* OrangeHRM is a comprehensive Human Resource Management (HRM) System that captures
* all the essential functionalities required for any enterprise.
* Copyright (C) 2006 OrangeHRM Inc., http://www.orangehrm.com
* OrangeHRM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* OrangeHRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
* if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* This version is translated and created by SUN, CHEN
* Last updated @ Mon Dec 17 12:40:01 CST 2007
$lang_Error_PleaseCorrectTheFollowing = "请更正以下错误"; //Please correct the following
$lang_Error_SelectAtLeastOneRecordToDelete = "至少选择一条记录以便删除"; //Select at least one record to delete
$lang_Error_DoYouWantToDelete = "需要删除吗?"; //Do you want to delete?
$lang_Error_EnterDate = "输入日期"; //Enter Date?
$lang_Error_PleaseSelectAYear = "请选择年份"; //Please select a Year
$lang_Error_PleaseSelectAnEmployee = "请选择员工"; //Please select an Employee
$lang_Error_DoYouWantToContinue = "需要继续吗?"; //Do you want to continue?
$lang_Error_PleaseSelectAnEmployee = "请选择员工"; //Please select an employee
$lang_Error_ShouldBeNumeric = "应该是数字"; //Should be Numeric
$lang_Error_FollowingErrorsWereFound = "发现以下错误"; //Following errors were found
$lang_Error_AreYouSureYouWantToDelete = "确定要删除"; //Are you sure you want to delete
$lang_Error_AccessDenied = "拒绝访问"; //Access Denied
$lang_Error_PleaseSelectAValidFromDate = "请选择一个有效的开始日期"; //Please select a valid From Date
$lang_Error_PleaseSelectAValidToDate = "请选择一个有效截止日期"; //Please select a valid To Date
$lang_Error_PleaseSelectALeaveType = "请选择一个休假类别"; //Please select a Leave Type
$lang_Error_LeaveDateCannotBeABlankValue = "休假日期不能为空!"; //Leave date cannot be a blank value!
$lang_Error_NameOfHolidayCannotBeBlank = "节日名不能为空"; //Name of holiday cannot be blank
$lang_Error_NoLeaveTypes = "没有休假类别"; //No Leave Types
$lang_Error_NoRecordsFound = "没有找到记录!"; //No records found!
$lang_Error_InvalidDate = "无效日期"; //Invalid date
$lang_Error_NonNumericHours = "时间应为数字";//Number of hours should be numeric
$lang_Error_LastNameNumbers = "姓中含有数字,要继续吗?"; //Last Name contains numbers. Do you want to continue?
$lang_Error_FirstNameNumbers = "名中含有数字,要继续吗?"; //First Name contains numbers. Do you want to continue?
$lang_Error_MiddleNameNumbers = "中间名含有数字,要继续吗?"; //Middle Name contains numbers. Do you want to continue?
$lang_Error_MiddleNameEmpty = "中间名为空,要想继续吗?"; //Middle Name Empty. Do you want to continue?
$lang_Error_LastNameEmpty = "姓为空!"; //Last Name Empty!
$lang_Error_FirstNameEmpty = "名为空!"; //First Name Empty!
$lang_Error_ChangePane = "移到下一页前请保存!"; //Please save the changes before you move onto another pane!
$lang_Error_UploadFailed = "上传失败!"; //Upload failed!
$lang_Errro_WorkEmailIsNotValid = "工作邮件地址无效"; //The work email is not valid
$lang_Errro_OtherEmailIsNotValid = "其它邮件地址无效"; //The other email is not valid
// Company Structure
$lang_Error_Company_General_Undefined = "请先输入公司基本信息!"; //Please define Company General Information first!
$lang_Error_CompStruct_UnitCount = "#parent下的#children节点将被删除"; //Also #children unit(s) under #parent will be deteted
$lang_Error_ItCouldCauseTheCompanyStructureToChange = "这将导致公司结构的改变"; //It could cause the company structure to change
$lang_Error_SubDivisionNameCannotBeEmpty = "分支机构名称不能为空"; //Sub-division Name cannot be empty
$lang_Error_PleaseSelectATypeOrDefineACustomType = "请选择或新建一个类别"; //Please select a Type or define a custom type
$lang_Error_CompStruct_LocEmpty = "请选择一个地点或新建一个地点然后选中它"; //Please select a Location or define a new Location and select
$lang_Error_LocationNameEmpty = "地点名为空"; //Location Name empty
$lang_Error_CountryNotSelected = "国家/地区未选"; //Country not selected
$lang_Error_StateNotSelected = "省未选"; //State not selected
$lang_Error_CityCannotBeEmpty = "城市不能为空"; //City Cannot be empty
$lang_Error_AddressEmpty = "地址为空"; //Address empty
$lang_Error_ZipEmpty = "邮编不能为空"; //Zip - Code Cannot be empty
$lang_Error_CompStruct_ZipInvalid = "邮政编码中含有以下非数字字符:#characterList"; //Zip - Code Contains non-numeric characters Here they are #characterList
$lang_Error_InvalidEmail = "无效的邮件地址"; //Invalid E-mail address
$lang_Error_InvalidDescription = "无效的描述"; //Invalid description
$lang_Error_FieldShouldBeNumeric = "此处应填写数字"; //Field should be numeric
$lang_Error_FieldShouldBeSelected = "此处应被选中"; //Field should be selected
$lang_Error_SelectAtLeastOneCheckBox = "至少选择一项"; //Select atleast one check box
* Menu Items
// Home
$lang_Menu_Home = "首页"; //Home
$lang_Menu_Home_Support = "技术支持"; //Support
$lang_Menu_Home_Forum = "论坛站点"; //Forum
$lang_Menu_Home_Blog = "博客站点"; //Blog
$lang_Menu_Ess = "自助服务"; //ESS
$lang_Menu_Pim = "员工信息"; //PIM
// Admin Module
$lang_Menu_Admin = "管理"; //Admin
$lang_Menu_Admin_CompanyInfo = "公司信息"; //Company Info
$lang_Menu_Admin_CompanyInfo_Gen = "基本信息"; //General
$lang_Menu_Admin_CompanyInfo_CompStruct = "公司结构"; //Company Structure
$lang_Menu_Admin_CompanyInfo_Locations = "办公地点"; //Locations
$lang_Menu_Admin_Job = "职位"; //Job
$lang_Menu_Admin_Job_JobTitles = "职位名称"; //Job Titles
$lang_Menu_Admin_Job_PayGrades = "薪酬等级"; //Pay Grades
$lang_Menu_Admin_Job_EmpStatus = "雇佣状态"; //Employment Status
$lang_Menu_Admin_Job_EEO = "职位种类"; //EEO Job Categories
$lang_Menu_Admin_Quali = "任职资格"; //Qualification
$lang_Menu_Admin_Quali_Education = "教育水平"; //Education
$lang_Menu_Admin_Quali_Licenses = "相关证书"; //Licenses
$lang_Menu_Admin_Skills = "技能"; //Skills
$lang_Menu_Admin_Skills_Skills = "技能"; //Skills
$lang_Menu_Admin_Skills_Languages = "语言能力"; //Languages
$lang_Menu_Admin_Memberships = "会员组织"; //Memberships
$lang_Menu_Admin_Memberships_Memberships = "会员组织"; //Memberships
$lang_Menu_Admin_Memberships_MembershipTypes = "组织类别"; //Membership Types
$lang_Menu_Admin_NationalityNRace = "国籍&民族"; //Nationality & Race
$lang_Menu_Admin_NationalityNRace_Nationality = "国籍"; //Nationality
$lang_Menu_Admin_NationalityNRace_EthnicRaces = "民族"; //Ethnic Races
$lang_Menu_Admin_Users = "系统用户"; //Users
$lang_Menu_Admin_Users_UserGroups = "管理员组"; //Admin User Groups
$lang_Menu_Admin_Users_HRAdmin = "HR管理员"; //HR Admin Users
$lang_Menu_Admin_Users_ESS = "自助服务用户"; //ESS Users
$lang_Menu_Admin_EmailNotifications = "邮件提醒"; //Email Notifications
$lang_Menu_Admin_EmailConfiguration = "设置"; //Configuration
$lang_Menu_Admin_EmailSubscribe = "订阅"; //Subscribe
$lang_Menu_Admin_ProjectInfo = "项目信息"; //Project Info
$lang_Menu_Admin_Customers = "客户管理"; //Customers
$lang_Menu_Admin_Projects = "项目管理"; //Projects
// Leave Module
$lang_Menu_Leave = "休假"; //Leave
$lang_Menu_Leave_PersonalLeaveSummary = "个人休假总览"; //Personal Leave Summary
$lang_Menu_Leave_EmployeeLeaveSummary = "员工休假总览"; //Employee Leave Summary
$lang_Menu_Leave_LeaveSummary = "休假总览"; //Leave Summary
$lang_Menu_Leave_LeavesList = "休假列表"; //Leaves List
$lang_Menu_Leave_ApproveLeave = "同意"; //Approve Leave
$lang_Menu_Leave_LeaveTypes = "添加休假类别"; //Define Leave Types
$lang_Menu_Leave_Apply = "申请"; //Apply
$lang_Menu_Leave_Assign = "添加休假"; //Assign Leave
$lang_Menu_Leave_LeaveList = "休假列表"; //Leave List
$lang_Menu_Leave_MyLeave = "我的休假";//My Leave
$lang_Menu_Leave_DefineDaysOff = "定义公休日"; //Define Days Off
$lang_Menu_Leave_DefineDaysOff_Weekends = "周末"; //Weekends
$lang_Menu_Leave_DefineDaysOff_SpecificHolidays = "节日"; //Specific Holidays
$lang_Leave_Title_Apply_Leave = "申请休假"; //Apply Leave
$lang_Leave_Title_Assign_Leave = "添加休假"; //Assign Leave
$lang_Leave_APPLY_SUCCESS = "申请成功"; //Apply succeeded
$lang_Leave_APPLY_FAILURE = "申请失败"; //Apply failed
$lang_Leave_APPROVE_SUCCESS = "添加休假成功"; //Leave Assigned
$lang_Leave_APPROVE_FAILURE = "添加休假失败"; //Leave Assign failed
$lang_Leave_CANCEL_SUCCESS = "取消完成"; //Successfully cancelled
$lang_Leave_CANCEL_FAILURE = "取消失败"; //"Cancellation failed";
$lang_Leave_CHANGE_STATUS_SUCCESS = "变更休假状态完成"; //Successfully changed the leave status
// Report
$lang_Menu_Reports = "报表"; //Reports
$lang_Menu_Reports_ViewReports = "查看报表"; //View Reports
$lang_Menu_Reports_DefineReports = "定义报表"; //Define Reports
// Time module
$lang_Menu_Time = "工作计划"; //Time
$lang_Menu_Time_Timesheets = "计划表"; //Timesheets
$lang_Menu_Time_PersonalTimesheet = "个人计划"; //My timesheet
$lang_Menu_Time_EmployeeTimesheets = "工作计划"; //Employee timesheets
* Common
$lang_Common_ConfirmDelete = "确定要删除?"; //Do you want to delete ?
