b0001 机械制图 technical drawing for mechanical engineering
b0002 齿轮制图 technical drawings - representation of gears
b0003-1 制图 – 螺丝及螺丝附件 – 第一部分:基本规定 technical drawings-screw threads and threaded parts -part 1:general conventions
b0003-2 制图 – 螺丝及螺丝附件 – 第二部分:螺丝插件 technical drawings-screw threadsand threaded parts-part 2:screw thread inserts
b0003-3 制图 – 螺丝及螺丝附件 – 第三部分:简化描述方法 technical drawings-screw threads and threaded parts-part 3:simplified representation
b0004-1 滚柱轴承制图 - 第1部:基本简化描述方法 technical drawings- rolling bearings -part 1:general simplified representation
b0004-2 滚柱轴承制图 - 第1部:细部简化描述方法 technical drawings-rolling bearings part 2 : detailed simplified representation
b0005 技术制图 – 弹簧制图 제도 technical drawings-representation of springs
b0006-1 制图 - 管道简化描述方法 - 第1部:通则及正射投影图 technical drawings-simplified representation of pipelines-part 1:general rules and orthogonal representation
b0006-2 制图 - 管道简化描述方法 - 第2部:等角投影图 technical drawings-simplified representation of pipelines-part 2:isometric representation
b0006-3 制图 - 管道简化描述方法 - 第3部:通风设备和排水设备末端装置 technical drawings-simplified representation of pipelines-part 3:terminal features of ventilation and drainage systems
b0007 制图 - 尺寸和限差 – 非刚性附件 technical drawings-dimensioning and tolerancing-non- rigid parts
b0008 制图 - 花键和锯齿表示方法 technical drawings-representation of splines and serrations
b0008-1 尺寸、限差和嵌套方式 - 第1部:限差、尺寸差和嵌套基础 iso system of limits and fits-part 1:bases of tolerances, deviations and fits
b0008-2 尺寸、限差和嵌套方式 - 第2部:孔及和轴限差等级和尺寸规格表 iso system of limits and fits-part 2:tables of standard tolerance grades and limit deviations for holes and shafts
b0009 制图 - 文字 - 第0部:通则 technical drawings-lettering-part 0:general requirements
b0009-1 制图 - 文字 - 第1部:罗马字,数字和符号 technical drawings-lettering-part 1:currently used characters
b0009-2 制图 - 文字 - 第2部:希腊文字 technical drawings-lettering-part 2:greek characters
b0050 数控机械用符号 code for numerical control of machines
b0052 焊接符号 symbolic representation of welds
b0053 齿轮符号 gear notation-symbols for geometrical data
b0054 液压、气压符号 graphic symbols for fluid power systems
b0055 火力发电术语(蒸汽轮机、地热能发电设备及补助设备) glossary of terms for thermal power plant (steam turbines geothermal power plant and auxiliary equipment)
b0058 火力发电术语(蒸汽轮机及补助设备)thermal power plant-gas turbine and auxiliary equipment-vocabulary
b0060 火力发电机术语(基本) glossary of terms for thermal power plant (general)
b0061 涡轮泵基本术语 glossary of terms for turbo pumps
b0062 鼓风机、压缩机基本术语 glossary of terms for fans,blowers and compressors
b0063 冷冻用图形符号 graphical symbols for refrigerating systems
b0064 火力发电机术语(锅炉及补助设备) glossary of terms for thermal power plant use (boilers and auxiliary equipments)
b0065 液压控制设备术语 glossary of terms for fluid control device
b0066 齿轮切割机术语 for gear cutters -vocabulary
b0067 工业用操纵机器人 – 术语 manipulating industrial robots-vocabulary
b0068 工业用机器人符号 symbols for industrial robots
b0069 螺丝加工工具术语 glossary of terms for threading tools
b0071 能源管理术语(2) technical terms used in energy management (no.2)
b0072 火力发电机术语(内燃机及补助设备) glossary of terms for thermal power plant (internal combustion engines and auxiliary equipments)
b0073 吊车术语 glossary of terms for hoists
b0074 锥术语 vocabulary of cones
b0075 发动机驱动发电机术语 glossary of terms and definitions of engine driven generating sets
b0076 压力容器结构基本术语 glossary of terms used in construction of pressure vessels
b0077 机床 – 试验及测试术语 machine tools-test codes-vocabulary
b0100 阀术语 glossary of terms for valves
b0101 螺丝术语 screw threads and fasteners-vocabulary
b0102 齿轮术语 glossary of gear terms
b0103 弹簧术语 glossary of terms used in springs
b0104 滚柱轴承术语 glossary of terms relating to rollingbearing
b0105 机床名称术语 glossary for machine tools
b0106 焊接术语 welding terms
b0107 加工方法属于 symbols of metal working processes
b0108 切割机术语 glossary of terms for single point tools
b0109 压力机术语 glossary of terms for the presswork machinery
b0110 往复式内燃机术语(主要配件)glossary of terms relating to reciprocating internal-combustion engines(main parts)
b0111 往复式内燃机术语(补助装置) glossary of terms relating to reciprocating internal-combustion engines(p_w_uploads)
b0112 办公用机械名称术语 office machines-nomenclature
b0113 水轮机及泵水轮机术语 glossary of terms for hydraulic turbines and reversible pump turbines
b0114 机床(配件、操作方法) glossary of terms relating to parts of machine tools and operation
b0115 往复式内燃机术语(基本) glossary of terms relating to reciprocating internal-combustion engines
b0116 工业用燃烧设备术语 glossary of terms-relating to industrial combustion equipments
b0117 木材加工机器名称术语 glossary of terms for wood working machinery
b0118 包装及垫圈术语 glossary of terms for packings and gaskets
b0120 液压及气压术语 glossary of terms for oil hydraulics and pneumatics
b0121 钢管管接术语 iron and steel pipe fittings-vocabulary
b0122 离合器及制动器术语 glossary of terms relating to clutches and brakes
b0123 切削工具术语(基本) cutting tools - vocabulary - common terms
b0124 钻孔机术语 glossary of terms for drills
b0125 数控机床术语 numerically controlled machine tools - vocabulary
b0126 数控机床坐标轴及运行符号 axis and motion nomenclature for numericallycontrolled machine tools
b0129 铰床术语 glossary of terms for reamers
b0130 复印机术语 glossary of terms for copying machines
b0131 输送机术语 – 分类 glossary of terms relating to conveyors-kinds of conveyors
b0134 收银机术语 glossary of terms relating to cash registers
b0135 输送机术语(配件及补助设备) glossary of terms relating to conveyors (part 2 conveyor parts and accessories)
b0136 机械振动、冲击术语 glossary of terms used in mechanical vibration and shock
b0137 铣刀术语 glossary of terms for milling cutters
b0138 拉床术语 glossary of terms relating for broaches
b0139 锻造术语 glossary of terms for forging
b0140 螺丝紧固件通则 general rules for tightening of threaded fasteners
b0141 旋转及往复式机械振动 – 振动测试仪要求 mechanical vibration of rotating and reciprocating machinery-requirements for instruments for measuring vibration severity
b0143 螺丝附件紧固测试方法 method of tightening test for threaded fasteners
b0144 平垫圈限差 tolerance system for plain washer
b0145 非金属螺丝附件机械性质 mechanical properties of non-ferrous metal fasteners
b0146 基本公差 – 第二部:无具体规定公差物体的几何公差 general tolerances-part2: geometrical tolerances for features without individual tolerance indications
b0147 制图 – 公差表示方式基本规定 technical drawings-fundamental tolerancing principle
b0148 制图 – 几何公差表示方式 – 位置图公差 technical drawings - geometrical tolerancing - positional tolerancing
b0161 表面粗糙度 – 定义及表示 surface roughness-definitions and designation
b0162 表面粗糙度术语 – 第1部:表面及粗糙度参数 surface roughness-terminology-part 1:surface and its parameters
b0163 工业过程控制及测量 – 术语及定义 industrial process measurement and control-terms and definitions
b0200 螺丝表示方法 designation of screw threads
b0201 公制粗牙螺丝 metric coarse screw threads
b0203 标准粗牙螺丝 unified coarse screw threads
b0204 公制细牙螺丝 metric fine screw threads
b0206 标准细牙螺丝 unified fine screw threads
b0211 公制粗牙螺丝控制尺寸及公差 limits of sizes and tolerances for metric coarse screw threads
b0213 标准粗牙螺丝控制尺寸及公差 limits and tolerances for unified coarse screw threads
b0214 公制细牙螺丝控制尺寸及公差 limits of sizes and tolerances for metric fine screw threads
b0216 标准细牙螺丝控制尺寸及公差 limits and tolerances for unified fine screw threads
b0219 公制梯形螺丝控制尺寸及公差 limit of sizes tolerances for metric trapezoidal screw
b0220 螺丝用限制量规规格尺寸 gauge blanks for screw thread limit gauges
b0221 平行管螺丝 parallel pipe threads
b0222 锥形管螺丝 taper pipe threads
b0223 电线管螺丝 screw threads for rigid metal conduits and fittings
b0224 自行车螺丝 bicycle threads
b0225 缝纫机螺丝 sewing machine screw
b0226 29度梯形螺丝 29do trapezoidal screw threads
b0228 微型螺丝 miniature screw threads
b0229 公制梯形螺丝 metric trapezoidal screw threads
b0230 螺丝+字槽 cross recesses for screws
