
Today is my last working day with xxxxx(company name)

It has been almost 4 years but it just feels like everything happened in the blink of an eye.

Looking back,I still feel very grateful that I could have the opportunity to join xxxx(company name)as a fresh graduate.xxxx provides me a great platform to learn,grow,have an understanding of xxx industry and interact with the real business world. The experience I will treasure for the rest of my life.

For those who helped me in the past,I want to deeply thank every one of you for your guidance,trust,help and support. Hope one day I could get the opportunity to reciprocate for your kindness.

I also feel very lucky that I made some closest friends here. Your precious friendship is what I value most in xxxx(company name). Leaving you is really the hardest decision I have ever made. But I trust our friendship will always last no matter where I am going.

Do keep in touch. You might still reach me via wechat@xxxx.

The world will change,our paths will cross and I believe our best times are yet to come.

Thanks again for everything.

Best Regards

xxx(my name)



     今天最后关头和远处的同事聊了很多,感觉经济下行区间,整个颓势难收。也许,现在最大的资本就是年轻吧。趁着年轻出去看看,机会成本不高。还可以试错,能够重新再来。有资本可以写出best times are yet to come的句子。



      Wish you all the best!MHZ!



