
  1. 查找最晚入职员工的所有信息。
select * from 'employees' where hire_date in (select MAX(hire_date) from 'employees');
  1. 查找入职员工时间排名倒数第三的员工所有信息。
select * from(select * from 'employees' order by hire_date desc) limit 1 offset 2;
  1. 查找各个部门当前(to_date=‘9999-01-01’)领导当前薪水详情以及其对应部门编号dept_no。
select a.emp_no, a.salary, a.from_date, a.to_date, d.dept_no from 
(select * from 'salaries' where to_date='9999-01-01') a, 'dept_manager' d
where a.emp_no=d.emp_no and d.to_date='9999-01-01';
  1. 查找所有已经分配部门的员工的last_name和first_name。
select last_name,first_name,dept_no from dept_emp d,employees e
where e.emp_no = d.emp_no;
  1. 查找所有员工的last_name和first_name以及对应部门编号dept_no,也包括展示没有分配具体部门的员工。
select last_name,first_name,dept_no from employees  as e left outer join 
dept_emp as d on e.emp_no = d.emp_no;
  1. 查找所有员工入职时候的薪水情况,给出emp_no以及salary, 并按照emp_no进行逆序。
select e.emp_no,salary from employees e,salaries s
where e.emp_no = s.emp_no and hire_date = from_date
order by e.emp_no desc;
  1. 查找薪水涨幅超过15次的员工号emp_no以及其对应的涨幅次数t。
select emp_no,count(*) as t from salaries group by emp_no having t > 15;
  1. 找出所有员工当前(to_date=‘9999-01-01’)具体的薪水salary情况,对于相同的薪水只显示一次,并按照逆序显示。
select distinct salary from salaries where to_date='9999-01-01'
order by salary desc;
  1. 获取所有部门当前manager的当前薪水情况,给出dept_no, emp_no以及salary,当前表示to_date=‘9999-01-01’。
select dept_no, d.emp_no, salary from 
dept_manager d, salaries s
where d.to_date='9999-01-01' and d.emp_no = s.emp_no
and d.to_date = s.to_date;
  1. 获取所有非manager的员工emp_no
select e.emp_no from employees e where e.emp_no not in
(select emp_no from dept_manager);
  1. 获取所有员工当前的manager,如果当前的manager是自己的话结果不显示,当前表示to_date=‘9999-01-01’。
select emp_no,manager_no from dept_emp de,
(select dept_no,emp_no as manager_no from dept_manager where to_date='9999-01-01') dm
where de.dept_no = dm.dept_no and emp_no <> manager_no and to_date='9999-01-01';
  1. 获取所有部门中当前员工薪水最高的相关信息,给出dept_no, emp_no以及其对应的salary。
select dept_no,de.emp_no,MAX(salary)
from dept_emp de, salaries s
where de.emp_no = s.emp_no and de.to_date='9999-01-01' 
and de.to_date = s.to_date
group by dept_no;
  1. 从titles表获取按照title进行分组,每组个数大于等于2,给出title以及对应的数目t。
select title,count(emp_no) as t
from titles group by title
having t >= 2;
  1. 从titles表获取按照title进行分组,每组个数大于等于2,给出title以及对应的数目t。注意对于重复的emp_no进行忽略。
select title, count(distinct emp_no) t
from titles group by title
having t >= 2;
  1. 查找employees表所有emp_no为奇数,且last_name不为Mary的员工信息,并按照hire_date逆序排列。
select * from employees where last_name <> 'Mary'
and round(emp_no/2.0) <> emp_no/2
order by hire_date desc;
  1. 统计出当前各个title类型对应的员工当前(to_date=‘9999-01-01’)薪水对应的平均工资。结果给出title以及平均工资avg。
select title,AVG(salary) avg from salaries s,titles t
where s.emp_no  = t.emp_no and s.to_date = '9999-01-01' and s.to_date = t.to_date
group by title;
  1. 获取当前(to_date=‘9999-01-01’)薪水第二多的员工的emp_no以及其对应的薪水salary。
select emp_no,salary from salaries
where to_date='9999-01-01'
order by salary desc limit 1 offset 1;