b0231 螺丝末端规格尺寸 ends of parts with external metric screw thread
b0233 钢制螺栓、螺丝的机械性质 mechanical properties of steel bolts and screws
b0234 钢制螺母机械性质 mechanical properties of steel nut s
b0235 公制螺丝公差规定 tolerance system for metric screw threads
b0237 公制梯形螺丝公差规定 tolerance system for metric trapezoidal screw threads
b0238 螺丝配件公差规定 tolerance system for threaded fasteners
b0239 螺丝配件精确度测试方法 method of verification for size and geometry of threaded fasteners
b0240 钢制定位螺丝机械性质 mechanical properties of steel set screw定位螺丝s
b0241 不锈钢螺丝配件的机械性质 mechanical properties of corrosion -resistant stainless-steel fasteners
b0242 最大实际公差规则 maximum material principle
b0243 几何公差数据系统 datums and datum-systems for geometrical tolerances
b0244 阳螺纹头底部半径 radii under the head for external threaded fasteners
b0245 阳螺纹配件挖根尺寸 thread run-outs and thread undercuts for external threaded fasteners
 2005-07-18 01:10  [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』 [url]http://www.FanE.cn[/url]   

等级: ×××级
 第 2 楼
b0246 螺丝配件各部位尺寸名称及符号 symbols and designations of dimensions for threaded fasteners
b0247 螺丝—轴荷载疲劳测试 – 测试方法及评估 threaded fasteners- axial load fatigue testing-test methods and evaluation of results
b0248 自攻螺栓的螺丝规格尺寸 threads and thread ends for tapping screws
b0249 螺丝的应力面积和承载面积 stress area and bearing area for threaded fasteners
b0250 铸件 – 尺寸公差及切削余度规定 castings-system of dimensional tolerances and machining allowances
b0251 自攻螺栓 – 机械性质 tapping screws-mechanical properties
b0252 管凸缘计算标准 basis for calculation of pipe flanges
b0253 宽敞面法兰垫铝合金管凸缘计算标准 basis for calculation of aluminium alloy pipe flanges with full face gasket
b0254 铝合金管凸缘标准尺寸 basic dimensions of aluminium alloy pipe flanges
b0255 铝合金管凸缘计算标准 basis for calculation of aiuminium alloy pipe flanges
b0264 测螺丝用三股线 three wires for screw thread measuring
b0399 圆锥联结 cone fits
b0401 尺寸公差及联结 system of limits and fits
b0403 切削加工品圆度及倒角 chamfer and roundness of machined parts
b0404 热镦锻、降温锻件的圆度 corner and fillet radii of forged parts (hot and warm forging)
b0405 铸件圆度 roundness of castings
b0406 轴直径 diameter of shafts
b0407 旋转轴高度 shaft heights for driving and driven machines
b0408 1/10圆锥轴尖端 1/10 conical shaft ends
b0410 中导孔 center holes
b0412 通用公差 - 第一部分:无具体规定公差的长度及角度公差 general tolerances-part 1:tolerances for linear and angular dimensions without individual tolerance indications
b0413 金属压力加工品尺寸基本公差 general dimensional tolerances for parts formedby press working from sheet metal
b0416 金属板剪切基本公差 permissible deviations in dimensions without tolerance indication for shearing of metal plates
b0417 烧结金属基本公差 permissible deviations in dimensions without tolerance indication for metallic sintered products
b0418 铸钢件基本公差 ermissible deviations in dimensions withouttolerance indication for steel castings
b0419 圆锥体锥度 onical tapers
b0420 中心距允许偏差 deviations for center distances
b0421 平行螺丝量规的测量方法 easuring method for parallel screw gauges
b0422 锥形螺丝量规的测量方法 nspection method for taper screw gauges
b0425 几何偏差的定义及表示 efinitions and designations of geometrical deviations
b0426 钢热模锻品公差(锤击及压力加工) dimensional tolerance for steel die forgings (hammer and press forging)
b0427 钢热模锻品公差(镦粗) dimensional tolerance for steel die forgings (upsetting)
b0428 气切削加工钢板基本公差 permissible deviation in dimensions without tolerance indication for gas cut steel plates
b0429 铸铁管法兰通则 general rules for cast iron pipe flanges
b0430 圆锥公差规定 system of cone tolerance
b0431 砂轮的选择标准 recommendation of grinding wheels
b0432 研磨余度 removal in grindings
b0433 整理切削余度 stock allowance for finish cut
b0434 圆锥形量杯测试方法 method of conical cup test
b0435 自由锻件的机械加工余度 machining allowance for open die forgings
b0500 钢制品表面加工标准 surface working standards of iron and steel
 2005-07-18 01:15  [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』 [url]http://www.FanE.cn[/url]   

等级: ×××级
 第 3 楼
b0501 针式表面粗糙度测定仪 instruments for the measurement of surface roughnessby the stylus method
b0506 光干涉式表面粗糙度测定仪 instruments for the measurement of surface roughnessby the interferometric method
b0507 表面粗糙度比较标准 roughness comparison specimens
b0508 化学分析用焊接金属样品制作方法 method of preparing deposited metal sample for chemical analysis
b0511 半自动弧焊作业标准 recommended practice for semi-automatic arc wdlding
b0512 自耗喷嘴式电渣焊接作业标准 recommended practice for consumable nozzle electroslag welding
b0513 不锈钢焊接技术鉴定的检测方法及评估标准 standard qualification procedure for welding technique of stainless steel
b0514 塑料焊接技术鉴定的检测方法及评估标准 standard qualification procedure for welding technique of plastics
b0515 半自动焊接技术鉴定的检测方法及评估标准 standard qualification procedure for semi-automatic welding technique
b0518 气压焊技术鉴定的检测方法及评估标准 standard qualification procedurefor gas pressure welding technique
b0519 焊接质量鉴定试验程序 method of qualification test for welding procedure
b0520 镍及镍合金包层钢焊接质量鉴定试验程序 method of welding procedure qualification test for nickel and nickel alloy clad steels
b0521 铝管焊接部的超声波反射角度[1]测试方法 methods of ultrasonic angle beam examination for welds of aluminium pipes and tubes
b0522 铝板T型焊接部的超声波反射角度[2]测试方法 methods of ultrasonic examinationfor t type welds of aluminium plates
b0523 焊接热影响区斜硬度测量方法 method of taper hardness test in weld heat-affected zone
b0524 奥氏体不锈钢焊接金属的铁氧体量测定方法 methods of measurement for ferrite content in austenitic stainless steel deposited metal
b0525 对接焊缝的平板张力测试方法 method of wide plate tension test for butt welded joint
b0526 焊接缝的冲击测试方法 method of impact test for welded joint
b0527 满角焊缝弯曲测试方法 method of soundness test for fillet welds
b0528 点焊疲劳测试方法 method of fatigue testing for spot welded joint
b0529 螺柱焊接的弯曲测试方法 method of bend test for stud welds
b0530 H型约束焊接的龟裂试验方法 method of h-type restrained weld cracking test
b0531 碳素钢及低合金钢用埋弧焊金属质量分类及测试方法 classification and testing methods for deposited metal of submerged arc welding for carbon steel and low alloy steel
b0532 利用超声波脉冲回波法的固体超声波衰减系数测量方法 method for measurement of ultrasonic attenuation coefficient of solidby pulse echo technique
b0533 利用超声波脉冲回波法的固体音速测试方法(比较试验法) methods for measurement on ultrasonic velocity of solidby pulse technigue using reference test pieces
b0534 超声波探伤仪器性能测试方法 method for assessing the overall performance characteristics of ultrasonic pulse echo testing instrument
b0535 超声波探针性能测试方法 method for measurement ox performance characteristics of ultrasonic probes
b0536 利用超声波脉冲回波法的厚度测量方法 methods for measurement of thicknessby ultrasonic pulse echo technique
b0537 超声波探伤仪器电器性能测定方法 methods for assessing the electrical characteristics of ultrasonic testing instrument using pulse echo technique
b0538 银焊技术鉴定的测试方法及评估标准 standard qualification procedure for

[1] [url]http://www.fd-quartz.com/cweb/chpjsh-04.htm[/url]
[2] [url]http://www.fd-quartz.com/cweb/chpjsh-04.htm[/url]
silver brazing technique
b0539 钯焊料化学分析方法 methods for chemical analysis of palladium brazing filler metals
b0540 工序控制阀 – 测试及监测 industrial-process control valves-inspection and routine testing
b0541 油压系统 –封口 - O环 – 外观及质量标准 fluid systems-sealing devices-o-rings-quality acceptance criteria
b0542 绘图机测试方法: 第一部分 机电绘图机 numerically controlled draughting machines-drawing test-part1:electromechanical plotters
b0543 细钎焊技术鉴定的测试方法及评估标准 standard qualification procedure for micro soldering technique
b0544 铝及铝合金焊接部超声波探伤试验技术鉴定的测试方法及评估标准 standard qualification procedure for ultrasonic testing technique of aluminium and aluminium alloy welds
b0545 焊接烟雾化学分析方法 methods for chemical analysis of elements in welding fumes
b0546 焊接作业环境烟气浓度测量方法 methods of measurement for gas concentration in welding environment
b0547 紧固件 – 表面缺陷 – 第一部:普通螺栓、螺纹及双头螺柱 fasteners-surface discontinuities-part 1:bolts, screws and studs for general requirements
