappings. | |
lambda_facts | Gathers AWS Lambda function details as Ansible facts | |
lambda_policy | Creates, updates or deletes AWS Lambda policy statements. | |
layman | Manage Gentoo overlays | |
ldap_attr | Add or remove LDAP attribute values. | |
ldap_entry | Add or remove LDAP entries. | |
ldap_passwd | Set passwords in LDAP. | |
librato_annotation | create an annotation in librato | |
lightsail | Create or delete a virtual machine instance in AWS Lightsail | |
lineinfile | Manage lines in text files | |
linode | Manage instances on the Linode Public Cloud | |
lldp | get details reported by lldp | |
locale_gen | Creates or removes locales | |
logentries | Module for tracking logs via logentries.com | |
logentries_msg | Send a message to logentries. | |
logicmonitor | Manage your LogicMonitor account through Ansible Playbooks | |
logicmonitor_facts | Collect facts about LogicMonitor objects | |
logstash_plugin | Manage Logstash plugins | |
lvg | Configure LVM volume groups | |
lvol | Configure LVM logical volumes | |
lxc_container | Manage LXC Containers | |
lxd_container | Manage LXD Containers | |
lxd_profile | Manage LXD profiles | |
macports | Package manager for MacPorts | |
Send an email | ||
make | Run targets in a Makefile | |
manageiq_alert_profiles | Configuration of alert profiles for ManageIQ | |
manageiq_alerts | Configuration of alerts in ManageIQ | |
manageiq_policies | Management of resource policy_profiles in ManageIQ. | |
manageiq_provider | Management of provider in ManageIQ. | |
manageiq_tags | Management of resource tags in ManageIQ. | |
manageiq_user | Management of users in ManageIQ. | |
mattermost | Send Mattermost notifications | |
maven_artifact | Downloads an Artifact from a Maven Repository | |
memset_dns_reload | Request reload of Memset's DNS infrastructure, | |
memset_zone | Creates and deletes Memset DNS zones. | |
memset_zone_domain | Create and delete domains in Memset DNS zones. | |
memset_zone_record | Create and delete records in Memset DNS zones. | |
meraki_admin | Manage administrators in the Meraki cloud | |
meraki_config_template | Manage configuration templates in the Meraki cloud | |
meraki_device | Manage devices in the Meraki cloud | |
meraki_mr_l3_firewall | Manage MR access point layer 3 firewalls in the Meraki cloud | |
meraki_mx_l3_firewall | Manage MX appliance layer 3 firewalls in the Meraki cloud | |
meraki_network | Manage networks in the Meraki cloud | |
meraki_organization | Manage organizations in the Meraki cloud | |
meraki_snmp | Manage organizations in the Meraki cloud | |
meraki_ssid | Manage wireless SSIDs in the Meraki cloud | |
meraki_switchport | Manage switchports on a switch in the Meraki cloud | |
meraki_vlan | Manage VLANs in the Meraki cloud | |
meta | Execute Ansible 'actions' | |
mksysb | Generates AIX mksysb rootvg backups. | |
modprobe | Load or unload kernel modules | |
mongodb_parameter | Change an administrative parameter on a MongoDB server. | |
mongodb_user | Adds or removes a user from a MongoDB database. | |
monit | Manage the state of a program monitored via Monit | |
mount | Control active and configured mount points | |
mqtt | Publish a message on an MQTT topic for the IoT | |
mssql_db | Add or remove MSSQL databases from a remote host. | |
mysql_db | Add or remove MySQL databases from a remote host. | |
mysql_replication | Manage MySQL replication | |
mysql_user | Adds or removes a user from a MySQL database. | |
mysql_variables | Manage MySQL global variables | |
na_cdot_aggregate | Manage NetApp cDOT aggregates. | |
na_cdot_license | Manage NetApp cDOT protocol and feature licenses | |
na_cdot_lun | Manage NetApp cDOT luns | |
na_cdot_qtree | Manage qtrees | |
na_cdot_svm | Manage NetApp cDOT svm | |
na_cdot_user | useradmin configuration and management | |
na_cdot_user_role | useradmin configuration and management | |
na_cdot_volume | Manage NetApp cDOT volumes | |
na_elementsw_access_group | NetApp Element Software Manage Access Groups | |
na_elementsw_account | NetApp Element Software Manage Accounts | |
na_elementsw_admin_users | NetApp Element Software Manage Admin Users | |
na_elementsw_backup | NetApp Element Software Create Backups | |
na_elementsw_check_connections | NetApp Element Software Check connectivity to MVIP and SVIP. | |
na_elementsw_cluster | NetApp Element Software Create Cluster | |
na_elementsw_cluster_pair | NetApp Element Software Manage Cluster Pair | |
na_elementsw_drive | NetApp Element Software Manage Node Drives | |
na_elementsw_ldap | NetApp Element Software Manage ldap admin users | |
na_elementsw_network_interfaces | NetApp Element Software Configure Node Network Interfaces | |
na_elementsw_node | NetApp Element Software Node Operation | |
na_elementsw_snapshot | NetApp Element Software Manage Snapshots | |
na_elementsw_snapshot_restore | NetApp Element Software Restore Snapshot | |
na_elementsw_snapshot_schedule | NetApp Element Software Snapshot Schedules | |
na_elementsw_vlan | NetApp Element Software Manage VLAN | |
na_elementsw_volume | NetApp Element Software Manage Volumes | |
na_elementsw_volume_clone | NetApp Element Software Create Volume Clone | |
na_elementsw_volume_pair | NetApp Element Software Volume Pair | |
na_ontap_aggregate | NetApp ONTAP manage aggregates. | |
na_ontap_autosupport | NetApp ONTAP manage Autosupport | |
na_ontap_broadcast_domain | NetApp ONTAP manage broadcast domains.. | |
na_ontap_broadcast_domain_ports | NetApp ONTAP manage broadcast domain ports | |
na_ontap_cg_snapshot | NetApp ONTAP manage consistency group snapshot | |
na_ontap_cifs | NetApp ONTAP manage cifs-share | |
na_ontap_cifs_acl | NetApp ONTAP manage cifs-share-access-control | |
na_ontap_cifs_server | NetApp ONTAP CIFS server configuration | |
na_ontap_cluster | NetApp ONTAP cluster - create, join, add license | |
na_ontap_cluster_ha | NetApp ONTAP Manage HA status for cluster | |
na_ontap_cluster_peer | NetApp ONTAP Manage Cluster peering | |
na_ontap_command | NetApp ONTAP Run any cli command | |
na_ontap_disks | NetApp ONTAP Assign disks to nodes | |
na_ontap_dns | NetApp ONTAP Create, delete, modify DNS servers. | |
na_ontap_export_policy | NetApp ONTAP manage export-policy | |
na_ontap_export_policy_rule | NetApp ONTAP manage export policy rules | |
na_ontap_fcp | NetApp ONTAP Start, Stop and Enable FCP services. | |
na_ontap_firewall_policy | NetApp ONTAP Manage a firewall policy | |
na_ontap_gather_facts | NetApp information gatherer | |
na_ontap_igroup | NetApp ONTAP iSCSI igroup configuration | |
na_ontap_interface | NetApp ONTAP LIF configuration | |
na_ontap_iscsi | NetApp ONTAP manage iSCSI service | |
na_ontap_job_schedule | NetApp ONTAP Job Schedule | |
na_ontap_license | NetApp ONTAP protocol and feature licenses | |
na_ontap_lun | NetApp ONTAP manage LUNs | |
na_ontap_lun_map | NetApp ONTAP LUN maps | |
na_ontap_motd | Setup motd on cDOT | |
na_ontap_net_ifgrp | NetApp Ontap modify network interface group | |
na_ontap_net_port | NetApp ONTAP network ports. | |
na_ontap_net_routes | NetApp ONTAP network routes | |
na_ontap_net_vlan | NetApp ONTAP network VLAN | |
na_ontap_nfs | NetApp ONTAP NFS status | |
na_ontap_node | NetApp ONTAP Rename a node. | |
na_ontap_ntp | NetApp ONTAP NTP server | |
na_ontap_qtree | NetApp ONTAP manage qtrees | |
na_ontap_service_processor_network | NetApp ONTAP service processor network | |
na_ontap_snapmirror | NetApp ONTAP Manage SnapMirror | |
na_ontap_snapshot | NetApp ONTAP manage Snapshots | |
na_ontap_snmp | NetApp ONTAP SNMP community | |
na_ontap_software_update | NetApp ONTAP Update Software | |
na_ontap_svm | Manage NetApp ONTAP svm | |
na_ontap_svm_options | NetApp ONTAP Modify SVM Options | |
na_ontap_ucadapter | NetApp ONTAP UC adapter configuration | |
na_ontap_user | NetApp ONTAP user configuration and management | |
na_ontap_user_role | NetApp ONTAP user role configuration and management | |
na_ontap_volume | NetApp ONTAP manage volumes. | |
na_ontap_volume_clone | NetApp ONTAP manage volume clones. | |
na_ontap_vserver_peer | NetApp ONTAP Vserver peering | |
nagios | Perform common tasks in Nagios related to downtime and notifications. | |
nclu | Configure network interfaces using NCLU | |
net_banner | Manage multiline banners on network devices | |
net_get | Copy a file from a network device to Ansible Controller | |
net_interface | Manage Interface on network devices | |
net_l2_interface | Manage Layer-2 interface on network devices | |