$lang_Common_FieldEmpty = "这是必填字段"; //Field Empty
$lang_Common_SelectDelete = "至少选择一条的记录以便删除"; //Select at least one record to delete
$lang_Common_SelectField = "请选择要搜索的字段"; //Select the field to search!
$lang_Commn_RequiredFieldMark = "标注有星号#star的是必填字段"; //Fields marked with an asterisk #star are required
$lang_Commn_code = "编号"; //Code
$lang_Commn_description = "描述"; //Description
$lang_Commn_title = "名称"; //Title
$lang_Commn_name = "名称"; //Name
$lang_Commn_PleaseWait = "请等候..."; //Please wait
$lang_Common_Select = "选择"; //Select
$lang_Commn_Email = "邮件地址"; //E-mail
$lang_Common_Loading = "上传中"; //Loading
$lang_Common_LoadingPage = "上传页"; //Loading Page
$lang_Common_NotApplicable = "N/A"; //N/A
$lang_Common_Male = "男"; //Male
$lang_Common_Female = "女"; //Female
$lang_Common_Edit = "编辑"; //Edit
$lang_Common_New = "新建"; //New
$lang_Common_Save = "保存"; //Save
$lang_Common_Time = "时间"; //Time
$lang_Common_Note = "标注"; //Note
$lang_Common_AccessDenied = "拒绝访问"; //Access Denied
$lang_Common_Monday = "星期一"; //Monday
$lang_Common_Tuesday = "星期二"; //Tuesday
$lang_Common_Wednesday = "星期三"; //Wednesday
$lang_Common_Thursday = "星期四"; //Thursday
$lang_Common_Friday = "星期五"; //Friday
$lang_Common_Saturday = "星期六"; //Saturday
$lang_Common_Sunday = "星期日"; //Sunday
$lang_Common_Sort_ASC = "升序"; //Ascending
$lang_Common_Sort_DESC = "降序"; //Descending
$lang_Common_EncounteredTheFollowingProblems = "遇到以下问题"; //Encountered the following problems
$lang_Common_ADD_SUCCESS = "添加成功"; //Successfully Added
$lang_Common_UPDATE_SUCCESS = "更新成功"; //Successfully Updated
$lang_Common_DELETE_SUCCESS = "删除成功"; //Successfully Deleted
$lang_Common_ADD_FAILURE = "添加失败"; //Failed to Add
$lang_Common_UPDATE_FAILURE = "更新失败"; //Failed to Update
$lang_Common_DELETE_FAILURE = "删除失败"; //Failed to Delete
$lang_Leave_Common_Weekend = "周末"; //Weekend
// admin module
$lang_Admin_Common_Institute = "培训机构"; //Institute
$lang_Admin_Common_Course = "课程/专业"; //Course
$lang_Admin_education_InstituteCannotBeBlank = "培训机构不能为空!"; //Institute Cannot be a Blank Value!
$lang_Admin_CourseCannotBeBlank = "课程/专业不能为空!"; //Course Cannot be a Blank Value!
$lang_Admin_License_DescriptionCannotBeBlank = "证书描述不能为空!"; //License description cannot be blank!
// leave module
$lang_Leave_Title = "OrangeHRM - 休假模块"; //OrangeHRM - Leave Module
$lang_Leave_Common_Date = "日期"; //Date
$lang_Leave_Common_FromDate = "从"; //From Date
$lang_Leave_Common_ToDate = "到"; //To Date
$lang_Leave_Common_LeaveQuotaNotAllocated = "没有可用的休假,请联系HR管理员。"; //Leave Quota not allocated. Please consult HR Admin
$lang_Leave_Common_LeaveType = "休假类别"; //Leave Type
$lang_Leave_Common_Status = "状态"; //Status
$lang_Leave_Common_Length = "全天/半天"; //Full Day/Half Day
$lang_Leave_Common_Range = "起止时间"; //Range
$lang_Leave_Common_Comments = "注释"; //Comments
$lang_Leave_Common_Comment = "注释"; //Comment
$lang_Leave_Common_Approved = "同意"; //Approved
$lang_Leave_Common_Cancelled = "取消"; //Cancelled
$lang_Leave_Common_Cancel = "取消"; //"Cancel";
$lang_Leave_Common_PendingApproval = "未决"; //Pending Approval
$lang_Leave_Common_Rejected = "拒绝"; //Rejected
$lang_Leave_Common_Taken = "选用"; //Taken
$lang_Leave_Common_InvalidStatus = "无效状态"; //Invalid Status
$lang_Leave_Common_StatusDiffer = "状态不一致"; //Status Differ
$lang_Leave_Common_FullDay = "全天"; //Full Day
$lang_Leave_Common_HalfDayMorning = "半天:上午"; //Half Day / Morning
$lang_Leave_Common_HalfDayAfternoon = "半天:下午"; //Half Day / Afternoon
$lang_Leave_Common_HalfDay = "半天"; //Half Day
$lang_Leave_Common_LeaveTaken = "已用的休假"; //Leave Taken
$lang_Leave_Common_LeaveRemaining = "剩余的休假"; //Leave Remaining
$lang_Leave_Common_LeaveScheduled = "预定的休假"; //Leave Scheduled
$lang_Leave_Common_LeaveTypeName = "休假类别名称"; //Leave Type Name
$lang_Leave_Common_LeaveTypeId = "休假类别编号"; //Leave Type Id
$lang_Leave_Common_Select = "选择"; //Select
$lang_Leave_Common_oldLeaveTypeName = "休假类别名称已经存在"; //Existing Leave Type Name
$lang_Leave_Common_newLeaveTypeName = "新建休假类别名称"; //New Leave Type Name
$lang_Leave_Common_EmployeeName = "员工姓名"; //Employee Name
$lang_Leave_Common_LeaveEntitled = "有效的休假"; //Leave Entitled
$lang_Leave_Common_Year = "年份"; //Year
$lang_Leave_Common_ListOfTakenLeave = "已用休假列表"; //List of Taken Leave
$lang_Leave_Common_Remove = "移除"; //Remove
$lang_Leave_Common_AllEmployees = "所有员工"; //All Employees
$lang_Leave_Common_All = "全部"; //All
$lang_Leave_Common_InvalidDateRange = "无效日期范围"; // "Invalid Date Range"
$lang_Leave_Common_NameOfHoliday = "节日名"; //Name of Holiday
$lang_Leave_Common_Recurring = "每年重复"; //Repeats annually
$lang_Leave_Leave_list_Title1 = "同意休假"; //Approve Leave
$lang_Leave_all_emplyee_leaves = "休假列表"; // "Leave List";
$lang_Leave_all_emplyee_taken_leaves = "已用的休假"; // "Taken Leaves";
$lang_Leave_Leave_Requestlist_Title1 = "批准#employeeName的休假申请"; //Approve Leave Request for #employeeName
$lang_Leave_Leave_Requestlist_Title2 = "变更#employeeName的休假申请"; // "Change Leave Request for #employeeName";
$lang_Leave_Leave_list_Title2 = "#dispYear年#employeeName已用休假"; //Leaves Taken by #employeeName in #dispYear
$lang_Leave_Leave_list_Title3 = "休假列表"; //Leave List
$lang_Leave_Leave_list_Title4 = "已安排的休假"; // "Scheduled Leaves";
$lang_Leave_Leave_list_TitleAllEmployees= "员工休假列表"; // "Leave List (All Employees)";
$lang_Leave_Leave_list_TitleMyLeaveList = "我的休假列表"; // "My Leave List";
$lang_Leave_Leave_list_Title5 = "已用的休假"; // "Taken Leaves";
$lang_Leave_Leave_list_ShowLeavesWithStatus = "休假状态"; // "Show leave with status";
$lang_Leave_Leave_list_SelectAtLeastOneStatus = "至少选择一个休假状态"; // "Select at least one leave status";
$lang_Leave_Leave_list_From = "从"; // "From";
$lang_Leave_Leave_list_To = "到"; // "To";
$lang_Leave_Select_Employee_Title = "选择员工"; //Select Employee
$lang_Leave_Leave_Summary_Title = "休假一览"; //Leave Summary
$lang_Leave_Leave_Summary_EMP_Title = "#dispYear年#employeeName休假一览"; //Leave Summary for #employeeName for #dispYear
$lang_Leave_Select_Employee_Title = "选择员工或休假类别"; //Select employee or leave type
$lang_Leave_Leave_Summary_EMP_Title = "#dispYear年休假一览"; //Leave Summary for #dispYear
$lang_Leave_Leave_Summary_SUP_Title = "#dispYear年#employeeName休假一览"; //Leave Summary for #employeeName for #dispYear
$lang_Leave_Define_leave_Type_Title = "添加休假类别"; //Define Leave Type
$lang_Leave_Leave_Type_Summary_Title = "休假类别"; //Leave Types
$lang_Leave_Leave_Holiday_Specific_Title = "定义节假日:节日"; //Define Days Off : Specific Holidays
$lang_Leave_Leave_Holiday_Weeked_Title = "定义节假日:周末"; //Define Days Off : Weekend
$lang_Leave_Summary_Deleted_Types_Shown = "显示已删除的休假类别"; //Denotes deleted leave types.
$lang_Leave_Summary_Deleted_Types_MoreInfo = "这里是在删除前曾被使用过的休假类别。被删除的休假类别将保留在系统中但不会被继续使用。"; //Deleted leave types are shown here if employees have used these leave types before they were deleted. Deleted leave types are retained in the system but cannot be used for new leave requests.
$lang_Leave_Holiday = "节假日"; //Holiday
$lang_Leave_NoOfDays = "天数"; //No of Days
$lang_Leave_NoOfHours = "时数"; // "No of Hours";
$lang_Leave_Period = "休假时间"; //Leave Period
$lang_Leave_Define_IsDeletedName = "已经存在同名的休假类别,但该休假类别以标示为删除。"; //Deleted Leave Type exists with the same name.
$lang_Leave_Define_UndeleteLeaveType = "如要重新启用标示为删除的休假类别而非新建,请点击:"; //To re-use deleted leave type instead of creating a new leave type, click:
$lang_Leave_NAME_IN_USE_ERROR = "此休假类别名已被使用,请选择其它的名字。"; //Leave Type name is in use. Choose another name.
$lang_Leave_ADD_FAILURE = "添加失败"; //Failed to Add
$lang_Leave_ADD_SUCCESS = "添加成功"; //Successfully Added
$lang_Leave_LEAVE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR = "休假类别未找到"; //Leave type not found
$lang_Leave_UNDELETE_SUCCESS = "休假类别成功删除"; //Leave type successfully undeleted.
$lang_Leave_DUPLICATE_LEAVE_TYPE_ERROR = "存在同名的休假类别。休假类别名应是唯一的。"; //Duplicate leave type names specified. Leave type names should be unique.