b0548 紧固件 – 表面缺陷 – 第二部:螺母 fasteners-surface discontinuities-part 2:nuts
b0549 紧固件 – 表面缺陷 – 第三部:特殊螺栓、螺纹及双头螺柱 fasteners-surface discontinuitiespart 3:bolts, screws and studs for special requirements
b0550 非破坏试验术语 glossary of terms used in nondestructive testing
b0551 紧固件机械性质:第七部 直径为1∼10mm的螺纹及螺栓的扭应力测试及最小断裂转矩 mechnical properties of fasteners part 7 : torsional test and minimum fracture torques for bolts and screws with nominal diameters 1 mm to 10 mm
b0552 金属制品热处理术语 heat treatment for metal products - vocabulary
b0553 紧固件 - 非电解式锌涂敷处理 fasteners-nonelectrolytically applied zinc flake coatings
b0608 几何公差图示 indications of geometrical tolerance on drawings
b0610 表面起伏度的定义及表示方法 definitions and designation of surface waviness
b0611 机械配件圆度(压力加工件) radius of machine parts(press working of sheet metals)
b0612 旋转机械均衡度 - 刚性转子 balance quality requirements of rigid rotors
b0617 绘图 - 表面纹理图示法 technical drawings-method of indicating surface texture on drawings
b0618 中导孔图示法 representation of center hole
b0701 圆柱轴端 cylindrical shaft ends
b0702 电动式振动试验设备 - 设备特性描述法 electrodymamic test equipment for generating vibration-methods of describing equipment characteristics
b0703 倍捻机旋转振动试验方法 method of test for dynamic vibration of two - for - one twister
b0703-1 机械振动 - 车辆座位振动评测试验方法 第一部:基本要求 mechanical vibration- aboratory method for evaluating vehicle seat vibration-part 1:basic requirements
b0704 机械振动 - 机械不平衡变化及机械振动不平衡敏感度 mechanical vibration - susceptibility and sensitivity of machines to unbalance
b0705 机械振动 - 因火车的通过引起的铁路隧道内部振动测量方法 mechanical vibration-measurement of vibration generated internally in railway tunnels by the passage of trains
b0706-2 机械振动 - 非旋转部的机械振动测试 - 第二部:以地面为基地的50mw以上大型蒸汽涡轮发电机组 mechanical vibration - evaluation of machine vibrationby measurements on non-rotating parts - part 2 : large land-based steam turbine generator sets in excess of 50mw
b0706-6 机械振动 - 非旋转部的机械振动测试 - 第六部:功率为100kw以上的往复式机械 mechanical vibration - evaluation of machine vibrationby measurements on non-rotating parts - part 6 : reciprocating machines with power ratings above 100kw
b0707 机械振动及冲击 - 手臂振动 - 通过手套传递到手掌的振动传递率测量及评估方法 mechanical vibration and shock- hand-arm vibration-method for the measurement and evaluation of the vibration transmissibility of gloves at the palm of the hand
b0708 机械振动 - 弹性旋转体的机械平衡调节方法及标准 mechanical vibration - methods and criteria for the mechanical balancing of flexible rotors
b0709 振动及冲击 – 绝缘器 – 性能描述规程 vibration and shock-isolators-procedure for specifying characteristics
b0710-1 机械振动及冲击 – 人体全身振动测评 - 第一部:基本要求 mechanical vibration and shock - evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration - part 1 : general requirements
b0710-2 机械振动及冲击 – 人体全身振动测评 - 第二部:建筑物内部持续振动及冲击振动(1~80赫兹) evaluation of human exposure to whole -body vibration -part 2 : continuous and shock - induced vibration inbuildings(1 to 80 hz)
b0711 弹性轴联轴器 – 要求使用者及制作者提供的信息 resilient shaft couplings-information tobe suppliedby users and manufacturers
b0712 机械振动及冲击 – 建筑物振动 – 建筑物振动测量及影响评估准则 mechanical vibration and shock-vibration ofbuildings-guidelines for the measurement of vibrations and evaluation of their effects on buildings
b0713-1 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法– 第一部:利用激光干涉器的一次震动校准 methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 1:primary vibration calibrationby laser interferometry
b0713-10 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法– 第十部:高冲击打击一次校准 methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 10 : primary calibrationby high impact shocks
b0713-11 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法– 第十一部:横向振动灵敏度测试 methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 11:testing of transverse vibration sensitivity
b0713-12 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法– 第十二部:横向冲击灵敏度测试 methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 12:testing of transverse shock sensitivity
b0713-13 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法– 第十三部:安装基座应变灵敏度测试 methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 13:testing of base strain sensitivity
b0713-14 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法– 第十四部:安装在金属块的无衰减加速度计频率试验 methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 14:resonance frequency testing of undamped accelerometers on a steel block
b0713-15 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法– 第十五部:声灵敏度测试 methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 15:testing of acoustic sensitivity
b0713-16 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法– 第十六部:安装力矩灵敏度测试 methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 16:testing of mounting torque sensitivity
b0713-17 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法– 第十七部:固定温度灵敏度测试 methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 17:testing of fixed temperature sensitivity
b0713-18 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法– 第十八部:瞬时温度灵敏度测试 methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 18:testing of transient temperature sensitivity
b0713-19 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法– 第十九部:磁场灵敏度测试 methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 19:testing of magnetic field sensitivity
b0713-2 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法– 第二部:光光切割法冲击校准(一次校准) methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 2 : primary shock calibrationby light cutting
b0713-3 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法– 第三部:二次震动校准 methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 3 : secondary vibration calibration
b0713-4振动与冲击传感器的校准方法– 第四部:二次冲击校准 methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 4 : secondary shock calibration
b0713-5 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法– 第五部:利用地心引力的校准 methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 5 : calibrationby earth´s gravitation
b0713-6 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法– 第六部:低频振动校准(一次) methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 6 : primary vibration calibration at low frequencies
b0713-7 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法– 第七部:离心分离机法校准(一次) methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 7 : primary calibration by centrifuge
b0713-8 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法– 第八部:双重离心机法校准(一次) methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 8 : primary calibrationby dual centrifuge
b0713-9 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法– 第九部:相角比较法振动校准(二次) methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 9 : secondary vibration calibrationby comparison of phase angles
b0714 机械振动及冲击 – 加速度计的机械安装 mechanical vibration and shock-mechanical mounting of accelerometers
b0715 机械振动 – 通过手传递到人体的振动测量及评估准则 mechanical vibration- guidelines for the measurement and the assessment of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration
b0716 机械振动及冲击 – 人体照射 – 术语 mechanical vibration and shock-human exposure-vocabulary
b0717 机械振动及冲击 – 人体机械驱动点阻抗 vibration and shock-mechanical driving point impedance of the humanbody
b0718 振动器补助架 – 设备特性描述方法 auxiliary tables for vibration generators-methods of describing equipment characteristics
b0719 对低频(0.063~ 1 Hz)水平方向运动的固定建筑物,尤其是楼房和离岸建筑物居住者响应的测评准则 guidelines for the evaluation of the response of occupants of fixed structures, especially buildings and off-shore structures, to low-frequency horizontal motion(0.063 to 1hz)
 2005-07-18 01:20  [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』 [url]http://www.FanE.cn[/url]   

