



一、 建立交叉编译环境

Step1: 下载arm-linux-gcc-4.5.1,并将其拷贝至Linux下任意目录位置(如/tmp/linux),打开终端切换到该位置,执行解压命令(注意:C后面有个空格,并且C是大写的,它是英文单词“change”的第一个字母,在此是改变目录的意思):



[root@localhost ~]# cd /tmp/linux/
[root@localhost linux]# ls
arm-linux-gcc-4.5.1-v6-vfp-20101103.tgz  mktools-20110720.tar.gz
arm-qte-4.7.0-20101105.tar.gz            rootfs_qtopia_qt4-20111018.tgz
arm-qt-extended-4.4.3-20101105.tgz       rootfs_qtopia_qt4-s-20111018.tgz
arm-qtopia-20101105.tar.gz               u-boot-mini6410-20111018.tar.gz
busybox-1.17.2-20101120.tgz              x86-qte-4.6.1-20100201.tar.gz
examples-mini6410-20110104.tgz           x86-qt-extended-4.4.3-20101003.tgz
linux-           x86-qtopia-20100420.tar.gz
linux-2.6.38-20110718.tar.gz             说明.txt
[root@localhost linux]# tar xzvf arm-linux-gcc-4.5.1-v6-vfp-20101103.tgz -C /



[root@localhost linux]# echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/FriendlyARM/toolschain/4.5.1/bin" >> ~/.bashrc


[root@localhost /]# vi ~/.bashrc

# .bashrc

# User specific aliases and functions

alias rm='rm -i'
alias cp='cp -i'
alias mv='mv -i'

# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
        . /etc/bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/FriendlyARM/toolschain/4.5.1/bin


测试:重新登录系统(不必重启机器,开始->logout 或者重新打开终端即可),使以上设置生效,在命令行输入arm-linux-gcc -v,会出现如下信息,这说明交叉编译环境已经成功安装。 

[root@localhost /]# arm-linux-gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: arm-none-linux-gnueabi
Configured with: /work/toolchain/build/src/gcc-4.5.1/configure --build=i686-build_pc-linux-gnu --host=i686-build_pc-linux-gnu --target=arm-none-linux-gnueabi --prefix=/opt/FriendlyARM/toolschain/4.5.1 --with-sysroot=/opt/FriendlyARM/toolschain/4.5.1/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/sys-root --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-multilib --with-cpu=arm1176jzf-s --with-tune=arm1176jzf-s --with-fpu=vfp --with-float=softfp --with-pkgversion=ctng-1.8.1-FA --with-bugurl=http://www.arm9.net/ --disable-sjlj-exceptions --enable-__cxa_atexit --disable-libmudflap --with-host-libstdcxx='-static-libgcc -Wl,-Bstatic,-lstdc++,-Bdynamic -lm' --with-gmp=/work/toolchain/build/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/build/static --with-mpfr=/work/toolchain/build/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/build/static --with-ppl=/work/toolchain/build/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/build/static --with-cloog=/work/toolchain/build/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/build/static --with-mpc=/work/toolchain/build/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/build/static --with-libelf=/work/toolchain/build/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/build/static --enable-threads=posix --with-local-prefix=/opt/FriendlyARM/toolschain/4.5.1/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/sys-root --disable-nls --enable-symvers=gnu --enable-c99 --enable-long-long
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.5.1 (ctng-1.8.1-FA) 
[root@localhost /]# 