$lang_Leave_LEAVE_TYPE_EDIT_ERROR = "保存变更时发生错误"; //Error saving changes
$lang_Leave_LEAVE_TYPE_EDIT_SUCCESS = "保存变更成功"; //Changes saved successfully
$lang_Leave_NO_CHANGES_TO_SAVE_WARNING = "没有改变无需保存"; //No changes to save
$lang_Leave_Undelete = "还原"; //Undelete
$lang_bankInformation_code = "编号"; //Code
$lang_bankInformation_description = "描述"; //Description
$lang_compstruct_add = "添加"; //Add
$lang_compstruct_delete = "删除"; //Delete
$lang_compstruct_clear = "清空"; //Clear
$lang_compstruct_hide = "隐藏"; //Hide
$lang_compstruct_save = "保存"; //Save
$lang_comphire_heading = "公司结构:公司信息"; //Company Hierarchy: Company Information
$lang_comphire_relationalhierarchy = "结构关系"; //Relational Hierarchy
$lang_comphire_employee = "员工"; //Employee
$lang_comphire_definitionlevel = "级别"; //Definition Level
$lang_comphire_telephone = "电话"; //Telephone
$lang_comphire_fax = "传真"; //Fax
$lang_comphire_email = "邮件地址"; //Email
$lang_comphire_url = "链接地址"; //URL
$lang_comphire_logo = "头像"; //Logo
$lang_comphire_selecthie = "选择关系"; //Select Hierarchy
$lang_comphire_selectdef = "选择级别"; //Select Def. Level
$lang_compstruct_heading = "公司信息:公司结构"; //Company Info : Company Structure
$lang_compstruct_frmSub_divisionHeadingAdd = "添加组织结构至"; //Add a sub-division to
$lang_compstruct_frmSub_divisionHeadingEdit = "编辑"; //Edit
$lang_compstruct_Name = "名称"; //Name
$lang_compstruct_Type = "类别"; //Type
$lang_compstruct_Division = "分支"; //Division
$lang_compstruct_Description = "描述"; //Description
$lang_compstruct_Department = "部门"; //Department
$lang_compstruct_Team = "组"; //Team
$lang_compstruct_Other = "其它"; //Other
$lang_compstruct_Location = "地点"; //Location
$lang_compstruct_frmNewLocation = "新建一个新地点"; //Define a new location
$lang_compstruct_Address = "地址"; //Address
$lang_compstruct_country = "国家/地区"; //Country
$lang_compstruct_state = "州/省"; //State / Province
$lang_compstruct_city = "城市"; //City
$lang_compstruct_ZIP_Code = "邮编"; //ZIP Code
$lang_compstruct_Phone = "电话"; //Phone
$lang_compstruct_no_root = "没有找到公司的基本信息,请先定义公司的基本信息。"; //Root not found! Please define the root.
$lang_corptit_heading = "公司名称:职位信息"; //Corporate Titles : Job Information
$lang_corptit_topinhierachy = "组织结构的顶层"; //Top In Hierachy
$lang_corptit_multipleheads = "Multiple Heads"; //Multiple Heads
$lang_corptit_headcount = "员工总数"; //Head Count
$lang_corptit_nextlevelupgrade = "下一级别提升"; //Next Level Upgrade
$lang_corptit_selectcor = "选择公司名称"; //Select Corp. Title
$lang_corptit_salarygrade = "薪酬等级"; //Salary Grade
$lang_corptit_selectsal = "选择薪酬等级"; //Select Salary Grade
$lang_costcenters_heading = "成本中心:公司信息"; //Cost Center : Company Information
$lang_countryinformation_heading = "国家/地区信息:地理信息"; //Country Information : Geo Information
$lang_currencytypes_heading = "货币种类:职位信息"; //Currency Type : Job Information
$lang_districtinformation_heading = "城市信息:地理信息"; //City Information : Geo Information
$lang_districtinformation_selectcounlist = "选择国家/地区"; //Select Country
$lang_districtinformation_selstatelist = "选择州/省份"; //Select State
$lang_eeojobcat_heading = "职位:职位种类"; //Job : EEO Job Category
$lang_eeojobcat_description = "名称"; //Title
$lang_eeojobcat_TitleContainsNumbers = "名称包含数字。要继续吗?"; //Title contains numbers. Do you want to continue?
$lang_eeojobcat_TitleMustBeSpecified = "必须输入名称。"; //Title must be specified.
$lang_electorateinformation_heading = "选民信息:地理信息"; //Electorate Information : Geo Information
$lang_emprepinfo_heading = "添加雇员报表"; //Define Employee Reports
$lang_emptypes_heading = "员工类别:关系信息"; //Employee Types : Nexus Information
$lang_emptypes_datelimited = "时间限制"; //Date Limited
$lang_emptypes_prefix = "前缀"; //Prefix
$lang_empview_heading = "职位:雇佣状态"; //Job : Employment Status
$lang_empview_EmpID = "员工编号"; //Emp. ID
$lang_empview_EmpFirstName = "名"; //Emp. First Name
$lang_empview_EmpLastName = "姓"; //Emp. Last Name
$lang_empview_EmpMiddleName = "中间名"; //Emp. Middle Name
$lang_empview_search = "搜索"; //Search
$lang_empview_searchby = "搜索:"; //Search By:
$lang_empview_description = "查找:"; //Search For:
$lang_empview_norecorddisplay = "无记录显示"; //No Records to Display
$lang_empstatus_PleaseEnterEmploymentStatus = "请输入雇佣状态的描述"; //Please enter Employment Status Description
$lang_empview_SelectField = "选择要查询的字段!"; //Select the field to search!
$lang_empview_last = "最后一个"; //Last
$lang_empview_next = "下一个"; //Next
$lang_empview_previous = "上一个"; //Previous
$lang_empview_first = "第一个"; //First
$lang_empview_employeeid = "员工编号"; //Employee Id
$lang_empview_employeename = "员工姓名"; //Employee Name
$lang_empview_ADD_SUCCESS = "添加成功"; //Successfully Added
$lang_empview_UPDATE_SUCCESS = "更新成功"; //Successfully Updated
$lang_empview_DELETE_SUCCESS = "删除成功"; //Successfully Deleted
$lang_empview_ADD_FAILURE = "添加失败"; //Failed to Add
$lang_empview_SELF_SUPERVISOR_FAILURE = "不能把自己作为超级用户来添加"; // "You can not add yourself as a supervisor to you";
$lang_empview_UPDATE_FAILURE = "更新失败"; //Failed to Update
$lang_empview_DELETE_FAILURE = "删除失败"; //Failed to Delete
$lang_empview_Language = "语言"; //Language
$lang_empview_WorkExperience = "工作经验"; //Work Experience
$lang_empview_Payment = "薪酬"; //Payment
$lang_empview_Skills = "技能"; //Skills
$lang_empview_Licenses = "许可证"; //Licenses
$lang_empview_EmployeeInformation = "员工信息"; //Employee Information
$lang_empview_Memberships = "成员关系"; //Memberships
$lang_empview_Report = "汇报"; //Report
$lang_empview_ReportTo = "汇报对象"; //Report To
$lang_empview_SubDivision = "分支"; //Sub-Division
$lang_empview_JobTitle = "职位"; //Job Title
$lang_empview_Supervisor = "主管人"; //Supervisor
$lang_empview_EmploymentStatus = "雇佣状态"; //Employment status
$lang_emppop_title = "搜索员工"; //Search Employees
$lang_ethnicrace_heading = "国籍&民族:民族"; //Nationality & Race :Ethnic Races
$lang_ethnicrace_NameShouldBeSpecified = "请输入民族的名称"; //Ethnic Race Name should be specified
$lang_extracurractcat_heading = "业余活动种类:任职资格信息"; //Extra Curricular Activities Category : Qualifications Information
$lang_extracurractinfo_heading = "业余活动信息:任职资格信息"; //Extra Curricular Activity Information : Qualification Information
$lang_extracurractinfo_extracuaccat = "业余活动种类"; //Extra Curricular Act Category
$lang_extracurractinfo_selectsecucat = "选择业余活动种类"; //Select Ex. Curr. Cat
$lang_geninfo_heading = "公司信息:基本信息"; //Company Info : General
$lang_geninfo_compname = "公司名称"; //Company Name
$lang_geninfo_taxID = "税号"; //Tax ID
$lang_geninfo_naics = "NAICS代码"; //NAICS
$lang_geninfo_err_CompanyName = "公司名称不能为空"; //Company name cannot be blank
$lang_geninfo_err_Phone = "不是一个有效的电话/传真号"; //Not a valid phone/fax number
$lang_hierarchydef_heading = "结构信息:公司信息"; //Hierarchy Information : Company Information
$lang_hremp_EmpFirstName = "名"; //First Name
$lang_hremp_EmpLastName = "姓"; //Last Name
$lang_hremp_EmpMiddleName = "中间名"; //Middle Name
$lang_hremp_nickname = "昵称"; //Nick Name
$lang_hremp_photo = "头像"; //Photo
$lang_hremp_ssnno = "身份证"; //SSN No :
$lang_hremp_nationality = "国籍"; //Nationality
$lang_hremp_sinno = "社保帐号"; //SIN No :
$lang_hremp_dateofbirth = "出生日期"; //Date of Birth
$lang_hremp_otherid = "其他证件"; //Other ID
$lang_hremp_maritalstatus = "婚姻状况"; //Marital Status
$lang_hremp_selmarital = "--选择--"; //--Select--
$lang_hremp_selectnatio = "选择国籍"; //Select Nationality
$lang_hremp_selethnicrace = "选择民族"; //Select Ethnic Race
$lang_hremp_smoker = "抽烟"; //Smoker
$lang_hremp_gender = "性别"; //Gender
$lang_hremp_dlicenno = "驾照号"; //Driver's License Number
$lang_hremp_licexpdate = "驾照有效期"; //License Expiry Date
$lang_hremp_militaryservice = "兵役证"; //Military Service
$lang_hremp_ethnicrace = "民族"; //Ethnic Race
$lang_hremp_jobtitle = "职位名称"; //Job Title
$lang_hremp_selempstat = "选择员工状态"; //Select Empl. Status
$lang_hremp_eeocategory = "行业种类"; //EEO Category
$lang_hremp_seleeocat = "选择职位种类"; //Select EEO Cat
$lang_hremp_joindate = "入职日期"; //Joined Date
$lang_hremp_SelectJobTitle = "选择职位名称"; //Select Job Title
$lang_hremp_EmpStatus = "雇佣状态"; //Employment Status
$lang_hremp_Workstation = "工作站"; //Workstation
$lang_hremp_Subdivision = "部门所属"; //Sub-division
$lang_hremp_dependents = "亲属"; //Dependents
$lang_hremp_children = "子女"; //Children
$lang_hremp_relationship = "关系"; //Relationship
$lang_hremp_street1 = "地址1"; //Street 1
$lang_hremp_street2 = "地址2"; //Street 2
$lang_hremp_hmtele = "家庭电话"; //Home Telephone
$lang_hremp_mobile = "移动电话"; //Mobile
$lang_hremp_worktele = "工作电话"; //Work Telephone
$lang_hremp_city = "城市(镇)"; //City/Town
$lang_hremp_workemail = "工作邮件地址"; //Work Email
$lang_hremp_otheremail = "其它邮件地址"; //Other Email
$lang_hremp_passport = "护照"; //Passport
$lang_hremp_visa = "签证"; //Visa
$lang_hremp_citizenship = "国籍"; //Citizenship
$lang_hremp_passvisano = "证件号"; //Passport/Visa No
$lang_hremp_issueddate = "签发日期"; //Issued Date
$lang_hremp_i9status = "I9状态"; //I9 Status
$lang_hremp_dateofexp = "到期日"; //Date of Expiry
$lang_hremp_i9reviewdate = "I9复核日期"; //I9 Review Date
$lang_hremp_path = "路径"; //Path
$lang_hremp_filename = "文件名"; //File Name
$lang_hremp_size = "大小"; //Size
$lang_hremp_type = "类别"; //Type
$lang_hremp_name = "姓名"; //Name
$lang_hremp_InvalidPhone = "不是一个有效的电话/传真号"; //Not a valid phone/fax number
$lang_hremp_largefileignore = "附件最大只允许1MB,大于此限制的文件将被忽略"; //1M Max, any larger attachments will be ignored
$lang_hremp_PleaseSelectFile = "请选择文件。"; //Please select a file.