等级: ×××级
 第 4 楼
b0720-1 振动及冲击 – 机械迁移率实验测定 – 第一部:基本术语 定义及变换器 vibration and shock-experimental determination of mechanical mobility-part 1 :basic definitions and transducers
b0720-2振动及冲击 – 机械迁移率实验测定 – 第二部:单点加振和利用振动器的测定 vibration and shock- experimental determination of mechanical mobility-part 2 : measurements using single-point translation excitation with an attached vibration exciter
b0720-5 振动及冲击 – 机械迁移率实验测定 – 第五部:利用未附上建筑物的振动器进行冲击加振测定 vibration and shock-experimental determination of mechanical mobility- part 5 : measurements using impact excitation with an exciter which is not attached to the structure
b0721-1 非往复式机器的机械振动 – 旋转轴测量及评估标准 – 第一部:基本准则 mechanical vibration of non-reciprocating machines-measurements on rotating shafts and evaluation criteria-part 1:general guidelines
b0721-2 非往复式机器的机械振动 – 旋转轴测量及评估标准 – 第二部:大型蒸汽涡轮发电机组(陆地用) mechanical vibration of non-reciprocating machines-measurements on rotating shafts and evaluation criteria-part 2 : large land-based steam turbine generator sets
b0721-3 非往复式机器的机械振动 – 旋转轴测量及评估标准 – 第三部:连接的工业用机器 mechanical vibration of non-reciprocating machines-measurements on rotating shafts and evaluation criteria-part 3:coupled industrial machines
b0721-4 非往复式机器的机械振动 – 旋转轴测量及评估标准 – 第四部:蒸汽涡轮组 mechanical vibration of non-reciprocating machines-measurements on rotating shafts and evaluation criteria-part 4 : gas turbine sets
b0722 机械振动及振动 – Z轴方向对人体机械传递率 mechanical vibration and shock-mechanical transmissibility of the humanbody in the z direction
b0723 机械振动 – 陆地用车辆数据测报方法 mechanical vibrations-land vehicles-method for reporting measured data
b0724 对振动的人体反应 – 测量仪器 human response to vibration-measuring instrumentation
b0725 机械冲击 – 试验仪器 – 特性及性能评估 mechanical shock-testing machines-characteristics and performance
b0726 机械振动及冲击 – 冲击及振动对建筑物内部灵敏设备的影响测量及评估 mechanical vibration and shock-measurement and evaluation of shock and vibration effects on sensitive equipment inbuildings
b0727 机械振动 – 路面剖面图 - 数据测报 mechanical vibration-road surface profiles-reporting of measured data
b0728 振动器伺服-油压试验设备 - 特性描述方法 servo- hydraulic test equipment for generating vibration-method of describing characteristics
b0729 机械振动 – 平衡调节 – 旋转轴和补助设备关键规程 mechanical vibration-balancing-shaft and fitment key convention
b0730 机械振动及冲击 – 人体活动及作业障碍 – 分类 mechanical vibration and shock-disturbance to human activity and performance-classification
b0731 机械振动及冲击 – 机械冲击评估的解释方法 - 供给者和使用者之间信息交流 mechanical vibration and shock-analytical methods of assessing shock of resistance mechanical systems-information exchangebetween suppliers and users of analyses
 2005-07-18 01:20  [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』 [url]http://www.FanE.cn[/url]   

等级: ×××级
 第 5 楼
b0800 高温维氏硬度测试方法 test methods for vickers hardness at elevated temperatures
b0801 金属材料张力试验篇 test pieces for tensile test for metallic materials
b0802 金属材料张力试验方法 method of tensile test for metallic materials
b0804 金属材料 - 扭曲试验 metallic materials-bend test
b0805 金属材料 -布氏硬度测试方法 metallic materials - test method of brinell hardness
b0806 金属材料 -洛氏硬度测试方法 metallic materials - test method of rockwell hardness
b0807 肖氏硬度测试方法 method of shore hardness test
b0809 金属材料冲击测试篇 test pieces for impact test for metallic materials
b0810 金属材料冲击测试方法 method of impact test for metallic materials
b0811 维氏硬度测试 – 测试方法 vickers hardness test-test method
b0812 杯突试验方法 method of erichsen cupping test
b0813 硬质合金切割机切削试验方法 method of life test for single point carbide tools
b0814 金属材料张力蠕变试验方法 method of tensile creep test for metallic materials
b0816 液体***探伤测试方法及表示方法分类 method for liquid penetrant testing and classification of the indication
b0817 利用脉冲回波法的金属材料超声波探伤试验方法基本规定 general rule of ultrasonic testing of metalsby the pulse echo technique
b0818 硬质合金– 耐切力测定 hardmetals-determination of transverse rupture strength
b0820 切割机切削寿命检测方法 method of life test for single point tools
b0821 熔敷金属张力及冲击测试方法 methods of tension and impact tests for deposited metal
b0825 熔接单侧拉疲劳性能试验方法 method of repeated tension fatigue testing for fusion welded joints
b0826 熔接金属硬度测试方法 method of hardness test for deposited metal
b0831 超声波测试用标准试样 standard testblocks for ultrasonic testing
b0832 金属材料熔接部破坏试验-弯曲试验 destructive tests on welds in metallic materials-bend tests
b0833 钢氧炔焊接 - 张力试验方法 fusion-weldedbutt joints in steel- transverse tensile test
b0841 金属材料焊接破坏实验 - 十字型及接搭焊接张力试验 destructive tests on welds in metallic materials-tensile test on cruciform and lapped joints
b0842 侧满角焊缝的剪切测试方法 측면 필렛 용접 이음의 전단 시험 방법 method of shear test for welded side fillet joint
b0844 T型满角焊缝弯曲测试方法 method of bend test for t type fillet welded joint
b0845 钢焊缝放射摄影测试方法 methods of radiographic examination for welded joints in steel
b0850 点焊接测试方法 method of inspection for spot weld
b0851 点焊接剪切试验方法 method of tension shear test for spot welded joint
b0852 点焊接张力切断试验方法 method of tension test for spot welded joint
b0854 点焊接断面试验方法 method of macro test for section of spot welded joint
b0855 接缝测试方法 method of inspection for seam welding procedures
b0857 光焊接测试方法(钢) inspection method for flash weld (steel)
b0867 接搭焊接龟裂试验方法 method of controlled thermal severity cracking test
b0869 U型焊接龟裂试验方法 method of u-groove weld cracking test
b0870 Y型焊接龟裂试验方法 method of y-groove cracking test
b0872 C型焊接裂试验方法 method of fisco test
b0873 铜焊扩展测试方法 method of spreading test forbrazing
b0874 铅焊张力及剪切测试方法 methods of tension and shear tests forbrazed joint
b0879 不活性气体电弧焊接操作标准(铝及铝合金) recommended practice for inert gas shielded arc welding (aluminium and aluminium alloy)
b0883 解除炉膛焊接部应力的方法 heat treatment of stress relieving for weldment in furnace
b0884 局部加热解除焊接部应力的方法 local heat treatment of stress relieving for weldment in furnace
b0885 焊接技术鉴定的试验方法及评估标准 standard qualification procedure for welding technique
b0886 铝焊接技术鉴定的试验方法及评估标准 standard qualification procedure for welding technique of aluminium and aluminium alloy
b0887 铅焊作业标准 recommended practice for brazing
b0888 排管焊接的非破坏性检测方法 method of nondestructive examination for weld of pipeline
b0889 碳素钢摩擦焊接作业标准 recommended practice for friction welding of carbon steel
b0891 角焊涂覆电极测试方法 method of test for fillet weld of covered electrode
b0892 角焊涂覆电极熔敷速度测试方法 method of deposition rate for coated electrodes
b0893 焊接热影响区最大硬度测试方法 testing method of maximum hardness in weld heat-affected zone
b0896 钢焊接区超声波探伤测试方法 method for ultrasonic examination for welds of ferritic steel
b0897 铝板对接焊区超声波反射角度探伤测试方法 methods of ultrasonic angle beam examination for butt welds of aluminium plates
b0901 滚花 knurling
b0902 T槽沟 t slots
b0903 焊接 – 作业姿势 – 倾斜和旋转角度的定义 welds-working positions-definitions of angles of slope and rotation
b0904 T槽沟间隔 spacing of parallel t slots
b0905 紧固配件 – 验收检查 fasteners - acceptance inspection
b0906 焊接质量要求 – 金属材料电阻焊接 – 第一部:总体质量要求项目 quality requirement for welding - resistance welding of metallic materials - part 1 : comprehensive quality requirements
b0907 焊接质量要求 – 金属材料电阻焊接 – 第二部:基本质量要求项目 quality requirements for welding - resistance welding of metallic materials - part 2 : elementary quality requirements
b0908 焊接 –电子束焊接机验收检查 – 第一部:原理及验收条件welding-acceptance inspection of electron beam welding machines - part 1:principles and acceptance conditions
b0909 焊接 –电子束焊接机验收检查 – 第二部:加速电压特性测定 welding-acceptance inspection of electronbeam welding machines - part 2:measurement of accelerating voltage characteristics
b0910 焊接 –电子束焊接机验收检查 – 第二部:电子束电流特性测定 welding-acceptance inspection of electronbeam welding machines-part 3:measurement ofbeam current characteristics
