// 第一章 TimeStamp: 2005-3-28
Chapter 1. Introduction to Object-Oriented Concepts
Procedural Versus OO Programming
Moving from Procedural to Object-Oriented Development
What Exactly Is an Object?
What Exactly Is a Class?
Using UML to Model a Class Diagram
Chapter 1. Introduction to Object-Oriented Concepts
第一章. 面向对象概念介绍
Object wrappers are object-oriented code that includes structured code inside. For example, you can take a structured module and wrap it inside an object to make it look like an object.
Object wrappers就是将结构化代码封装在面向对象的代码中。举例来说,你可以将一个结构化模块封装在一个对象中让它看起来像一个对象。(言下之意就是说这个不是对象?!怎么理解?)
Procedural Versus OO Programming
过程 VS OO
Before we delve deeper into the advantages of OO development, let's consider a more fundamental question: What exactly is an object? This is both a complex and a simple question. It is complex because shifting gears to learn a totally new way of thinking is not an easy task. It is simple in the sense that most people already think in terms of objects.
For example, when you look at a person, you see the person as an object. And an object is defined by two terms: attributes and behaviors. A person has attributes, such as eye color, age, height, and so on. A person also has behaviors, such as walking, talking, breathing, and so on. In its basic definition, an object is an entity that contains both data and behavior. The word both is the key difference between the more traditional programming methodology, procedural programming, and OO programming. In procedural programming, code is placed into totally distinct functions or procedures. Ideally, as shown in Figure 1.1, these procedures then become "black boxes," where inputs go in and outputs come out. Data is placed into separate structures, and is manipulated by these functions or procedures.
一个对象是同时包含数据和行为的实体。’同时’是区别于传统面向过程和OO的关键。在面向过程中,代码全部在各种明显不同的方法和过程中。理想的情况就像Figure 1.1所示,这些过程应该是一个’黑盒子’,数据从入口进入,而被加工后的数据从出口导出。数据被放入单独的结构中,通过这些函数和过程来操作这些数据。
Difference Between OO and Procedural
This is the key difference between OO and procedural programming. In OO design, the attributes and behavior are contained within a single object, whereas in procedural, or structured design, the attributes and behavior are normally separated.
这小节后半部分的就不翻了,因为还是再重复加深解释OO的Data Hiding,而不OO则比较会引起混乱。这个道理大家都懂的,直接跳过。最后稍微提了一下对象和对象直接的通信要靠发消息,也是点到为止,反正到后面还会细说。
Procedural Programming
OO Programming
A good example of this concept is a Web object, such as a Java applet. The browser has no idea of what the Web object will do. When the object is loaded, the browser executes the code within the object and uses the data contained within the object.
一个好的例子就是Java applet。浏览器本身不关心Web对象做什么。当那些对象被载入后,浏览器执行对象自己内部的方法。
What Exactly Is an Object?
What Exactly Is a Class?
In short, a class is a blueprint for an object. When you instantiate an object, you use a class as the basis for how the object is built. In fact, trying to explain classes and objects is really a chicken-and-egg dilemma. It is difficult to describe a class without using the term object, and to describe an object without using the term class. For example, a specific bike is an object. However, someone had to have the blueprints (that is, the class) to build the bike. In OO software, unlike the chicken-and-egg dilemma, we do know what comes first—the class. An object cannot be instantiated without a class. Thus, many of the concepts in this section are similar to those presented earlier in the chapter, especially when we talk about attributes and methods.
Classes can be thought of as the templates, or cookie cutters, for objects as seen in Figure 1.10. A class is used to create an object.
倒是Message需要了解一下Smalltalk就是这样滴,大家对C++/JAVA大概比较熟,对Smalltalk可能接触比较少。有机会学习一下,还是对Think in OO很有帮助的。
Messages are the communication mechanism between objects. For example, when Object A invokes a method of Object B, Object A is sending a message to Object B. Object B's response is defined by its return value. Only the public methods, not the private methods, of an object can be invoked by another object. The following code illustrates this concept:
public class Payroll{
String name;
Person p = new Person();
String = p.setName("Joe");
... code
String = p.getName();
In this example (assuming that a Payroll object is instantiated), the Payroll object is sending a message to a Person object, with the purpose of retrieving the name via the getName method.
Hiding as Much Data as Possible这个道理大家都懂的吧?不多说了。
A Real-World Example of the Interface/Implementation Paradigm
Figure 1.12 illustrates the interface/implementation paradigm using real-world objects rather than code. The toaster obviously requires electricity. To get this electricity, the cord from the toaster must be plugged into the electrical outlet, which is the interface. All the toaster needs to do to get the required electricity is to use a cord that complies with the electrical outlet specifications; this is the interface between the toaster and the electricity. The fact that the actual implementation is a coal-powered electric plant is not the concern of the toaster. In fact, for all the toaster cares, the implementation could be a nuclear power plant or a local power generator. With this model, any appliance can get electricity, as long as it conforms to the interface specification as seen in Figure 1.12.
It is natural to think of objects as containing other objects.
In this way, objects are often built, or composed, from other objects—this is composition.
Although an inheritance relationship is considered an is-a relationship for reasons already discussed, a composition relationship is termed a has-a relationship. Using the example in the previous section, a television has-a tuner and has-a video display. A television is obviously not a tuner, so there is no inheritance relationship. In the same vein, a computer has-a video card, has-a keyboard, and has-a disk drive. The topics of inheritance, composition, and how they relate to each other is covered in great detail in Chapter 7, "Mastering Inheritance and Composition."
There is a lot to cover when discussing OO technologies. However, you should leave this chapter with a good understanding of the following topics:
Encapsulation: Encapsulating the data and behavior into a single object is of primary importance in OO development. A single object contains both its data and behaviors and can hide what it wants from other objects.
Inheritance: A class can inherit from another class and take advantage of the attributes and methods defined by the superclass.
Polymorphism: Polymorphism means that similar objects can respond to the same message in different manners. For example, you might have a system with many shapes. However, a circle, a square, and a star are each drawn differently. Using polymorphism, you can send each of these shapes the same message (for example, Draw), and each shape is responsible for drawing itself.
Composition: Composition means that an object is built from other objects.
This chapter covers the fundamental OO concepts. By now you should have a good grasp of what OO concepts are all about.
通过这一章的学习加上我们过去对 OO 的积累我们应该对封装 , 继承 , 多态 , 组合这四块有比较好的理解。如果由于我的翻译或风格原因使您还对上述问题还比较 confusing, 那你可以给我留言 , 提出意见 , 我尽可能帮助您解决问题 , 大家共同进步。