在Python 3.0中,%操作符通过一个更强的格式化方法format()进行了增强。对str.format()的支持已经被反向移植到了Python 2.6
Python中格式化输出字符串使用format()函数, 字符串即类, 可以使用方法;
Python是完全面向对象的语言, 任何东西都是对象;
字符串的参数使用{NUM}进行表示, 0表示第一个参数, 1表示第二个参数, 以后顺次递加;
使用":", 指定代表元素需要的操作, 如":.3"小数点三位, ":8"占8个字符空间等;
数字(0, 1, ...)即代表format()里面的元素, 所以可以使用"."调用元素的方法;
参见网址: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3101/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#File: abop.py
#Author: Wendy
#Date: 2013-12-03
#eclipse pydev, python3.3
age = 25
name = 'Caroline'
print('{0} is {1} years old. '.format(name, age)) #输出参数
print('{0} is a girl. '.format(name))
print('{0:.3} is a decimal. '.format(1/3)) #小数点后三位
print('{0:_^11} is a 11 length. '.format(name)) #使用_补齐空位
print('{first} is as {second}. '.format(first=name, second='Wendy')) #别名替换
print('My name is {0.name}'.format(open('out.txt', 'w'))) #调用方法
print('My name is {0:8}.'.format('Fred')) #指定宽度
Caroline is 25 years old.
Caroline is a girl.
0.333 is a decimal.
_Caroline__ is a 11 length.
Caroline is as Wendy.
My name is out.txt
My name is Fred .
# Substitute positional argument 0 into the string.
"User ID: {0}".format("root")
-> "User ID: root"
# Use the named keyword arguments
'User ID: {uid} Last seen: {last_login}'.format(uid='root', last_login = '5 Mar 2008 07:20')
-> 'User ID: root Last seen: 5 Mar 2008 07:20'
format("Empty dict: {{}}")
-> "Empty dict: {}"
import sys
'Platform: {0.platform} Python version: {0.version}'.format(sys)
-> 'Platform: darwin Python version: 2.6a1+ (trunk:61261M, Mar 5 2008, 20:29:41) \n[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)]'
import mimetypes
'Content-type: {0[.mp4]}'.format(mimetypes.types_map)
-> 'Content-type: video/mp4'
# Field 0: left justify, pad to 15 characters
# Field 1: right justify, pad to 6 characters
fmt = '{0:15} ${1:>6}'
fmt.format('Registration', 35)
->'Registration $ 35'
fmt.format('Tutorial', 50)
->'Tutorial $ 50'
fmt.format('Banquet', 125)
->'Banquet $ 125'
fmt = '{0:{1}}'
width = 15
fmt.format('Invoice #1234', width)
->'Invoice #1234 '
width = 35
fmt.format('Invoice #1234', width) ->
'Invoice #1234 '
>>> '{0:g}'.format(3.75)
>>> '{0:e}'.format(3.75)
def __format__(self, format_spec):
if isinstance(format_spec, unicode):
return unicode(str(self))
return str(self)
>>> format(75.6564, '.2f')