b0911 焊接 –电子束焊接机验收检查 – 第三部:焊接速度测定 welding-acceptance inspection of electronbeam welding machines-part 4:measurement of welding speed
b0912 焊接 –电子束焊接机验收检查 – 第五部:偏离精确度测定 welding-acceptance inspection of electronbeam welding machines-part 5:measurement of run-out accuracy
b0913 焊接 –电子束焊接机验收检查 – 第六部:焦点位置稳定度测定 welding-acceptance inspection of electronbeam welding machines- part 6:measurement of stability of spot position
b1001 对边宽度尺寸(即板手开口尺寸) dimensions of widths across flats
b1002 六角螺栓 hexagon head bolts and hexagon head screws
b1003 六角凹头螺栓 hexagon socket head cap screws
b1004 四角螺栓 square head bolts
b1005 蝶型螺栓 wing bolts
b1006 车缧纹孔径 hole sizes before threading
b1007 螺栓孔径及埋头螺纹孔径 diameter of clearance holes and counter bores forbolts and screws
b1008 螺栓开口销孔及钢线孔 split pin holes and wire holes forbolts, screws and studs
摩擦接合用高张力六角螺栓、六角螺母、平垫圈组 sets of high strength hexagon bolt, hexagon nut and plainwashers for friction grip joints
b1012 六角螺母 hexagon nuts and hexagon thin nuts
b1013 四角螺母 square nuts
b1014 蝶型螺母 wing nuts
b1015 六角槽形螺母 hexagon slotted and castle nuts
b1016 地基螺母 foundation bolts
b1017 平头螺母 flat head bolts
b1020 滚珠螺纹 ball screws
b1021 凹头细螺丝 slotted head screws
b1022 精密仪器用凹头细螺丝 slotted head machine screws for precision instruments
b1023 +型凹头细螺丝 cross recessed head screws
b1024 凹头自攻螺栓 slotted head tapping screws
b1025 凹头定位螺丝 slotted set screws
 2005-07-18 01:21  [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』 [url]http://www.FanE.cn[/url]   

等级: ×××级
 第 6 楼
b1026 六角螺冒 domed cap nuts
b1027 四角定位螺丝 square head set screws
b1028 六角凹头定位螺丝 hexagon socket headless set screws
b1029 普通滚珠螺纹 ball screws for general use
b1030 钻模轴衬及配件 jig bushings and accessories
b1031 四角圆头螺栓 cup head square neck bolts
b1032 +型凹头自攻螺栓 cross-recessed head tapping screws
b1033 吊环螺栓 eye bolts
b1034 吊环螺母 eye nuts
b1035 钻模及夹具用六角螺母 hexagon nuts for jigs and fixtures
b1036 六角自攻螺栓 hexagon head tapping screws
b1037 双头螺母 stud bolts
b1038 T槽螺栓 t half dasg slots bolts
b1039 T槽螺母 t-slot nuts
b1040 垫圈组合六角螺纹 hexagon head screws with captive washer
b1041 垫圈组合六角凹头细螺丝 cross recessed head screws with captive washer
b1042 法兰六角螺栓 hexagonbolts with flange
b1043 法兰六角螺母 hexagon nuts with flange
b1044 普通扭矩型(非金属嵌入式)钢制六角螺母 prevailing torque type (non metallic insert) steel hexagon nuts
b1045 机床锁紧螺帽 lock nuts for machine tools
b1055 凹头螺栓 slotted head wood screws
b1056 +型槽螺钉 cro***ecessed head wood screws
b1057 焊接螺栓 weldbolts
b1058 焊接螺母 weld nuts
b1059 眼镜架用细螺丝及螺母 machnie screws and nuts for spectacle frames
b1060 钻孔机自攻螺纹 self drilling tapping screws
b1061 六角管节圆头螺栓 hexagon socket button head screws
b1062 大头剪力钉 headed studs
b1063 垫圈六角自攻螺纹 hexagon washer head tapping screws
b1064 法兰六角自攻螺纹 hexagon flange head tapping screws
b1065 阳螺纹配件 – 长度及螺栓的螺纹长度 bolts, screws and studs-nominal lengths, andthread lengths for general purpose bolts
b1066 螺纹配件 - 电镀 threaded components-electroplated coatings
b1067 六角半圆凹头螺栓 hexagon socket button head screws
b1068 普通扭矩型钢螺母的机械性质及性能 mechanical and performance properties forprevailing torque type steel nuts
b1069 紧夹锁环 grip ring
b1101 冷锻铆钉 cold headed rivets
b1102 热镦铆钉 hot headed rivets
b1103 半管状铆钉 semi- tubular rivets
b1104 六角接头螺栓 hexagon socket head shoulder screws
b1105 螺母的圆锥型保证负荷测试 cone proof load test on nuts
b1106 埋头孔平头螺纹 – 头部结构及利用量规的测试 countersunk flat head screws-head configuration and gauging
b1107 埋头孔平头螺纹 – 第二部:+槽深度 countersunk flat head screws - part 2:penetration depth of cross recesses
b1308 有螺纹的锥形销 taper pins with thread
b1309 阴螺纹平行销 parallel pins with internal thread
b1310 接合销 dowel pins(parallel pins, hardened)
b1311 钥匙及钥孔 keys and their corresponding keyways
b1312 半圆钥匙及钥孔 woodruff keys and keyways
b1313 滑钥匙及钥孔 sliding keys and their corresponding keyways
b1319 钻模及夹具的定位销 locating pins for jigs and fixtures
b1320 平行销 parallel pins
b1321 开口销split pins
b1322 斜度销 taper pins
b1323 分离斜度销 taper pins with split
b1324 弹簧防松垫圈 spring lock washers
b1325 齿状防松垫圈 toothed lock washers
b1326 平垫圈 plain washers
b1327 钻模及夹具垫圈 washers for jigs and fixtures
b1329 圆锥型弹簧垫圈 conical spring washers
b1331 手轮hand wheels
b1332 手柄 handles
b1333 卸扣 shackles
b1334 把手 grips
b1335 弯钩 hooks
 2005-07-18 01:22  [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』 [url]http://www.FanE.cn[/url]   

等级: ×××级
 第 7 楼
b1336 C型定位环 retaining rings (c type)
b1337 E型定位环 retaining rings (e type)
b1338 C型等截面定位环 retaining rings (uniform section c type)
b1339 弹簧型圆柱销spring-type straight pins
b1342 钻模及夹具用夹具 clamps for jigs and fixtures
b1344 钢索线夹 wire clips for wire strand or wire rope
b1345 螺旋形销 spiral pins
b1346 钢丝刷 wire brush
b1347 同步环 synchronizer ring
b1400 皮带轧槽V滑轮 grooved pulleys for classical v-belts
b1401 细蝶型V滑轮 grooved pulleys for narrow v-belts
b1402 平传送带滑轮 pulleys for flat transmission belts
b1404 渐开线齿轮齿廓及尺寸 involute gear tooth profile and dimensions
b1405 正齿轮及斜齿轮的精确度 preciseness of spur and helical gears
b1406 正齿轮及斜齿轮测量方法 methods of measurement for spur and helical gears
b1407 传动用滚子链及套筒滚柱链 short-pitch transmission precision roller chains and bush chains
b1408 滚柱链用链轮齿 sprocket tooth form for transmission roller chains
b1409 叶链 leaf chains
b1410 齿轮设备噪音测量方法 measuring method of noise of gears
b1411 正齿轮及斜齿轮反撞力 backlash for spur and helical gears
b1412 锥齿轮精确度 accuracy for bevel gears
b1413 锥齿轮反撞力 backlashes forbevel gears
b1414 普通正齿轮外形及尺寸 shapes and dimensions of spur gears for general engineering
b1415 普通斜齿轮外形及尺寸 shapes and dimensions of helical gears for general use
b1416 圆筒形蜗轮尺寸 dimensions of cylindrical worm gears

b1417 齿轮齿接触 tooth contact marking of gears
b1418 检测用主圆筒齿轮 master cylindrical gears
b1419 双螺距输送机滚轴链、附件及链轮齿 double-pitch conveyor roller chanis, p_w_uploads and sprockets
b1420 同步带驱动滑轮 synchronous belt drives-pulleys
b1422 辐射式滚珠花键 radial type ball spline
b1423-1 圆筒齿轮 – 精密度等级 第一部:齿轮齿误差定义及容许值 cylindrical gears-iso system of accuracy-part 1:definitions and allowable values of deviations relevant to corresponding flanks of gear teeth
b1423-2 圆筒齿轮 – 精密度等级 第二部:两侧齿轮齿传动误差及齿轮齿根摆动的定义及精确度容许值 cylindrical gears-iso system of accuracy-part 2:definitions and allowable values of deviations relevant to radial composite deviations and runout information
b1424 螺母的扩展测试 widening test on nuts
b1425 齿轮设备验收检测 – 第二部:齿轮设备振动测试方法及振动等级测定 acceptance code for gears-part 2:determination of mechanical vibrations of gear units during acceptance testing
b1426 钢管法兰基本规定 eneral rules for steel pipe flanges
b1501 钢管法兰压力定额 ressure ratings for ferrous material pipe flanges
b1502 钢管法兰尺寸容许值 olerances for pipe flanges
b1503 钢焊接管法兰 teel welding pipe flanges
 2005-07-18 01:23  [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』 [url]http://www.FanE.cn[/url]   

等级: ×××级
 第 8 楼
b1506 不锈钢焊接法兰 tainless steel welding flanges
b1507 钢管挠性轧槽接头 lexible grooved joint for steel pipe
b1509 冷冻设备用管法兰 ipe flanges for refrigeration
b1510 铜合金管法兰基本尺寸 asic dimensions of copper alloy pipe flanges
b1511 钢管法兰基本尺寸 basic dimensions of ferrous material pipe flanges
b1518 钢管法兰用螺旋垫圈 spiral-wound gaskets for pipe flanges
b1519 钢管法兰用垫圈尺寸 dimensions of gasket for pipe flange
b1521 液压用21mpa管嵌入焊接法兰 21mpa slip-on welding pipe flanges for hydraulic
b1522 普通排管及燃料气体排管涌钢对接焊管接头 steelbutt- welding pipe fittings for ordinary use and fuel gas
b1527 管架 pipe supports
b1531 螺丝状可锻铸铁管接头 screwed type malleable cast iron pipe fittings
b1532 螺丝状排水管接头 screwed drainage fittings
b1533 螺丝状钢管接头 screwed type steel pipe fittings
b1534 卫生陶瓷品补助铁制品 fittings for sanitary wares
b1535 液压用21mpa{250kgf/cm2}镶嵌式接头 25mpa{250kgf/cm2}bite type tube fittings for hydraulic use
b1536 波纹式管接 bellows type expansion pipe joints
b1552 法兰型挠性轴联轴器 flexible flanged shaft couplings