  1. 查找当前薪水(to_date=‘9999-01-01’)排名第二多的员工编号emp_no、薪水salary、last_name以及first_name,不准使用order by。
select e.emp_no, salary, last_name, first_name
from employees e, salaries s
where e.emp_no = s.emp_no and salary in 
(select MAX(salary) from salaries where salary not in 
 (select MAX(salary) from salaries where to_date='9999-01-01')
and to_date='9999-01-01');
  1. 查找所有员工的last_name和first_name以及对应的dept_name,也包括暂时没有分配部门的员工。
select last_name,first_name,dd.dept_name from employees as e left outer
(select emp_no,d.dept_no,dept_name from departments d,dept_emp de
where d.dept_no = de.dept_no) as dd 
on e.emp_no=dd.emp_no;
  1. 查找员工编号emp_no为10001其自入职以来的薪水salary涨幅值growth。
select MAX(salary)-MIN(salary) as growth
from salaries
where emp_no = 10001;
  1. 查找所有员工自入职以来的薪水涨幅情况,给出员工编号emp_no以及其对应的薪水涨幅growth,并按照growth进行升序。
select e.emp_no,(s1.salary-s2.salary) as growth
from employees as e
inner join salaries as s1
on e.emp_no = s1.emp_no and s1.to_date = '9999-01-01'
inner join salaries as s2
on e.emp_no = s2.emp_no and hire_date = s2.from_date
order by growth asc;
  1. 统计各个部门的工资记录数,给出部门编码dept_no、部门名称dept_name以及次数sum。
select d.dept_no,dept_name,count(de.emp_no) as sum
from departments d, dept_emp de, salaries s
where d.dept_no = de.dept_no and de.emp_no = s.emp_no
group by de.dept_no;
  1. 对所有员工的当前(to_date=‘9999-01-01’)薪水按照salary进行按照1-N的排名,相同salary并列且按照emp_no升序排列。
select s1.emp_no,s1.salary,count(distinct s2.salary) as rank
from salaries s1, salaries s2
where s1.to_date='9999-01-01'
and s1.to_date = s2.to_date
and s1.salary <= s2.salary
group by s1.emp_no
order by s1.salary desc,s1.emp_no asc;
  1. 获取所有非manager员工当前的薪水情况,给出dept_no、emp_no以及salary ,当前表示to_date=‘9999-01-01’。
select de.dept_no,e.emp_no,salary
from dept_emp de, dept_manager dm, employees e, salaries s
where e.emp_no not in (select emp_no from dept_manager)
and e.emp_no = de.emp_no and e.emp_no = s.emp_no
and de.dept_no = dm.dept_no
and de.to_date = '9999-01-01'
and de.to_date = s.to_date;
  1. 获取员工其当前的薪水比其manager当前薪水还高的相关信息,当前表示to_date=‘9999-01-01’,结果第一列给出员工的emp_no,第二列给出其manager的manager_no,第三列给出该员工当前的薪水emp_salary,第四列给该员工对应的manager当前的薪水。
select m2.eno,manager_no,emp_salary,manager_salary from
(select dm.dept_no as dno,dm.emp_no as manager_no, s1.salary as manager_salary
from dept_manager dm, salaries s1
where dm.emp_no = s1.emp_no
and dm.to_date='9999-01-01'
and dm.to_date=s1.to_date) m1,
(select de.emp_no as eno, de.dept_no as dno, s2.salary as emp_salary
from dept_emp de, salaries s2
where de.emp_no = s2.emp_no
and de.to_date = '9999-01-01'
and de.to_date = s2.to_date) m2
where m2.dno = m1.dno
and emp_salary > manager_salary;
  1. 汇总各个部门当前员工的title类型的分配数目,结果给出部门编号dept_no、dept_name、其当前员工所有的title以及该类型title对应的数目count。
select d.dept_no,dept_name,title,count from departments d,
(select t.emp_no,de.dept_no as dno,title,count(title) as count 
from dept_emp de, titles t
where de.emp_no = t.emp_no and de.to_date='9999-01-01' and de.to_date=t.to_date
