


1.       Act1

    情景介绍(Plot introduction):杨白劳在外躲债,好不容易到了大年三十回了家,准备与喜儿过个简单的年。不想一位不速之客——穆仁智登门讨债,见到了漂亮的喜儿,遂将喜儿掠走,当作抵债物资。杨白劳气得半死。

    启幕背景:    一张桌子,一张椅子,桌子上放了水与水杯,背景音乐。


    喜儿:今儿是大年三十,家中就我一人在家,爹爹躲债在外,不知什么时候回来。    Today is the end of the year, and I am the only one at home. My dad is out of home for avoiding a creditor. I don’t know when he will come back.    (唱)北风那个吹,雪花那个飘,雪花那个飘飘,年来到。     我的心都碎了。爹爹,你在哪里,在哪里?(以手擦拭眼泪)    My heart has been broken. Daddy, Daddy, where are you? Where are you?

    杨白劳:(手拎着给喜儿的新衣服,放背后,到了家门口,左看看,右瞧瞧,见状没事了,直起身子走到门前)喜儿,喜儿,爹爹回来了。出来开门吧。    Xi’er, my dear, daddy comes back. Please come out to open the door.

    喜儿:(惊喜),爹爹,爹爹回来了,是你吗,爹爹?(微笑着去开门)    Daddy, daddy has come back. Really? Is that you, daddy?

    杨白劳:嗯。(边应声边进屋)喜儿呀,黄世仁那狗日的今天来了没有?(边说着,边坐下,将衣服放到椅子上)    Hmm, Xi’er, had the dog-Huang Shiren come here today?

    喜儿:(边给爹爹倒水,边捶背,边回答)是的,爹爹。来过三次了,每次见你不在,又走了。    Hmm, yes, daddy. They has come our home for three times. At every time, they had gone away for your absence.

    杨白劳:(喝水)走了好,走了好呀。上世纪,咱们欠下他的三千地租钱还没有还上,这个世纪,借了人家的钱炒股又被套牢。唉,这生活,很艰难呐。    Very nice. We just need to keep doing so. Last century, we has owed him 3000 $ ground rent. And yet, we borrowed him a lot of money to invest in stocks. But our stocks are Firmly fastened.

    喜儿:是呀,生活就像一场戏,专门戏弄咱穷苦人家。    Your are right, daddy. Life is just like a drama. It always plays tricks on the poor gays like us.

    杨白劳:(掏出新衣服)喜儿,把门关上吧。    Xi’er, please close the door.

    喜儿:是的,爹爹。    All right, daddy.                                    

    杨白劳:(掏出新衣服)来,喜儿,今儿是大年三十,爹爹没有买什么东西,仅仅送你一件新衣服。(说罢起身将衣服给喜儿穿上)    Come over, Xi’er. It’s the end of the year. Daddy couldn’t give you any expensive presents except the only new clothes. Stand here, daddy dresses you on.

    喜儿:(听到爹爹说给自己买了新衣服,高兴至极)谢谢爹爹。(穿上后,转了一圈)很好看,爹爹。    Whoa, nice. Thanks a lot, daddy.(咚咚咚,有人敲门,穆仁智拎着灯笼上场)

    杨白劳:(惊讶,)有人在敲门,喜儿,你去开下门。(说罢,杨白劳正坐椅子上,喜儿飞奔着去开门,同时穆仁智说话)    Someone is knocking the door. Dear, open the door, please.

    穆仁智:白劳兄,在家吗?    Oh, Bailao is at home? Does anyone hear my words?

    喜儿:哎,(应声开门),啊(看到穆仁智,便惊讶)。    Ah.

    穆仁智:(见到穿着漂亮的喜儿,围着喜儿团团看),嗯,不错,不错。很漂亮,很漂亮。(喜儿一动不动的站着)    Hmm, so nice, so beautiful.

    穆仁智:(到杨白劳面前)白劳兄,有礼了。今儿个,我奉命到府上催租子,咱今天新账旧账就一起结了吧,这事情拖着不好,总要有一个结果。    Brother Bailao, I am polite to tell you the rent must be back tonight. Any kinds of rent must be up to an end. Nothings could not always be done. They should have been results.

    杨白劳:(起身,作揖,胆小着说)穆兄有劳了。今儿怕是还不上呀,家里连半点值钱的东西都没有呀。    My brother Mu, you went to a lot of trouble to do that. However, I maybe have any ability to repay the debt. There is no valuable thing with me.

    穆仁智:(踱步)嗨,白劳兄真是有眼不识货,你家有千金呐。    Ah, hmm, you forget to one thing. It is a worth of ten hundred dollars.

    杨白劳:在哪里?    Oh, I don’t know what you are pointing out.