$lang_hremp_ShowFile = "显示文件"; //Show File
$lang_hremp_Save = "保存"; //Save
$lang_hremp_Delete = "删除"; //Delete
$lang_lang_uploadfailed = "上传失败"; //Upload Failed
$lang_hremp_browse = "浏览"; //Browse
$lang_hremp_AreYouSureYouWantToDeleteThePhotograph = "确定要删除照片吗"; //Are you sure you want to delete the photograph
$lang_hremp_SelectAPhoto = "选择照片"; //Select a Photo
$lang_hremp_PhotoMaxSize = "最大允许1MB"; //1M Max
$lang_hremp_PhotoDimensions = "尺寸100x120"; //Dimensions 100x120
$lang_hremp_IssedDateShouldBeBeforeExp = "起始日期应该早于有效日期"; //Issued date should be before expiration date
$lang_hremp_FromDateShouldBeBeforeToDate = "起始日期应该早于结束日期"; //From date should be before To date
$lang_hremp_StaringDateShouldBeBeforeEnd = "开始的日期应该在结束日期前"; //Starting Day should be before ending Date
$lang_hremp_ContractExtensionStartDate = "劳动合同之起始日"; //Contract Extension Start Date
$lang_hremp_ContractExtensionEndDate = "劳动合同之终止日"; //Contract Extension End Date
$lang_hremp_EmployeeContracts = "劳动合同"; //Employee Contracts
$lang_hremp_AssignedContracts = "劳动合同"; //Assigned Contracts
$lang_hremp_ShowEmployeeContracts = "显示劳动合同"; //Show employee contracts
$lang_hremp_HideEmployeeContracts = "隐藏劳动合同"; //Hide employee contracts
$lang_hremp_SalaryShouldBeWithinMinAndMa = "薪酬应在最小最大值范围内"; //Salary should be within min and max
$lang_hremp_SelectCurrency = "选择货币"; //Select Currency
$lang_hremp_ContractExtensionId = "合同编号"; //Contract Extension ID
$lang_hremp_ContractStartDate = "合同起始日"; //Contract Start Date
$lang_hremp_ContractEndDate = "合同终止日"; //Contract End Date
$lang_hremp_FieldShouldBeNumeric = "应填入数字"; //Field should be numeric
$lang_hremp_Language = "语言"; //Language
$lang_hremplan_employeelanguageflu = "员工语言能力"; //Employee Language Fluency
$lang_hremplan_fluency = "语言能力"; //Fluency
$lang_hremplan_ratinggarde = "熟练程度"; //Fluency
$lang_hremplan_assignlanguage = "添加语言"; //Assigned Languages
$lang_hremplan_SelectLanguage = "选择语言"; //Select Language
$lang_hremplan_SelectFluency = "选择语言能力"; //Select Fluency
$lang_hremplan_SelectRating = "选择等级"; //Select Rating
$lang_hremp_PleaseSelectJobTitle = "请为此员工 {here} 选择一个职位名称"; //Please Select a Job Title for this Employee {here}
$lang_hremp_ie_CurrentSupervisors = "(当前员工的上级)"; //i.e. Current Employee's Supervisors
$lang_hremp_ie_CurrentSubordinates = "(当前员工的下级)"; //i.e. Current Employee's Subordinates
$lang_hremp_ie_PleaseSpecifyAtLeastOnePhoneNo = "请至少添加一个电话号码"; //Please specify at least one phone number
$lang_hremplicenses_employeelicen = "员工许可证"; //Employee Licenses
$lang_hremplicenses_assignlicenses = "当前的许可证"; //Assigned Licenses
$lang_hremplicenses_licentype = "许可证类别"; //License Type
$lang_hremplicenses_assignlicen = "当前的许可证"; //Assigned Licenses
$lang_hremplicenses_NoLicenseSelected = "尚未选择许可证"; //No license selected
$lang_hremplicenses_SelectLicenseType = "选择许可证类别"; //Select License Type
$lang_hrempmemberships_NoMembershipTypeSelected = "尚未选择组织类别"; //No membership type selected
$lang_hrempmemberships_NoMembershipSelected = "尚未选择组织"; //No membership selected
$lang_hrempmemberships_NoSubscriptionOwnerSelected = "尚未选则订阅的管理者"; //No subscription owner selected
$lang_hremp_SelectAtLEastOneAttachment = "至少选择一个附件以便删除"; //Select at least one Attachment to Delete
$lang_hrEmpMain_ratinggarde = "熟练程度"; //Competency
$lang_hrEmpMain_assignlanguage = "已添加的语言"; //Assigned Languages
$lang_hrEmpMain_Writing = "写作"; //Writing
$lang_hrEmpMain_Speaking = "对话"; //Speaking
$lang_hrEmpMain_Reading = "阅读"; //Reading
$lang_hrEmpMain_Poor = "差"; //Poor
$lang_hrEmpMain_Basic = "一般"; //Basic
$lang_hrEmpMain_Good = "良好"; //Good
$lang_hrEmpMain_MotherTongue = "母语"; //Mother Tongue
$lang_hrEmpMain_Individual = "个人"; //Individual
$lang_hrEmpMain_employeemembership = "员工成员"; //Employee Memberships
$lang_hrEmpMain_subownership = "申请"; //Subscription Ownership
$lang_hrEmpMain_subamount = "申请数量"; //Subscription Amount
$lang_hrEmpMain_subcomdate = "申请起始日"; //Subscription Commence Date
$lang_hrEmpMain_subredate = "申请终止日"; //Subscription Renwal Date
$lang_hrEmpMain_selmemtype = "选择组织类别"; //Select Membership Type
$lang_hrEmpMain_selmemship = "选择组织"; //Select Membership
$lang_hrEmpMain_selownership = "选择所有权"; //Select Ownership
$lang_hrEmpMain_assignmemship = "添加组织"; //Assigned Memberships
$lang_hrEmpMain_paygrade = "薪酬等级"; //Pay Grade
$lang_hrEmpMain_currency = "货币"; //Currency
$lang_hrEmpMain_minpoint = "最低薪酬"; //Minimum Salary
$lang_hrEmpMain_maxpoint = "最高薪酬"; //Maximum Salary
$lang_hrEmpMain_bassalary = "基本薪酬"; //Basic Salary
$lang_hrEmpMain_assignedsalary = "添加薪酬"; //Assigned Salary
$lang_hrEmpMain_heading = "员工报告"; //Employee Report
$lang_hrEmpMain_supervisorsubordinator = "上下级"; //Supervisor / Subordinate
$lang_hrEmpMain_reportingmethod = "汇报方式"; //Reporting Method
$lang_hrEmpMain_subordinateinfomation = "下级"; //Subordinates
$lang_hrEmpMain_supervisorinfomation = "上级"; //Supervisors
$lang_hrEmpMain_selecttype = "选择方式"; //Select Method
$lang_hrEmpMain_Direct = "直接"; //Direct
$lang_hrEmpMain_Indirect = "间接"; //Indirect
$lang_hrEmpMain_employeeskill = "员工技能"; //Employee Skills
$lang_hrEmpMain_yearofex = "经验时间(年)"; //Years of Experience
$lang_hrEmpMain_assignskills = "添加技能"; //Assigned Skills
$lang_hrEmpMain_employerworkex = "员工工作经验"; //Employee Work Experience
$lang_hrEmpMain_employer = "雇主"; //Employer
$lang_hrEmpMain_enddate = "结束日期"; //End Date
$lang_hrEmpMain_startdate = "开始日期"; //Start Date
$lang_hrEmpMain_assignworkex = "添加工作经历"; //Assigned Work Experience
$lang_hrEmpMain_workexid = "工作经历编号"; //Work Experience ID
$lang_hrEmpMain_internal = "内部"; //Internal
$lang_hrEmpMain_major = "主修或专业"; //Major/Specialization
$lang_hrEmpMain_education = "教育水平"; //Education
$lang_hrEmpMain_gpa = "平均分或总分"; //GPA/Score
$lang_hrEmpMain_assigneducation = "添加教育"; //Assigned Education
$lang_hrEmpMain_assignattach = "添加附件"; //Assigned Attachments
$lang_hrEmpMain_SelectEducation = "选择教育"; //Select Education
$lang_hrEmpMain_YearsOfExperiencCannotBeBlank = "经验时间不可为空"; //Years of Experience Cannot be Blank
$lang_hrEmpMain_YearsOfExperiencWrongFormat = "经验时间-输入格式错误"; //Years of Experience - Wrong input format
$lang_hrEmpMain_YearsOfExperiencBetween = "经验时间应在此范围内:#range"; //Years of Experience should be a value between #range
$lang_hrEmpMain_Skill = "技能"; //Skill
$lang_hrEmpMain_EnterFromDateFirst = "请先输入起始时间"; //Enter From Date first
$lang_hrEmpMain_subown_Company = "公共"; //Company
$lang_hrEmpMain_subown_Individual = "私有"; //Individual
$lang_hrEmpMain_arrRepType_Supervisor = "上级"; //Supervisor
$lang_hrEmpMain_arrRepType_Subordinate = "下级"; //Subordinate
$lang_hrEmpMain_arrRepMethod_Direct = "直接"; //Direct
$lang_hrEmpMain_arrRepMethod_Indirect = "间接"; //Indirect
$lang_hrEmpMain_SelectMethod = "选择方式"; //Select Method
$lang_hrEmpMain_SubscriptionAmountShouldBeNumeric = "会员数应为数字"; //Subscription amount should be numeric
$lang_hrEmpMain_MemebershipSubAmountIsEmptyContinue = "会员数为空,要继续么?"; //Membership subscription amount is empty. Do you want to continue
$lang_hrEmpMain_CommenceDateShouldBeBeforeRenewalDate = "起始日期应在终止日期前"; //Commence Date should be before renewal date
$lang_hrEmpMain_membershiptype = "组织类别"; //Membership Type
$lang_hrEmpMain_membership = "组织"; //Membership
$lang_jobtitle_heading = "职位:职位名称"; //Job : Job Title
$lang_jobtitle_jobtitid = "职位编号"; //Job Title ID
$lang_jobtitle_jobtitname = "职位名称"; //Job Title Name
$lang_jobtitle_jobtitdesc = "职位描述"; //Job Description
$lang_jobtitle_jobtitcomments = "职位注释"; //Job Title Comments
$lang_jobtitle_addpaygrade = "添加薪酬等级"; //Add Pay Grade
$lang_jobtitle_emstatExpl = "依据职位名称定义雇佣状态"; //Define the Employment Status allowed for the Job Title
$lang_jobtitle_editpaygrade = "编辑薪酬等级"; //Edit Pay Grade
$lang_jobtitle_addempstat = "添加雇用状态"; //Add Employment Status
$lang_jobtitle_editempstat = "编辑雇用状态"; //Edit Employment Status
$lang_jobtitle_empstat = "雇用状态"; //Employment Status
$lang_jobtitle_NameShouldBeSpecified = "请指定职位名称"; //Job Title Name should be specified
$lang_jobtitle_DescriptionShouldBeSpecified = "请指定职位描述"; //Job Description should be specified
$lang_jobtitle_PayGradeNotSelected = "薪酬等级未被选中"; //Pay Grade not selected
$lang_jobtitle_ShowingSavedValues = "当前显示的,是你最后一次保存于会话中的数值。"; //Currently showing the values saved in session when you last edited this record.
