于是,设计以太坊挖矿的时候,采用了全新的挖矿过程以做到ASIC Resistance。ASIC只能进行运算,却没有额外存储空间,于是以太坊在挖矿过程中设计了两个数据结构,分别为Cache和dataset。其中Cache是16M大小,而dataset是1G大小,对于矿工来说,每次选取一个nonce之后的挖矿操作,都要从dataset中读取数据,这就要求矿机有存储能力,挖矿过程中引入了读取内存的操作,这就极大的降低了ASIC矿机的算力,使其挖矿的优势不那么明显,而普通的个人计算机也能进行挖矿。具体的挖矿过程如下:
区块链中每30000个区块的时候,Cache和Dataset的大小都会增加 1128 1 128 ,也就是说Cache会增加128K,而Dataset会增加8M。生成Cache的算法如下:
def mkcache(cache_size, seed):
cache = [hash(seed)]
for i in range(1,cache_size):
return cache
def cal_dataset_i(cahce, i):# 计算dataset[i]
cache_size = cache.size
mix = hash(cache[i%cache_size]^i)# cache远远小于dataset,让i也参与运算,从而使得mix不会重复
for j in range(256):
cache_index = get_int(mix);
mix = make_item(mix,cache[cache_index%cache_size])
return hash(mix)
def calc_dataset(full_size, cache):
return [calc_dataset_item(cache,i) for i in range(full_size)]
# 根据nonce计算出一个哈希值
def get_hash_value(header, nonce, full_size, dataset):
hash_value = hash(header, nonce);
for i in range(64):
dataset_index = get_int(hash_value )%full_size
hash_value = make_item(hash_value , dataset[dataset_index)
hash_value = make_item(hash_value , dataset[dataset_index+1])
return hash(hash_value )
def mine(full_size, dataset, header, target):
max_nonce = 2**64
nonce = random.randint(0, max_nonce )
while get_hash_value(header, nonce, full_size, dataset) > target:
nonce = (nonce+1)%max_nonce
return nonce
def varify(header, nonce, full_size, cache):
hash_value = hash(header, nonce)
for i in range(64):
index = get_int(hash_value)%full_size
hash_value = hash(hash_value, cal_dataset_i(cache,index))# 计算生成dataset中的数据
hash_value = hash(hash_value,cal_dataset_i(cache,index+1))
return hash(hash_value)
区块链难度调整中,创始块的难度被设置为 D0=131072 D 0 = 131072 ,此后每个区块的难度都与其父区块的难度相关。D(H)是本区块的难度,由 P(H)Hd+x×ζ2 P ( H ) H d + x × ζ 2 和难度炸弹 ϵ ϵ 构成。
P(H)Hd P ( H ) H d 为父区块的难度,每个区块的难度都是在父区块难度的基础上进行调整。
x×ζ2 x × ζ 2 用于自适应调节出块难度,维持稳定的出块速度。
其中 x x 和 ϵ2 ϵ 2 的计算方式如下图所示。
ϵ ϵ 是2的指数函数,每十万个块扩大一倍,后期增长非常快,这就是难度“炸弹”的由来。
H′i H i ′ 称为fake block number,由真正的block number Hi H i 减少三百万得到。之所以减少三百万,是因为目前proof of stake的工作量证明方式还存在一些问题,pos协议涉及不够完善,但是难度炸弹已经导致挖矿时间变成了30秒左右,为了减小难度,就会减去三百万。
// calcDifficultyByzantium is the difficulty adjustment algorithm. It returns
// the difficulty that a new block should have when created at time given the
// parent block's time and difficulty. The calculation uses the Byzantium rules.
func calcDifficultyByzantium(time uint64, parent *types.Header) *big.Int {
// https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/100.
// algorithm:这里给出了难度计算公式的整体注释
// diff = (parent_diff +
// (parent_diff / 2048 * max((2 if len(parent.uncles) else 1)
// - ((timestamp - parent.timestamp) // 9), -99))) + 2^(periodCount - 2)
// 获取当前时间和父区块的时间戳
bigTime := new(big.Int).SetUint64(time)
bigParentTime := new(big.Int).Set(parent.Time)
// holds intermediate values to make the algo easier to read & audit
x := new(big.Int)
y := new(big.Int)
// (2 if len(parent_uncles) else 1)-(block_timestamp - parent_timestamp) // 9
x.Sub(bigTime, bigParentTime)
x.Div(x, big9)
if parent.UncleHash == types.EmptyUncleHash {
x.Sub(big1, x)
} else {
x.Sub(big2, x)
// max((2 if len(parent_uncles) else 1)-(block_timestamp - parent_timestamp) // 9, -99)
if x.Cmp(bigMinus99) < 0 {
// parent_diff + (parent_diff / 2048 * max((2 if len(parent.uncles) else 1) -
//((timestamp - parent.timestamp) // 9), -99))
y.Div(parent.Difficulty, params.DifficultyBoundDivisor)
x.Mul(y, x)
x.Add(parent.Difficulty, x)
// minimum difficulty can ever be (before exponential factor)
// MinumumDifficulty = big.NewInt(131072)
if x.Cmp(params.MinimumDifficulty) < 0 {
// calculate a fake block number for the ice-age delay:
// https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/669
// fake_block_number = max(0, block.number - 3_000_000)
fakeBlockNumber := new(big.Int)
if parent.Number.Cmp(big2999999) >= 0 {
// Note, parent is 1 less than the actual block number
fakeBlockNumber = fakeBlockNumber.Sub(parent.Number, big2999999)
// for the exponential factor
periodCount := fakeBlockNumber
periodCount.Div(periodCount, expDiffPeriod)
// the exponential factor, commonly referred to as "the bomb"
// diff = diff + 2^(periodCount - 2)
if periodCount.Cmp(big1) > 0 {
y.Sub(periodCount, big2)
y.Exp(big2, y, nil)
x.Add(x, y)
return x