    穆仁智:你家闺女千金呐。(指点迷津似的指着喜儿)只要她嫁入我们黄府,所有债务一并勾销。    Ha ha ha ha, It is your daughter. Don’t you know? I mean if she is married to my boss, the all rent will be disappeared from your eyes.

    杨白劳:啊,不行,绝对不行。    Ahhhhhhh, things can not to be done. No way.

    穆仁智:今儿个怕是行也得行,不行也得行。(说罢去拉喜儿)    It is just my advice. But things must be done today. Your daughter must be regarded as paying rent.

    杨白劳:不。    No, no, no, no(杨白劳与穆仁智对啦喜儿,喜儿被拉走)



2.       Act2

    情景介绍(Plot introduction):黄世仁唠叨着这日子好过得很。喜儿被穆仁智带到黄世仁家中,黄世仁对穆仁智的行动相当满意,便打算晚上就地置办酒席,把喜儿纳为小妾。



    黄世仁:股票做庄,杨白劳被套。看来,这个白劳真是要生生世世白劳了。今儿个仁智管家去讨债,这最后的等待怕是要有结果了。(说罢吸一口烟)       股票做庄,杨白劳被套。 It seems that the foolish man may do his thing for nothing generation by generation. My chamberlaine-Renzhi is going to Bailao’s house for the rent. I think he will give me a good news. Ha, ha, ha, ha.   

    穆仁智:(押着喜儿上场,喜儿绑着手)老爷,老爷,大喜呀。        Boss, my boss, Here is a good news. Good news.   

    黄世仁:(对观众说)你们瞧,回来了。呵呵(奸笑)        Look, he is coming back. Ha, ha.   

    穆仁智:债务讨回来了,你瞧,按你的意思,这就是你要的。(说罢将喜儿推给黄世仁)        The debts get back. Here it is. I just finish the work as your opinion.    喜儿:(轻声)放开我,别碰我。        Let me be back. Don’t touch me(B-M-W).   

    黄世仁:(欣喜),呀,仁智呀,做得非常好。(拍拍仁智的肩膀,转而走向喜儿)快松绑。(说罢穆仁智冲上去解绑)        Nice, Renzhi, you did well. It is Xi’er. So nice, so pretty. Untie quickly.

    黄世仁:喜儿,怎么样,穆管家对你挺好的吧。    Xi’er, my honey, how about you? Did Renzhi treat you well?

    喜儿:(见状,解开了绳索,便逃跑)爹爹,爹爹,救救我。(喜儿退场)    No. Daddy, daddy, help me, help me.

    黄世仁:(望去)哟,哟,哟,黄毛丫头,没见过世面。想逃,硕大一个园子,逃到哪里都在我家。    Ah, ah, ah, ah, little girl, too small, too naïve. Does she want to escape? Oh, you are a fool for your pains. The place around here all belongs to me. You are just in the center of my palm.(穆仁智应声“是”)

    黄世仁:(回头向着穆仁智)管家呀,你去安排一下,今晚摆个婚宴,我要纳喜儿为妾。    Renzhi, I require you to arrange the things. Tonight I will get married with Xi’er.

    穆仁智:老爷快人快语。好咧。    Oh, boss, you are a fast train. Obey your command.



3.       Act3

    情景介绍(Plot introduction):大春小春上场,他们一行代表政府来到特困户杨白劳家进行慰问,送来了慰问金与食品。不巧碰上杨白劳要上吊自杀,大春救下杨白劳,杨白劳随即道出实情。大春决定为杨家报仇伸冤,于是他一边令杨白劳报警,一边领着小跟班小春一起去黄世仁家救出喜儿。

    启幕背景:    一张自杀的椅子,一根上吊的绳子,杨白劳写下绝命书,要自杀。背景音乐放映凄凉的音乐。


     杨白劳:(手持绝命书,悲痛状)我的喜儿呀,我的儿呀,是爹爹害了你呀。今夜大年三十,让我怎么活呀,爹爹只求一死了。        My dear, Xi’er, my heart. It ‘s daddy, it’s daddy that hurt you. It’s my fault. There is no sense for me to be alive in the world. I beg a dead.   

    大春:(大春领着小春一道上场,小春拎着慰问品与慰问金)大爷,杨大爷,我是大春呀。        Mr. Yang, Mr. Yang, Here comes Dachun.   

    杨白劳:(惊讶)啊,大春,大春来啦。(对着观众)不行,我得抓紧时间早死。        Am, Dachun, Dachun is coming. No, no, no. It’s the dying time. I must catch up with the time.   