net_l3_interface | Manage L3 interfaces on network devices | |
net_linkagg | Manage link aggregation groups on network devices | |
net_lldp | Manage LLDP service configuration on network devices | |
net_lldp_interface | Manage LLDP interfaces configuration on network devices | |
net_logging | Manage logging on network devices | |
net_ping | Tests reachability using ping from a network device | |
net_put | Copy a file from Ansible Controller to a network device | |
net_static_route | Manage static IP routes on network appliances (routers, switches et. al.) | |
net_system | Manage the system attributes on network devices | |
net_user | Manage the aggregate of local users on network device | |
net_vlan | Manage VLANs on network devices | |
net_vrf | Manage VRFs on network devices | |
netact_cm_command | Manage network configuration data in Nokia Core and Radio networks | |
netapp_e_alerts | NetApp E-Series manage email notification settings | |
netapp_e_amg | NetApp E-Series create, remove, and update asynchronous mirror groups | |
netapp_e_amg_role | NetApp E-Series update the role of a storage array within an Asynchronous Mirror Group (AMG). | |
netapp_e_amg_sync | NetApp E-Series conduct synchronization actions on asynchronous mirror groups. | |
netapp_e_asup | NetApp E-Series manage auto-support settings | |
netapp_e_auditlog | NetApp E-Series manage audit-log configuration | |
netapp_e_auth | NetApp E-Series set or update the password for a storage array. | |
netapp_e_facts | NetApp E-Series retrieve facts about NetApp E-Series storage arrays | |
netapp_e_flashcache | NetApp E-Series manage SSD caches | |
netapp_e_global | NetApp E-Series manage global settings configuration | |
netapp_e_host | NetApp E-Series manage eseries hosts | |
netapp_e_hostgroup | NetApp E-Series manage array host groups | |
netapp_e_iscsi_interface | NetApp E-Series manage iSCSI interface configuration | |
netapp_e_iscsi_target | NetApp E-Series manage iSCSI target configuration | |
netapp_e_ldap | NetApp E-Series manage LDAP integration to use for authentication | |
netapp_e_lun_mapping | NetApp E-Series create, delete, or modify lun mappings | |
netapp_e_mgmt_interface | NetApp E-Series management interface configuration | |
netapp_e_snapshot_group | NetApp E-Series manage snapshot groups | |
netapp_e_snapshot_images | NetApp E-Series create and delete snapshot images | |
netapp_e_snapshot_volume | NetApp E-Series manage snapshot volumes. | |
netapp_e_storage_system | NetApp E-Series Web Services Proxy manage storage arrays | |
netapp_e_storagepool | NetApp E-Series manage disk groups and disk pools | |
netapp_e_syslog | NetApp E-Series manage syslog settings | |
netapp_e_volume | NetApp E-Series manage storage volumes (standard and thin) | |
netapp_e_volume_copy | NetApp E-Series create volume copy pairs | |
netconf_config | netconf device configuration | |
netconf_get | Fetch configuration/state data from NETCONF enabled network devices. | |
netconf_rpc | Execute operations on NETCONF enabled network devices. | |
netcup_dns | manage Netcup DNS records | |
netscaler | Manages Citrix NetScaler entities | |
netscaler_cs_action | Manage content switching actions | |
netscaler_cs_policy | Manage content switching policy | |
netscaler_cs_vserver | Manage content switching vserver | |
netscaler_gslb_service | Manage gslb service entities in Netscaler. | |
netscaler_gslb_site | Manage gslb site entities in Netscaler. | |
netscaler_gslb_vserver | Configure gslb vserver entities in Netscaler. | |
netscaler_lb_monitor | Manage load balancing monitors | |
netscaler_lb_vserver | Manage load balancing vserver configuration | |
netscaler_nitro_request | Issue Nitro API requests to a Netscaler instance. | |
netscaler_save_config | Save Netscaler configuration. | |
netscaler_server | Manage server configuration | |
netscaler_service | Manage service configuration in Netscaler | |
netscaler_servicegroup | Manage service group configuration in Netscaler | |
netscaler_ssl_certkey | Manage ssl cerificate keys. | |
newrelic_deployment | Notify newrelic about app deployments | |
nexmo | Send a SMS via nexmo | |
nginx_status_facts | Retrieve nginx status facts. | |
nios_a_record | Configure Infoblox NIOS A records | |
nios_aaaa_record | Configure Infoblox NIOS AAAA records | |
nios_cname_record | Configure Infoblox NIOS CNAME records | |
nios_dns_view | Configure Infoblox NIOS DNS views | |
nios_host_record | Configure Infoblox NIOS host records | |
nios_mx_record | Configure Infoblox NIOS MX records | |
nios_naptr_record | Configure Infoblox NIOS NAPTR records | |
nios_network | Configure Infoblox NIOS network object | |
nios_network_view | Configure Infoblox NIOS network views | |
nios_ptr_record | Configure Infoblox NIOS PTR records | |
nios_srv_record | Configure Infoblox NIOS SRV records | |
nios_txt_record | Configure Infoblox NIOS txt records | |
nios_zone | Configure Infoblox NIOS DNS zones | |
nmcli | Manage Networking | |
nos_command | Run commands on remote devices running Extreme Networks NOS | |
nos_config | Manage Extreme Networks NOS configuration sections | |
nos_facts | Collect facts from devices running Extreme NOS | |
nosh | Manage services with nosh | |
npm | Manage node.js packages with npm | |
nso_action | Executes Cisco NSO actions and verifies output. | |
nso_config | Manage Cisco NSO configuration and service synchronization. | |
nso_query | Query data from Cisco NSO. | |
nso_show | Displays data from Cisco NSO. | |
nso_verify | Verifies Cisco NSO configuration. | |
nsupdate | Manage DNS records. | |
nuage_vspk | Manage Nuage VSP environments | |
nxos_aaa_server | Manages AAA server global configuration. | |
nxos_aaa_server_host | Manages AAA server host-specific configuration. | |
nxos_acl | Manages access list entries for ACLs. | |
nxos_acl_interface | Manages applying ACLs to interfaces. | |
nxos_banner | Manage multiline banners on Cisco NXOS devices | |
nxos_bgp | Manages BGP configuration. | |
nxos_bgp_af | Manages BGP Address-family configuration. | |
nxos_bgp_neighbor | Manages BGP neighbors configurations. | |
nxos_bgp_neighbor_af | Manages BGP address-family's neighbors configuration. | |
nxos_command | Run arbitrary command on Cisco NXOS devices | |
nxos_config | Manage Cisco NXOS configuration sections | |
nxos_e_global | Handles the EVPN control plane for VXLAN. | |
nxos_e_vni | Manages Cisco EVPN VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI). | |
nxos_facts | Gets facts about NX-OS switches | |
nxos_feature | Manage features in NX-OS switches. | |
nxos_file_copy | Copy a file to a remote NXOS device. | |
nxos_gir | Trigger a graceful removal or insertion (GIR) of the switch. | |
nxos_gir_profile_management | Create a maintenance-mode or normal-mode profile for GIR. | |
nxos_hsrp | Manages HSRP configuration on NX-OS switches. | |
nxos_igmp | Manages IGMP global configuration. | |
nxos_igmp_interface | Manages IGMP interface configuration. | |
nxos_igmp_snooping | Manages IGMP snooping global configuration. | |
nxos_install_os | Set boot options like boot, kickstart image and issu. | |
nxos_interface | Manages physical attributes of interfaces. | |
nxos_interface_ospf | Manages configuration of an OSPF interface instance. | |
nxos_ip_interface | Manages L3 attributes for IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces. | |
nxos_l2_interface | Manage Layer-2 interface on Cisco NXOS devices. | |
nxos_l3_interface | Manage L3 interfaces on Cisco NXOS network devices | |
nxos_linkagg | Manage link aggregation groups on Cisco NXOS devices. | |
nxos_lldp | Manage LLDP configuration on Cisco NXOS network devices. | |
nxos_logging | Manage logging on network devices | |
nxos_ntp | Manages core NTP configuration. | |
nxos_ntp_auth | Manages NTP authentication. | |
nxos_ntp_options | Manages NTP options. | |
nxos_nxapi | Manage NXAPI configuration on an NXOS device. | |
nxos_ospf | Manages configuration of an ospf instance. | |
nxos_ospf_vrf | Manages a VRF for an OSPF router. | |
nxos_overlay_global | Configures anycast gateway MAC of the switch. | |
nxos_pim | Manages configuration of a PIM instance. | |
nxos_pim_interface | Manages PIM interface configuration. | |
nxos_pim_rp_address | Manages configuration of an PIM static RP address instance. | |
nxos_ping | Tests reachability using ping from Nexus switch. | |
nxos_portchannel | Manages port-channel interfaces. | |
nxos_reboot | Reboot a network device. | |