$lang_jobtitle_NoSelection = "没有选择!"; //No Selection!
$lang_jobtitle_PleaseSelectEmploymentStatus = "请选择雇佣状态"; //Please select employement status
$lang_jobtitle_EnterEmploymentStatus = "请为雇佣状态输入一个编号。"; //Please enter a value for Employment Status.
$lang_languageinformation_heading = "能力:语言"; //Skills : Language
$lang_licenses_heading = "任职资格:证书"; //Qualification : Licenses
$lang_locations_heading = "公司信息:地点"; //Company Info : Locations
$lang_locations_NameHasToBeSpecified = "请输入地点"; //Location Name has to be specified
$lang_locations_CountryShouldBeSelected = "请选择国家!"; //Country should be selected!
$lang_locations_AddressShouldBeSpecified = "请输入地址"; //Address should be specified
$lang_locations_ZipCodeShouldBeSpecified = "请输入邮政编码"; //Zip Code should be specified
$lang_locations_ZipContainsNonNumericChars = "邮政编码含有非数字字符,是否继续?"; //Zip - Code Contains non-numeric characters. Do you want to continue?
$lang_locations_InvalidCharsInPhone = "电话号码含无效的字符"; //Phone number contains invalid characters
$lang_locations_InvalidCharsInFax = "传真号码含无效的字符"; //Fax contains invalid characters
$lang_membershipinfo_heading = "组织:组织"; //Memberships : Membership
$lang_membershipinfo_membershiptype = "组织类别"; //Membership Type
$lang_membershipinfor_selectmember = "选择组织"; //Select Membership
$lang_membershipinfo_MembershipShouldBeSpecified = "请输入组织名"; //Membership Name should be specified
$lang_membershipinfo_MembershipTypeShouldBeSelected = "请输入组织类别"; //Membership Type should be selected
$lang_membershiptypes_heading = "会员组织:组织类别"; //Memeberships : Membership Type
$lang_membershiptypes_NameShouldBeSpecified = "请输入组织类别名"; //Membership Type name should be specified
$lang_nationalityinformation_heading = "国籍&民族:国籍"; //Nationality & Race : Nationality
$lang_nationalityinformation_PleaseEnterNationality = "请输入国籍"; //Please Enter a Nationality Name
$lang_provinceinformation_heading = "国家/地区信息:地理信息"; //State/Province Information : Geo Information
$lang_qualificationtypes_heading = "资格类型:资格信息"; //Qualification Types : Qualifications Information
$lang_repview_ReportID = "报告编号"; //Report ID
$lang_repview_ReportName = "报告名称"; //Report Name
$lang_repview_ViewEmployeeReports = "查看员工报表"; //View Employee Reports
$lang_repview_message = "删除可能会影响公司结构信息。"; //Deletion might affect Company Hierarchy
$lang_repview_DefineEmployeeReports = "定义员工报告"; //Define Employee Reports
$lang_repview_message2 = "删除可能会影响报告的结构式样"; //Deletion might affect viewing of reports
$lang_routeinformation_heading = "路线信息:路线信息"; //Route Information : Route Information
$lang_salarygrades_heading = "职位:薪酬等级"; //Job : Pay Grade
$lang_salarygrades_currAss = "指定的货币"; //Currency Assigned
$lang_salarygrades_stepSal = "增长幅度"; //Step Increase
$lang_salarygrades_selectcurrency = "请选择一种货币"; //Currency field should be selected
$lang_salarygrades_minSalNumeric = "最小薪酬应为数字"; //Minimum salary should be numeric
$lang_salarygrades_maxSalNumeric = "最大薪酬应为数字"; //Maximum salary should be numeric
$lang_salarygrades_stepSalNumeric = "增长幅度应为数字"; //Step salary should be numeric
$lang_salarygrades_minGreaterThanMax = "最高薪酬应不小于最低薪酬!"; //Minimum Salary > Maximum Salary !
$lang_salarygrades_stepPlusMinGreaterThanMax = "增长幅度加最小薪酬不应超过最大薪酬"; //Step Salary plus Minimum Salary should be less than Maximum salary
$lang_salarygrades_stepGreaterThanMax = "增长幅度不应高于最大薪酬"; //Step Salary should be less than Maximum salary
$lang_salarygrades_NameCannotBeBlank = "薪酬等级名不能为空!"; //Pay Grade Name cannot be blank!
$lang_salcurrdet_heading = "薪酬的货币种类"; //Currency Assignment to Salary Grade
$lang_salcurrdet_assigncurr = "指定货币"; //Assigned Currency
$lang_satutoryinfo_heading = "法定类型:关系信息"; //Statutory Type : Nexus Information
$lang_view_EmploymentStatusID = "雇佣状态编号"; //Employment Status ID
$lang_view_EmploymentStatusName = "雇佣状态名称"; //Employment Status Name
$lang_view_message = "删除可能会影响职位名称。"; //Deletion may affect Job Titles
$lang_view_message1 = "删除可能会影响员工信息中的薪酬等级。"; //Deletion may affect Pay Grade of Employees in PIM
$lang_view_SkillName = "技能名称"; //Skill Name
$lang_view_SkillID = "技能编号"; //Skill ID
$lang_view_message3 = "删除可能会影响员工信息。"; //Deletion might affect employee information
$lang_view_LocationName = "地点名"; //Location Name
$lang_view_message4 = "删除可能会影响公司结构,如果地点信息存在其它引用关系,可能无法删除。"; //Deletion might affect Company Hierarchy. If the Location has associations deletion may fail
$lang_view_CurrencyName = "货币名称"; //Currency Name
$lang_view_CurrencyTypes = "货币类型"; //Currency Types
$lang_view_message5 = "删除可能会影响薪酬货币详情。"; //Deletion might affect Salary Currency Detail
$lang_view_CompanyHierarchy = "公司结构"; //Company Hierarchy
$lang_view_CompanyHierarchyName = "公司结构名称"; //Company Hierarchy Name
$lang_view_message6 = "删除可能会影响员工信息。"; //Deletion might affect employee information
$lang_view_QualificationType = "任职资格类型"; //Qualification Type
$lang_view_QualificationName = "任职资格名称"; //Qualification Name
$lang_view_message9 = "删除可能会影响任职资格关系、任职资格定义和员工任职资格。"; //Deletion might affect Qualifications, Designation Qualification, Employee Qualification
$lang_view_RatingMethod = "分级方式"; //Rating Method
$lang_view_RatingMethodName = "分级方式名称"; //Rating Method Name
$lang_view_message10 = "删除可能会影响任职资格、语言信息。"; //Deletion might affect Qualification, Languages
$lang_view_CorporateTitle = "公司头衔"; //Corporate Title
$lang_view_CorporateTitleName = "公司名称"; //Corporate Title name
$lang_view_message11 = "删除可能会影响员工信息和其它定义。"; //Deletion might affect employee information, Designations
$lang_view_ExtraCategory = "额外课程活动种类"; //Extra Curricular Activity Category
$lang_view_ExtraCategoryName = "额外课程活动种类名称"; //Extra Curricular Activity Category Name
$lang_view_message12 = "删除可能会影响额外课程活动,员工的额外课程活动。"; //Deletion might affect Ex. Curr. Activities, Employee Ex. Curr. Activities
$lang_view_MembershipTypeName = "成员类型名称"; //Membership Type Name
$lang_view_message13 = "删除可能会影响员工会员组织关系。"; //Deletion might affect employee memberships, memberships
$lang_view_EmployeeCategoryName = "员工种类名称"; //Employee Category Name
$lang_view_message14 = "删除可能会影响员工信息。"; //Deletion might affect employee information
$lang_view_EmployeeGroupName = "员工组织名称"; //Employee Group Name
$lang_view_message15 = "删除可能会影响员工信息。"; //Deletion might affect employee information
$lang_view_NationalityName = "国籍名称"; //Nationality Name
$lang_view_message16 = "删除可能会影响员工信息。"; //Deletion might affect employee information
$lang_view_CountryID = "地区编号"; //Country ID
$lang_view_CountryName = "地区名称"; //Country Name
$lang_view_message17 = "删除可能会影响员工信息。"; //Deletion might affect employee information
$lang_view_HierarchyDefinition = "等级制度定义"; //Hierarchy Definition
$lang_view_HierarchyDefinitionName = "等级制度定义名称"; //Hierarchy Definition Name
$lang_view_message18 = "删除可能会影响公司结构信息。"; //Deletion might affect Company Hierachy
$lang_view_StateProvinceName = "国家/地区名称"; //State/Province Name
$lang_view_message19 = "删除可能会影响员工信息。"; //Deletion might affect employee information
$lang_view_CityName = "城市"; //City Name
$lang_view_message20 = "删除可能会影响员工信息。"; //Deletion might affect employee information
$lang_view_LanguagName = "语言名称"; //Language Name
$lang_view_message21 = "删除可能会影响员工语言定义。"; //Deletion might affect employee language
$lang_view_Membership = "组织"; //Membership
$lang_view_MembershipType = "组织类别"; //Membership Type
$lang_view_MembershipName = "组织名称"; //Membership Name
$lang_view_Type = "类别"; //Type
$lang_view_message22 = "删除可能会影响员工的会员组织关系。"; //Deletion might affect employee membership
$lang_view_ExtraActivities = "额外课程活动"; //Extra Curricular Activities
$lang_view_ExtraActivitiesName = "额外课程活动名称"; //Extra Curricular Activities Name