    大春:(看到门是打开的,对着小春说)嗨,门是开着的,咱们进去看看。        Oh, the door is opened. Ha, ha. Look the forgetful old man. Let’s get in and have a look.    (大春见到杨白劳要上吊,急忙冲上前去制止)   

    大春:大爷,你这是在做什么?为什么这么做?        Mr. Yany, What’s wrong with you? What’s the matter? Why?   

    杨白劳:(坐到椅子上,叹气的样子)唉,喜儿,我的儿呀。        Just let me die, please. Umm, Xi’er, my heart, Xi’er.    

    大春:(平抚着杨白劳)喜儿?大爷,你别急,慢慢说。(回头向着小春,拿出慰问品)我今天是代表政府,来给你家送温暖来了,知道你家是我们社区的特困户,你瞧这是慰问品。(顺便将慰问品塞到杨白劳手里,又掏出慰问金)还有这些慰问金。(说罢,将慰问金给了杨白劳)        Xi’er?Mr. Yang, don’t worry. Take it easy. You see, the governments delegate the important work to me. You are poor in our area. They sent the little condolent things to you. Here are the things. With 2000$.    

    杨白劳:(望着这些东西)唉,有这些有什么用。我的喜儿,被黄世仁那狗日的掠走了。我欠了他们的租,他们抢走了我的儿,我的喜儿呀。(说罢作痛哭状)        Umm, even if comes the things, there is no use for me. My daughter, Xi’er, has been caught up with by the fucking dog-Huang Shiren. I owe his rent, but, but he got away with my daughter, my daughter.   

    大春:(站起来,手插着腰,怒气冲天的样子)什么,喜儿被掠走了,什么时候?        Ah, hmm, something is to be serious. My Xi’er has been caught up with Huang Shiren! When?   

    杨白劳:(哭哭啼啼)就在一个小时以前。        Just about an hour ago.   

    大春:(哼的一声,对着观众),我必须接管此事。(从怀中掏出枪支)大爷呀,你在家别多想。你先打110报个警,我和小春一行马上奔去黄世仁家救喜儿。        Hmm, I must be in charge of the things. Mr. Yang, don’t worry about that, don’t think a lot about that. You should dial 1-1-0 and call the police first. I will go to Huang Shiren ‘s home to rescue Xi’er at once.   

    杨白劳:行,你们去吧。我去报警。        OK, just there you go. I call the police first.(等大春退场之后,杨白劳掏出手机,拨通了110,边退场边说)110吗?有紧急情况,我女儿被绑架了……    Is that 110? There is an emergency. My daughter is abducted. I need you help.(完)


4.       Act4

    情景介绍(Plot introduction):    黄世仁家,黄世仁与穆仁智在对“石头剪刀布”,喝着小酒。先是穆仁智输了,喝酒。后是黄世仁输了,黄世仁喝酒,同时要赏穆仁智一点东西。黄世仁叫下人呈上奖赏,不料叫来了大春一行。大春见到黄世仁,遂令小春将黄世仁拿下,而穆仁智见势不妙逃走了。大春救出了喜儿,可喜儿此时已经满头白发。喜儿见到大春既惊喜又担惊。此时,杨白劳也跟着到了黄世仁家里,见到此时的喜儿,痛哭流涕,与喜儿相拥而泣。杨白劳感谢大春,大春说他本来心爱着喜儿,别把他当外人。杨白劳心知了喜儿与大春的心,于是便将喜儿许配给了大春。大春一直深爱着喜儿,不论喜儿变成什么模样,他们的心总是连在一起。最后,杨白劳为这对恩爱之人简短证婚,大家喜洋洋的回了家。

    启幕背景:    一张桌子,两张椅子,桌上放一瓶酒,两个杯子。黄世仁与穆仁智在行酒令“石头剪刀布”,背景音乐为花天酒地


    黄世仁:石头    Stone.

    穆仁智:剪刀    Scissors

    黄世仁:喝,喝,喝(穆仁智喝下酒),好,好,好。    You are lost. Drink the beer. Drink, Drink. Ha, ha, so nice.

    穆仁智:来,再来,再来。布    Again, again. Cloth

    黄世仁:石头。    Stone

    穆仁智:喝,喝,喝(黄世仁喝下酒)。    It’s your turn now. Ha, ha, ha. Drink your beer.

    黄世仁:(喝完酒)管家呀,你说这21世纪发家靠的是什么?    Um, Renzhi, In your opinion, if you want to get rich, what should be depended on firstly?

    穆仁智:靠的是老爷您。    You, just you, you are depended on firstly.

    黄世仁:(起身)哎,不对,靠的是智慧。(说罢,指了指头)    Umm, no, It depends on the wisdom. That is to say, it’s your brain to help you.

    穆仁智:是,是的,老爷。    Oh, yes , so wise. My boss.

