The MRC database dictionary之AOA库 (age of acquisition 习得年龄)

astrolabe 697
plenipotentiary 697
endosperm 697
coif 694
yucca 694
philology 692
calculus 689
phaeton 689
marl 686
wherry 683
gramercy 683
provender 683
convocation 683
synod 683
methylene 681
dryad 681
disparagement 680
polyp 678
usury 678
equanimity 678
enunciation 678
alacrity 678
benzene 675
lymph 675
subaltern 675
perdition 675
panoply 672
incongruity 672
precursor 671
unction 669
theologian 669
oscillation 667
huzza 667
impunity 664
comestible 664
arbiter 664
alchemist 664
incursion 664
unanimity 661
substratum 661
emanation 661
emancipation 661
manganese 661
ague 661
epicure 660
indigenous 658
consummation 658
perturbation 658
reciprocal 656
saltpetre 656
affright 656
pugilist 656
incantation 656
vitriol 656
recreant 656
amity 656
tush 656
pancreas 656
incredulity 656
perpetrator 653
cornice 653
phial 653
collegiate 653
ostentation 653
indolence 651
intemperance 651
sward 650
franchise 650
allegory 650
stipend 650
amplitude 650
despot 650
enigma 649
capitulate 647
unification 647
superfluity 647
strop 647
parallelism 647
morass 647
hypothesis 644
abatement 644
concurrence 644
abridgement 644
impetus 644
quietude 642
audit 642
plaza 642
avowal 642
thane 642
interposition 642
jobber 639
oblivion 639
undergraduate 639
infallibility 639
rhapsody 639
aperture 639
reprisal 639
inauguration 639
stoic 639
fane 639
artifice 637
profiteer 636
veto 636
velveteen 636
mediocrity 636
antagonism 636
aurora 636
conjugation 633
alkali 633
precipitate 633
infringement 633
embellishment 633
offal 633
hierarchy 633
indiscretion 631
aster 631
chronology 631
dowager 631
fissure 631
subsection 631
algae 631
levity 631
evangelist 631
allegation 631
anteroom 629
edict 628
compression 628
heresy 628
detestation 628
seduction 628
cyst 628
carnage 628
mica 626
melee 626
leghorn 625
magnesium 625
ether 625
acidity 622
deity 622
corse 622
philosophy 622
microbe 622
conveyance 622
larkspur 622
supposition 619
cynic 619
impediment 619
etiquette 619
anecdote 619
yore 617
demeanour 617
analogy 617
diffusion 617
disquiet 617
stanza 617
inhibition 617
dexterity 614
succour 614
modernist 614
undulation 614
godhead 614
epitaph 614
cache 614
delegation 611
discord 611
derivation 611
seer 611
constitution 611
carbohydrate 611
beau 611
casque 611
verity 611
nutrient 611
dolt 608
craven 608
technicality 608
diadem 608
intimation 608
absolution 608
psychologist 606
irony 606
sanitarium 606
dirge 606
molasses 606
dissection 606
tarn 606
adjournment 606
discolouration 606
slough 603
adherence 603
justification 603
reformation 603
coffer 603
severance 603
resumption 603
onslaught 600
bequest 600
elopement 600
benefactor 600
cuttle 600
initiation 597
pampas 597
solemnity 597
projectile 597
sperm 597
intoxication 597
neutrality 597
adolescence 597
mismanagement 597
abyss 597
sufferance 597
amendment 597
remittance 594
contamination 594
overproduction 592
besieger 592
immortality 592
graduate 592
brocade 592
cowl 592
cartilage 592
transformer 592
enlightenment 592
retention 592
contraction 592
purser 592
insufficiency 589
immunity 589
brigand 589
aggressor 589
overtone 589
inaction 589
chassis 589
decomposition 589
mall 589
atrocity 589
fervour 586
cult 586
actuality 586
sanitation 586
graphite 586
offshoot 586
chlorine 586
regency 586
hank 583
prow 583
affirmation 583
conservation 583
maternity 583
zoologist 583
decree 583
adultery 583
mohair 583
rendezvous 581
dividend 580
boatswain 578
asbestos 578
elaboration 578
candidate 578
exasperation 578
illiteracy 578
watt 578
ensemble 578
welt 578
henchman 578
thyme 578
personnel 575
persecution 575
aviator 575
kale 575
underbrush 575
assent 575
congress 575
participant 575
