jni 中使用NewStringUTF时报错:input is not valid Modified UTF-8: illegal start byte 0xa0

报错 :

05-20 10:35:30.702: A/art(32149): art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: input is not valid Modified UTF-8: illegal start byte 0xa0

原因是:定义的是char * 


将char * 定义更换为const char * ,即可解决问题。


这是因为在调用NewStringUTF()时, dalvik虚拟机调用checkUtfString() 中的checkUtfBytes()对字符串的格式进行了校验.

checkUtfBytes的源码在/dalvik/vm/CheckJni.cpp 中,如下:

     * Verify that "bytes" points to valid "modified UTF-8" data.
    void checkUtfString(const char* bytes, bool nullable) {
        if (bytes == NULL) {
            if (!nullable) {
                ALOGW("JNI WARNING: non-nullable const char* was NULL (%s)", mFunctionName);

        const char* errorKind = NULL;
        u1 utf8 = checkUtfBytes(bytes, &errorKind);
        if (errorKind != NULL) {
            ALOGW("JNI WARNING: %s input is not valid Modified UTF-8: illegal %s byte %#x",
                  mFunctionName, errorKind, utf8);
            ALOGW("             string: '%s'", bytes);

static u1 checkUtfBytes(const char* bytes, const char** errorKind) {
        while (*bytes != '\0') {
            u1 utf8 = *(bytes++);
            // Switch on the high four bits.
            switch (utf8 >> 4) {
            case 0x00:
            case 0x01:
            case 0x02:
            case 0x03:
            case 0x04:
            case 0x05:
            case 0x06:
            case 0x07:
                // Bit pattern 0xxx. No need for any extra bytes.
            case 0x08:
            case 0x09:
            case 0x0a:
            case 0x0b:
            case 0x0f:
                 * Bit pattern 10xx or 1111, which are illegal start bytes.
                 * Note: 1111 is valid for normal UTF-8, but not the
                 * modified UTF-8 used here.
                *errorKind = "start";
                return utf8;
            case 0x0e:
                // Bit pattern 1110, so there are two additional bytes.
                utf8 = *(bytes++);
                if ((utf8 & 0xc0) != 0x80) {
                    *errorKind = "continuation";
                    return utf8;
                // Fall through to take care of the final byte.
            case 0x0c:
            case 0x0d:
                // Bit pattern 110x, so there is one additional byte.
                utf8 = *(bytes++);
                if ((utf8 & 0xc0) != 0x80) {
                    *errorKind = "continuation";
                    return utf8;
        return 0;

C语言中,char * 、const char* 和unsigned char* 的对字符串的处理及区别和联系有待研究。