    黄世仁:你今天为老爷我干了见大事,老爷我要奖赏你。来人呀,上银子100两。(半天没有人来)来人呀,来……    Renzhi, you did a wise thing today. Come over, I will give you some rewards. Take out the rewards-The silver,100 liang.    My order, doesn’t anyone listen to me?(大春领着小春上场,威风八面)

    大春:黄世仁,你这厮在这里。(非常气氛),来人呀,把这两给我绑了。    Huang Shiren, you-are-here. Xiaochun, catch up with him, please.

    小春:(跳到大春前面)是。(说罢,奔过去抓黄世仁)    Yes, sir.

    穆仁智:(见状)老爷,快逃吧,官军来了。(说罢,便逃走了)    Boss, escape quickly. The government army is coming.

    黄世仁:怕什么,官府我有人。    What is worth to be worried about. There are my friends in the government.

    黄世仁:(黄面对大春一行)来者何人,报上名来。    Who are you? Tell me your name.

    小春:我是你大爷。(说罢,便去绑了黄世仁)    I am your boss.

    黄世仁:(挣扎着)你们敢。    Don’t you know what you are doing? You dare abduct me?

    大春:(走到黄世仁面前)狗日的,死到临头了,还指望你的旧政府。(呵斥道)世道变了。    Fucking dog. Dead is pulling. Don’t hope of your outdated government. The world has changed. (黄世仁动来动去)

    小春:别动,等下有你好吃的。    Don’t move. Eat my fist if you do that.

    黄世仁:我做人一直耿直,没想到这次便栽在这两个斯手里。    I am an honest and frank man. I am sinless in my life. But, I fall upon your hands this time.

    大春:闭嘴,我们就是官军。    Shut up. We are the police.

    黄世仁:唉。(唱东方之珠)金钱多多载我走,载到北京去看奥运,漂亮喜儿我的爱人,你的内心是否随我同心。……    Umm.

    大春:还唠叨,闭嘴。给我押下去。    Speak more? Just shut up. Take him away.

    小春:是。    Yes, sir.

    大春:(寻找喜儿)喜儿,你在哪里?我是大春。    My dear, where are you? Where are you? I am Dachun.

    喜儿:(惊喜,进场,在场地边)啊,我的大春哥哥。    Whoa, Dachun, my elder brother.

    大春:(找到喜儿)喜儿,你在这里。(望见了喜儿的白发)呀,喜儿,你的头发?你还好吧?    Xi’er, it’s you. You are here. Ahhhhhh, what wrong with you? You hair? Are-you-OK?

    喜儿:(撇过身去)大春哥,我没脸见你。    Dachun, I fly from the face of you.(杨白劳此时来到黄世仁家中,杨白劳上场)   

    杨白劳:喜儿,喜儿。    My heart, my heart.

    喜儿:爹爹,爹爹。(两人飞奔而相拥,相泣)    Ah, daddy, daddy.

    杨白劳:(望着喜儿的头发)喜儿,你?都是爹爹的错呀,害了你呀。(说罢又是哭泣)(然后,杨白劳安慰喜儿)好了,好了,别的事不想了,人好就好。今天多亏了大春相救呀,快快谢谢大春。    Ah, Xi’er, you? Your hair? It’s my fault, my fault. I make you be in danger.    All right, don’t think too much about the things. Don’t cry. Everything will be over. Luckily, we get help from Dachun. Come on, we must thanks him a lot.

    大春:大爷,这都是我们分内的事。再说了,我也是很喜欢喜儿的,喜儿的事就是我的事。(说罢走向舞台一边)    My eldership, it’s the duty of ours. To say the other word, I like Xi’er. It’s my business to help her and her family.

    杨白劳:(惊讶)是吗?喜儿,你们俩什么时候开始恋爱了?    Really? Xi’er, is that serious? When did you begin to in love with each other?

    喜儿:(不哭了)爹爹,不要那样说,人家不好意思的。今天是人生转折点,我们翻身了,就不说这些了。(说罢走向舞台另一边)    Daddy, don’t say that directly. I am shy. It’s the turning point today. Our life will be changed. Don’t talk about that.

    杨白劳:(望着喜儿,大春)是,今天是转折点,那我今天做主,为你们举行婚礼。(大春与喜儿配合着走向杨白劳,杨白劳掏出玫瑰花,大春与喜儿双双握住象征爱情的玫瑰花)。    Yes, it’s the turning point today. Then, I am the host, to hold an wedding. You, Dachun and Xi’er, get married from now on.



    杨白劳:(杨白劳到桌子上去找酒杯,倒了)来,你俩共同喝了这杯交杯酒吧。    Come over, you just drink the alcohol together.(大春与喜儿喝酒)

    杨白劳:喔,好。我们回家吧    So nice. Let go home.