b1553 齿轮型联轴器 geared type shaft couplings
b1554 标准球窝接头 universal ball joints
b1555 橡胶联轴器 rubber shaft couplings
b1556 滚轴链联轴器 roller chain shaft couplings
b1537 制冷用扩口焊接及铜焊管接 flare type and brazing type fittings for refrigerants
b1538 铸铁1 mpa Y型蒸汽过滤机 cast iron 1mpa y type steam strainers
b1539 金属挠性软管 metallic flexible hoses
b1540 真空设备用法兰 vacuum flanges
b1541 排管用钢对接焊管接 steelbutt-welding pipe fittings
b1542 排管用钢嵌入焊管接 steel socket-welding pipe fittings
b1543 排管用钢板对接焊管接 steel platebutt-welding pipe fittings
b1544 铜合金焊接管接 copper alloy solder-joint fittings
b1545 铜及铜合金扩口管接 copper and copper alloy fittings for flared copper tubes
b1546 聚乙烯管接 metal compression fittings for polyethylene pipes
b1547 普通排管用不锈钢管压力管接 light gauge stainless steel pipes press fittings for ordinary piping
b1548 排管用铝及铝合金对接焊管接 aluminium and aluminium alloybutt-welding pipe fittings
b1549 普通排管用不锈钢管紧夹式管接 grip type fittings for light gauge stainless steel pipes for ordinary piping
b1551 法兰型固定轴联轴器 rigid flanged shaft couplings
b1557 栅型柔性联轴器 grid type flexible shaft couplings
b1561 防震弹簧吊架 spring hanger for vibration isolation
b1562 橡胶防震装置 rubber mounts for vibration isolation
b1563 弹簧防震装置 spring mounts for vibration isolation
b1564 法兰型自动调节阀的面对面尺寸 face-to-face dimensions for flanged control valves
b1565 底板排水管 floor drain
b1566 机械密封 mechanical seals
b1567 羰基钨球 tungsten carbideballs
b1568 夹具 clamp device
b1569 底板排水存水管 floor drain with traps
b1587 高水槽虹吸管 siphon for hightank
b1588 低水槽进水阀(球形旋塞) fill valve for lowtank(balltap)
b1589 低水槽冲洗阀(虹吸管) flush valve for lowtank(siphon)
b2001 滚球轴承用钢珠 steelballs for ball gearings
b2002 滚柱轴承用辊 rollers for roller bearings
b2003 含油烧结轴承 oil impregnated sintered bearings
b2004 滚柱轴承用锁紧螺母、防松垫圈、锁盘 rollings bearing - locknuts, lock washers and lock plates
b2005 滑动轴承用套筒 plain bearings-copper alloy bushes
b2006 圆筒形轴直边花键 straight-sided splines for cylindrical shafts with internal centering
b2007 渐开线锯齿 involute serrations
b2008 径向滑动轴承运行测试基本规定 general rules for running testing of radial plain bearing
b2011 滚柱轴承噪音等级测量方法 rollingsbearing - measuring method of a-weighted sound pressure levels
b2012 滚柱轴承 – 型号命名 rollingbearings-designation
b2013 滚柱轴承主要尺寸 rollingbearings-boundary dimensions
b2014 滚柱轴承精确度 rollingbearings-radialbearings-tolerances
b2015 滚柱轴承测量方法 measuring methods for rollingbearings
b2016 滚柱轴承通则 general code for rollingbearings
b2017 滚柱轴承标记 markings for rollingbearings and their packages
b2018 滚柱轴承包装 rackaging of rollingbearings
b2019 滚柱轴承的动态额定负载及额定寿命的计算方法 methods of evaluating dynamic load ratings for rollingbearings
b2020 滚柱轴承静态额定负载的计算方法 static load ratings for rollingbearings
b2021 滚柱轴承数量符号 rollingsbearing - symbols for quantities
b2022 平脊面止推滚球轴承 rollingbearing-thrust ball bearings with flat back faces
b2023 深凹槽滚球轴承 eep groove allbearings
b2024 向心止推滚珠轴承 angular contact allbearings
b2025 自动调心滚球轴承 self-aligning allbearings
b2026 圆筒滚柱轴承 cylindrical roller bearings
b2027 锥形滚柱轴承 tapered rollarbearings
b2028 自动调心滚柱轴承 self-aligning rollerbearings
b2029 针形滚柱轴承 needle rollerbearings
b2030 磁发电机滚球轴承 magneto ballbearings
b2034 线性套筒滚柱轴承 sleeve type rolling bearings of linear motion with recirculating balls
b2042 止推自动调心滚柱轴承 rollingsbearing - self-aligning thrust rollerbearings
b2043 滚柱轴承用紧定套 tapered adapter sleeves for rollingbearings
b2044 滚柱轴承用连接及紧定套 rollingsbearing - adapterassemblies and adapter sleeves
b2046 滚柱轴承元件 rollingsbearing - insertbearing units
b2047 滚柱轴承用止动环 locating snap rings for rollingbearings
b2048 滚柱轴承用退卸套及螺母 rollingbearings- withdrawal sleeves and nut
b2049 滚柱轴承元件用滚球轴承 rollingbearings-insert bearings
b2050 滚柱轴承元件用外壳 rollingbearings-cast and pressed housings for insertbearings
b2051 滚柱轴承安装尺寸及安装 specifications for mounting rollingbearings
b2052 滚柱轴承 - 止推轴承外壳 – 主要尺寸 rollingbearings- plummer block housings-boundary dimensions
b2053 球面活塞杆端轴承 spherical plainbearing rod ends
b2054 球形滑动轴承 第一部:径向球形滑动轴承 spherical plain bearings-part 1: radial spherical plainbearings
b2101 阀门径流系数测试方法 test procedures for flow coefficient valves
b2102 滚柱轴承 –内部空隙 rolling bearings-radial internal clearance
b2103 阀门标记通则 general rules for marking on valves
b2104 金属粉末烧结轴承径向压应力常数测定方法 method for determination of radial crushing strength constant of metal powder sintered bearing, oil impregnated
b2301 青铜阀门 bronze gate, globe, angle and check valves
b2304 阀门检测通则 general rules for inspection of valves
b2305 阀门额定直径和孔径 nominal size and bore of valves
b2306 阀门面对面尺寸 face-to-face and end-to-end dimensions of valves
b2308 滚珠轴承 ball valve
b2319 黄铜锻造螺纹闸门阀 brass forging stock screwed gate valves
b2330 供水系统用浮阀 floating valves for waterworks
 2005-07-18 01:24  [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』 [url]http://www.FanE.cn[/url]   

等级: ×××级
 第 9 楼
b2331 水龙头 faucets
b2332 供水用闸门阀 sluice valves for water works
b2333 供水用蝶形阀 butterfly valves for water works
b2334 供水用延性铸铁闸门阀 ductile cast iron gate valves for water works
b2335 旋塞阀 plug valve
b2336 冷却用检修阀 service valve for refrigerant
b2337 电子膨胀阀 electronic expansion valves
b2340 供水用气阀 air valves for waterworks
b2341 供水用喷嘴 snap tap for water works
b2342 供水用喷嘴(配有托架) snap tap with saddle for water works
b2350 铸铁阀 gray cast iron valves
b2356 可缎铸铁10k螺纹式阀门 malleable iron 10k screwed valves
b2361 铸铁法兰形阀门 cast steel flanged valves
b2369 冲洗阀 flush valves
b2370 液压阀:安装面及联结盘 hydraulic valves: mounting surfaces and connecting plates for directional control valves
b2371 青铜螺纹式旋塞阀 screwed bronze plug cocks and gland cocks
b2373 水用自动排气阀 air vent valve for water
b2375 水锤制动器 water hammer arrester
b2398 叠盘弹簧涉及标准 leaf springs - requirements for design
b2399 扭转卷簧设计标准 helical torsion springs - requirements for design
b2400 压缩及扩展用圆筒卷簧设计标准 helical compression and extension springs - requirements for design
b2401 簧片 leaf springs
b2402 热镦成型卷簧 hot formed helical springs
b2403 冷锻压缩卷簧 cold coiled helical compression springs
b2404 盘式弹簧 coned disc springs
b2405 冷锻成型拉伸卷簧 cold coiled helical tension spring
b2406 压缩及拉伸卷簧设计标准 design of helical compression and extension springs
b2799 O环支架 – 设计标准 o-rings housings - design criteria
b2800 机械密封通则 mechanical seals - general requirements
b2801 油脂嘴 grease nipples
b2802 油杯 oil cups
b2803 油脂杯 grease cups
b2804 油封 oil seals
b2805 O环 o-rings
b2806 V包装 v packings
b2807 油嘴 heavy duty lubricating nipples
b2809 O环用备用环 back-up rings for o rings
b2813 薄片形橡胶套蝶形阀 wafer type rubber - seated butterfly valves
b2814 交联聚乙烯管用夹持管接 crosslinked polyethylene(xpe) pipe clamp type fittings
b2816 冷锻压榨机锻造轧辊 forged roll for cold rolling mill
b2817 双头轨道滚轮 stud type track roller
b2818 普通工业用止回阀 industrial check valve
b3001 老虎钳 lineman’s pliers
b3002 剪钳 snipe nose pliers with side cutter
b3003 斜嘴钳 diagonal cutting nippers
b3004 鲤鱼钳 slip joint pliers
b3005 扳钳 engineer’s wrench
b3006 活扳手 adjustable wrench
b3007-1 套筒扳手 – 第一部:12.7mm四方螺丝刀 소켓 렌치-제1부:12mm socket wrenches-12.7mm square drive
b3007-2 套筒扳手 – 第二部:6.3mm~25mm四方螺丝刀 socket wrenches-6.3mm∼25mm square drive
b3008 管子钳 pipe vices
b3009 十字螺丝刀 screwdrivers for cross recessed head screws
b3011 螺丝刀 screwdrivers for slotted-head screws
b3012 管钳子 pipe wrenches
b3013 六角螺丝扳手 hexagon socket screw keys
b3014 斜口扳手 offset wrenches
b3015 手铁锤 hand hammers
b3016 汽车用轮毂螺母 wheel nut wrenches for automobiles
b3018 斜角钳 cutting nippers
b3019 水泵钳 water pump pliers
b3020 喷灯 torch lamps
b3027 转矩扳手 torque wrenches
b3029 鱼口钳 round nose pliers
b3030 铣刀平行柄 –外观及尺寸 milling cutters - parallel shanks - dimensional characteristics
b3031 手锤子(焊接工用) hand hammer
b3032 泥铲 trowel
b3033 剪子(剪金属用) shears(for metal-cutting)
b3034 传动箱杠杆 wheel box lever