rigidity 575
infinity 575
midshipman 575
mutilation 574
legality 572
compatriot 572
anticipation 572
jade 572
puck 572
prelude 572
polka 571
rick 569
aristocracy 569
nicety 569
betterment 569
flora 569
revenue 569
immensity 567
definition 567
prosperity 567
amethyst 567
debate 564
debut 564
gig 564
irrigation 564
irregularity 564
proprietor 561
physician 561
clamour 561
realm 561
fortification 561
rector 561
cleaver 561
flue 561
criticism 561
chow 561
dislocation 561
sedative 561
administration 561
colouration 561
alias 561
receptacle 561
inefficiency 560
salvation 558
spasm 558
iodine 558
southland 558
correspondent 558
salary 558
enterprise 558
domination 558
omen 558
reputation 558
theory 557
translation 556
insistence 556
eyrie 556
republic 556
dowry 556
conspirator 556
sequel 556
gentry 556
simper 556
abdomen 556
smut 556
delta 554
cue 554
agency 553
thong 553
abode 553
institution 553
maturity 553
buffer 553
mortar 551
logic 550
depression 550
vigil 550
commencement 550
glut 550
opposition 550
evacuation 550
rarity 550
overshoe 550
refinement 550
resolution 550
expanse 547
review 547
elimination 547
executive 547
font 547
aspect 547
gore 547
mocker 547
clearance 547
insight 546
hue 544
abandonment 544
accordance 544
palette 542
influence 542
forelock 542
emulsion 542
illusion 542
grievance 542
obstruction 542
freight 542
wharf 542
imprint 542
educator 542
optimism 542
ballot 539
observation 539
accumulation 539
utterance 539
crypt 539
moral 539
resentment 539
sampler 539
defiance 539
conference 539
accommodation 536
tally 536
annex 536
manicure 536
inexperience 536
lecture 536
acceleration 536
counterpane 536
treaty 536
sop 536
latter 536
quail 536
mischance 536
conclusion 536
preference 536
altitude 534
principle 533
enchanter 533
vapour 533
forfeit 533
abscess 533
scull 533
recollection 533
representative 531
majority 531
monocle 531
inoculation 531
endeavour 531
pact 531
spree 531
imperfection 531
falsehood 531
discharge 531
venom 531
fatherland 531
redeemer 531
barb 528
election 528
complication 528
liberty 528
gabardine 528
chrome 528
dimension 528
albatross 528
identification 528
transportation 528
establishment 526
inferno 525
precaution 525
squire 525
commercial 525
tendency 525
wad 525
reckoning 525
manufacturer 525
catastrophe 525
unreality 525
principal 525
hesitation 523
kink 523
corporation 522
bewilderment 522
dignity 522
apartment 522
finance 522
enthusiasm 522
snub 522
independence 522
intermission 522
community 522
discussion 522
uncertainty 522
impersonation 522
encounter 522
dispute 522
amateur 522
soprano 519
deceit 519
professor 519
saxophone 519
consolation 519
undertaking 519
namesake 519
abundance 519
fraud 519
circumstance 519
lumber 519
revolution 517
crock 517
atmosphere 517
specialist 517
ulcer 517
vice 517
construction 517
receipt 517
committee 517
mistress 517
turner 517
consequence 514
aluminium 514
responsibility 514
sentiment 514
humankind 514
career 514
accuser 511
strut 511
nomad 511
tremor 511
function 511
politician 511
virtue 511
proportion 511
harpsichord 511
insolence 511
motive 511
gauntlet 511
lynx 511
distinction 511
necessity 511
halter 511
outset 509
security 508
degree 508
lunge 508
irritation 508
booth 508
monsoon 508
parliament 508
mortal 508
handmaid 508
gondola 508
provision 508
upholstery 508
management 508
insurance 508
reduction 508
personality 508
saga 506
reaction 506
frenzy 506
demonstration 506
labour 506
solution 506
compliment 506
income 506
eaves 506
desperation 506
disagreement 503
civilization 503
estimate 503
siege 503
union 503
idleness 503
resistance 503
unconcern 503
imitator 503
denial 503
communication 503
conscience 503
incline 500
clove 500
keel 500
rye 500
