对抗样本(论文解读一): DPATCH: An Adversarial Patch Attack on Object Detectors







DPATCH:An Adversarial Patch Attack on Object Detectors


1Duke University, 2The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1{xin.liu4, huanrui.yang, linghao.song, hai.li, yiran.chen}@duke.edu, [email protected]

发表:AAAI 2019


1 摘要:

提出了一个针对主流目标检测器(Faster R-CNN和YOLO)的基于对抗块的黑盒攻击-----DPATCH.

Compared to prior works, DPATCH has several appealing properties:

(1)可以实现无目标及有目标的攻击,分别将原始Faster R-CNN和YOLO的mAP由75.10%和65.7%降到1%以下;
(DPATCH demonstrates great transferability among different detectors as well as training datasets).如基于Faster R-CNN训练的生成的对抗块对于YOLO也具有有效的攻击,反之亦然(and vice versa).

2 介绍:

As deep learning systems achieve excellent performance in many cognitive applications, their security and robustness issues are also raised as important concerns recently. 背景–应用


引入对抗块,Recently, adversarial patch (Brown et al. 2017) is introduced as an practical approach of real-world attacks.

原有对抗块无法攻击识别器, as shown in Fig.1. The reason resides at the detector architectures: Modern object detectors first locate the objects with different sizes at different locations on the image and then perform classification. Hence, the number of targets that need to be attacked in this case is much larger than that in apure classification application (Avishek and Parham 2018).For example,Faster R-CNN generates approximately 20k regions for classification, which is far beyond an original adversarial patch can effectively attack.

引入本论文,Our key insight is that both bounding box regression and object classification need to be simultaneously attacked. Based on this observation, we propose DPATCH – an iteratively trained adversarial patch that …

3 相关工作

Attacking Deep Learning Systems. ( pixel-wise additive noise (Goodfellow et al. 2014))
Adversarial Patch. To achieve a universal attack on realworld vision system, Google (Brown et al. 2017)

4 提出的方法

Revisit Modern Detectors

Faster R-CNN.two-stage detector
•Region Proposal Network
This Region Proposal Network takes as input an n × n spatial window (3 × 3 window as default) to slide over the last shared convolutional layer. These proposed regions generated by RPN will be mapped to the previous feature map for object classification later on.

•Anchors Generation and Region of Interest It generates 9 anchor boxes at each sliding position associated with 3 scales and 3 aspect ratios. These anchor boxes are considered as the potential proposal. When evaluating, Faster R-CNN uses a cls layer, which outputs 2k scores to estimate probability of object or not for each potential proposal.

通过分析网络特性,引出我们的攻击思想。Our purpose is to make the region where the DPATCH exists as the only valid RoI, while other potential proposal should be considered not to own an object and thus, ignored. 从第一个阶段的region入手,使其网络提取评估ROI时只对对抗块感兴趣,而忽略其他全部区域。

YOLO. It reframes object detection as a single regression problem, straight from image pixels to bounding box coordinates and class probabilities. one-stage

•Unified Detection it divides the input image into multiple grids, predicts bounding boxes and confidence scores for each grid. These confident scores reflect the confidence of the box containing an object,as well as the accuracy of the model predicting that box.

•Bounding Boxes Prediction and Confidence Scores Each grid in the image predicts B bounding boxes and confidence scores for those boxes.

从包含对抗块的grid的bboxes入手,使其置信度远高于其他任何grid。the grids where the DPATCH exists should be considered to have an object when attacking YOLO, while other grids should be ignored. That is, the grid containing a DPATCH has higher confidence score than others with normal objects.

DPATCH Formulation




1)无目标攻击:将网络输出的真实标签y^和真实bboxes B^作为loss值进行回传;(这一块的最大损失回传,需要再看一下代码,是否跟愚弄摄像头那个一样,只是找到概率最大的那个值进行回传,估计一样)
2)有目标攻击:最小化与目标类别yt和目标bboxes Bt的损失。

Object Detector Attacking System

对抗样本(论文解读一): DPATCH: An Adversarial Patch Attack on Object Detectors_第1张图片

对抗样本(论文解读一): DPATCH: An Adversarial Patch Attack on Object Detectors_第2张图片

DPATCH Design. 默认大小40*40
**•Randomly-located DPATCH:**每次迭代训练时,随机更改块的位置
**•DPATCH of Different Targeted Classes:**randomly select four classes, bike, boat, cow ,tv
**•DPATCH with Different Sizes:**20-by-20,40-by-40 and 80-by-80

Transferability of DPATCH

YOLO训练生成的对抗块攻击Faster R-CNN,反之亦然;



5 实验


使用了三个预训练检测器:YOLO、基于VGG16和ResNet101的Faster R-CNN

对抗样本(论文解读一): DPATCH: An Adversarial Patch Attack on Object Detectors_第3张图片



对抗样本(论文解读一): DPATCH: An Adversarial Patch Attack on Object Detectors_第4张图片

对抗样本(论文解读一): DPATCH: An Adversarial Patch Attack on Object Detectors_第5张图片
对抗样本(论文解读一): DPATCH: An Adversarial Patch Attack on Object Detectors_第6张图片