nxos_rollback | Set a checkpoint or rollback to a checkpoint. | |
nxos_rpm | Install patch or feature rpms on Cisco NX-OS devices. | |
nxos_smu | Perform SMUs on Cisco NX-OS devices. | |
nxos_snapshot | Manage snapshots of the running states of selected features. | |
nxos_snmp_community | Manages SNMP community configs. | |
nxos_snmp_contact | Manages SNMP contact info. | |
nxos_snmp_host | Manages SNMP host configuration. | |
nxos_snmp_location | Manages SNMP location information. | |
nxos_snmp_traps | Manages SNMP traps. | |
nxos_snmp_user | Manages SNMP users for monitoring. | |
nxos_static_route | Manages static route configuration | |
nxos_switchport | Manages Layer 2 switchport interfaces. | |
nxos_system | Manage the system attributes on Cisco NXOS devices | |
nxos_udld | Manages UDLD global configuration params. | |
nxos_udld_interface | Manages UDLD interface configuration params. | |
nxos_user | Manage the collection of local users on Nexus devices | |
nxos_vlan | Manages VLAN resources and attributes. | |
nxos_vpc | Manages global VPC configuration | |
nxos_vpc_interface | Manages interface VPC configuration | |
nxos_vrf | Manages global VRF configuration. | |
nxos_vrf_af | Manages VRF AF. | |
nxos_vrf_interface | Manages interface specific VRF configuration. | |
nxos_vrrp | Manages VRRP configuration on NX-OS switches. | |
nxos_vtp_domain | Manages VTP domain configuration. | |
nxos_vtp_password | Manages VTP password configuration. | |
nxos_vtp_version | Manages VTP version configuration. | |
nxos_vxlan_vtep | Manages VXLAN Network Virtualization Endpoint (NVE). | |
nxos_vxlan_vtep_vni | Creates a Virtual Network Identifier member (VNI) | |
oc | Manage OpenShift Resources | |
office_365_connector_card | Use webhooks to create Connector Card messages within an Office 365 group | |
ohai | Returns inventory data from `Ohai' | |
omapi_host | Setup OMAPI hosts. | |
one_host | Manages OpenNebula Hosts | |
one_image | Manages OpenNebula images | |
one_image_facts | Gather facts about OpenNebula images | |
one_service | Deploy and manage OpenNebula services | |
one_vm | Creates or terminates OpenNebula instances | |
oneandone_firewall_policy | Configure 1&1 firewall policy. | |
oneandone_load_balancer | Configure 1&1 load balancer. | |
oneandone_monitoring_policy | Configure 1&1 monitoring policy. | |
oneandone_private_network | Configure 1&1 private networking. | |
oneandone_public_ip | Configure 1&1 public IPs. | |
oneandone_server | Create, destroy, start, stop, and reboot a 1&1 Host server. | |
onepassword_facts | Fetch facts from 1Password items | |
oneview_datacenter_facts | Retrieve facts about the OneView Data Centers | |
oneview_enclosure_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more Enclosures | |
oneview_ethernet_network | Manage OneView Ethernet Network resources | |
oneview_ethernet_network_facts | Retrieve the facts about one or more of the OneView Ethernet Networks | |
oneview_fc_network | Manage OneView Fibre Channel Network resources. | |
oneview_fc_network_facts | Retrieve the facts about one or more of the OneView Fibre Channel Networks | |
oneview_fcoe_network | Manage OneView FCoE Network resources | |
oneview_fcoe_network_facts | Retrieve the facts about one or more of the OneView FCoE Networks | |
oneview_logical_interconnect_group | Manage OneView Logical Interconnect Group resources | |
oneview_logical_interconnect_group_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more of the OneView Logical Interconnect Groups | |
oneview_network_set | Manage HPE OneView Network Set resources | |
oneview_network_set_facts | Retrieve facts about the OneView Network Sets | |
oneview_san_manager | Manage OneView SAN Manager resources | |
oneview_san_manager_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more of the OneView SAN Managers | |
online_user_facts | Gather facts about Online user. | |
onyx_bgp | Configures BGP on Mellanox ONYX network devices | |
onyx_command | Run commands on remote devices running Mellanox ONYX | |
onyx_config | Manage Mellanox ONYX configuration sections | |
onyx_facts | Collect facts from Mellanox ONYX network devices | |
onyx_igmp | Configures IGMP globl parameters | |
onyx_interface | Manage Interfaces on Mellanox ONYX network devices | |
onyx_l2_interface | Manage Layer-2 interface on Mellanox ONYX network devices | |
onyx_l3_interface | Manage L3 interfaces on Mellanox ONYX network devices | |
onyx_linkagg | Manage link aggregation groups on Mellanox ONYX network devices | |
onyx_lldp | Manage LLDP configuration on Mellanox ONYX network devices | |
onyx_lldp_interface | Manage LLDP interfaces configuration on Mellanox ONYX network devices | |
onyx_magp | Manage MAGP protocol on Mellanox ONYX network devices | |
onyx_mlag_ipl | Manage IPL (inter-peer link) on Mellanox ONYX network devices | |
onyx_mlag_vip | Configures MLAG VIP on Mellanox ONYX network devices | |
onyx_ospf | Manage OSPF protocol on Mellanox ONYX network devices | |
onyx_pfc_interface | Manage priority flow control on ONYX network devices | |
onyx_protocol | Enables/Disables protocols on Mellanox ONYX network devices | |
onyx_vlan | Manage VLANs on Mellanox ONYX network devices | |
open_iscsi | Manage iscsi targets with open-iscsi | |
openbsd_pkg | Manage packages on OpenBSD | |
opendj_backendprop | Will update the backend configuration of OpenDJ via the dsconfig set-backend-prop command. | |
openshift_raw | Manage Kubernetes (K8s) objects | |
openshift_scale | Set a new size for a Deployment, ReplicaSet, Replication Controller, or Job. | |
openssl_certificate | Generate and/or check OpenSSL certificates | |
openssl_csr | Generate OpenSSL Certificate Signing Request (CSR) | |
openssl_dhparam | Generate OpenSSL Diffie-Hellman Parameters | |
openssl_pkcs12 | Generate OpenSSL PKCS#12 archive. | |
openssl_privatekey | Generate OpenSSL private keys. | |
openssl_publickey | Generate an OpenSSL public key from its private key. | |
openvswitch_bridge | Manage Open vSwitch bridges | |
openvswitch_db | Configure open vswitch database. | |
openvswitch_port | Manage Open vSwitch ports | |
openwrt_init | Manage services on OpenWrt. | |
opkg | Package manager for OpenWrt | |
opx_cps | CPS operations on networking device running Openswitch (OPX) | |
ordnance_config | Manage Ordnance configuration sections | |
ordnance_facts | Collect facts from Ordnance Virtual Routers over SSH | |
os_auth | Retrieve an auth token | |
os_client_config | Get OpenStack Client config | |
os_coe_cluster_template | Add/Remove COE cluster template from OpenStack Cloud | |
os_flavor_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more flavors | |
os_floating_ip | Add/Remove floating IP from an instance | |
os_group | Manage OpenStack Identity Groups | |
os_image | Add/Delete images from OpenStack Cloud | |
os_image_facts | Retrieve facts about an image within OpenStack. | |
os_ironic | Create/Delete Bare Metal Resources from OpenStack | |
os_ironic_inspect | Explicitly triggers baremetal node introspection in ironic. | |
os_ironic_node | Activate/Deactivate Bare Metal Resources from OpenStack | |
os_keypair | Add/Delete a keypair from OpenStack | |
os_keystone_domain | Manage OpenStack Identity Domains | |
os_keystone_domain_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more OpenStack domains | |
os_keystone_endpoint | Manage OpenStack Identity service endpoints | |
os_keystone_role | Manage OpenStack Identity Roles | |
os_keystone_service | Manage OpenStack Identity services | |
os_listener | Add/Delete a listener for a load balancer from OpenStack Cloud | |
os_loadbalancer | Add/Delete load balancer from OpenStack Cloud | |
os_member | Add/Delete a member for a pool in load balancer from OpenStack Cloud | |
os_network | Creates/removes networks from OpenStack | |
os_networks_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more OpenStack networks. | |
os_nova_flavor | Manage OpenStack compute flavors | |
os_nova_host_aggregate | Manage OpenStack host aggregates | |
os_object | Create or Delete objects and containers from OpenStack | |
os_pool | Add/Delete a pool in the load balancing service from OpenStack Cloud | |
os_port | Add/Update/Delete ports from an OpenStack cloud. | |
os_port_facts | Retrieve facts about ports within OpenStack. | |
os_project | Manage OpenStack Projects | |
os_project_access | Manage OpenStack compute flavors acceess | |
os_project_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more OpenStack projects | |
