mac 10.9 usb安装win7的方法

mac 10.9 Maverick Boot Camp 安装windows7 默认不支持usb驱动方式,我的MacBook Pro 由于为了安装ssd,卸掉了光盘,必须想办法采用usb的方式安装windows7, google了一段,终于找到了方案,本质上是修改Boot Camp的配置信息(最后一步是修改认证)

1.  cd / Applications/Utilities/Boot\ Camp\ Contents
2. vi Info.plist 

3. Add your Boot Rom Version(from system info) under DARequiredROMVersions. (看一下“关于本机”  --> "更多信息...“ -->"系统报告”

4. Add Model Identifier(from system info) under PreUSBBootSupportedModels    (看一下“关于本机”  --> "更多信息...“ -->"系统报告”)

5. Delete "Pre" from "PreUSBBootSupportedModels", so you have "USBBootSupportedModels" 

6. Open your terminal, use the following command

sudo codesign -fs - /Applications/Utilities/Boot\ Camp\


Sudo means using administrator privilege and u need to enter your mac password. And the command resigns the bootcamp application so that it runs with the new info.plist file and not crash.


7. Continue on with your installation....



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