group by de.dept_no,title) t1
where d.dept_no = t1.dno;
  1. 给出每个员工每年薪水涨幅超过5000的员工编号emp_no、薪水变更开始日期from_date以及薪水涨幅值salary_growth,并按照salary_growth逆序排列。
    提示:在sqlite中获取datetime时间对应的年份函数为strftime(’%Y’, to_date)
select s1.emp_no,s1.from_date,(s1.salary-s2.salary) as salary_growth
from salaries as s1 inner join salaries as s2
on s1.emp_no = s2.emp_no and 
and salary_growth > 5000
order by salary_growth desc;
  1. 查找描述信息中包括robot的电影对应的分类名称以及电影数目,而且还需要该分类对应电影数量>=5部。
select name,count(fc.film_id) as amount from
(select category_id,count(film_id) as amount
from film_category
group by category_id 
having amount >= 5) m1,film f, category c,film_category fc
where description like '%robot%'
and f.film_id= fc.film_id
and c.category_id = m1.category_id
and fc.category_id = c.category_id;
  1. 使用join查询方式找出没有分类的电影id以及名称。
select f.film_id,title
from film as f left outer join film_category as fc 
on f.film_id=fc.film_id 
where category_id is null;
  1. 使用子查询的方式找出属于Action分类的所有电影对应的title,description。
select title,description
from film
where film_id in
(select film_id from film_category fc
where category_id in(
    select category_id from category where name='Action'))
  1. 获取select * from employees对应的执行计划。
explain select * from employees;
  1. 将employees表的所有员工的last_name和first_name拼接起来作为Name,中间以一个空格区分。
select last_name||' '||first_name as Name from employees;
  1. 创建一个actor表
create table actor(
 actor_id smallint(5) primary key not null,
 first_name varchar(45) not null,
 last_name varchar(45) not null,
 last_update timestamp default(datetime('now','localtime')) not null
  1. 对于表actor批量插入。
insert into actor values
(1,'PENELOPE','GUINESS','2006-02-15 12:34:33'),
(2,'NICK','WAHLBERG','2006-02-15 12:34:33');
  1. 对于表actor批量插入如下数据,如果数据已经存在,请忽略,不使用replace操作。
insert or ignore into actor values(3,'ED','CHASE','2006-02-15 12:34:33');
  1. 创建一个actor_name表,将actor表中的所有first_name以及last_name导入该表。
create table actor_name (
 first_name varchar(45) not null,
 last_name varchar(45) not null
insert into actor_name select first_name,last_name from actor;
  1. 对first_name创建唯一索引uniq_idx_firstname,对last_name创建普通索引idx_lastname。
create unique index uniq_idx_firstname on actor(first_name);
create index idx_lastname on actor(last_name);
  1. 针对actor表创建视图actor_name_view,只包含first_name以及last_name两列,并对这两列重新命名,first_name为first_name_v,last_name修改为last_name_v。
create view actor_name_view as
select first_name as first_name_v, last_name as last_name_v from actor;
  1. 针对salaries表emp_no字段创建索引idx_emp_no,查询emp_no为10005, 使用强制索引。
select * from salaries
indexed by idx_emp_no
where emp_no=10005;
  1. 在last_update后面新增加一列名字为create_date, 类型为datetime, NOT NULL,默认值为’0000 00:00:00’。
alter table actor 
add create_date datetime default('0000-00-00 00:00:00') not null;
  1. 构造一个触发器audit_log,在向employees_test表中插入一条数据的时候,触发插入相关的数据到audit中。
create trigger audit_log
after insert on employees_test
begin insert into audit
values (new.ID,new.NAME);
  1. 删除emp_no重复的记录,只保留最小的id对应的记录。