os_quota | Manage OpenStack Quotas | |
os_recordset | Manage OpenStack DNS recordsets | |
os_router | Create or delete routers from OpenStack | |
os_security_group | Add/Delete security groups from an OpenStack cloud. | |
os_security_group_rule | Add/Delete rule from an existing security group | |
os_server | Create/Delete Compute Instances from OpenStack | |
os_server_action | Perform actions on Compute Instances from OpenStack | |
os_server_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more compute instances | |
os_server_group | Manage OpenStack server groups | |
os_server_metadata | Add/Update/Delete Metadata in Compute Instances from OpenStack | |
os_server_volume | Attach/Detach Volumes from OpenStack VM's | |
os_stack | Add/Remove Heat Stack | |
os_subnet | Add/Remove subnet to an OpenStack network | |
os_subnets_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more OpenStack subnets. | |
os_user | Manage OpenStack Identity Users | |
os_user_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more OpenStack users | |
os_user_group | Associate OpenStack Identity users and groups | |
os_user_role | Associate OpenStack Identity users and roles | |
os_volume | Create/Delete Cinder Volumes | |
os_volume_snapshot | Create/Delete Cinder Volume Snapshots | |
os_zone | Manage OpenStack DNS zones | |
osx_defaults | osx_defaults allows users to read, write, and delete macOS user defaults from Ansible | |
ovh_ip_loadbalancing_backend | Manage OVH IP LoadBalancing backends | |
ovirt | oVirt/RHEV platform management | |
ovirt_affinity_group | Module to manage affinity groups in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_affinity_label | Module to manage affinity labels in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_affinity_label_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV affinity labels | |
ovirt_api_facts | Retrieve facts about the oVirt/RHV API | |
ovirt_auth | Module to manage authentication to oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_cluster | Module to manage clusters in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_cluster_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV clusters | |
ovirt_datacenter | Module to manage data centers in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_datacenter_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV datacenters | |
ovirt_disk | Module to manage Virtual Machine and floating disks in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_disk_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV disks | |
ovirt_external_provider | Module to manage external providers in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_external_provider_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV external providers | |
ovirt_group | Module to manage groups in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_group_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV groups | |
ovirt_host | Module to manage hosts in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_host_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV hosts | |
ovirt_host_network | Module to manage host networks in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_host_pm | Module to manage power management of hosts in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_host_storage_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV HostStorages (applicable only for block storage) | |
ovirt_mac_pool | Module to manage MAC pools in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_network | Module to manage logical networks in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_network_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV networks | |
ovirt_nic | Module to manage network interfaces of Virtual Machines in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_nic_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV virtual machine network interfaces | |
ovirt_permission | Module to manage permissions of users/groups in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_permission_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV permissions | |
ovirt_quota | Module to manage datacenter quotas in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_quota_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV quotas | |
ovirt_scheduling_policy_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt scheduling policies | |
ovirt_snapshot | Module to manage Virtual Machine Snapshots in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_snapshot_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV virtual machine snapshots | |
ovirt_storage_connection | Module to manage storage connections in oVirt | |
ovirt_storage_domain | Module to manage storage domains in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_storage_domain_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV storage domains | |
ovirt_storage_template_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV templates relate to a storage domain. | |
ovirt_storage_vm_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV virtual machines relate to a storage domain. | |
ovirt_tag | Module to manage tags in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_tag_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV tags | |
ovirt_template | Module to manage virtual machine templates in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_template_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV templates | |
ovirt_user | Module to manage users in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_user_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV users | |
ovirt_vm | Module to manage Virtual Machines in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_vm_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV virtual machines | |
ovirt_vmpool | Module to manage VM pools in oVirt/RHV | |
ovirt_vmpool_facts | Retrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV vmpools | |
pacemaker_cluster | Manage pacemaker clusters | |
package | Generic OS package manager | |
package_facts | package information as facts | |
packet_device | Manage a bare metal server in the Packet Host. | |
packet_sshkey | Create/delete an SSH key in Packet host. | |
pacman | Manage packages with `pacman' | |
pagerduty | Create PagerDuty maintenance windows | |
pagerduty_alert | Trigger, acknowledge or resolve PagerDuty incidents | |
pam_limits | Modify Linux PAM limits | |
pamd | Manage PAM Modules | |
panos_admin | Add or modify PAN-OS user accounts password. | |
panos_admpwd | change admin password of PAN-OS device using SSH with SSH key | |
panos_cert_gen_ssh | generates a self-signed certificate using SSH protocol with SSH key | |
panos_check | check if PAN-OS device is ready for configuration | |
panos_commit | commit firewall's candidate configuration | |
panos_dag | create a dynamic address group | |
panos_dag_tags | Create tags for DAG's on PAN-OS devices. | |
panos_import | import file on PAN-OS devices | |
panos_interface | configure data-port network interface for DHCP | |
panos_lic | apply authcode to a device/instance | |
panos_loadcfg | load configuration on PAN-OS device | |
panos_match_rule | Test for match against a security rule on PAN-OS devices or Panorama management console. | |
panos_mgtconfig | configure management settings of device | |
panos_nat_policy | create a policy NAT rule | |
panos_nat_rule | create a policy NAT rule | |
panos_object | create/read/update/delete object in PAN-OS or Panorama | |
panos_op | execute arbitrary OP commands on PANW devices (e.g. show interface all) | |
panos_pg | create a security profiles group | |
panos_query_rules | PANOS module that allows search for security rules in PANW NGFW devices. | |
panos_restart | restart a device | |
panos_sag | Create a static address group. | |
panos_security_policy | Create security rule policy on PanOS devices. | |
panos_security_rule | Create security rule policy on PAN-OS devices or Panorama management console. | |
panos_set | Execute arbitrary commands on a PAN-OS device using XPath and element | |
parted | Configure block device partitions | |
patch | Apply patch files using the GNU patch tool | |
pause | Pause playbook execution | |
pear | Manage pear/pecl packages | |
ping | Try to connect to host, verify a usable python and return `pong' on success | |
pingdom | Pause/unpause Pingdom alerts | |
pip | Manages Python library dependencies | |
