C++ 学习步骤


  1. Bjarne Stroustrup的The Design and Evolution of C++
  2. Stanley B. Lippman的C++ Primer,Stanley B.Lippman的Essential C++
  3. C++ 编程思想
  4. Pike和Kernighan的The Practice of Programming
  5. Bruce Eckel写的、候捷译的Thinking in C++
  6. Scott Meyers的Effective C++和More Effective C++
  7. Herb Sutter的Exceptional C++和More Exceptional C++
  8. 侯捷的 STL源码剖析
  9. Inside the C++ Object Model
  10. C++沉思录
  11. Bjarne Stroustrup的The C++  Programming Language(要读四到五遍)
  12. 《Effective STL》, 《STL源码剖析》
  13. 《Modern C++ Design》
  14. ps:  如果需要补C语言的课, K&R的The C Programming Language

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