$lang_view_message23 = "删除可能会影响员工业余活动信息。"; //Deletion might affect employee ex. curr. activities
$lang_view_PayGradeName = "薪酬等级名称"; //Pay Grade Name
$lang_view_message24 = "删除可能会影响员工信息中、职位名称。"; //Deletion might affect employee information, Job Titles
$lang_view_message25 = "删除可能会影响教育水平信息。"; //Deletion might affect Education
$lang_view_EmployeeTypeID = "员工类型编号"; //Employee TypeID
$lang_view_EmployeeTypeName = "员工类型名称"; //Employee Type Name
$lang_view_message26 = "删除可能会影响员工信息。"; //Deletion might affect employee information
$lang_view_EEOJobCategory = "工作种类"; //EEO Job Category
$lang_view_EEOJobCategoryid = "工作种类编号"; //EEO Job Category Id
$lang_view_EEOJobCategoryName = "工作种类名称"; //EEO Job Category Name
$lang_view_message27 = "删除可能会影响员工信息。"; //Deletion might affect employee information
$lang_view_message28 = "删除可能会影响员工语言信息。"; //Deletion might affect employee language
$lang_view_EthnicRace = "民族"; //Ethnic Race
$lang_view_EthnicRaceName = "民族名称"; //Ethnic Race Name
$lang_view_message29 = "删除可能会影响员工的记录。"; //Deletion might affect employee records
$lang_view_message30 = "删除可能会影响员工信息。"; //Deletion might affect employee information
$lang_view_message31 = "删除可能会影响员工信息、公司名称信息。"; //Deletion might affect employee information, Corporate Titles
$lang_view_message32 = "删除可能会影响任职资格、指定任职资格、员工任职资格信息。"; //Deletion might affect Qualifications, Designation Qualification, Employee Qualification
$lang_view_License_ID = "证书编号"; //License ID
$lang_view_LicenseDescription = "证书描述"; //License Description
$lang_view_message33 = "删除可能会影响员工信息。"; //Deletion might affect employee information
$lang_view_UserID = "用户编号"; //User ID
$lang_view_UserName = "用户名称"; //User Name
$lang_view_message34 = "删除可能导致本系统无法使用。"; //Deletion could make OrangeHRM unusable
$lang_view_UserGroupID = "用户组编号"; //User Group ID
$lang_view_UserGroupName = "用户组名称"; //User Group Name
$lang_view_message35 = "删除可能导致本系统无法使用。"; //Deletion could make OrangeHRM unusable
$lang_view_Users = "用户"; //Users
$lang_view_UserGroups = "管理员用户组"; //Admin User Groups
$lang_view_HRAdmin = "人事管理"; //HR Admin
$lang_view_ESS = "自助服务"; //ESS
$lang_view_ID = "编号"; //ID
// Customer
$lang_view_CustomerId = "客户编号"; //Customer Id
$lang_view_CustomerName = "客户名称"; //Customer Name
$lang_customer_Heading = "客户"; //Customer
$lang_index_WelcomeMes = "欢迎 #username"; //Welcome #username
$lang_index_ChangePassword = "更改密码"; //Change Password
$lang_index_Logout = "退出"; //Logout
$lang_MailFrom = "以此地址作为发件人"; //Mail Sent As
$lang_MailSendingMethod = "发送方法"; //Sending Method
$lang_MailTypes_Mail = "内部的PHP函数"; //Internal PHP function
$lang_MailTypes_Sendmailer = "Send Mail程序"; //Send Mail
$lang_MailTypes_Smtp = "SMTP"; //SMTP
$lang_SendmailPath = "Sendmail路径"; //Path to Sendmail
$lang_SmtpHost = "SMTP主机"; //SMTP Host
$lang_SmtpPort = "SMTP端口"; //SMTP Port
$lang_SmtpUser = "SMTP用户"; //SMTP User
$lang_SmtpPassword = "SMTP用户密码"; //SMTP Password
$lang_Error_Invalid_Port = "无效的SMTP端口号"; //Invalid SMTP Port
$lang_view_Project_Heading = "项目"; //Project
$lang_view_ProjectId = "项目编号"; //Project Id
$lang_view_ProjectName = "项目名称"; //Project Name
// PIM tab labels
$lang_pim_tabs_Personal = "个人"; //Personal
$lang_pim_tabs_Contact = "联系方式"; //Contact
$lang_pim_tabs_EmergencyContacts = "紧急联系人"; //Emergency Contact(s)
$lang_pim_tabs_Dependents = "亲属"; //Dependents
$lang_pim_tabs_Immigration = "护照签证"; //Immigration
$lang_pim_tabs_Job = "职位"; //Job
$lang_pim_tabs_Payments = "薪酬"; //Payments
$lang_pim_tabs_ReportTo = "工作关系"; //Report-to
$lang_pim_tabs_WorkExperience = "工作经历"; //Work experience
$lang_pim_tabs_Education = "教育"; //Education
$lang_rep_Languages = "语言"; //Languages
$lang_pim_tabs_Skills = "技能"; //Skills
$lang_pim_tabs_Languages = "语言"; //Languages
$lang_pim_tabs_License = "许可证"; //License
$lang_pim_tabs_Membership = "组织"; //Membership
$lang_pim_tabs_Attachments = "附件"; //Attachments
// Report module
$lang_rep_SelectionCriteria = "选择条件"; //Selection Criteria
$lang_rep_EmpNo = "员工编号"; //Emp No
$lang_rep_Employee = "员工"; //Employee
$lang_rep_AgeGroup = "年龄"; //Age Group
$lang_rep_PayGrade = "薪酬等级"; //Pay Grade
$lang_rep_Education = "教育"; //Education
$lang_rep_EmploymentStatus = "雇佣状态"; //Employment Status
$lang_rep_ServicePeriod = "服务时期"; //Service Period
$lang_rep_JoinedDate = "入职日期"; //"Joined Date";
$lang_rep_JobTitle = "职位"; //Job Title
$lang_rep_Language = "语言"; //Language
$lang_rep_Skill = "技能"; //Skill
$lang_rep_LastName = "姓"; //Last Name
$lang_rep_FirstName = "名"; //First Name
$lang_rep_Address = "地址"; //Address
$lang_rep_TelNo = "电话"; //Tel No
$lang_rep_DateOfBirth = "出生日期"; //Date Of Birth
$lang_rep_JoinDate = "入职日期"; //Join Date
$lang_rep_Qualification = "任职资格"; //Qualification
$lang_rep_EmployeeStates = "员工状态"; //Employee States
$lang_rep_JoinedDate = "入职日期"; //Joined Date
$lang_rep_SelectPayGrade = "选择薪水等级"; //Select Salary Grade
$lang_rep_SelectEducation = "选择教育类别"; //Select Education Type
$lang_rep_SelectEmploymentType = "选择雇佣类别"; //Select Employment Type
$lang_rep_SelectComparison = "选择比较"; //Select Comparison
$lang_rep_SelectJobTitle = "选择职位名"; //Select Job Title
$lang_rep_SelectLanguage = "选择语言"; //Select Language
$lang_rep_SelectSkill = "选择技能"; //Select Skill
$lang_rep_Field = "字段"; //Field
$lang_rep_AssignUserGroups = "选择组"; //Assign User Groups
$lang_rep_AssignedUserGroups = "当前组"; //Assigned User Groups
$lang_rep_SelectAtLeastOneCriteriaAndOneField = "至少选择一个查询条件和一个字段"; //Select at least one criteria and one field
$lang_rep_SelectTheComparison = "选择比较"; //Select The Comparison
$lang_rep_AgeShouldBeNumeric = "年龄应该是数字"; //Age Should Be Numeric
$lang_rep_InvalidAgeRange = "选择的第二个年龄大于第一个"; //2nd Selected Age Lager Than The 1st Selected Age
$lang_rep_FieldNotSelected = "字段尚未选择"; //Field Not Selected
$lang_rep_DateShouldBeNumeric = "日期应该是数字"; //Date Should Be Numeric
$lang_rep_ValueShouldBeinYears = "日期中的年应该有值"; //"Value Should Be in Years"
$lang_rep_InvalidRange = "无效范围"; // "Invalid Range";
$lang_rep_Report = "报告"; //Report
$lang_rep_EmployeeNo = "员工编号"; //Employee No
$lang_rep_EmployeeFirstName = "名"; //Employee First Name
$lang_rep_EmployeeLastName = "姓"; //Employee Last Name
$lang_rep_ReportTo = "汇报对象"; //Report to
$lang_rep_ReportingMethod = "汇报方法"; //Reporting Method
$lang_rep_Address = "地址"; //Address
$lang_rep_Telephone = "电话"; //Telephone
$lang_rep_DateOfBirth = "出生日期"; //Date of Birth
$lang_rep_Skills = "技能"; //Skills
$lang_rep_SalaryGrade = "薪酬等级"; //Salary Grade
$lang_rep_EmployeeStatus = "雇员状态"; //Employee Status
$lang_rep_JoinedDate = "入职日期"; //Joined Date
$lang_rep_SubDivision = "分支"; //Sub Division
$lang_rep_JobTitle = "职位"; //Job Title
$lang_rep_YearOfPassing = "Year of Passing"; //Year of Passing
$lang_rep_Contract = "合同期"; //Contract
$lang_rep_WorkExperience = "工作经验"; //Work Experience
$lang_rep_SelectAtLeaseOneUserGroupToAssign = "至少为用户选择一个组以便加入"; //Select at least one User Group check box to assign
$lang_rep_SelectAtLeaseOneUserGroupToDelete = "至少为用户选择一个组以便删除"; //Select at least one User Group check box to delete
$lang_rep_ReportDefinition = "报告定义"; //Report Definition
$lang_rep_AssignUserGroups = "选择组"; //Assign User Groups
$lang_rep_UserGroups = "所属组"; //User Groups
$lang_rep_UserGroup = "用户组"; //User Group
$lang_rep_NoUserGroupsAssigned = "用户没有所属组"; //No User Groups Assigned
$lang_rep_SelectUserGroup = "选择用户组"; //Select User Group
$lang_rep_NoGroupSelected = "请选择一个用户组"; //Please select a user group to assign
$lang_rep_ReportNameEmpty = "报告名为空"; //Report Name Empty
$lang_Admin_Skill_Errors_NameCannotBeBlank = "名字不能是空!"; //Name cannot be a blank value!
