


  1. 按子查询出现的位置:
    ① select 后面 :仅仅支持标量子查询
    ② from 后面 :支持表子查询
    ③ where 或 having后面 :支持标量子查询(☆),列子查询(☆),行子查询(用的比较少)
    ④ exists后面(相关子查询):支持表子查询
  2. 按结果集的行列数不同:
    ① 标量子查询(结果集只有一行一列)
    ② 列子查询(结果集只有一列多行)
    ③ 行子查询(结果集是一行多列)
    ④ 表子查询(结果集一般为多行多列)
1. where或having后面

① 标量子查询(单行子查询)
② 列子查询(多行子查询)
③ 行子查询 (多行多列)
① 子查询放在小括号内
② 子查询一般放在条件的右侧
③ 标量子查询,一般搭配着单行操作符使用( >、 <、 >=、 <=、 =、 <>)
④ 列子查询,一般搭配着多行操作符使用(in、any/some、all、)
⑤ 子查询的执行优先于主查询执行,主查询的条件用到了子查询的结果

1.1 标量子查询
  1. 案例
    ① 查询Abel的工资
select salary from employees where last_name = "Abel";

② 查询员工的信息,满足 salary > ①结果

select * from employees where salary >(select salary from employees where last_name = "Abel");
  1. 返回job_id 与141号员工相同,salary 比143号员工多的员工姓名,job_id和工资(where
    ① 查询141号员工的job_id
select job_id from employees where employee_id = 141;

② 查询143号员工的salary

select salary from employees where employee_id = 143;

③ 查询员工的姓名,job_id 和工资,要求 job_id = ① 并且 salary > ②

select last_name,job_id,salary from employees where job_id = (select job_id from employees where employee_id = 141) and salary > (select salary from employees where employee_id = 143);
  1. 返回公司工资最少的员工的last_name,job_id 和salary(where
    ① 查询公司最低工资
select min(salary) from employees;

② 查询last_name, job_id 和 salary ,要求 salary = ①

select last_name,job_id,salary from employees where salary = (select min(salary) from employees);
  1. 查询最低工资大于(50号部门最低工资)的部门id和其最低工资
    ① 查询50号部门的最低工资
select min(salary) from emploees where department_id = 50;

② 查询每个部门的最低工资

select min(salary). department_id from employees group by department_id;

③ 在②的基础上筛选,满足min(salary) > ①

select min(salary). department_id from employees group by department_id having min(salary) > (select min(salary) from emploees where department_id = 50);
1.2 列子查询(多行子查询)

in / not in :等于列表中的任意一个
any | some :和子查询返回的某一个值比较
all : 和子查询返回的所有值比较

  1. 返回location_id 是1400 或是 1700 的部门中的所有员工姓名
    ① 查询location_id 是1400 或是 1700 的部门编号
select distinct department_id from departments where location_id in(1400,1700);

② 查询员工姓名,要求部门号是①列表中的某一个

select last_name from employees where department_id in(select distinct department_id from departments where location_id in(1400,1700));
  1. 返回其他部门中比job_id为“IT_PROG”部门任一(any)工资低的员工的员工号,姓名,job_id 以及 salary
    ① 查询job_id 为 “IT_PROG”部门任一工资
select distinct salary from employees where job_id = "IT_PROG";

② 员工的员工号,姓名,job_id 以及 salary,salary < (①)中的任意一个

select last_name,employee_id,job_id,salary from employees where salary < any(select distinct salary from employees where job_id = "IT_PROG");
  1. 返回其他部门中比job_id为“IT_PROG”部门所有(all)工资低的员工的员工号,姓名,job_id 以及 salary
select last_name,employee_id,job_id,salary from employees where salary < all(select distinct salary from employees where job_id = "IT_PROG");
1.3 行子查询(结果集一行多列或多行多列)
  1. 查询员工编号最小并且工资最高的员工信息
select * from employees where (employee_id,salary)=(select min(employee_id),max(salary) from employees);
2. select后面


  1. 查询每个部门的员工个数
select d.*,(select count(*) from employees e where e.department_id = d."department_id") 个数 from departments d;
  1. 查询员工号 = 102 的部门名
select (select department_name from departments d inner join employees e on d.department_id = e.department_id where e.employee_id = 102) 部门名;
3. from后面


  1. 查询每个部门的平均工资的工资等级
    ① 查询每个部门的平均工资
select avg(salary),department_id from employees group by department_id;

② 连接①的结果集和job_grades 表,筛选条件平均工资 between lowest_sal and highest_sal

select from (select avg(salary),department_id from employees group by department_id) 
ag_dep inner join job_grades g on ag_dep inner join job_grades g on between lowest_sal and highest_sal;
4. exists后面(相关子查询)


  1. 查询有员工的部门名
select department_name from departments d where exists(select * from employees e where d."department_id" = e."department_id");
  1. 查询没有女盆友的男神信息
select bo.*from boys bo where not in (select boyfriend_id from beauty);
select bo.* from boys bo where not exists(select boyfriend_id from beauty b where bo."id" = b."boyfriend_id");


select 查询列表
from 表
【join typejoin2
on 连接条件
where 筛选条件
group by 分组字段
having 分组后的筛选
order by 排序后的字段
limt offset,size;
//offset 要显示条目的起始索引(起始索引从0 开始)
//size 要显示的条目个数

① limit语句放在查询语句的最后
② 公式

要显示的页数 page , 每页的条目数 size
select 查询列表 from 表名 limit (page - 1) * size,size;
  1. 查询前五条员工信息
select * from employees limit 0,5;
select * from employees limit 5;	//从起始位置开始查询时,0可以省略
  1. 查询第11条 到15 条
select * from employees limit 10,15;
  1. 查询有奖金的员工信息,并且工资较高的钱前10名显示出来
select * from employees where commission_pct is not null order by salary desc limit 10;

union : 联合 合并 将多条查询语句的结果合并成一个结果


① 要求多条查询语句的查询列数是一致的
② 要求多条查询语句的查询的每一列的类型和顺序最好一致
③ union关键字默认去重,如果使用union all 可以包含重复项

  1. 查询部门编号 > 90 或邮箱包含 a 的员工信息
select * from employees where email like "%a%" or department_id > 90;
select * from employees where email like "%a%"
select * from employees where department_id > 90;
  1. 查询中国用户中男性的信息以及外国用户中年男性的用户信息
select id,cname,csex from t_ca where csex = "男"
select t_id,tName,tGender from t_ua where tGender= "male";