二、 重新配置编译内核,使其支持netfilter



[root@localhost /]# cd /opt/FriendlyARM/mini6410/linux/
[root@localhost linux]# ls
arm-qte-4.7.0          busybox-1.17.2  rootfs_qtopia_qt4  x86-qt-extended-4.4.3
arm-qt-extended-4.4.3  examples        u-boot-mini6410    x86-qtopia
arm-qtopia             linux-2.6.38    x86-qte-4.6.1
[root@localhost linux]# 
切换到linux-2.6.38文件夹下,首先我们使用make distclean命令清除临时文件、中间文件和配置文件!然后查看里面的文件,会发现有很多配置文件,这些都是友善预先为我们做好的配置文件,方便了我们使用,在此我们将板子自带的配置文件改名为.config,执行cp config_mini6410_n43 .config,接下来就需要进入图形选择相应的选项了。
[root@localhost linux]# cd linux-2.6.38/
[root@localhost linux-2.6.38]# make distclean
  CLEAN   .
  CLEAN   arch/arm/kernel
  CLEAN   drivers/tty/vt
  CLEAN   drivers/video/logo
  CLEAN   firmware
  CLEAN   kernel
  CLEAN   lib
  CLEAN   usr
  CLEAN   arch/arm/boot/compressed
  CLEAN   arch/arm/boot
  CLEAN   .tmp_versions
  CLEAN   vmlinux System.map .tmp_kallsyms1.o .tmp_kallsyms1.S .tmp_kallsyms2.o .tmp_kallsyms2.S .tmp_vmlinux1 .tmp_vmlinux2 .tmp_System.map
  CLEAN   scripts/basic
  CLEAN   scripts/kconfig
  CLEAN   scripts/mod
  CLEAN   scripts
  CLEAN   include/config include/generated
  CLEAN   .config .config.old .version include/linux/version.h Module.symvers
[root@localhost linux-2.6.38]# ls
arch                         config_mini6410_x35  lib
block                        COPYING              MAINTAINERS
config_mini6410_a70          CREDITS              Makefile
config_mini6410_ezvga        crypto               mm
config_mini6410_g10          Documentation        net
config_mini6410_l80          drivers              README
config_mini6410_n43          firmware             REPORTING-BUGS
config_mini6410_s70          fs                   samples
config_mini6410_t35          include              scripts
config_mini6410_vga1024x768  init                 security
config_mini6410_vga640x480   ipc                  sound
config_mini6410_vga800x600   Kbuild               tools
config_mini6410_w35          Kconfig              usr
config_mini6410_w50          kernel               virt
[root@localhost linux-2.6.38]# cp config_mini6410_n43 .config
[root@localhost linux-2.6.38]# 
完成以上操作后,在Linux代码树下执行make menuconfig命令,进入基于文本模式的菜单型的Linux内核配置。

[root@localhost linux-2.6.38]# make menuconfig
scripts/kconfig/mconf Kconfig
warning: (PLAT_S3C64XX) selects SAMSUNG_WAKEMASK which has unmet direct dependencies (PLAT_SAMSUNG && PM)

 .config - Linux/arm 2.6.38 Kernel Configuration
  +----------------- Linux/arm 2.6.38 Kernel Configuration -----------------+
  |  Arrow keys navigate the menu.   selects submenus --->.          |
  |  Highlighted letters are hotkeys.  Pressing  includes,  excludes, |
  |   modularizes features.  Press  to exit,  for Help,  |
  |  for Search.  Legend: [*] built-in  [ ] excluded   module  < >       |
  | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
  | |        General setup  --->                                          | |
  | |    [*] Enable loadable module support  --->                         | |
  | |    -*- Enable the block layer  --->                                 | |
  | |        System Type  --->                                            | |
  | |        Bus support  --->                                            | |
  | |        Kernel Features  --->                                        | |
  | |        Boot options  --->                                           | |
  | |        CPU Power Management  --->                                   | |
  | |        Floating point emulation  --->                               | |
  | |        Userspace binary formats  --->                               | |
  | +----v(+)-------------------------------------------------------------+ |
  |                        < Exit >    < Help >                     |

Step2:在上面的菜单项中,按向下箭头键向下翻!选择“Networking options  ---> ”项,回车进入子菜单项:

  +-------------------------- Networking options ---------------------------+
  |  Arrow keys navigate the menu.   selects submenus --->.          |
  |  Highlighted letters are hotkeys.  Pressing  includes,  excludes, |
  |   modularizes features.  Press  to exit,  for Help,  |
  |  for Search.  Legend: [*] built-in  [ ] excluded   module  < >       |
  | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
  | |    <*> Packet socket                                                | |
  | |    <*> Unix domain sockets                                          | |
  | |    < > PF_KEY sockets                                               | |
  | |    [*] TCP/IP networking                                            | |
  | |    [ ]   IP: multicasting                                           | |
  | |    [ ]   IP: advanced router                                        | |
  | |    [*]   IP: kernel level autoconfiguration                         | |
  | |    [*]     IP: DHCP support                                         | |
  | |    [*]     IP: BOOTP support                                        | |
  | |    [*]     IP: RARP support                                         | |
  | +----v(+)-------------------------------------------------------------+ |
  |                        < Exit >    < Help >                     |


  +------------ Network packet filtering framework (Netfilter) -------------+
  |  Arrow keys navigate the menu.   selects submenus --->.          |
  |  Highlighted letters are hotkeys.  Pressing  includes,  excludes, |
  |   modularizes features.  Press  to exit,  for Help,  |
  |  for Search.  Legend: [*] built-in  [ ] excluded   module  < >       |
  | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
  | |    --- Network packet filtering framework (Netfilter)               | |
  | |    [ ]   Network packet filtering debugging (NEW)                   | |
  | |    [*]   Advanced netfilter configuration (NEW)                     | |
  | |          Core Netfilter Configuration  --->                         | |
  | |    < >   IP virtual server support (NEW)  --->                      | |
  | |          IP: Netfilter Configuration  --->                          | |
  | |                                                                     | |
  | |                                                                     | |
  | |                                                                     | |
  | |                                                                     | |
  | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |