


%Load the sample data, which includes Fisher's iris data of 5 measurements on a sample of 150 irises.
load fisheriris

%Create data, a two-column matrix containing sepal length and sepal width measurements for 150 irises.
data = [meas(:,1), meas(:,2)];

% From the species vector, create a new column vector, groups, to classify data into two groups: Setosa and non-Setosa.
groups = ismember(species,'setosa');

%Randomly select training and test sets.
[train, test] = crossvalind('holdOut',groups);
cp = classperf(groups);

%Train an SVM classifier using a linear kernel function and plot the grouped data.
svmStruct = my_svmtrain(data(train,:),groups(train),'showplot',true,'METHOD','SMO');

% Add a title to the plot
title(sprintf('Kernel Function: %s',...

% Classify the test set using svmclassify

% See how well the classifier performed

LIA = ismember(A,B) 返回的是和A一样大小的数组,判断A中对应的元素在B中是否存在,若存在则返回1,否则为0.
[TRAIN,TEST] = crossvalind(‘HoldOut’,N,P)为交叉验证函数,‘HoldOut’方法从N个观测中随机分出P*N个作为验证数据,其中P位于(0,1),缺省值为0.5.TRAIN和TEST返回的向量是由0或1构成,代表对应数据是否是TRAIN或者TEST数据。这里用到的是[TRAIN,TEST] = crossvalind(‘HoldOut’,GROUPS),是对GROUPS进行选取到训练和测试中。
CP = classperf(GROUNDTRUTH)创建一个新的分类验证对象,GROUNDTRUTH是观测对象的真实分类。

function [svm_struct, svIndex] = my_svmtrain(training, groupnames, varargin)
%SVMTRAIN trains a support vector machine classifier
%   SVMStruct = SVMTRAIN(TRAINING,GROUP) trains a support vector machine
%   classifier using data TRAINING taken from two groups given by GROUP.
%   SVMStruct contains information about the trained classifier, including
%   the support vectors, that is used by SVMCLASSIFY for classification.
%   GROUP is a column vector of values of the same length as TRAINING that
%   defines two groups. Each element of GROUP specifies the group the
%   corresponding row of TRAINING belongs to. GROUP can be a numeric
%   vector, a string array, or a cell array of strings. SVMTRAIN treats
%   NaNs or empty strings in GROUP as missing values and ignores the
%   corresponding rows of TRAINING.
%   SVMTRAIN(...,'KERNEL_FUNCTION',KFUN) allows you to specify the kernel
%   function KFUN used to map the training data into kernel space. The
%   default kernel function is the dot product. KFUN can be one of the
%   following strings or a function handle:
%       'linear'      Linear kernel or dot product
%       'quadratic'   Quadratic kernel
%       'polynomial'  Polynomial kernel (default order 3)
%       'rbf'         Gaussian Radial Basis Function kernel
%       'mlp'         Multilayer Perceptron kernel (default scale 1)
%       function      A kernel function specified using @,
%                     for example @KFUN, or an anonymous function
%   A kernel function must be of the form
%         function K = KFUN(U, V)
%   The returned value, K, is a matrix of size M-by-N, where U and V have M
%   and N rows respectively.  If KFUN is parameterized, you can use
%   anonymous functions to capture the problem-dependent parameters. For
%   example, suppose that your kernel function is
%       function k = kfun(u,v,p1,p2)