b3035 镊子(加工宝石用和切断细钢丝用) nipper(for the use of jewel-setting and fine wire-cutting)
b3036 机械式拔具 mechanical puller
b3037 定位环钳 retaining ring pliers
b3038 夹具 clamp
b3039 轮毂轴承螺母用扳钳 hub bearing nut wrench
b3040 轮轴轴承螺母用扳钳 wheel bearing nut wrench
b3041 镊子 tweezers
b3042 剪钳 wire cutter
b3043 钳子 tongs
b3044 切管机 pipe and tube cutter
b3045 锤子用木手柄 wooden handles for hammer
b3046 组合扳钳 combination wrenches
b3050 调节式扳钳 adjustable wrenches
b3060 锁定钳子 locking pliers
b3150 木工用手锯 woodworking hand saws
b3151 铁工用锉刀 engineer’s files
b3152 整锯锉 saw files
b3153 框锯锉 mill saw files
***b3154 组合锉 set file
b3155 切纸机用切刀 paper cutting machine - paper cutting knives
b3161 手工钢锯条 hand hacksaw blades
b3162 机械钢锯条 machine hacksawblades
b3163 硬质合金圆锯 circular saws with cemented carbide tips
b3171 木工用圆锯 circular sawblades for woodworking
b3172 木工用带锯 narrow band saw blades for woodworking
b3173 木工用硬质合金齿棱圆锯 cemented carbide-tipped circular saws for wood
b3190 混凝土用空心钻的钻心 concrete core drill- diamond core bits
b3191 混凝土及CBN(立方体硼)节锯 diamond or cubic boron nitride segmented saws
b3192 研磨剂 – 钻石及CBN(立方体硼)砂轮及锯 – 外观、符号及名称 abrasive products-diamond or cubicboron nitride grinding wheels and saws-general survey, designation and multilingual nomenclature
***b3201 切割机组 ground high speed steel tool bits
b3202 硬质合金切割机 single point tools with cemented carbide tips
b3203 铣刀孔 milling cutter bores
b3204 高速钢刃切割机 high speed steel tipped tools
b3205 中心钻孔 centre drills for centre holes
b3237 风动砂轮 pneumatic grinders
b3238 硬质中心 cemented carbide centers
b3239 扭力杆弹簧 torsion bar springs
b3240 莫尔斯锥度杆柄及承座 – 外观及尺寸 morse taper shanks and sockets - dimension characteristics
b3242 莫尔斯锥度杆柄螺旋钻 morse taper shank twist drill
b3243 平行杆柄螺旋钻 parallel shank twist drills
b3244 1/10锥度工具柄部 1/10 tapers tool shanks
b3245 工具杆柄的四角部 square portion of shanks for small tools
b3246 莫尔斯锥度铰床 reamers for morse tapers
b3248 硬质合金工具材料及使用分类 hard tool materials and classification of applicability
b3249 硬质合金工具材料尖端 hard tool material tips
b3250 锥度销铰床 taper pin reamers
b3252 平行管螺丝手用丝锥 hand taps for parallel pipe threads
b3253 锥度管螺纹手用丝锥 hand taps for taper pipe threads
b3254 圆形车削螺纹模具 circular screwing dies
b3255 螺丝轧制平模具 thread rolling flat dies
b3256 自由研磨用砂轮的选择标准 recommendation of wheels for free hand grinding
b3257 筒形铰刀 shell reamers
b3258 手铰刀 hand reamers
b3259 机械铰床 machine reamers
b3262 锥形桥式铰床 machine bridge reamers
b3263 筒形铰刀用锥形杆柄 taper shank arbors for shell reamers
b3264 筒形铰刀直杆柄 straight shank arbors for shell reamers
b3265 可调节铰床 adjustable reamers
b3267 轧制螺丝用圆筒形模具 thread rolling cylindrical dies
b3268 硬质合金喷射插件 cemented carbide throw - away inserts
b3269 硬质合金平行杆柄半陆地用螺旋钻 tungsten carbide subland twist drill with parallel shank
b3270 莫尔斯锥度杆柄特长钻孔机 extra long morse taper shank twist drills
b3271 平行杆柄特长钻孔机 extra long parallel shank twist drills
b3272 平行柄铣刀 parallel shank stub drills
b3274 平行管螺丝用圆形螺丝模具 circular screwing dies for parallel pipe threads
b3275 锥度管螺丝用圆形螺丝模具 circular screwing dies for taper pipe threads
b3278 环境空气中悬浮粒子自动监测机 automatic moniters for suspended particulate matter in ambient air
b3279 原油及石油制品含硫磺量自动监测机 automatic analysers for sulphur in crude oil and petroleum products
b3280 键槽拉刀 key way broaches
B3281 开槽锯 Meteal slitting saws
b3282 刀架名称及符号粘贴方法 tool holders for indexable inserts - designation
b3284 渐开线花键拉刀 involute spline broaches
b3285 卷簧压缩及拉伸试验机 testing machines for helical compression and extension springs
b3286 便携式动力工具的振动等级测定方法 method of measurement and description of hand-transmitted vibration level
b3287 铰床尺寸公差鉴定方法 special tolerances for reamers
b3288 直流道铰床 sprue reamers
b3299 硬质合金平行秆钻孔机 solid carbide parallel shank stub drills
b3337 丝锥扳手 tap handles
b3338 规格直径为m3到m24的长柄扳手 – 小柄扳手 long shank taps with nominal diameters fromm3 to m24-reduced shank taps
b3339 规格直径为m3到m10的长柄扳手 – 有凹槽的柄扳手 long shank taps with nominal diameters from m3 tom10-full-diameter shank taps with recess
b3340 普通公制螺纹用螺母丝锤 nut taps for metric coarse thread
b3341 公制螺纹用短柄机用和手用丝锤 short machine taps and hand taps for metric threads
b3342 普通标准螺纹用手用丝锤[1] hand taps for unified coarse thread
b3343 螺母丝锤 nut taps
b3344 小型齿轮滚铣刀 single thread fine pitch gear hobs
b3345 螺栓剪刀 bolt clippers
b3346 单排齿轮滚铣刀 single thread gear hobs
b3348 标准细螺纹用手用丝锤 hand taps for unified fine thread
b3349 平行手用丝锤(缝纫机螺纹用) ordinary hand taps (for sewing machine thread)
b3350 摩尔斯锥柄插套及摩尔斯锥柄插座 reduction sleeves and extension sockets for tools with morse taper shank
b3351 夹盘钻孔器 chucking reamers
b3401 圆口钳 parallel bench vices
b3402 方口钳 parallelbench vices( square jaw type)
b3403 工作台钳 bench vices
b3501 埋头孔 countersinks
b3502 渐开线齿轮轧齿边截断器 involute gear milling cutters
b3503 小螺丝用轧齿边截断器 machine screw counterbores and countersinks
b3505 六角螺栓头用轧齿边截断器 counterbores for hexagon socket headbolts
b3506 钻孔开启尺寸 dimensions of pull and follower ends of broach
***b3507 圆筒型柄鸠尾榫接合截断器和逆鸠尾榫接合截断器 inverse dovetail cutters and dovetail cutters with cylindrical shanks
b3600 铁锤 -钢铁铁锤头规格说明 - 试验规程 hammers-technical specifications concerning steel hammer heads-test procedures
b3601 铁工用凿 chisel for iron working
b3602 木工用平凿与圆凿 chisels and gouges for woodworking tools
b3603 木工用钻头 bit for wood working
b3604 带锯架 frame of band type saw
b3605 木工用锉刀 files
b3606 爪型手斧 hatchet claw
b3607 短柄小斧 hatchet half
b3608 铁砧 anvils
b3609 撑杆(换轮胎用) tire exchange bars
b3610 气泡水平仪 leveling vial
b3611 锌板剪刀 scissors for zinc galvanazed plate cutting
b3612 木工用铁锤 hammer for wood working
b3613 拔钉器 nail remover
b3614 刨子 planrer for woodworking
 2005-07-18 01:25  [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』 [url]http://www.FanE.cn[/url]   

等级: ×××级
 第 10 楼
b3615 锥子(木制、皮革用) 송곳 ( 목제 , 피혁용 ) awls(for wood and leather)
b3617 钻石及立方体氮化硼砂轮的粒子密度grain sizes of diamond or cubicboron nitride
b3618 钻石及立方体氮化硼轮 diamond or cubicboron nitride grinding wheels
b3619 抽丝用钻石模具 diamond dies for wire drawing
b3620 抽丝用多晶体钻石模具 polycrystalline diamond dies for wire drawing
b3621 单点钻石修整工具 single point diamond dressing tools
b3622 浸渍型钻石修整工具 impregnated diamonod dressing tools
b3623 木工机械用刨子刀片 planer knives for woodworking machines
b3624 硬质合金方形端铣刀 solid carbide square end mills
b3625 硬质合金直柄端铣刀 parallel shank end millsbrazed with cemented carbide tips
b3626 螺旋钻 bit auger
b3627 螺旋钻组 bit auger set
b3630 钻石凿尖修整工具 chisel edge diamond dressing tools
b3631 钻石尖角修整工具 pointed diamond dressing tools
b3632 平行杆梯形回转端铣刀 tapered end mills for trapeziform runner with parallel shanks
b3633 插入式刀架 tool holders for indexable inserts
b3634 手动打铆机 hand riveter
b3635 组合扳手 combination wrenches
b3636 锥形端铣刀 tapered end mills
b3950 便携式林业用机械 - 灌木切割器配件 – 整体式金属刀片 portable-held forestry machines-cutting p_w_uploads for brush cutters-single-piece metalblades
b3960 齿轮切削工具 -齿廓及尺寸 gear cutter-tooth profiles and dimensions
b3961 平面铣刀及端铣刀刀片及螺旋槽的左右 right or left hand of cuts and helical flutes in plain milling cutters and end mills
b3962 斜切机刀片、角和螺纹的左右 left-or right-hand of cuts, angles and threads in angle cutters
b3963 旋转齿轮剃齿刀 rotary gear shaving cutters
b3965 有螺纹孔的斜角铣刀 single angle milling cutters with threaded holes
b3966 直排式锥齿轮G型切割机 straight bevel gear generating cutters (type g)
b3967 直柄端铣刀 end mills with straight shanks
b3968 锥形杆端铣刀 end mills with taper shanks
b3969 圆筒形端铣刀 shell end mills
b3970 圆筒形端铣刀柄轴 arbors for shell end mills
b3971 成形铣刀 form milling cutters with constant profile
b3972 硬质合金平面铣刀 plain milling cutter with cemented carbide tips
b3973 硬质合金边铣刀 side milling cuttersbrazed with cemented carbide tips
b3974 硬质合金莫尔斯锥度杆柄端铣刀 morse taper shank end mill with cemented carbide tips
b3975 硬质合金抽丝模具 cemented carbide dies for drawing wires and rods