delete from titles_test
where id not in
(select MIN(id) from titles_test group by emp_no);
  1. 将所有to_date为9999-01-01的全部更新为NULL,且 from_date更新为2001-01-01。
update titles_test 
set to_date=null,from_date='2001-01-01'
where to_date='9999-01-01';
  1. 将id=5以及emp_no=10001的行数据替换成id=5以及emp_no=10005,其他数据保持不变,使用replace实现。
update titles_test
set emp_no=replace(emp_no,10001,10005)
where id=5;
  1. 将titles_test表名修改为titles_2017。
alter table titles_test rename to titles_2017;
  1. 在audit表上创建外键约束,其emp_no对应employees_test表的主键id。
drop table audit;
create table audit(
    create_date datetime NOT NULL,
    foreign key(EMP_no) references employees_test(ID))
  1. 存在如下的视图:
    create view emp_v as select * from employees where emp_no >10005;
select e1.* from emp_v e1,employees e2
where e1.emp_no=e2.emp_no;
  1. 将所有获取奖金的员工当前的薪水增加10%。
update salaries
set salary = salary*1.1 where to_date='9999-01-01';
  1. 针对库中的所有表生成select count(*)对应的SQL语句。
select "select count(*) from "||name||";" as cnts
from sqlite_master where type='table';
  1. 将employees表中的所有员工的last_name和first_name通过(’)连接起来。
select last_name||"'"||first_name as name
from employees;
  1. 查找字符串’10,A,B’ 中逗号’,'出现的次数cnt。
select (length("10,A,B")-length(replace("10,A,B",',',"")))/length(',')
as cnt;
  1. 获取Employees中的first_name,查询按照first_name最后两个字母,按照升序进行排列。
select first_name from employees
order by substr(first_name,-2);
  1. 按照dept_no进行汇总,属于同一个部门的emp_no按照逗号进行连接,结果给出dept_no以及连接出的结果employees。
select  dept_no,group_concat(emp_no,',') as employees
from dept_emp
group by dept_no;
  1. 查找排除当前最大、最小salary之后的员工的平均工资avg_salary。
select AVG(salary) as avg_salary
from salaries
where salary not in (select MAX(salary) from salaries)
and salary not in (select MIN(salary) from salaries)
and to_date='9999-01-01';
  1. 分页查询employees表,每5行一页,返回第2页的数据。
select * from employees limit 5,5;
  1. 获取所有员工的emp_no、部门编号dept_no以及对应的bonus类型btype和received ,没有分配具体的员工不显示。
select de.emp_no,de.
from dept_emp as de outer left join emp_bonus as eb
on de.emp_no=eb.emp_no;
  1. 使用含有关键字exists查找未分配具体部门的员工的所有信息。
select * from employees e
where not exists (
select emp_no from dept_emp
where emp_no=e.emp_no);
  1. 获取employees中的行数据,且这些行也存在于emp_v中。注意不能使用intersect关键字。
select e.* from employees e,emp_v ev
where e.emp_no=ev.emp_no;
  1. 获取有奖金的员工相关信息。
select e.emp_no,first_name,last_name,btype,salary,(
case btype
when 1 then salary*0.1
when 2 then salary*0.2
else salary*0.3
end) as bonus
from employees e,emp_bonus eb,salaries s
where e.emp_no=eb.emp_no and s.to_date='9999-01-01'
and e.emp_no=s.emp_no;
  1. 统计salary的累计和running_total,其中running_total为前两个员工的salary累计和,其他以此类推。
select emp_no,salary,(
select SUM(s2.salary) from salaries s2
where s1.emp_no >= s2.emp_no and s2.to_date='9999-01-01') as running_total
from salaries s1
where s1.to_date='9999-01-01';
  1. 对于employees表中,给出奇数行的first_name。
select first_name 
from employees e1
where (select count(*) from employees e2
where e2.first_name<=e1.first_name)%2 <> 0;