justice 500
originality 500
pretence 500
ignition 500
bayonet 500
fencing 497
society 497
conflict 497
pioneer 497
bitterness 497
budget 497
loyalty 497
university 497
judgement 497
syllable 497
destruction 497
dismissal 494
multitude 494
interview 494
cologne 494
dictation 494
professional 494
brawl 494
department 494
rotation 494
preparation 494
consideration 494
circuit 494
upheaval 494
literature 494
gesture 494
ting 492
continuation 492
comrade 492
emotion 492
betrayal 492
embrace 492
origin 492
remedy 492
tyrant 492
warehouse 492
industry 492
employment 492
venture 492
bond 491
starch 489
flourish 489
occupation 489
extent 489
arrangement 489
astronomy 489
generation 489
bosom 489
transfer 489
marvel 489
unbelief 489
instinct 489
practical 489
exterior 486
unbeliever 486
allotment 486
text 486
production 486
lisp 486
jeer 486
investigation 486
impression 486
tradition 486
territory 486
observer 486
vote 486
substance 483
dunghill 483
ambition 483
automobile 483
yew 483
grove 483
relaxation 483
topic 483
development 483
deposit 483
inquiry 483
friar 483
unrest 481
indication 481
lawyer 481
student 481
intention 481
interior 481
method 481
vale 481
trance 481
hygiene 481
statement 481
confidence 481
introduction 481
attitude 481
outpost 481
genius 480
nerve 480
evidence 480
zone 478
howler 478
innocence 478
suspicion 478
foundation 478
settlement 478
knowledge 477
nob 475
combination 475
lens 475
crucifix 475
wisdom 475
novel 475
opportunity 475
infantry 475
protest 475
uneasiness 475
scheme 475
factor 474
burden 474
boundary 472
device 472
issue 472
suspect 472
confusion 472
exception 472
luxury 472
dell 472
torment 472
standard 472
baron 472
instance 471
scorn 471
drape 469
mineral 469
reality 469
possession 469
population 469
urchin 469
tax 469
approval 469
hind 469
havoc 469
inhabitant 469
thicket 469
description 469
revenge 467
affection 467
sneer 467
express 467
fashion 467
dread 467
promenade 467
neglect 467
expedition 467
mankind 467
dormitory 466
romance 466
satisfaction 466
millstone 464
variety 464
sympathy 464
character 464
sap 464
substitute 464
announcement 464
slang 464
drug 464
experience 464
earl 464
assistance 464
council 464
flutter 463
condition 461
agony 461
volume 461
composer 461
bureau 461
odour 461
ideal 461
rebel 461
protection 461
muzzle 461
series 461
lieutenant 461
rumour 461
suggestion 461
outhouse 461
system 461
woe 461
quiver 460
suite 458
intelligence 458
herdsman 458
vacation 458
chink 458
incident 458
admission 458
fielder 458
extreme 458
period 458
harness 458
examination 458
triumph 458
despair 458
vow 458
olive 458
mass 458
president 458
separation 458
permit 458
science 458
scroll 458
performance 457
situation 457
paradise 456
riot 456
gulf 456
proof 456
monarch 456
secretary 456
commander 456
span 456
haul 456
rate 456
lodge 456
charm 456
challenge 456
presence 456
individual 454
temptation 454
ability 453
garment 453
semicircle 453
calmness 453
foe 453
fullness 453
government 453
beloved 453
continent 453
gush 453
castor 453
essay 450
token 450
sex 450
geography 450
grief 450
misery 450
reign 450
curse 450
glimpse 450
engineer 449
property 447
foreigner 447
disc 447
journal 447
defence 447
route 447
lowland 447
equipment 447
belief 447
burial 446
ally 446
glare 444
merit 444
stile 444
pressure 444
outbreak 444
gospel 444
dwelling 444
diner 444
overlap 444
concern 444
monument 444
explanation 444
rogue 444
fee 444
approach 444
relief 443
exchange 443
improvement 442
spite 442
urn 442
waltz 442
understanding 442
gallery 442
interruption 442
diet 442
emperor 440
prong 439
selection 439
certificate 439
payment 439
pelt 439
antique 439
stride 439
invader 439
honour 439
undoing 439
prey 439