// Email Notification Subscriptioin
$lang_Admin_EMX_MailConfiguration = "邮件设置"; //Mail Configuration
$lang_Admin_SubscribeToMailNotifications = "订阅邮件提醒"; //Subscribe to E-mail Notifications
$lang_Admin_ENS_LeaveApplications = "休假申请"; //Leave Applications
$lang_Admin_ENS_LeaveApprovals = "休假许可"; //Leave Approvals
$lang_Admin_ENS_LeaveCancellations = "休假取消"; //Leave Cancellations
$lang_Admin_ENS_LeaveRejections = "休假否决"; //Leave Rejections
$lang_Admin_Users_Errors_UsernameShouldBeAtleastFiveCharactersLong = "用户名应不少于5个字符"; //UserName should be atleast five characters long
$lang_Admin_Users_Errors_PasswordShouldBeAtleastFourCharactersLong = "密码应不少于4个字符"; //Password should be atleast four characters long
$lang_Admin_Users_ErrorsPasswordMismatch = "密码不匹配"; //Password Mismatch
$lang_Admin_Users_Errors_EmployeeIdShouldBeDefined = "请输入员工编号"; //Employee ID should be defined
$lang_Admin_Users_Errors_FieldShouldBeSelected = "此处应当被选中"; //Field should be selected
$lang_Admin_Users_Errors_ViewShouldBeSelected = "视图应被选中"; //View should be selected
$lang_Admin_Users_Errors_PasswordsAreNotMatchingRetypeYourNewPassword = "密码不匹配,重新输入新密码"; //Passwords Are Not Matching.Retype Your New Password
$lang_Admin_Users_WrongPassword = "密码不匹配"; //Mismatch with your old password
$lang_Admin_Users_Errors_DoYouWantToClearRights = "是否清除权限?"; //Do you want to clear Rights
$lang_Admin_Users_Errors_SameGroup = "当前登陆用户属于这个组"; //Your login account belongs to the same User Group, you are not allowed change rights to this group
$lang_Admin_Users_Errors_NameCannotBeBlank = "名称不可为空"; //Name cannot be blank
$lang_Admin_Users_Modules = "模块"; //Modules
$lang_Admin_Users_Module = "模块"; //Module
$lang_Admin_Users_RightsAssignedToUserGroups = "组已拥有权限"; //Rights Assigned to User Groups
$lang_Admin_Users_UserGroup = "用户组"; //User Group
$lang_Admin_Users_UserGroupId = "用户组编号"; //User Group ID
$lang_Admin_Users_SelectModule = "选择模块"; //Select Module
$lang_Admin_Users_UserName = "用户名"; //User Name
$lang_Admin_Users_Password = "密码"; //Password
$lang_Admin_Users_Employee = "员工"; //Employee
$lang_Admin_Users_ConfirmPassword = "确认密码"; //Confirm Password
$lang_Admin_Users_Status = "状态"; //Status
$lang_Admin_Users_Enabled = "启用"; //Enabled
$lang_Admin_Users_Disabled = "禁用"; //Disabled
$lang_Admin_Users_UserGroup = "管理员组"; //Admin User Group
$lang_Admin_Users_SelectUserGroup = "选择用户组"; //Select User Group
$lang_Admin_Users_NewPassword = "新密码"; //New Password
$lang_Admin_Users_ConfirmNewPassword = "确认新密码"; //Confirm New Password
$lang_Admin_Users_add = "添加"; //Add
$lang_Admin_Users_delete = "删除"; //Delete
$lang_Admin_Users_view = "查看"; //View
$lang_Admin_Users_edit = "编辑"; //Edit
$lang_Admin_Users_AssignedRights = "当前拥有的权限"; //Assigned Rights
$lang_Admin_Users_DefineReports = "定义报告"; //Define Reports
$lang_Admin_Users_Assign_User_Rights = "分配用户权限"; //Assign User Rights
$lang_Admin_Users_View_User_Rights = "查看用户权限"; //View User Rights
$lang_Admin_Change_Password_OldPassword = "旧密码"; //Old Password
$lang_Admin_Change_Password_Errors_EnterYourOldPassword = "输入旧密码"; //Enter Your Old Password
$lang_Admin_Change_Password_Errors_EnterYourNewPassword = "输入新密码"; //Enter Your New Password
$lang_Admin_Change_Password_Errors_RetypeYourNewPassword = "重新输入新密码"; //Retype Your New Password
$lang_Admin_Change_Password_Errors_PasswordsAreNotMatchingRetypeYourNewPassword = "密码不匹配,重新输入新密码"; //Passwords Are Not Matching.Retype Your New Password
$lang_Admin_Change_Password_Errors_YourOldNewPasswordsAreEqual = "新旧密码相同"; //Your Old and New Passwords Are Equal
$lang_Admin_Project = "项目"; //Project
$lang_Admin_Project_CutomerName = "客户名称"; //Customer Name
$lang_Admin_Project_SelectCutomer = "选择客户"; //Select customer
$lang_Admin_Project_Administrators = "项目管理者"; //Project Administrators
$lang_Admin_Project_EmployeeName = "员工姓名"; //Employee Name
$lang_Admin_Project_EmployeeAlreadyAnAdmin = "此员工已经是当前项目的管理者了。"; //Selected employee is already a project admin for this project.
$lang_Admin_Project_Error_PleaseDSpecifyTheProjectId = "请指定项目编号"; //Please specify the Project Id
$lang_Admin_Project_Error_PleaseSelectACustomer = "请选择客户"; //Please select a customer
$lang_Admin_Project_Error_PleaseSpecifyTheName = "请填写客户名称"; //Please specify the name
$lang_Admin_Customer_PleaseSpecifyTheCustormerId = "请具体说明客户编号"; //Please specify the custormer Id
$lang_Admin_Customer_Error_PleaseSpecifyTheName = "请填写客户名称"; //Please specify the name
$lang_Admin_ProjectActivities = "项目活动"; //Project Activities
$lang_Admin_Activity = "活动"; //Activity
$lang_Admin_Project_Activity_ClickOnActivityToEdit = "点击一个已存在存的活动则可进行更名操作"; //Click on an existing activity to rename
$lang_Admin_Project_Activity_Error_PleaseSpecifyTheActivityName = "请填写活动名称"; //Please specify the activity name
$lang_Admin_Project_Error_NoProjects = "项目未找到。"; //No projects found.
$lang_Admin_Project_NoActivitiesDefined = "尚未制定活动。"; //No Activities defined.
$lang_Admin_Project_Activity_Error_NameAlreadyDefined = "此项目中已经存在一个同名的活动。请选用其它名字。"; //An Activity with that name already exists in this project. Please select a different name.
$lang_Time_Module_Title = "OrangeHRM - 时间和出席模块"; //OrangeHRM - Time and Attendance Module
$lang_Time_Timesheet_TimesheetForViewTitle = "时间表#periodName的开始时间#startDate"; //Timesheet for #periodName starting #startDate
$lang_Time_Timesheet_TimesheetForEditTitle = "编辑自#startDate一#periodName时间表"; //Edit timesheet for #periodName starting #startDate
$lang_Time_Timesheet_TimesheetNameForViewTitle = "#startDate#name一#periodName的时间表"; //Timesheet for #name for #periodName starting #startDate
$lang_Time_Timesheet_TimesheetNameForEditTitle = "编辑名称为#名称#周期名称开始于#开始日期的时间表"; //Edit timesheet for #name for #periodName starting #startDate
$lang_Time_Timesheet_Status = "状态: #status"; //Status: #status
$lang_Time_Timesheet_Status_NotSubmitted = "未提交"; //Not submitted
$lang_Time_Timesheet_Status_Submitted = "已提交"; //Submitted
$lang_Time_Timesheet_Status_Approved = "已同意"; //Approved
$lang_Time_Timesheet_Status_Rejected = "已否决"; //Rejected
$lang_Time_Timesheet_Customer = "客户"; //Customer
$lang_Time_Timesheet_ProjectActivity = "项目/活动"; //Project / Activity
$lang_Time_Timesheet_Project = "项目"; //Project
$lang_Time_Timesheet_Activity = "活动"; //Activity
$lang_Time_Timesheet_Total = "合计"; //Total
$lang_Time_TimeFormat = "时间格式"; //Time Format
$lang_Time_Errors_SUBMIT_SUCCESS = "提交成功"; //Submit succeeded
$lang_Time_Errors_SUBMIT_FAILURE = "提交失败"; //Submit failed
$lang_Time_Errors_UPDATE_SUCCESS = "更新成功"; //Successfully updated
$lang_Time_Errors_UPDATE_FAILURE = "更新失败"; //Failed to update
$lang_Time_Errors_CANCEL_SUCCESS = "取消成功"; //Successfully cancelled
$lang_Time_Errors_CANCEL_FAILURE = "取消失败"; //Failed to cancel
$lang_Time_Errors_APPROVE_SUCCESS = "批准成功"; //Successfully approved
$lang_Time_Errors_APPROVE_FAILURE = "批准失败"; //Failed to approve
$lang_Time_Errors_REJECT_SUCCESS = "拒绝成功"; //Successfully rejected
$lang_Time_Errors_REJECT_FAILURE = "拒绝失败"; //Failed to reject
$lang_Time_Errors_DELETE_SUCCESS = "删除成功"; //Successfully deleted
$lang_Time_Errors_DELETE_FAILURE = "删除失败"; //Failed to delete
$lang_Time_Errors_UNAUTHORIZED_FAILURE = "未授权的操作"; //Unauthorized action
$lang_Time_Errors_NO_TIMESHEET_FAILURE = "没有找到时间表"; //No timesheet found
$lang_Time_Errors_INVALID_TIME_FAILURE = "指定的时间无效"; //Invalid time specified
$lang_Time_Errors_EVENT_START_AFTER_END_ERROR = "事件起始时间晚于结束时间。"; //Event start time after end time.
$lang_Time_Errors_INVALID_TIMESHEET_PERIOD_ERROR = "无效的时间段"; //Invalid timesheet period.
$lang_Time_Errors_EncounteredTheFollowingProblems = "遇到以下问题。出错的行以高亮显示。"; //Encountered the following problems. Rows with errors are highlighted.
$lang_Time_Errors_ReportedDateNotSpecified_ERROR = "报告日期未指定"; //Reported date not specified
$lang_Time_Errors_ProjectNotSpecified_ERROR = "项目未指定"; //Project not specified
$lang_Time_Errors_CustomerNotSpecified_ERROR = "客户未指定"; //Customer not specified
$lang_Time_Errors_InvalidTimeOrZeroOrNegativeIntervalSpecified_ERROR = "无效的日期,或经计算后为零或负的时间"; //Invalid time or zero or negative interval specified
$lang_Time_Errors_NotAllowedToSpecifyDurationAndInterval_ERROR = "不能同时选择时间间隔和时间段"; //Cannot specify both an interval and a duration
$lang_Time_Errors_InvalidReportedDate_ERROR = "无效的报告日期。"; //Invalid value for Reported date.
$lang_Time_Errors_InvalidDuration_ERROR = "时间段应当是一个有效正数"; //Duration should be a valid positive number
$lang_Time_Errors_InvalidStartTime_ERROR = "无效的起始时间"; //Invalid time value for start time
$lang_Time_Errors_InvalidEndTime_ERROR = "无效的结束时间"; //Invalid time value for end time
$lang_Time_Errors_EVENT_OUTSIDE_PERIOD_FAILURE = "事件的时间必须在计划表的时间范围内。"; //Event time must be within the timesheet period.
