Creating Applications with Mozilla >> 2. Getting Started >> 2.2. Basic XUL Concepts

You have already seen many of XUL's basic features at work. When you load the example in the previous example, the browser identifies it as a XUL file, parses the data, creates a new window and draws the button widget, and executes the function you've defined when the button is clicked.

These activities are part of the basic and often transparent interaction between your application files and Mozilla. However, the format of your XUL files, their syntax and namespace, the XUL layout, and the windowing system are all basic to successful XUL programming.[@more@]

2.2 基本XUL概念


2.2.1. The XUL File Format

A XUL file is a simple text file that contains proper XML syntax and has a .xul file extension. Mozilla expects to draw UI widgets when it encounters a file with a .xul extension or when it encounters the XUL namespace in other markup files that it recognizes, including HTML and XML.

The MIME type registered for XUL files is application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml. When editing and using XUL files locally, you shouldn't need to worry about setting this on your computer; however, sometimes you may need to set the MIME type, such as when you host XUL files on a server. Chapter 12 provides additional information about how you can set the correct file type for your system.

2.2.1 xul文件格式



2.2.2. Conventions

XUL has to follow certain conventions (as does XHTML or any other XML-based file) in order to be valid. Mozilla generates an error when it encounters an invalid XUL file.

The first thing required in a XUL document is the XML declaration.

Any comments used to introduce your file can begin on the line after the declaration. Comments in XUL follow the same format used in HTML and XML, delimited by

你可能感兴趣的:(Creating Applications with Mozilla >> 2. Getting Started >> 2.2. Basic XUL Concepts)