unpleasantness 439
failure 439
decision 437
piping 436
highway 436
mayor 436
upright 436
company 436
column 436
forearm 436
canteen 436
telegraph 436
verb 436
mackerel 436
business 436
range 436
coral 434
haste 434
shaker 433
menu 433
snort 433
value 433
cent 433
prairie 433
respect 433
mechanic 433
ridge 433
charity 433
treatment 433
disinfectant 433
archery 433
cavern 433
trial 433
deputy 433
youth 431
appeal 431
creeper 431
pew 431
dishonesty 431
produce 431
jolt 431
cider 431
retreat 431
envy 431
maiden 429
exhaust 429
military 428
copper 428
wage 428
collection 428
regret 428
segment 428
aerial 428
loan 428
purpose 428
athlete 428
coolness 428
swell 428
ease 428
furnace 428
sprint 428
newt 428
cunning 426
widow 426
appointment 425
nation 425
advice 425
vine 425
rent 425
cedar 425
audience 425
native 425
error 425
dusk 425
impatience 425
bid 425
freedom 425
scene 425
victim 423
exploration 423
pendulum 422
strain 422
distress 422
plot 422
stalk 422
clash 422
craft 422
evergreen 422
disgrace 422
wilderness 422
increase 419
corkscrew 419
manor 419
ceremony 419
courage 419
remark 419
million 419
style 419
quantity 419
talent 419
slumber 419
tweed 419
nightingale 419
candlelight 419
peasant 419
claim 417
border 417
humour 417
supply 417
stoat 417
narrowness 417
division 417
madman 417
outfit 417
subject 417
assemble 417
grade 417
fury 417
jack 414
planet 414
veil 414
household 414
author 414
skill 414
effect 414
future 414
mussel 414
pause 414
delight 414
maze 414
shortage 414
perch 414
rung 414
brass 414
discovery 414
whoop 414
noun 414
century 414
procession 414
effort 411
twilight 411
channel 411
flesh 411
nozzle 411
control 411
priest 411
tomb 411
catfish 411
success 411
acre 411
interest 411
victory 411
vision 411
portion 411
sketch 411
matter 411
unit 411
machinery 409
shrug 408
oath 408
duel 408
register 408
assortment 408
slime 408
hint 408
torture 408
thinker 408
merchant 408
cause 408
education 408
imagination 408
unlearn 406
troop 406
airship 406
sender 406
importance 406
tunic 406
farewell 406
item 406
removal 406
article 406
plunge 406
shriek 406
larch 406
adventurer 406
flyer 406
tape 406
result 406
newborn 406
statue 406
invention 406
servant 406
unknown 406
apology 406
spurt 406
bill 406
lobby 406
damsel 406
drove 406
patience 403
margin 403
timber 403
thrill 403
gleam 403
design 403
neighbourhood 403
wine 403
bloom 403
ranch 403
staff 403
behaviour 400
sin 400
jerk 400
might 400
vessel 400
trust 400
background 400
health 400
lead 400
display 400
excitement 400
armour 400
public 400
electricity 400
service 397
whip 397
pyramid 397
information 397
minnow 397
risk 397
muscle 397
dullness 397
herring 397
ruby 397
scale 397
bulldog 394
skylark 394
sorrow 394
fawn 394
bargain 394
frame 394
trout 394
threat 394
canoe 394
arrival 394
following 394
pleasure 394
term 394
beam 394
refuse 394
brim 394
member 392
savage 392
keeper 392
area 392
task 392
attempt 392
banker 392
blessing 392
costume 392
quickness 392
amount 392
dye 392
clasp 392
giver 392
dart 392
mast 392
clink 392
raid 391
fountain 389
thermometer 389
curiosity 389
shutter 389
haddock 389
gain 389
spirit 389
weakness 389
content 389
leek 389
typewriter 389
slave 386
platform 386
concert 386
movie 386
surrender 386
wheat 386
apricot 386
trail 386
ton 386
poetry 386
pasture 386
theft 386
jingle 386
racket 386
linen 386
latch 386
willow 386
report 386
form 383
shrub 383
type 383
crime 383
friendship 383
law 383
marriage 383
male 383
being 383
cabinet 383
frill 383
messenger 383
bristle 383
otter 383
reason 383
track 383
cube 383
janitor 381
competition 381
submarine 381
thaw 381
woodland 381
seller 381
direction 381
emergency 381
sycamore 381
overcoat 381
murder 381
split 381