$lang_Time_Errors_NoValidDurationOrInterval_ERROR = "没有指定有效的时期或时间间隔"; //No valid duration or interval specified
$lang_Time_Errors_ZeroOrNegativeIntervalSpecified_ERROR = "时间间隔为零或负值"; //Zero or negative interval specified
$lang_Time_Errors_NO_EVENTS_WARNING = "没有可保存的事件"; //No events to save
$lang_Time_Timesheet_StartTime = "起始时间"; //Start time
$lang_Time_Timesheet_EndTime = "结束时间"; //End time
$lang_Time_Timesheet_ReportedDate = "报告日期"; //Reported date
$lang_Time_Timesheet_Duration = "工时"; //Duration
$lang_Time_Timesheet_DurationUnits = "(小时)"; //(hours)
$lang_Time_Timesheet_Decription = "描述"; //Description
$lang_Time_Timesheet_NoCustomers = "无客户"; //No customers
$lang_Time_Timesheet_NoProjects = "无项目"; //No projects
$lang_Time_Select_Employee_Title = "选择员工"; //Select Employee
$lang_Time_Select_Employee_SubmittedTimesheetsPendingSupervisorApproval = "提交的时间表正在被管理员审核l"; //Submitted timesheets pending supervisor approval
$lang_Time_Select_Employee_WeekStartingDate = "自#date的一周"; //Week starting #date
$lang_Time_Select_Employee_TimesheetPeriod = "工作报告周期"; //Timesheet period
$lang_Time_Errors_PleaseAddAComment = "请添加注释"; //Please add a comment
$lang_mtview_ADD_SUCCESS = "添加成功"; //Successfully Added
$lang_mtview_UPDATE_SUCCESS = "更新成功"; //Successfully Updated
$lang_mtview_DELETE_SUCCESS = "删除成功"; //Successfully Deleted
$lang_mtview_ADD_FAILURE = "添加失败"; //Failed to Add
$lang_mtview_UPDATE_FAILURE = "更新失败"; //Failed to Update
$lang_mtview_DELETE_FAILURE = "删除失败"; //Failed to Delete
// 2.2 Time module
$lang_Time_PunchInPunchOutTitle = "考勤"; //Punch In/Out
$lang_Time_PunchIn = "到达"; //In
$lang_Time_PunchOut = "离开"; //Out
$lang_Time_LastPunchIn = "最后达到时间:"; //Last punch in time:
$lang_Time_LastPunchOut = "最后离开时间:"; //Last punch out time:
$lang_Time_Errors_InvalidDateOrTime = "无效的日期或时间"; //Invalid date or time
$lang_Time_Errors_CurrentPunchTimeBeforeLastPunchTime = "打卡时间不能在最后记录时间前"; //Punch time cannot be before last time punched
$lang_Time_Errors_ZeroOrNegativeDurationTimeEventsAreNotAllowed = "零或者负的时间段是不允许的"; //Zero or negative duratons are not allowed
$lang_Time_Errors_ActivityNotSpecified_ERROR = "未指定活动"; //Activity not specified
$lang_Menu_Time_PunchInOut = "考勤"; //Punch In/Out
$lang_Time_Timesheet_SelectProject = "选择一个项目"; //Select a Project
$lang_Time_Timesheet_UnfinishedActivitiesTitle = "未完成的活动"; //Unfinished Activities
$lang_Time_SubmitTimeEventTitle = "提交事件"; //Submit Time Event
$lang_Time_Timesheet_DateReportedFor = "报告时间"; //Date reported for
$lang_Time_UnfinishedActivitiesTitle = "未完成的活动"; //Unfinished Activities
$lang_Time_NewEvent = "新事件"; //New Event
$lang_Time_Complete = "完成"; //Complete
$lang_Time_DurationFormat = "hh:mm或者0.00小时"; //hh:mm or 0.00h
$lang_Time_InsertTime = "插入时间"; //Insert time
$lang_Time_Errors_NO_RECORDS_CHANGED_WARNING = "没有改变无需保存"; //No changes to save
$lang_Time_Errors_EXCEPTION_THROWN_WARNING = "遇到一个系统问题"; //Encountered a problem
$lang_Menu_Time_ProjectTime = "项目时间"; //Project time
$lang_Time_DefineTimesheetPeriodTitle = "定义周期"; //Define Timesheet Period
$lang_Time_FirstDayOfWeek = "周的第一天"; //First Day of Week
$lang_Menu_Time_DefineTimesheetPeriod = "定义周期"; //Define Timesheet Period
$lang_Time_EmployeeTimeReportTitle = "员工计划报表"; //Employee Time Report
$lang_Time_Common_FromDate = $lang_Leave_Common_FromDate;
$lang_Time_Common_ToDate = $lang_Leave_Common_ToDate;
$lang_Time_Common_All = $lang_Leave_Common_All;
$lang_Time_Errors_EmployeeNotSpecified = "没有指明员工"; //Employee not specified
$lang_Time_Errors_InvalidDateOrZeroOrNegativeRangeSpecified = "无效的日期,或经计算后为零或负的时间"; //Invalid date or zero or negative range specified
$lang_Menu_Time_EmployeeReports = "人员报表"; //Employee Reports
$lang_Time_SelectTimesheetsTitle = "选择表单"; //Select Timesheets
$lang_Time_Division = $lang_compstruct_Division;
$lang_Time_Supervisor = $lang_empview_Supervisor;
$lang_Time_EmploymentStatus = $lang_empview_EmploymentStatus;
$lang_Time_NoEmploymentStatusDefined = "未指定员工状态"; //No employment status defined
$lang_Time_PrintTimesheetsTitle = "打印表单"; //Print Timesheets
$lang_Time_Print = "打印"; //Print
$lang_Common_Loading = "装载中"; //Loading
$lang_Menu_Time_PrintTimesheets = "打印表单"; //Print Timesheets
$lang_Menu_Time_ProjectReports = "项目报表"; //Project Reports
$lang_Time_ProjectReportTitle = "项目报表"; //Project Reports
$lang_Time_Report_To = "到"; //To
$lang_Time_Report_From = "从"; //From
$lang_Time_TimeInHours = "时间(小时)/n"; //Time (hours)
$lang_Time_ActivityReportTitle = "活动细节"; //Activity Details
$lang_Time_Activity_Report_EmployeeName = "员工姓名"; //Employee Name
$lang_Time_Activity_Report_View = "查看"; //View
$lang_Time_Activity_Report_TotalTime = "总时间"; //Total Time
$lang_Time_Activity_Report_NoEvents = "没有找到任何事件。"; //No events found.
$lang_Time_Errors_PROJECT_NOT_FOUND_FAILURE = "没有找到项目。"; //Project not found.
$lang_Time_Errors_ACTIVITY_NOT_FOUND_FAILURE = "没有找到活动。"; //Activity not found.
$lang_Common_Yes = "是"; //Yes
$lang_Common_No = "否"; //No
$lang_Leave_DoYouWantToCancelTheLeaveYouJustAssigned = "取消预定的休假计划?"; //Do you want to cancel the leave you just assigned?
$lang_Leave_PleaseProvideAReason = "请给出原因"; //Please provide a reason
$lang_Time_Errors_OVERLAPPING_TIME_PERIOD_FAILURE = "此时间段和已经预定的活动有冲突"; //You have a overlapping time period in your time events
$lang_view_DUPLICATE_NAME_FAILURE = "相同的名字已被使用"; //The same name is already used
$lang_Leave_CopyLeaveQuotaFromLastYear = "从去年复制休假配额"; //Copy leave quota from last year
$lang_Leave_CopyLeaveBroughtForwardFromLastYear = "从去年复制休假安排"; // "Copy leave brought forward from last year";
$lang_Leave_LEAVE_QUOTA_COPY_SUCCESS = "复制休假配额完成"; //Successfully copied leave quota
$lang_Leave_LEAVE_QUOTA_COPY_FAILURE = "复制休假配额失败"; //Failed to copy leave quota
$lang_Leave_LEAVE_BROUGHT_FORWARD_COPY_SUCCESS = "复制休假安排完成"; // "Successfully copied leave brought forward";
$lang_Leave_LEAVE_BROUGHT_FORWARD_COPY_FAILURE = "复制休假安排失败"; // "Failed to copy leave brought forward";
// login page
$lang_login_title = "OrangeHRM - 人力资源管理的新标准"; //OrangeHRM - New Level of HR Management
$lang_login_UserNameNotGiven = "没有输入用户名!"; //User Name not given!
$lang_login_PasswordNotGiven = "没有输入密码!"; //Password not given!
$lang_login_NeedJavascript = "需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript"; //You need a JavaScript enabled Browser. Ex.
$lang_login_MozillaFirefox = "Mozilla Firefox"; //Mozilla Firefox
$lang_login_YourSessionExpired = "会话已经过期。请重新登陆。"; //Your session expired because you were inactive. Please re-login.
$lang_login_LoginName = "用户名"; //Login Name
$lang_login_Password = "密码"; //Password
$lang_login_Login = "登陆"; //Login
$lang_login_Clear = "清除"; //Clear
$lang_login_InvalidLogin = "无效的登陆"; //Invalid Login
$lang_login_UserDisabled = "此用户被禁用"; //User Disabled
$lang_login_NoEmployeeAssigned = "员工未被授予登陆帐号"; //No Employee assigned to the ESS user account
$lang_login_OrangeHRMDescription = "是一款以高效管理和深度开发人力资源为目标的,全面而广泛的应用解决方案。它能帮助企业实现复杂且具有战略性的资源管理过程。由于本软件采用模块化的结构,它几乎能够处理现实活动中人事管理事务的方方面面。基于灵活性的考虑而采用网页浏览器方式的操作,使本软件成为重构人事管理过程和提升人事管理水准的一个优秀的平台。"; // comes as a comprehensive solution for the efficient management and development of your Human Resource. It will assist you in the complex and strategic process of managing this crucial resource of your enterprise. Based on modular architecture, it facilitates a vastrange of HR activities, with features that reflect the main HR management activities. It comes as a web-enabled application and considering the available flexibility, OrangeHRM is a perfect platform for reengineering your HR processes and achieving a new level of HR Management.
$lang_Leave_Common_FromTime = "起始时间"; //From time
$lang_Leave_Common_ToTime = "终止时间"; //To time
$lang_Leave_Common_TotalHours = "总小时数"; //Total hours
$lang_Leave_Error_ToTimeBeforeFromTime = "终止时间早于起始时间"; //To time before from time
$lang_Leave_Error_TotalTimeMoreThanADay = "总时间大于轮班周期"; //Total time is greater than the shift length
$lang_Leave_Error_PleaseSpecifyEitherTotalTimeOrTheTimePeriod = "请指定总时间或一段时期"; //Please specify either total time or the time period
$lang_Leave_Duration = "时长(小时)"; //Duration(hours)
$lang_Common_Hours = "小时"; //hours
$lang_Common_Days = "天"; //days
$lang_Time_WorkShifts = "Work Shifts";
$lang_Time_ShiftName = "Shift Name";
$lang_Time_HoursPerDay = "Hours Per Day";
$lang_Time_AvailableEmployees = "Available Employees";
$lang_Time_AssignedEmployees = "Assigned Employees";
$lang_Time_AssignEmployeesTitle = "Work Shift Edit";
$lang_Time_Error_SpecifyWorkShiftName = "Specify work shift name";
$lang_Time_Error_SpecifyHoursPerDay = "Specify hours per day";
$lang_Time_Error_HoursPerDayShouldBePositiveNumber = "Hours per day should be a positive number";
$lang_Time_Error_HoursPerDayShouldBeLessThan24 = "Hours per day should be less than 24";
$lang_Time_Error_NoEmployeeSelected = "No employee selected";
$lang_Time_Errors_INVALID_WORK_SHIFT_FAILURE = "There were problems in the work shift details";
$lang_Time_Errors_NO_RECORDS_SELECTED_FAILURE = "No records selected to delete";
$lang_Time_Errors_UNKNOWN_ERROR_FAILURE = "Encountered an error";
$lang_Time_Errors_INVALID_ID_FAILURE = "Invalid id";
$lang_Menu_Time_WorkShifts = "Work shifts";