

As a refugee growing up in Tel Aviv, Haim Saban remembers not having enough money to eat. As an adult, he hustled his way into the entertainment business, writing theme songs for classic cartoons like Inspector Gadget and Heathcliff. Yet it is producing the mega-hit Mighty Morphin Power Rangers that put him on track to becoming a billionaire media titan.

当我们想介绍一个人的时候,就可以临摹这段。第 1 句写了哈伊姆·萨班小时候的经历;第 2 句写他成年后的经历;第 3 句写他的成名作和成名作对他成为亿万富翁的推动力。临摹时只要替换句子里面的人名、地名、行业名、作品名和具体经历即可。


临摹句子1:As a refugee growing up in Tel Aviv, Haim Saban remembers not having enough money to eat.

提炼出句型:As a X growing up in Y, Z remember W.

临摹句子2:As an adult, he hustled his way into the entertainment business, writing theme songs for classic cartoons like Inspector Gadget and Heathcliff.

提炼出句型:As an adult, X hustled/worked his way into Y, doing Z.

临摹句子3:Yet it is producing the mega-hit Mighty Morphin Power Rangers that put him on track to becoming a billionaire media titan.

提炼出句型:Yet it is doing X that put him on track to becoming a Y.

段落仿写As an unsociable boy growing up in a single-parent family, Jay Zhou remembers not having the freedom to play outside. As an adult, he hustled his way into the entertainment business, writing songs for a company. Yet it is producing the album Fantasy that put him on track to becoming a public icon.