terror 381
macaroni 381
brownie 381
deal 381
sigh 380
capital 380
rust 380
yelp 378
growth 378
tailor 378
surface 378
boast 378
moonlight 378
blush 378
passenger 378
difference 378
lime 378
fellow 378
ferry 378
material 378
ewe 378
detective 377
bagpipe 377
normal 375
brook 375
title 375
repair 375
position 375
greenness 375
fortune 375
relation 375
wren 375
weapon 375
warrior 374
crook 374
scout 372
wound 372
childhood 372
stump 372
avenue 372
force 372
port 372
horror 372
entrance 372
reward 372
customer 369
notice 369
worth 369
speech 369
rosebud 369
schoolhouse 369
base 369
reed 369
history 369
hump 369
wreck 369
suds 369
somersault 369
bolt 369
dough 369
human 369
gasp 367
shame 367
balance 367
repeat 367
problem 367
guide 367
rescue 367
carriage 367
laundry 367
mist 367
elm 367
dock 367
pouch 367
trim 367
fiddle 367
arch 367
signal 367
fleece 367
enemy 367
crew 366
tobacco 366
patient 366
bet 364
spare 364
package 364
traveller 364
whirl 364
poison 364
main 364
curve 364
globe 364
beggar 364
golf 364
slit 364
tack 363
yacht 363
plain 361
jaw 361
hero 361
cellar 361
prisoner 361
steeple 361
dent 361
champion 361
chapel 361
hobby 361
invitation 361
fever 358
guy 358
maker 358
impossible 358
clay 358
damage 358
rein 356
echo 356
excuse 356
organ 356
adder 356
passage 356
weep 356
junior 356
knuckle 356
meeting 356
stork 356
sickness 356
waste 354
hail 354
spike 353
wick 353
liver 353
whiteness 353
corridor 353
speck 353
usual 353
creature 353
doorway 353
leader 353
sardine 353
magazine 353
unhappiness 353
pity 353
escape 353
navy 353
tower 353
breeze 351
feast 351
verse 351
shield 350
crane 350
mixture 350
tumble 350
dawn 350
wiggle 350
dreamer 350
habit 350
canal 350
moment 350
cure 350
filling 347
brain 347
thought 347
siren 347
gentleman 347
deck 347
soil 347
prune 347
guard 344
partner 344
search 344
saddle 344
inn 344
core 344
violet 344
aim 344
motor 344
blade 344
order 344
distance 344
measure 344
pump 344
beehive 344
beauty 344
liquid 343
ash 343
nature 342
salad 342
napkin 342
pardon 342
sword 342
minister 342
joy 342
hunter 342
west 342
mystery 342
shower 342
tuck 342
groan 342
flavour 342
lord 342
welcome 342
punishment 342
object 339
valley 339
diamond 339
safety 339
feeling 339
mule 339
crush 339
grave 339
gas 339
wonder 339
sense 336
bay 336
gang 336
leak 336
opening 336
polish 336
rake 336
nonsense 336
quarter 334
dump 333
clever 333
silence 333
palm 333
temper 333
happiness 333
thistle 333
programme 332
lightning 331
bud 331
tide 331
wax 331
dip 331
dew 331
extra 331
breath 331
loss 331
firewood 331
dairy 331
shawl 331
uniform 331
ox 329
steak 329
country 329
accident 329
upset 329
moan 328
season 328
fort 328
market 328
trunk 328
seal 328
lock 328
blame 328
midnight 328
self 328
kindness 328
tip 328
spoke 328
birth 328
pigeon 325
grip 325
strength 325
herd 325
waist 325
neighbour 323
surprise 322
laughter 322
learning 322
kennel 322
mermaid 322
cliff 322
harvest 322
trouble 322
bother 322
record 322
dive 322
rifle 322
stranger 322
ray 322
thief 322
length 322
puzzle 320
hive 319
heap 319
beast 319
harbour 319
pattern 319
germ 319
hospital 319
act 319
dozen 319
porch 319
space 319
barrel 319
footstep 317
paste 317
village 317
silver 317
chop 317
bunch 317
army 317
photograph 317
lily 317
ocean 317
earth 317
radio 317
cherry 317
trip 314
mile 314
wedding 314
question 314
singer 314
cock 314
date 314
addition 314
chatterbox 314
part 314
goodness 314
pit 314
flash 314
coach 314
war 314
hose 314
geese 314
hell 314
lift 311
bench 311
shadow 311
medicine 311
daylight 311
stain 311
case 311
ruler 311
chain 311
axe 311
oak 311
whack 311
beginning 311
visitor 311
worker 308
camp 308
metal 308
pound 308
edge 308
liar 308
