week 1
Input: numbers = [2,7,11,15], target = 9
Output: [1,2]
Explanation: The sum of 2 and 7 is 9. Therefore index1 = 1, index2 = 2.
class Solution { public: vector<int> twoSum(vector<int>& numbers, int target) { int left=0; int right=numbers.size() - 1; while(right > left){ if(numbers[left] + numbers[right] == target) return {left+1,right+1}; else if(numbers[left] + numbers[right] > target) right--; else left++; } return {}; } };
Input: [3,2,3,1,2,4,5,5,6]
and k = 4
Output: 4
class Solution {
public void Sort(int[] t, int left,int right) {
if(left>right) return ;
int i = left;
int j = right;
int temp = t[left];
while(i=temp && i
class Solution { public int findKthLargest(int[] nums, int k) { int i = 0; int j = nums.length - 1; int partitionIdx; while(i <= j){ partitionIdx = partition(nums, i, j); if((k - 1) == partitionIdx){ return nums[partitionIdx]; } else if((k -1) < partitionIdx){ j = partitionIdx - 1; } else{ i = partitionIdx + 1; } } return 0; } public int partition(int[] nums, int start, int end){ if(start == end){ return start; } int pivot = nums[start]; while(start < end){ while(start < end && nums[end] <= pivot){ end--; } nums[start] = nums[end]; while(start < end && nums[start] >= pivot){ start++; } nums[end] = nums[start]; } nums[start] = pivot; return start; } }
class Solution { public int findKthLargest(int[] nums, int k) { PriorityQueuepq = new PriorityQueue<>(); for(int val : nums) { pq.offer(val); if(pq.size() > k) { pq.poll(); } } return pq.peek(); } }
class Solution { public: int findKthLargest(vector<int>& nums, int k) { // min heap priority_queue< int, vector<int>, greater<int> > pq; // add first k elements to heap, since min heap, min element will be at top for (int i=0; ii) { pq.push(nums[i]); } // for rest of elements... // ... if it is greater than heap's top... // ... pop from heap and push num to heap // thereby maintaining heap size to be (k) // one by one, all numbers in heap become the (k) largest numbers in array for (int i=k; i i) { if (nums[i] > pq.top()) { pq.pop(); pq.push(nums[i]); } } // at the end, the number at top will be less than all numbers in heap // that is, it will be kth largest return pq.top(); } };
Input: nums = [1,1,1,2,2,3], k = 2
Output: [1,2]
vector<int> topKFrequent(vector<int>& nums, int k) { unordered_map<int,int> um; // map number frequency for (int c: nums) um[c]++; priority_queue< pair<int,int> > pq; // max heap by frequency,默认大顶堆 for (auto i: um) pq.push(make_pair(i.second,i.first)); vector<int> ans; // for each element of heap, // add that num to answer while (k--) { auto x = pq.top(); pq.pop(); ans.push_back(x.second); } return ans; }
Input: [2,0,2,1,1,0]
Output: [0,0,1,1,2,2]
void sortColors(vector<int>& nums) { int end_zero=0; int end_one=0; int end_two=0; int n=nums.size(); for(int i=0;i){ switch(nums[i]){ case 0: swap(nums[i],nums[end_zero]); end_zero++; if(nums[i]!=1){ end_one++; end_two++; break; } case 1: swap(nums[i],nums[end_one]); end_one++; end_two++; break; case 2: swap(nums[i],nums[end_two]); end_two++; break; i++; } }
Input: [1,2], [1,2,3]
Output: 2
int findContentChildren(vector<int>& g, vector<int>& s) { int contentLevel = 0; sort(g.begin(), g.end(), greater<int>()); //sort in reverse for easier popping sort(s.begin(), s.end(), greater<int>()); while(g.size() > 0 && s.size() > 0){//just a greedy algorithm where both are consumed if(g[g.size()-1] > s[s.size()-1])//when satisfaction is greater than greed s.pop_back(); else{ s.pop_back(); g.pop_back(); contentLevel++; } } return contentLevel; }
Input: 8
Output: 2
Explanation: The square root of 8 is 2.82842...