pkg5 | Manages packages with the Solaris 11 Image Packaging System | |
pkg5_publisher | Manages Solaris 11 Image Packaging System publishers | |
pkgin | Package manager for SmartOS, NetBSD, et al. | |
pkgng | Package manager for FreeBSD >= 9.0 | |
pkgutil | Manage CSW-Packages on Solaris | |
pn_cluster | CLI command to create/delete a cluster. | |
pn_ospf | CLI command to add/remove ospf protocol to a vRouter. | |
pn_ospfarea | CLI command to add/remove ospf area to/from a vrouter. | |
pn_show | Run show commands on nvOS device. | |
pn_trunk | CLI command to create/delete/modify a trunk. | |
pn_vlag | CLI command to create/delete/modify vlag. | |
pn_vlan | CLI command to create/delete a VLAN. | |
pn_vrouter | CLI command to create/delete/modify a vrouter. | |
pn_vrouterbgp | CLI command to add/remove/modify vrouter-bgp. | |
pn_vrouterif | CLI command to add/remove/modify vrouter-interface. | |
pn_vrouterlbif | CLI command to add/remove vrouter-loopback-interface. | |
portage | Package manager for Gentoo | |
portinstall | Installing packages from FreeBSD's ports system | |
postgresql_db | Add or remove PostgreSQL databases from a remote host. | |
postgresql_ext | Add or remove PostgreSQL extensions from a database. | |
postgresql_lang | Adds, removes or changes procedural languages with a PostgreSQL database. | |
postgresql_privs | Grant or revoke privileges on PostgreSQL database objects. | |
postgresql_schema | Add or remove PostgreSQL schema from a remote host | |
postgresql_user | Adds or removes a users (roles) from a PostgreSQL database. | |
profitbricks | Create, destroy, start, stop, and reboot a ProfitBricks virtual machine. | |
profitbricks_datacenter | Create or destroy a ProfitBricks Virtual Datacenter. | |
profitbricks_nic | Create or Remove a NIC. | |
profitbricks_volume | Create or destroy a volume. | |
profitbricks_volume_attachments | Attach or detach a volume. | |
proxmox | management of instances in Proxmox VE cluster | |
proxmox_kvm | Management of Qemu(KVM) Virtual Machines in Proxmox VE cluster. | |
proxmox_template | management of OS templates in Proxmox VE cluster | |
proxysql_backend_servers | Adds or removes mysql hosts from proxysql admin interface. | |
proxysql_global_variables | Gets or sets the proxysql global variables. | |
proxysql_manage_config | Writes the proxysql configuration settings between layers. | |
proxysql_mysql_users | Adds or removes mysql users from proxysql admin interface. | |
proxysql_query_rules | Modifies query rules using the proxysql admin interface. | |
proxysql_replication_hostgroups | Manages replication hostgroups using the proxysql admin interface. | |
proxysql_scheduler | Adds or removes schedules from proxysql admin interface. | |
psexec | Runs commands on a remote Windows host based on the PsExec model | |
pubnub_blocks | PubNub blocks management module. | |
pulp_repo | Add or remove Pulp repos from a remote host. | |
puppet | Runs puppet | |
purefa_ds | Configure FlashArray Directory Service | |
purefa_facts | Collect facts from Pure Storage FlashArray | |
purefa_hg | Manage hostgroups on Pure Storage FlashArrays | |
purefa_host | Manage hosts on Pure Storage FlashArrays | |
purefa_pg | Manage protection groups on Pure Storage FlashArrays | |
purefa_pgsnap | Manage local protection group snapshots on Pure Storage FlashArrays | |
purefa_snap | Manage volume snapshots on Pure Storage FlashArrays | |
purefa_volume | Manage volumes on Pure Storage FlashArrays | |
purefb_facts | Collect facts from Pure Storage FlashBlade | |
purefb_fs | Manage filesystemon Pure Storage FlashBlade` | |
purefb_snap | Manage filesystem snapshots on Pure Storage FlashBlades | |
pushbullet | Sends notifications to Pushbullet | |
pushover | Send notifications via pushover.net | |
python_requirements_facts | Show python path and assert dependency versions | |
rabbitmq_binding | This module manages rabbitMQ bindings | |
rabbitmq_exchange | This module manages rabbitMQ exchanges | |
rabbitmq_parameter | Adds or removes parameters to RabbitMQ | |
rabbitmq_plugin | Manage RabbitMQ plugins | |
rabbitmq_policy | Manage the state of policies in RabbitMQ. | |
rabbitmq_queue | This module manages rabbitMQ queues | |
rabbitmq_user | Adds or removes users to RabbitMQ | |
rabbitmq_vhost | Manage the state of a virtual host in RabbitMQ | |
raw | Executes a low-down and dirty SSH command | |
rax | create / delete an instance in Rackspace Public Cloud | |
rax_cbs | Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Block Storage Volumes | |
rax_cbs_attachments | Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Block Storage Volume Attachments | |
rax_cdb | create/delete or resize a Rackspace Cloud Databases instance | |
rax_cdb_database | create / delete a database in the Cloud Databases | |
rax_cdb_user | create / delete a Rackspace Cloud Database | |
rax_clb | create / delete a load balancer in Rackspace Public Cloud | |
rax_clb_nodes | add, modify and remove nodes from a Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer | |
rax_clb_ssl | Manage SSL termination for a Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer. | |
rax_dns | Manage domains on Rackspace Cloud DNS | |
rax_dns_record | Manage DNS records on Rackspace Cloud DNS | |
rax_facts | Gather facts for Rackspace Cloud Servers | |
rax_files | Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Files Containers | |
rax_files_objects | Upload, download, and delete objects in Rackspace Cloud Files | |
rax_identity | Load Rackspace Cloud Identity | |
rax_keypair | Create a keypair for use with Rackspace Cloud Servers | |
rax_meta | Manipulate metadata for Rackspace Cloud Servers | |
rax_mon_alarm | Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring alarm. | |
rax_mon_check | Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring check for an existing entity. | |
rax_mon_entity | Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring entity | |
rax_mon_notification | Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring notification. | |
rax_mon_notification_plan | Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring notification plan. | |
rax_network | create / delete an isolated network in Rackspace Public Cloud | |
rax_queue | create / delete a queue in Rackspace Public Cloud | |
rax_scaling_group | Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Autoscale Groups | |
rax_scaling_policy | Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Autoscale Scaling Policy | |
rds | create, delete, or modify an Amazon rds instance | |
rds_instance | Manage RDS instances | |
rds_instance_facts | obtain facts about one or more RDS instances | |
rds_param_group | manage RDS parameter groups | |
rds_snapshot_facts | obtain facts about one or more RDS snapshots | |
rds_subnet_group | manage RDS database subnet groups | |
reboot | Reboot a machine | |
redfish_command | Manages Out-Of-Band controllers using Redfish APIs | |
redfish_config | Manages Out-Of-Band controllers using Redfish APIs | |
redfish_facts | Manages Out-Of-Band controllers using Redfish APIs | |
redhat_subscription | Manage registration and subscriptions to RHSM using the `subscription-manager' command | |
redis | Various redis commands, slave and flush | |
redshift | create, delete, or modify an Amazon Redshift instance | |
redshift_facts | Gather facts about Redshift cluster(s) | |
redshift_subnet_group | manage Redshift cluster subnet groups | |
replace | Replace all instances of a particular string in a file using a back-referenced regular expression. | |
rhevm | RHEV/oVirt automation | |
rhn_channel | Adds or removes Red Hat software channels | |
rhn_register | Manage Red Hat Network registration using the `rhnreg_ks' command | |
rhsm_repository | Manage RHSM repositories using the subscription-manager command | |
riak | This module handles some common Riak operations | |
rocketchat | Send notifications to Rocket Chat | |
rollbar_deployment | Notify Rollbar about app deployments | |
route53 | add or delete entries in Amazons Route53 DNS service | |
route53_facts | Retrieves route53 details using AWS methods | |
route53_health_check | add or delete health-checks in Amazons Route53 DNS service | |
route53_zone | add or delete Route53 zones | |
routeros_command | Run commands on remote devices running MikroTik RouterOS | |
rpm_key | Adds or removes a gpg key from the rpm db | |
rundeck_acl_policy | Manage Rundeck ACL policies. | |
rundeck_project | Manage Rundeck projects. | |