trick 308
stripe 308
hotel 308
yard 308
sold 308
shiver 308
steam 308
crow 308
horn 308
swallow 308
pedal 306
pest 306
jersey 306
punch 306
hedge 306
harm 306
post 306
cotton 306
lad 306
anybody 306
umbrella 306
hoof 306
evening 303
oil 303
shape 303
ornament 303
branch 303
bluebell 303
love 303
favourite 303
babe 303
drain 303
nip 303
finish 300
peck 300
danger 300
kilt 300
building 300
station 300
gingerbread 300
cage 300
tool 300
sound 300
primary 297
grape 297
hay 297
scare 297
satchel 297
vase 297
stove 297
forest 297
marble 294
height 294
palace 294
goal 294
flock 294
greed 294
answer 294
ticket 294
newspaper 292
weather 292
ditch 292
slice 292
coffee 292
stable 292
guess 292
note 292
spell 292
peach 292
crab 292
jewel 292
luck 292
peep 289
bridge 289
joke 289
handkerchief 289
hop 289
barn 289
whole 289
straw 289
second 289
fifteen 289
sunlight 289
rubber 289
berry 289
cover 289
snake 289
island 289
fisherman 289
land 286
knitting 286
honey 286
onion 286
tin 286
ribbon 286
hall 283
lamp 283
stew 283
mountain 283
fox 283
driver 283
tent 283
close 283
insect 283
people 281
sweep 281
iron 281
deer 281
hare 281
afternoon 281
heart 281
magic 281
rope 281
lemon 280
family 280
heat 278
cousin 278
hammer 278
sum 278
autumn 278
coal 278
fudge 278
roar 278
church 278
rod 278
smash 278
hate 278
scream 275
lunch 275
cone 275
hunger 275
shepherd 275
voice 275
line 275
soldier 275
kettle 274
heaven 272
wand 272
music 272
find 272
bubble 272
elf 272
sleeve 272
meadow 272
lesson 272
nail 272
bow 271
owl 269
saw 269
win 269
march 269
prayer 269
place 269
howl 269
wood 269
vegetable 269
net 269
shirt 269
pepper 269
touch 269
year 269
gravy 269
scratch 269
cheek 267
half 267
van 267
step 267
thread 267
page 267
hold 267
body 267
needle 264
ankle 264
tear 264
frost 264
minute 264
shoulder 264
throw 264
lap 263
cattle 261
fight 261
brick 261
flame 261
rattle 261
ice 261
lane 261
farmyard 261
spot 261
sting 261
pin 261
age 258
mirror 258
witch 258
ground 258
sauce 258
painting 258
flag 258
cart 258
woman 258
tablespoon 258
frog 258
skirt 258
holiday 258
bowl 256
hide 256
swim 256
letter 256
bush 256
whisper 256
giant 256
nurse 256
hill 256
writing 256
rhyme 253
piano 253
blood 253
worm 253
summer 253
boot 251
sheet 251
basin 250
lie 250
square 250
supper 250
chicken 250
juice 250
sixpence 249
ship 249
money 247
teacher 247
wool 247
queen 247
hush 246
room 244
lion 244
alphabet 244
wrong 244
block 244
darkness 242
jar 242
game 242
angel 242
fairy 242
mouse 242
plug 242
song 242
mud 239
number 239
pond 239
pool 239
elbow 237
winter 236
men 236
fat 236
oven 236
band 236
shop 236
aunt 233
rug 233
robin 233
football 233
pig 233
turn 233
salt 233
breakfast 233
home 233
potato 233
window 231
knee 231
lady 231
shed 231
try 229
paper 229
kick 228
pocket 228
school 228
gun 228
smoke 228
glove 228
look 225
call 225
fork 225
back 225
pencil 225
green 225
jump 222
animal 222
rest 222
soap 222
help 222
elephant 222
tap 222
dress 222
night 222
dot 219
pet 219
fruit 219
sink 219
brother 219
hen 219
picture 219
hurt 219
park 219
kitten 219
pillow 217
sand 217
bag 217
burn 217
pot 217
brush 214
door 214
bite 214
circle 214
grandfather 214
book 214
cake 214
cheese 211
blanket 211
eight 211
drink 211
rain 211
apple 211
smile 208
grandmother 208
ring 208
bird 206
walk 206
sunshine 206
rabbit 206
butter 206
bedroom 206
road 206
nose 206
puppy 203
nod 203
stool 203
orange 203
car 197
coat 197
toe 194
clothes 194
button 192
box 192
uncle 192
bin 192
arm 192
play 192
garden 186
lamb 186
wash 186
spoon 186
penny 186
egg 186
cold 183
thumb 183
girl 183
sun 181
head 181
sock 172
bath 172
bed 169
dog 169
eye 167
face 166
duck 164
toy 164
doll 161
water 153
ball 150
mother 144
dad 125
