android 调用 screenrecord 实现录屏

adb 使用shell 命令 screenrecord 可录屏。
自己写了个app,通过Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd)的方式调用shell命令,报错:

java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: broadcast asks to run as user -2 but is calling from user 0

需要android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL 或者 android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS 权限,而这个权限是system app的权限,第三方app是没有权限申请的。

所以说4.4的录屏是需要root权限的。5.0 之后的 MediaProjection API 不需要 root权限(which allows ordinary, unprivileged applications to record the screen)。

使用 verbose 参数,可见录屏结束后会发送一个广播,用于告诉系统有新文件产生了:

shell@aries:/sdcard $ screenrecord --verbose --time-limit 10 /sdcard/1.mp4
Main display is 720x1280 @59.00fps (orientation=0)
Configuring recorder for 720x1280 video/avc at 4.00Mbps
Content area is 720x1280 at offset x=0 y=0
Time limit reached
Encoder stopping; recorded 6 frames in 10 seconds
Stopping encoder and muxer
Executing: /system/bin/am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_
FILE -d file:///sdcard/1.mp4
Broadcasting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE dat=fil
e:///sdcard/1.mp4 }
Broadcast completed: result=0


* Sends a broadcast to the media scanner to tell it about the new video.
* This is optional, but nice to have.
static status_t notifyMediaScanner(const char* fileName)
// 果然有这样一个函数,然后在 main 函数的末尾调用了此函数:
if (err == NO_ERROR) {
    // Try to notify the media scanner. Not fatal if this fails.

那么,如果注释掉 notifyMediaScanner(fileName); 这一行,重新编译出来的 screenrecord 可执行程序在录屏时就不会发广播了,是不是就不用 root 权限了呢?

修改源码,重新编译framework(其实我是编译整个源码,单独编译 framework 并未生成 screenrecord 可执行文件),然后替换掉system/bin/下的 screenrecord(这个操作是需要 root 权限的,所以本文仅仅是为了研究,并不能达到免 root 使用screenrecord 录屏。当然自己做 ROM 的话可以直接把改过的 screenrecord 打包进去),然后确实可以不用root权限执行。但是录屏结果是空文件(大小为0 kb),debug 信息如下:

Time limit reached
Encoder stopping; recorded 0 frames in 3 seconds
Stopping encoder and muxer

继续查看 screenrecord.cpp ,取消
#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
这一行的注释,即打开 ALOGV 的开关,重新编译,替换手机中的 screenrecord ,app 再次调用 screenrecord 命令,日志如下:

C:\Users\wy>adb logcat | findstr /I "ScreenRecord"
10-17 10:36:17.435 9839 9839 V ScreenRecord: Creating codec
10-17 10:36:17.531 9839 9839 V ScreenRecord: Creating encoder input surface
10-17 10:36:17.533 9839 9839 V ScreenRecord: Starting codec
10-17 10:36:17.618 9839 9839 V ScreenRecord: Codec prepared
10-17 10:36:17.623 9839 9839 V ScreenRecord: Calling dequeueOutputBuffer
10-17 10:36:17.873 9839 9839 V ScreenRecord: dequeueOutputBuffer returned -11
10-17 10:36:17.873 9839 9839 V ScreenRecord: Got -EAGAIN, looping
10-17 10:36:17.873 9839 9839 V ScreenRecord: Calling dequeueOutputBuffer
10-17 10:36:18.124 9839 9839 V ScreenRecord: dequeueOutputBuffer returned -11
10-17 10:36:18.124 9839 9839 V ScreenRecord: Got -EAGAIN, looping
10-17 10:36:18.124 9839 9839 V ScreenRecord: Calling dequeueOutputBuffer

日志显示,在输出 buffer 的时候一直返回错误,不停的重复尝试,直到结束也没成功录屏一帧。



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