runit | Manage runit services | |
s3_bucket | Manage S3 buckets in AWS, Ceph, Walrus and FakeS3 | |
s3_lifecycle | Manage s3 bucket lifecycle rules in AWS | |
s3_logging | Manage logging facility of an s3 bucket in AWS | |
s3_sync | Efficiently upload multiple files to S3 | |
s3_website | Configure an s3 bucket as a website | |
say | Makes a computer to speak. | |
scaleway_compute | Scaleway compute management module | |
scaleway_image_facts | Gather facts about the Scaleway images available. | |
scaleway_ip_facts | Gather facts about the Scaleway ips available. | |
scaleway_organization_facts | Gather facts about the Scaleway organizations available. | |
scaleway_security_group_facts | Gather facts about the Scaleway security groups available. | |
scaleway_server_facts | Gather facts about the Scaleway servers available. | |
scaleway_snapshot_facts | Gather facts about the Scaleway snapshots available. | |
scaleway_sshkey | Scaleway SSH keys management module | |
scaleway_volume | Scaleway volumes management module | |
scaleway_volume_facts | Gather facts about the Scaleway volumes available. | |
script | Runs a local script on a remote node after transferring it | |
seboolean | Toggles SELinux booleans | |
sefcontext | Manages SELinux file context mapping definitions | |
selinux | Change policy and state of SELinux | |
selinux_permissive | Change permissive domain in SELinux policy | |
sendgrid | Sends an email with the SendGrid API | |
sensu_check | Manage Sensu checks | |
sensu_client | Manages Sensu client configuration | |
sensu_handler | Manages Sensu handler configuration | |
sensu_silence | Manage Sensu silence entries | |
sensu_subscription | Manage Sensu subscriptions | |
seport | Manages SELinux network port type definitions | |
serverless | Manages a Serverless Framework project | |
service | Manage services | |
service_facts | Return service state information as fact data | |
set_fact | Set host facts from a task | |
set_stats | Set stats for the current ansible run | |
setup | Gathers facts about remote hosts | |
sf_account_manager | Manage SolidFire accounts | |
sf_check_connections | Check connectivity to MVIP and SVIP. | |
sf_snapshot_schedule_manager | Manage SolidFire snapshot schedules | |
sf_volume_access_group_manager | Manage SolidFire Volume Access Groups | |
sf_volume_manager | Manage SolidFire volumes | |
shell | Execute commands in nodes. | |
sl_vm | create or cancel a virtual instance in SoftLayer | |
slack | Send Slack notifications | |
slackpkg | Package manager for Slackware >= 12.2 | |
slurp | Slurps a file from remote nodes | |
slxos_command | Run commands on remote devices running Extreme Networks SLX-OS | |
slxos_config | Manage Extreme Networks SLX-OS configuration sections | |
slxos_facts | Collect facts from devices running Extreme SLX-OS | |
slxos_interface | Manage Interfaces on Extreme SLX-OS network devices | |
slxos_l2_interface | Manage Layer-2 interface on Extreme Networks SLX-OS devices. | |
slxos_l3_interface | Manage L3 interfaces on Extreme Networks SLX-OS network devices. | |
slxos_linkagg | Manage link aggregation groups on Extreme Networks SLX-OS network devices | |
slxos_lldp | Manage LLDP configuration on Extreme Networks SLX-OS network devices. | |
slxos_vlan | Manage VLANs on Extreme Networks SLX-OS network devices | |
smartos_image_facts | Get SmartOS image details. | |
snmp_facts | Retrieve facts for a device using SNMP. | |
snow_record | Create/Delete/Update records in ServiceNow | |
sns | Send Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) messages | |
sns_topic | Manages AWS SNS topics and subscriptions | |
solaris_zone | Manage Solaris zones | |
sorcery | Package manager for Source Mage GNU/Linux | |
spectrum_device | Creates/deletes devices in CA Spectrum. | |
spotinst_aws_elastigroup | Create, update or delete Spotinst AWS Elastigroups | |
sqs_queue | Creates or deletes AWS SQS queues. | |
sros_command | Run commands on remote devices running Nokia SR OS | |
sros_config | Manage Nokia SR OS device configuration | |
sros_rollback | Configure Nokia SR OS rollback | |
stackdriver | Send code deploy and annotation events to stackdriver | |
stacki_host | Add or remove host to stacki front-end | |
stat | Retrieve file or file system status | |
statusio_maintenance | Create maintenance windows for your status.io dashboard | |
sts_assume_role | Assume a role using AWS Security Token Service and obtain temporary credentials | |
sts_session_token | Obtain a session token from the AWS Security Token Service | |
subversion | Deploys a subversion repository | |
supervisorctl | Manage the state of a program or group of programs running via supervisord | |
svc | Manage daemontools services | |
svr4pkg | Manage Solaris SVR4 packages | |
swdepot | Manage packages with swdepot package manager (HP-UX) | |
swupd | Manages updates and bundles in ClearLinux systems. | |
synchronize | A wrapper around rsync to make common tasks in your playbooks quick and easy. | |
sysctl | Manage entries in sysctl.conf. | |
syslogger | Log messages in the syslog | |
systemd | Manage services | |
sysvinit | Manage SysV services. | |
taiga_issue | Creates/deletes an issue in a Taiga Project Management Platform | |
telegram | module for sending notifications via telegram | |
telnet | Executes a low-down and dirty telnet command | |
tempfile | Creates temporary files and directories. | |
template | Templates a file out to a remote server | |
terraform | Manages a Terraform deployment (and plans) | |
timezone | Configure timezone setting | |
tower_credential | create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower credential. | |
tower_credential_type | Create, update, or destroy custom Ansible Tower credential type. | |
tower_group | create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower group. | |
tower_host | create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower host. | |
tower_inventory | create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower inventory. | |
tower_inventory_source | create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower inventory source. | |
tower_job_cancel | Cancel an Ansible Tower Job. | |
tower_job_launch | Launch an Ansible Job. | |
tower_job_list | List Ansible Tower jobs. | |
tower_job_template | create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower job template. | |
tower_job_wait | Wait for Ansible Tower job to finish. | |
tower_label | create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower label. | |
tower_organization | create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower organizations | |
tower_project | create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower projects | |
tower_role | create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower role. | |
tower_settings | Modify Ansible Tower settings. | |
tower_team | create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower team. | |
tower_user | create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower user. | |
tower_workflow_template | create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower workflow template. | |
twilio | Sends a text message to a mobile phone through Twilio. | |
typetalk | Send a message to typetalk | |
ucs_ip_pool | Configures IP address pools on Cisco UCS Manager | |
ucs_lan_connectivity | Configures LAN Connectivity Policies on Cisco UCS Manager | |
ucs_mac_pool | Configures MAC address pools on Cisco UCS Manager | |
ucs_ntp_server | Configures NTP server on Cisco UCS Manager | |
ucs_san_connectivity | Configures SAN Connectivity Policies on Cisco UCS Manager | |
ucs_storage_profile | Configures storage profiles on Cisco UCS Manager | |
ucs_timezone | Configures timezone on Cisco UCS Manager | |
ucs_uuid_pool | Configures server UUID pools on Cisco UCS Manager | |
ucs_vhba_template | Configures vHBA templates on Cisco UCS Manager | |
ucs_vlans | Configures VLANs on Cisco UCS Manager | |
ucs_vnic_template | Configures vNIC templates on Cisco UCS Manager | |
ucs_vsans | Configures VSANs on Cisco UCS Manager | |
ucs_wwn_pool | Configures WWNN or WWPN pools on Cisco UCS Manager | |
udm_dns_record | Manage dns entries on a univention corporate server | |
udm_dns_zone | Manage dns zones on a univention corporate server | |
udm_group | Manage of the posix group | |
udm_share | Manage samba shares on a univention corporate server | |
udm_user | Manage posix users on a univention corporate server | |