%       k = tanh(p1*(u*v')+p2);
%   You can set values for p1 and p2 and then use an anonymous function:
%       @(u,v) kfun(u,v,p1,p2).
%   SVMTRAIN(...,'RBF_SIGMA',SIGMA) allows you to specify the scaling
%   factor, sigma, in the radial basis function kernel.
%   SVMTRAIN(...,'POLYORDER',ORDER) allows you to specify the order of a
%   polynomial kernel. The default order is 3.
%   SVMTRAIN(...,'MLP_PARAMS',[P1 P2]) allows you to specify the
%   parameters of the Multilayer Perceptron (mlp) kernel. The mlp kernel
%   requires two parameters, P1 and P2, where K = tanh(P1*U*V' + P2) and P1
%   > 0 and P2 < 0. Default values are P1 = 1 and P2 = -1.
%   SVMTRAIN(...,'METHOD',METHOD) allows you to specify the method used
%   to find the separating hyperplane. Options are
%       'QP'  Use quadratic programming (requires the Optimization Toolbox)
%       'SMO' Use Sequential Minimal Optimization method
%       'LS'  Use least-squares method
%   If you have the Optimization Toolbox, then the QP method is the default
%   method. If not, the default method is SMO. When using the QP method,
%   the classifier is a 2-norm soft-margin support vector machine.
%   SVMTRAIN(...,'QUADPROG_OPTS',OPTIONS) allows you to pass an OPTIONS
%   structure created using OPTIMSET to the QUADPROG function when using
%   the 'QP' method. See help optimset for more details.
%   SVMTRAIN(...,'SMO_OPTS',SMO_OPTIONS) allows you to set options for the
%   'SMO' method. SMO_OPTIONS should be created using the function
%   SVMTRAIN(...,'BOXCONSTRAINT',C) allows you to set the box constraint C
%   for the soft margin. The default value is 1.  C can be a scalar or a
%   vector of the same length as the training data. Note that in older
%   versions of Bioinformatics Toolbox the default value for C was
%   1/sqrt(eps) which will only classify separable data.
%   SVMTRAIN(...,'AUTOSCALE', AUTOSCALEVAL) allows you to specify whether
%   or not to automatically shift and scale the data points before
%   training. Default is true.
%   SVMTRAIN(...,'SHOWPLOT',true), when used with two-dimensional data,
%   creates a plot of the grouped data and plots the separating line for
%   the classifier.
%   Example:
%       % Load the data and select features for classification
%       load fisheriris
%       data = [meas(:,1), meas(:,2)];
%       % Extract the Setosa class
%       groups = ismember(species,'setosa');
%       % Randomly select training and test sets
%       [train, test] = crossvalind('holdOut',groups);
%       cp = classperf(groups);
%       % Use a linear support vector machine classifier
%       svmStruct = svmtrain(data(train,:),groups(train),'showplot',true);
%       % Add a title to the plot
%       title(sprintf('Kernel Function: %s',...
%             func2str(svmStruct.KernelFunction)),...
%             'interpreter','none');
%       % Classify the test set using svmclassify
%       classes = svmclassify(svmStruct,data(test,:),'showplot',true);
%       % See how well the classifier performed
%       classperf(cp,classes,test);
%       cp.CorrectRate

