struct fb_ops {
struct module *owner;
int (*fb_check_var)(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, struct fb_info *info);
int (*fb_set_par)(struct fb_info *info);
int (*fb_setcolreg)(unsigned regno, unsigned red, unsigned green,
unsigned blue, unsigned transp, struct fb_info *info);
int (*fb_blank)(int blank, struct fb_info *info);
void (*fb_fillrect) (struct fb_info *info, const struct fb_fillrect *rect);
void (*fb_copyarea) (struct fb_info *info, const struct fb_copyarea *region);
void (*fb_imageblit) (struct fb_info *info, const struct fb_image *image);
struct fb_info {
int node;
struct fb_var_screeninfo var; /* Current var */
struct fb_fix_screeninfo fix; /* Current fix */
struct fb_videomode *mode; /* current mode */
struct fb_ops *fbops;
struct device *device; /* This is the parent */
struct device *dev; /* This is this fb device */
char __iomem *screen_base; /* Virtual address */
unsigned long screen_size; /* Amount of ioremapped VRAM or 0 */
struct fb_var_screeninfo {
__u32 xres; /* visible resolution */
__u32 yres;
__u32 xoffset; /* offset from virtual to visible */
__u32 yoffset; /* resolution */
__u32 bits_per_pixel; /* bits/pixel */
__u32 pixclock; /* pixel clock in ps (pico seconds) */
__u32 left_margin; /* time from sync to picture */
__u32 right_margin;/* time from picture to sync */
__u32 hsync_len; /* length of horizontal sync */
__u32 vsync_len; /* length of vertical sync */
struct fb_fix_screeninfo {
char id[16];
unsigned long smem_start; /* 开始的framebuffer内存,这里是物理地址要注意 */
__u32 smem_len; /* 物理地址的长度 */
unsigned long mmio_start; /* 开始的物理地址映射 */
__u32 mmio_len; /* IO内存映射的长度 */
4、struct fb_videomode *mode 这个结构体主要是设置LCD相应的模式,看看我写的注释就清楚了。
struct fb_videomode {
const char *name; /* optional */
u32 refresh; /* optional */
u32 xres; // x分辨率
u32 yres; // y分辨率
u32 pixclock; // 像素时钟频率,即每个时钟周期显示一个像素点
u32 left_margin; // 行扫描开始脉冲到一行像素数据开始输出的延迟 hsync<==>DEN
u32 right_margin; // 一行像素数据输出完毕到下一行的行扫描开始脉冲间的延迟 DEN <==>hsync
u32 upper_margin; // 帧扫描开始脉冲到第一行像素数据开始输出的延迟 vsync<==>DEN(1st line)
u32 lower_margin; // 最后一行像素数据输出结束到下一帧的那帧扫描开始脉冲间的延迟DEN(last line)<==>vsync
u32 hsync_len; // 行扫描脉冲宽度,单位为pixclock
u32 vsync_len; // 帧扫描脉冲宽度,单位为line
u32 sync; // 各同步信号的极性定义,如hsync、vsync、DEN的极性等。
u32 vmode; // 显示模式,逐行还是隔行扫描
u32 flag; // 一般为0
5、struct fb_ops *fbops; 这个结构体是LCDframebuffer操作中最重要的一个,也就是说上面做了LCD的相关设置那只是在设置LCD中的硬件寄存器,
struct fb_ops {
int (*fb_open)(struct fb_info *info, int user);
int (*fb_release)(struct fb_info *info, int user);
ssize_t (*fb_read)(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos);
ssize_t (*fb_write)(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count,
loff_t *ppos);
int (*fb_set_par)(struct fb_info *info);
int (*fb_setcolreg)(unsigned regno, unsigned red, unsigned green,
unsigned blue, unsigned transp, struct fb_info *info);
int (*fb_setcmap)(struct fb_cmap *cmap, struct fb_info *info)
int (*fb_mmap)(struct fb_info *info, struct vm_area_struct *vma);
#define RGB(r,g,b)((r<<16)|(g<<8)|b)
#define WIDTH 1280
#define HIGHT 1024
static int Frame_fd ;
static int *FrameBuffer = NULL ;
static int W , H ;
int Write_FrameBuffer(const char *buffer);
int main(void)
W = 1024 ;
H = 768 ;
Frame_fd = open("/dev/fb0" , O_RDWR);
if(-1 == Frame_fd){
perror("open frame buffer fail");
return -1 ;
//函数原型:void* mmap(void* start,size_t length,int prot,int flags,int fd,off_t offset);
//length:映射区的长度。//长度单位是 以字节为单位,不足一内存页按一内存页处理
//PROT_READ //页内容可以被读取
//PROT_WRITE //页可以被写入
//MAP_SHARED //与其它所有映射这个对象的进程共享映射空间。对共享区的写入,相当于输出到文件。直到msync()或者munmap()被调用,文件实际上不会被更新。
FrameBuffer = mmap(0, 1280*1024*4 , PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE , MAP_SHARED , Frame_fd ,0 );
if(FrameBuffer == (void *)-1){
perror("memory map fail");
return -2 ;
char buffer[WIDTH*HIGHT*3]; //我们要写入的数据
while(1) {
printf("count:%d \n" , count++);
munmap(FrameBuffer , W*H*4); //解除内存映射
close(Frame_fd); //关闭文件描述符
return 0 ;
int Write_FrameBuffer(const char *buffer)
int row , col ;
char *p = NULL ;
for(row = 0 ; row <1024 ; row++){
for(col = 0 ; col < 1280 ; col++){
if((row < H) && (col < W)){
p = (char *)(buffer + (row * W+ col ) * 3);
FrameBuffer[row*1280+col] = RGB((unsigned char)(*(p+2)),(unsigned char)(*(p+1)),(unsigned char )(*p));
return 0 ;
我的CSDN博客: http://blog.csdn.net/morixinguan/article/month/2015/12