public int mySqrt(int x) {
if (x <= 0) return 0;
long res = x;
while (res * res > x) res = (res + x/res) / 2;
return (int)res;
Input: "2*3-4*5"
Output: [-34, -14, -10, -10, 10]
(2*(3-(4*5))) = -34
((2*3)-(4*5)) = -14
((2*(3-4))*5) = -10
(2*((3-4)*5)) = -10
(((2*3)-4)*5) = 10
class Solution {
private Map> resultMap = new HashMap<>();
public List diffWaysToCompute(String input) {
if (resultMap.containsKey(input)) return resultMap.get(input);
List ans = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i ++) {
char op = input.charAt(i);
if (op == '+' || op == '-' || op == '*') {
String left = input.substring(0, i);
String right = input.substring(i + 1);
List l = diffWaysToCompute(left);
List r = diffWaysToCompute(right);
switch (op) {
case '+': {
for (int a : l)
for (int b : r)
ans.add(a + b);
case '-': {
for (int a : l)
for (int b : r)
ans.add(a - b);
case '*': {
for (int a : l)
for (int b : r)
ans.add(a * b);
if (ans.size() == 0) ans.add(Integer.valueOf(input));
resultMap.put(input, ans);
return ans;
public ListNode getIntersectionNode(ListNode headA, ListNode headB) {
if(headA==null || headB==null){return null;}
Set set=new HashSet();
if(set.contains(headB)){return headB;}
return null;
Given nums = [2, 7, 11, 15], target = 9
Because nums[0] + nums[1] = 2 + 7 = 9,
return [0, 1]
public int[] twoSum(int[] nums, int target) {
Map index = new HashMap<>();
int len = nums.length;
int pair[] = new int[2];
for(int i = 0 ; i < len ; i++){
if(null != index.get((target-nums[i]))){
pair[1] = i;
pair[0] = index.get((target-nums[i]));
return pair;
return pair;
Input: s = "anagram", t = "nagaram"
Output: true
public boolean isAnagram(String s, String t) {
int[] cntS = new int[256];
int[] cntT = new int[256];
for (char c : s.toCharArray()) {
for (char c : t.toCharArray()) {
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if (cntS[i] != cntT[i]) {
return false;
return true;
public class MyQueue {
Stack stack;
* Initialize your data structure here.
public MyQueue() {
stack = new Stack<>();
* Push element x to the back of queue.
public void push(int x) {
* Removes the element from in front of queue and returns that element.
public int pop() {
if (!empty()) {
Iterator it = stack.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Integer value = it.next();
if (!it.hasNext()) ;
return value;
return Integer.parseInt(null);
* Get the front element.
public int peek() {
if (!empty()) {
Iterator it = stack.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Integer value = it.next();
if (!it.hasNext()) ;
return value;
return Integer.parseInt(null);
* Returns whether the queue is empty.
public boolean empty() {
return stack.empty();
week 2
字符串:409. Longest Palindrome(回文) https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-palindrome/description/
Input: "abccccdd"
Output: 7
Explanation: One longest palindrome that can be built is "dccaccd", whose length is 7
public int longestPalindrome(String s) {
if(s.length()==0) return 0;
int[] chars=new int[128];
for(char c:s.toCharArray()) chars[c]++;
int cnt=0;
for(int i=0;i<128;i++) cnt+=chars[i]/2;
return cnt==s.length()?cnt:cnt+1;//如果不是全部用光偶数个,那一定有一个可以放中间
数组和矩阵:378. Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix https://leetcode.com/problems/kth-smallest-element-in-a-sorted-matrix/description/
public int kthSmallest(int[][] matrix, int k) {
if(matrix.length * matrix[0].length < k) return -1;
PriorityQueue q=new PriorityQueue(k,Comparator.reverseOrder());
int len=0;
for(int i=0;i matrix[i][j]) {
return q.peek();
位运算:260. Single Number III https://leetcode.com/problems/single-number-iii/description/
Input: [1,2,1,3,2,5]
Output: [3,5]
public int[] singleNumber(int[] items) {
int[] result = new int[2];
int xor = 0;
for(int i : items){
xor ^= i;
xor &= ~(xor - 1);
for(int i : items){
if((i&xor) != 0){
result[0] ^= i;
result[1] ^= i;
return result;
进制转换:转化为7进制 https://leetcode.com/problems/base-7/description/
public String convertToBase7(int num) {
String result = "";
int q = num;
int r;
boolean isNeg = false;
if(q < 0) {
q = Math.abs(q);
isNeg = true;
do {
r = q % 7;
q /= 7;
result += r;
} while (q != 0);
if (isNeg)
return "-" + reverse(result);
return reverse(result);
public String reverse(String input){
byte [] bytes = input.getBytes();
byte [] result = new byte [bytes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)
result[i] = bytes[bytes.length-i-1];
return new String(result);
相遇问题:462. Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II https://leetcode.com/problems/minimum-moves-to-equal-array-elements-ii/description/
Explanation:Only two moves are needed (remember each move increments or decrements one element):[1,2,3] => [2,2,3] => [2,2,2]
public int minMoves2(int[] A) {
int sum = 0, median = quickselect(A, A.length/2+1, 0, A.length-1);
for (int i=0;i pivot) r--;
if (l>=r) break;
swap(A, l++, r--);
if (l-start+1 > k) return quickselect(A, k, start, l-1);
if (l-start+1 == k && l==r) return A[l];
return quickselect(A, k-r+start-1, r+1, end);
public void swap(int[] A, int i, int j) {
int temp = A[i];
A[i] = A[j];
A[j] = temp;
多数投票问题:169. Majority Element https://leetcode.com/problems/majority-element/description/
public int majorityElement(int[] num) {
// O(n) time O(1) space
int major=num[0], count = 1;
for(int i=1; i