%   Copyright 2004-2008 The MathWorks, Inc.
%   $Revision: $  $Date: 2008/06/16 16:32:47 $

%   References:
%     [1] Cristianini, N., Shawe-Taylor, J An Introduction to Support
%         Vector Machines, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 2000.
%         http://www.support-vector.net
%     [2] Kecman, V, Learning and Soft Computing,
%         MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 2001.
%     [3] Suykens, J.A.K., Van Gestel, T., De Brabanter, J., De Moor, B.,
%         Vandewalle, J., Least Squares Support Vector Machines,
%         World Scientific, Singapore, 2002.
%     [4] J.C. Platt: A Fast Algorithm for Training  Support Vector
%         Machines,  Advances in Kernel Methods - Support Vector Learning,
%         B. Sch?lkopf, C. Burges, and A. Smola, eds., MIT Press, 1998. 
%     [5] J.C. Platt: Fast Training of Support Vector Machines using
%         Sequential Minimal Optimization Microsoft Research Technical
%         Report MSR-TR-98-14, 1998.
%     [6] http://www.kernel-machines.org/papers/tr-30-1998.ps.gz
%   SVMTRAIN(...,'KFUNARGS',ARGS) allows you to pass additional
%   arguments to kernel functions.

% check inputs

% set defaults
plotflag = false;
% The large scale solver cannot handle this type of problem, so turn it
% off.

qp_opts = optimset('LargeScale','Off','display','off');
smo_opts = svmsmoset;
kfunargs = {};
setPoly = false; usePoly = false;
setMLP = false; useMLP = false;
setSigma = false; useSigma = false;

autoScale = true;
% default optimization method
if ~isempty(which('quadprog'))
    optimMethod = 'QP';
    optimMethod = 'SMO';

% set default kernel function
kfun = @linear_kernel;

numoptargs = nargin -2;
optargs = varargin;

% check group is a vector -- though char input is special...
if ~isvector(groupnames) && ~ischar(groupnames)
        'Group must be a vector.');

% grp2idx sorts a numeric grouping var ascending, and a string grouping
% var by order of first occurrence

[groupIndex, groupString] = grp2idx(groupnames);

% make sure that the data are correctly oriented.
if size(groupnames,1) == 1
    groupnames = groupnames';
% make sure data is the right size
if size(training,1) ~= length(groupnames)
    if size(training,2) == length(groupnames)
        training = training';
            'GROUP and TRAINING must have the same number of rows.')

% check for NaN in data matrix:
if any(isnan(training(:)))
    error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:NaNinDataMatrix', ...
        'TRAINING data must not contain missing values');

% NaNs are treated as unknown classes and are removed from the training
% data
nans = isnan(groupIndex);
if any(nans)
    training(nans,:) = [];
    groupIndex(nans) = [];
ngroups = length(groupString);
nPoints = length(groupIndex);
% set default value of box constraint

boxconstraint = ones(nPoints, 1);

% convert to 1, -1.
groupIndex = 1 - (2* (groupIndex-1));

% handle optional arguments
if  numoptargs >= 1
    if rem(numoptargs,2)== 1
            'Incorrect number of arguments to %s.',mfilename);
    okargs = {'kernel_function','method','showplot','kfunargs',...
        'boxconstraint','rbf_sigma','autoscale', 'smo_opts'};

optimMethod= 'SMO';

plotflag= 'true';

% plot the data if requested
if plotflag
    [hAxis,hLines] = svmplotdata(training,groupIndex);

% autoscale data if required, we can not use the zscore function here,
% because we need the shift and scale values.
scaleData = [];
if autoScale
    scaleData.shift = - mean(training);
    stdVals = std(training);
    scaleData.scaleFactor = 1./stdVals;
    % leave zero-variance data unscaled:
    scaleData.scaleFactor(~isfinite(scaleData.scaleFactor)) = 1;

    % shift and scale columns of data matrix:
    for c = 1:size(training, 2)
        training(:,c) = scaleData.scaleFactor(c) * ...
            (training(:,c) +  scaleData.shift(c));

% if we have a kernel that takes extra arguments we must define a new
% kernel function handle to be passed to seqminopt
if ~isempty(kfunargs)
    tmp_kfun = @(x,y) feval(kfun, x,y, kfunargs{:});
    tmp_kfun = kfun;

[alpha bias] = seqminopt(training, groupIndex, ...
    boxconstraint, tmp_kfun, smo_opts);

svIndex = find(alpha > sqrt(eps));
sv = training(svIndex,:);
alphaHat = groupIndex(svIndex).*alpha(svIndex);

svm_struct.SupportVectors = sv;
svm_struct.Alpha = alphaHat;
svm_struct.Bias = bias;
svm_struct.KernelFunction = kfun;
svm_struct.KernelFunctionArgs = kfunargs;
svm_struct.GroupNames = groupnames;
svm_struct.SupportVectorIndices = svIndex;
svm_struct.ScaleData = scaleData;
svm_struct.FigureHandles = [];
if plotflag
    hSV = svmplotsvs(hAxis,hLines,groupString,svm_struct);
    svm_struct.FigureHandles = {hAxis,hLines,hSV};

function [svm_struct, svIndex] = my_svmtrain(training, groupnames, varargin)
在这里需要理解一下varargin,在matlab中, varargin提供了一种函数可变参数列表机制。 就是说, 使用了“可变参数列表机制”的函数允许调用者调用该函数时根据需要来改变输入参数的个数。
注释部分是对参数的一些说明,包括核函数的选择、优化方法的选择以及二维数据的可视化选项。如果不对核函数特别要求,则默认内积。如果不对优化方法设定,则默认用 quadratic programming方法,在我们的作业中则是要用SMO的优化方法。
[groupIndex, groupString] = grp2idx(groupnames);
groupIndex = 1 - (2* (groupIndex-1));

[alpha bias] = seqminopt(training, groupIndex, ...
         boxconstraint, tmp_kfun, smo_opts);