ufw | Manage firewall with UFW | |
unarchive | Unpacks an archive after (optionally) copying it from the local machine. | |
uptimerobot | Pause and start Uptime Robot monitoring | |
uri | Interacts with webservices | |
urpmi | Urpmi manager | |
user | Manage user accounts | |
vca_fw | add remove firewall rules in a gateway in a vca | |
vca_nat | add remove nat rules in a gateway in a vca | |
vca_vapp | Manages vCloud Air vApp instances. | |
vcenter_folder | Manage folders on given datacenter | |
vcenter_license | Manage VMware vCenter license keys | |
vdirect_commit | Commits pending configuration changes on Radware devices | |
vdirect_file | Uploads a new or updates an existing runnable file into Radware vDirect server | |
vdirect_runnable | Runs templates and workflow actions in Radware vDirect server | |
vdo | Module to control VDO | |
vertica_configuration | Updates Vertica configuration parameters. | |
vertica_facts | Gathers Vertica database facts. | |
vertica_role | Adds or removes Vertica database roles and assigns roles to them. | |
vertica_schema | Adds or removes Vertica database schema and roles. | |
vertica_user | Adds or removes Vertica database users and assigns roles. | |
virt | Manages virtual machines supported by libvirt | |
virt_net | Manage libvirt network configuration | |
virt_pool | Manage libvirt storage pools | |
vmadm | Manage SmartOS virtual machines and zones. | |
vmware_about_facts | Provides information about VMware server to which user is connecting to | |
vmware_category | Manage VMware categories | |
vmware_category_facts | Gather facts about VMware tag categories | |
vmware_cfg_backup | Backup / Restore / Reset ESXi host configuration | |
vmware_cluster | Manage VMware vSphere clusters | |
vmware_cluster_facts | Gather facts about clusters available in given vCenter | |
vmware_datacenter | Manage VMware vSphere Datacenters | |
vmware_datastore_cluster | Manage VMware vSphere datastore clusters | |
vmware_datastore_facts | Gather facts about datastores available in given vCenter | |
vmware_datastore_maintenancemode | Place a datastore into maintenance mode | |
vmware_deploy_ovf | Deploys a VMware virtual machine from an OVF or OVA file | |
vmware_dns_config | Manage VMware ESXi DNS Configuration | |
vmware_drs_rule_facts | Gathers facts about DRS rule on the given cluster | |
vmware_dvs_host | Add or remove a host from distributed virtual switch | |
vmware_dvs_portgroup | Create or remove a Distributed vSwitch portgroup. | |
vmware_dvswitch | Create or remove a distributed vSwitch | |
vmware_guest | Manages virtual machines in vCenter | |
vmware_guest_boot_facts | Gather facts about boot options for the given virtual machine | |
vmware_guest_boot_manager | Manage boot options for the given virtual machine | |
vmware_guest_custom_attribute_defs | Manage custom attributes definitions for virtual machine from VMWare | |
vmware_guest_custom_attributes | Manage custom attributes from VMWare for the given virtual machine | |
vmware_guest_disk_facts | Gather facts about disks of given virtual machine | |
vmware_guest_facts | Gather facts about a single VM | |
vmware_guest_file_operation | Files operation in a VMware guest operating system without network | |
vmware_guest_find | Find the folder path(s) for a virtual machine by name or UUID | |
vmware_guest_move | Moves virtual machines in vCenter | |
vmware_guest_powerstate | Manages power states of virtual machines in vCenter | |
vmware_guest_snapshot | Manages virtual machines snapshots in vCenter | |
vmware_guest_snapshot_facts | Gather facts about virtual machine's snapshots in vCenter | |
vmware_guest_tools_wait | Wait for VMware tools to become available | |
vmware_host | Add / Remove ESXi host to / from vCenter | |
vmware_host_acceptance | Manage acceptance level of ESXi host | |
vmware_host_capability_facts | Gathers facts about an ESXi host's capability information | |
vmware_host_config_facts | Gathers facts about an ESXi host's advance configuration information | |
vmware_host_config_manager | Manage advance configurations about an ESXi host | |
vmware_host_datastore | Manage a datastore on ESXi host | |
vmware_host_dns_facts | Gathers facts about an ESXi host's DNS configuration information | |
vmware_host_facts | Gathers facts about remote ESXi hostsystem | |
vmware_host_firewall_facts | Gathers facts about an ESXi host's firewall configuration information | |
vmware_host_firewall_manager | Manage firewall configurations about an ESXi host | |
vmware_host_lockdown | Manage administrator permission for the local administrative account for the ESXi host | |
vmware_host_ntp | Manage NTP configurations about an ESXi host | |
vmware_host_ntp_facts | Gathers facts about NTP configuration on an ESXi host | |
vmware_host_package_facts | Gathers facts about available packages on an ESXi host | |
vmware_host_powerstate | Manages power states of host systems in vCenter | |
vmware_host_service_facts | Gathers facts about an ESXi host's services | |
vmware_host_service_manager | Manage services on a given ESXi host | |
vmware_host_ssl_facts | Gather facts of ESXi host system about SSL | |
vmware_host_vmnic_facts | Gathers facts about vmnics available on the given ESXi host | |
vmware_local_role_facts | Gather facts about local roles on an ESXi host | |
vmware_local_role_manager | Manage local roles on an ESXi host | |
vmware_local_user_facts | Gather facts about users on the given ESXi host | |
vmware_local_user_manager | Manage local users on an ESXi host | |
vmware_maintenancemode | Place a host into maintenance mode | |
vmware_migrate_vmk | Migrate a VMK interface from VSS to VDS | |
vmware_portgroup | Create a VMware portgroup | |
vmware_portgroup_facts | Gathers facts about an ESXi host's portgroup configuration | |
vmware_resource_pool | Add/remove resource pools to/from vCenter | |
vmware_resource_pool_facts | Gathers facts about resource pool information | |
vmware_tag | Manage VMware tags | |
vmware_tag_facts | Manage VMware tag facts | |
vmware_target_canonical_facts | Return canonical (NAA) from an ESXi host system | |
vmware_vm_facts | Return basic facts pertaining to a vSphere virtual machine guest | |
vmware_vm_shell | Run commands in a VMware guest operating system | |
vmware_vm_vm_drs_rule | Configure VMware DRS Affinity rule for virtual machine in given cluster | |
vmware_vm_vss_dvs_migrate | Migrates a virtual machine from a standard vswitch to distributed | |
vmware_vmkernel | Manage a VMware VMkernel Interface aka. Virtual NICs of host system. | |
vmware_vmkernel_facts | Gathers VMKernel facts about an ESXi host | |
vmware_vmkernel_ip_config | Configure the VMkernel IP Address | |
vmware_vmotion | Move a virtual machine using vMotion, and/or its vmdks using storage vMotion. | |
vmware_vsan_cluster | Configure VSAN clustering on an ESXi host | |
vmware_vswitch | Manage a VMware Standard Switch to an ESXi host. | |
vmware_vswitch_facts | Gathers facts about an ESXi host's vswitch configurations | |
voss_command | Run commands on remote devices running Extreme VOSS | |
voss_facts | Collect facts from remote devices running Extreme VOSS | |
vsphere_copy | Copy a file to a vCenter datastore | |
vsphere_guest | Create/delete/manage a guest VM through VMware vSphere. | |
vultr_account_facts | Gather facts about the Vultr account. | |
vultr_block_storage | Manages block storage volumes on Vultr. | |
vultr_block_storage_facts | Gather facts about the Vultr block storage volumes available. | |
vultr_dns_domain | Manages DNS domains on Vultr. | |
vultr_dns_domain_facts | Gather facts about the Vultr DNS domains available. | |
vultr_dns_record | Manages DNS records on Vultr. | |
vultr_firewall_group | Manages firewall groups on Vultr. | |
vultr_firewall_group_facts | Gather facts about the Vultr firewall groups available. | |
vultr_firewall_rule | Manages firewall rules on Vultr. | |
vultr_network | Manages networks on Vultr. | |
vultr_network_facts | Gather facts about the Vultr networks available. | |
vultr_os_facts | Gather facts about the Vultr OSes available. | |
vultr_plan_facts | Gather facts about the Vultr plans available. | |
vultr_region_facts | Gather facts about the Vultr regions available. | |
vultr_server | Manages virtual servers on Vultr. | |
vultr_server_facts | Gather facts about the Vultr servers available. | |
vultr_ssh_key | Manages ssh keys on Vultr. | |
vultr_ssh_key_facts | Gather facts about the Vultr SSH keys available. | |
vultr_startup_script | Manages startup scripts on Vultr. | |
vultr_startup_script_facts | Gather facts about the Vultr startup scripts available. | |
vultr_user | Manages users on Vultr. | |
vultr_user_facts | Gather facts about the Vultr user available. | |
vyos_banner | Manage multiline banners on VyOS devices | |
vyos_command | Run one or more commands on VyOS devices | |
vyos_config | Manage VyOS configuration on remote device | |
vyos_facts | Collect facts from remote devices running VyOS | |
vyos_interface | Manage Interface on VyOS network devices | |
vyos_l3_interface | Manage L3 interfaces on VyOS network devices | |
vyos_linkagg | Manage link aggregation groups on VyOS network devices | |
vyos_lldp | Manage LLDP configuration on VyOS network devices | |
vyos_lldp_interface | Manage LLDP interfaces configuration on VyOS network devices | |
vyos_logging | Manage logging on network devices | |
vyos_static_route | Manage static IP routes on Vyatta VyOS network devices | |
vyos_system | Run set system commands on VyOS devices |
vyos_user | Manage the collection of local users on VyOS device | |
vyos_vlan | Manage VLANs on VyOS network devices | |
wait_for | Waits for a condition before continuing | |
wait_for_connection | Waits until remote system is reachable/usable | |
wakeonlan | Send a magic Wake-on-LAN (WoL) broadcast packet | |
webfaction_app | Add or remove applications on a Webfaction host | |
webfaction_db | Add or remove a database on Webfaction | |
webfaction_domain | Add or remove domains and subdomains on Webfaction | |
webfaction_mailbox | Add or remove mailboxes on Webfaction | |
webfaction_site | Add or remove a website on a Webfaction host | |
win_acl | Set file/directory/registry permissions for a system user or group | |
win_acl_inheritance | Change ACL inheritance | |
win_audit_policy_system | Used to make changes to the system wide Audit Policy | |
win_audit_rule | Adds an audit rule to files, folders, or registry keys | |
win_certificate_store | Manages the certificate store | |
win_chocolatey | Manage packages using chocolatey | |
win_chocolatey_config | Manages Chocolatey config settings | |
win_chocolatey_feature | Manages Chocolatey features | |
win_chocolatey_source | Manages Chocolatey sources | |
win_command | Executes a command on a remote Windows node | |
win_copy | Copies files to remote locations on windows hosts | |
win_defrag | Consolidate fragmented files on local volumes | |
win_disk_facts | Show the attached disks and disk information of the target host | |
win_disk_image | Manage ISO/VHD/VHDX mounts on Windows hosts | |
win_dns_client | Configures DNS lookup on Windows hosts | |
win_domain | Ensures the existence of a Windows domain | |
win_domain_computer | Manage computers in Active Directory | |
win_domain_controller | Manage domain controller/member server state for a Windows host | |
win_domain_group | Creates, modifies or removes domain groups | |
win_domain_membership | Manage domain/workgroup membership for a Windows host | |
win_domain_user | Manages Windows Active Directory user accounts | |
win_dotnet_ngen | Runs ngen to recompile DLLs after .NET updates | |
win_dsc | Invokes a PowerShell DSC configuration | |
win_environment | Modify environment variables on windows hosts | |
win_eventlog | Manage Windows event logs | |
win_eventlog_entry | Write entries to Windows event logs | |
win_feature | Installs and uninstalls Windows Features on Windows Server | |
win_file | Creates, touches or removes files or directories | |
win_file_version | Get DLL or EXE file build version | |
win_find | Return a list of files based on specific criteria | |
win_firewall | Enable or disable the Windows Firewall | |
win_firewall_rule | Windows firewall automation | |
win_get_url | Downloads file from HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP to node | |
win_group | Add and remove local groups | |
win_group_membership | Manage Windows local group membership | |
win_hostname | Manages local Windows computer name. | |
win_hotfix | Install and uninstalls Windows hotfixes | |
win_iis_virtualdirectory | Configures a virtual directory in IIS | |
win_iis_webapplication | Configures IIS web applications | |
win_iis_webapppool | Configure IIS Web Application Pools | |
win_iis_webbinding | Configures a IIS Web site binding | |
win_iis_website | Configures a IIS Web site | |
win_lineinfile | Ensure a particular line is in a file, or replace an existing line using a back-referenced regular expression | |
win_mapped_drive | Map network drives for users | |
win_msg | Sends a message to logged in users on Windows hosts | |
win_msi | Installs and uninstalls Windows MSI files | |
win_nssm | NSSM - the Non-Sucking Service Manager | |
win_owner | Set owner | |
win_package | Installs/uninstalls an installable package | |
win_pagefile | Query or change pagefile configuration | |
win_path | Manage Windows path environment variables | |
win_pester | Run Pester tests on Windows hosts | |
win_ping | A windows version of the classic ping module | |
win_power_plan | Changes the power plan of a Windows system | |
win_product_facts | Provides Windows product information (product id, product key) | |
win_psexec | Runs commands (remotely) as another (privileged) user | |
win_psmodule | Adds or removes a Powershell Module | |
win_rabbitmq_plugin | Manage RabbitMQ plugins | |
win_reboot | Reboot a windows machine | |
win_reg_stat | Get information about Windows registry keys | |
win_regedit | Add, change, or remove registry keys and values | |
win_region | Set the region and format settings | |
win_regmerge | Merges the contents of a registry file into the windows registry | |
win_robocopy | Synchronizes the contents of two directories using Robocopy | |
win_route | Add or remove a static route | |
win_say | Text to speech module for Windows to speak messages and optionally play sounds | |
win_scheduled_task | Manage scheduled tasks | |
win_scheduled_task_stat | Get information about Windows Scheduled Tasks | |
win_security_policy | Change local security policy settings | |
win_service | Manage and query Windows services | |
win_share | Manage Windows shares | |
win_shell | Execute shell commands on target hosts | |
win_shortcut | Manage shortcuts on Windows | |
win_stat | Get information about Windows files | |
win_tempfile | Creates temporary files and directories | |
win_template | Templates a file out to a remote server | |
win_timezone | Sets Windows machine timezone | |
win_toast | Sends Toast windows notification to logged in users on Windows 10 or later hosts | |
win_unzip | Unzips compressed files and archives on the Windows node | |
win_updates | Download and install Windows updates | |
win_uri | Interacts with webservices | |
win_user | Manages local Windows user accounts | |
win_user_right | Manage Windows User Rights | |
win_wait_for | Waits for a condition before continuing | |
win_wait_for_process | Waits for a process to exist or not exist before continuing. | |
win_wakeonlan | Send a magic Wake-on-LAN (WoL) broadcast packet | |
win_webpicmd | Installs packages using Web Platform Installer command-line | |
win_whoami | Get information about the current user and process | |
win_xml | Add XML fragment to an XML parent | |
xattr | Manage user defined extended attributes | |
xbps | Manage packages with XBPS | |
xenserver_facts | get facts reported on xenserver | |
xml | Manage bits and pieces of XML files or strings | |
yarn | Manage node.js packages with Yarn | |
yum | Manages packages with the `yum' package manager | |
yum_repository | Add or remove YUM repositories | |
zabbix_group | Zabbix host groups creates/deletes | |
zabbix_group_facts | Gather facts about Zabbix hostgroup | |
zabbix_host | Zabbix host creates/updates/deletes | |
zabbix_host_facts | Gather facts about Zabbix host | |
zabbix_hostmacro | Zabbix host macro creates/updates/deletes | |
zabbix_maintenance | Create Zabbix maintenance windows | |
zabbix_proxy | Zabbix proxy creates/deletes/gets/updates | |
zabbix_screen | Zabbix screen creates/updates/deletes | |
zabbix_template | create/delete/dump zabbix template | |
zfs | Manage zfs | |
zfs_facts | Gather facts about ZFS datasets. | |
znode | Create, delete, retrieve, and update znodes using ZooKeeper | |
zpool_facts | Gather facts about ZFS pools. | |
zypper | Manage packages on SUSE and openSUSE | |
zypper_repository | Add and remove Zypper repositories |