b3976 圆筒铣刀 cylindrical milling cutters
b3979 平面铣刀 face milling cutters
b3980 T槽 铣刀 t-slot cutters
b3981 螺纹切口铣刀 screw slotting cutters
b3982 角铣刀 angle milling cutters
b3984 不等角铣刀 unequal double angle milling cutters
b3987 半月形键槽铣刀 woodruff keyseat milling cutters
b3988 齿条铣刀 rack type cutters
b3989 硬质合金开槽锯 solid carbide metal slitting saws
b3990 齿轮形铣刀 pinion type cutters
b3992 插入式叶片边铣刀 inserted blade side milling cutters
b3997 钻头夹盘 drill chuck
b3998 风钻 pneumatic drills
[1] 581
b3999 高速风动砂轮 high speed pneumatic grinders
b4000 风动圆盘砂轮 pneumatic disc grinders
b4001 机床 – 运转试验方法及硬度试验方法通则 machine tools-running tests and rigidity tests-general requirements
b4002 数码控制部程序设计语言 nc processor input-basic part program reference language
b4003 金属热处理用加热设备有效工作区的测试方法 test methods for effective working zone of heating equipment for metals heat treatment use
b4004 成形机精确度检测 accuracy test of shapers
b4005 刨床(双托架型)的试验及测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy of planing machines (double housing type)
b4006 机床的电气设备 electrical equipment of machine tools
b4007 车床的试验及测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy of lathes
b4009 机床振动测量方法 methods of vibration testing for machine tools
b4010 机床噪音等级测定方法 method of sound level measurement for machine tools
b4011 三爪卡盘(软爪) scroll chucks with soft jaws
b4012 机床旋转速度及进料 machine tool speeds and feeds
b4013 机床的操作方向 direction of operation machine tool controls
b4014 7/24型×××轴头主轴端及杆 7/24 tapers for spindle noses and toll shanks
b4017 ×××用7/24锥形柄轴 – 第一部 :尺寸及配件 milling machine arbors with 7/24 tapers-part 1:dimensions and accessories
b4022 机床 - 车床轴头主轴端及面板 – 便于可交换[交替]的规格尺寸 machine tools-spindle noses and face plates of lathes-sizes for interchange ability
b4023 三爪卡盘 scroll chucks
b4024 4组单动卡盘 independent chucks
b4025 电子磁卡盘 electro- magnetic chucks
b4026 永久磁铁卡盘 permanent magnetic chucks
b4027 活顶针 live centers
b4028 万能分度头 – 精确度测试 universal dividing head-testing of accuracy
b4029 机床旋转分度台 rotary indexing tables
b4030 机床 - 车床中心 – 规格尺寸 machine tools-lathe centres-size for interchangeability
b4031 机械压力机用主轧制离合器 rolling key clutches for mechanical press
b4032 膝杆型卧式×××及万能×××的试验方法及精确度测试 test code for performance and accuracy of knee type horizontal and universal milling machines
b4033 膝式×××的试验方法及精确度测试 test code for performance and accuracy of knee type vertical milling machines
b4034 铣槽机精确度测试 accuracy test of slotters
b4035 径向钻孔机 - 精确度测试 radial drilling machines-testing of the accuracy
b4036 立式钻孔机的试验及测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy of upright drilling machines
b4037 内圆磨床的试验方法及精确度测试 test code for performance and accuracy of internal cylindrical grinding machines
b4038 圆筒磨床及万能磨床的试验方法及精确度测试 test code for performance and accuracy of externalcylindrical and universal grinding machines
b4039 台式水平砂轮主轴型磨床试验方法及精确度测试 test code for performance and accuracy of surface grinding machines with horizontal grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table
b4040 垂直轴旋转台式平面磨床 - 精确度测试 surface grinding machines with vertical grinding wheel spindle and rotary table-testing of the accuracy
b4041 六角车床的运转及精确度测试 test code for performance and accuracy of turret lathes
b4042 滚齿机 - 精确度测试 gear hobbing machines - test conditions of accuracy
b4043 单轴自动车床的试验及测试方法(固定主轴箱) test code for performance and accuracy of single spindle automatic lathes(fixed headstock type)
b4044 单轴自动车床的试验及测试方法(移动主轴箱) test code for performance and accuracy of single spindleautomatic lathes(sliding headstock type)
b4045 多轴自动车床的试验及测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy of multispindle automatic lathes
b4046 无心磨床 – 精确度测试 external cylindrical centreless grinding machines-testing of the accuracy
b4047 立式多轴钻孔的试验及测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy of verticalmulti-spindle drilling machines
b4048 水平镗床(地台式)的试验方法及测试 test code for performance and accuracy of horizontal boring machines(floor type)
b4049 地台式数控枪孔钻试验及测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy of computerized numerically floor type gun drilling machines
b4050 台式数控钻孔试验及测试方法(板用) test code for performance and accuracy of computerized numerically controlled table type drilling machines for plate
b4051 台式数控钻孔试验及测试方法(H形横梁用) test code for performance and accuracy of computerized numerically controlled drilling machines for h beam
b4058 台式电磨床 electric bench grinders
b4059 机械压力机试验方法及测试 test code for performance and accuracy of mechanical presses
b4060 液压机试验方法及测试test code for performance and accuracy of hydraulic presses
b4063 直边形机械压力机作业面的尺寸 tooling dimensions for the straight-side mechanical presses
b4064 木工机床试验方法通则 test code for performance and accuracy of woodworking machinery
b4065 刨床试验及测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy of wood planers
b4070 圆锯试验及测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy of circular saw machines
b4071 带锯和进料轮的试验及测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy of band saw machines and feed carriages
b4072 刨边机 spindle shapers
b4073 刳刨机 routers
b4074 纵剖锯 rip saws
b4075 铸造用沙模制作机试验方法 test code for performance of sand moulding machines
b4076 分批型辗轮式混砂机 batch type sand mills for casting
b4077 塑料喷射造型机铸模尺寸 dimensions relating to molds for plastics injection molding machines
b4078 塑料压缩造型机和传递模塑机铸模尺寸 dimensions related to molds for plastics compression molding machines and plastics transfer molding machines
b4080 机械式多片离合器(湿式) mechanical multiple disc clutches (wet type)
b4081 油压式多片离合器(湿式) oil hydraulic multiple disc clutches (wet type)
b4082 电磁式多片离合器(湿式) electromagnetic multiple disc clutches (wet type)
b4083 车床工具台的刀架位置尺寸 lathe tool posts (overall internal height)
b4084 弹簧夹头 spring collets
b4085 机床用钳 machine vices
b4086 卧式镗床试验及测试方法(台式) test code for performance and accuracy of horizontal boring machines(table type)
b4087 立式镗床试验及测试方法(台式) test code for performance and accuracy of vertical turning andboting lathes
b4088 锻锤用模具坯料 die blocks for closed-die hammer forging
b4089 刨刀刃磨机的试验及测试方法 test methods for performance and accuracy of planer knife grinding machines
b4090 机械刨木机运转测试方法 running inspection method for wood planers
b4091 木材加工机械噪音监测方法 methods of measurement for noise emittedby wood working machinery
b4092 热压机 – 测试及监测方法 hot presses - test and inspection methods
b4093 木材加工机械安全通则 general code of safety for wood working machinery
b4094 带锯机精确度测试方法 accuracy inspection method ofband sawing machines
b4095 带锯机进料精确度测试方法 accuracy inspection method of feed carriages forband saw mills
b4096 带锯滚压机 band saw stretcher
b4097 带锯刃磨机 wood workingband saw sharpeners
b4098 刨木机规格尺寸nominal dimension of wood planers
b4099 模具压铸机 die casting machines
b4100 铸造用壳型造型机试验及测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy of shell moulding machines
b4101 普通车床 engine lathes
b4102 立式×××机试验及测试方法 test methods for performance and accuracy of vertical wood milling machines
b4103 木凿机试验及测试方法 test method for performance and accuracy of hollow chisel mortising machines
b4104 薄板切片机试验及测试方法 veneer slicers - test and inspection methods
b4105 旋转剪板机 – 试验及测试方法 rotary clippers - test and inspection methods
b4106 游标车床刀 veneer lathe knives
b4107 宽砂带磨床试验及测试方法 wide belt sanders - test and inspection methods
b4108 辊式砂光机试验及测试方法 drum sanders - test and inspection methods
b4109 机床安全规范 general code of safety for machine tools & other machineries
b4110 锻压机用模具组精确度测试 accuracy test for press die sets
b4111 锻压机铸模的模柄形状 shapes of shank for press dies
b4112 锻压机双头螺栓柄 stud shank for press dies
b4113 锻压机用冲孔支架及模具支架 punch holder and die holder for press dies
b4114 锻压机用模块 die blocks for closed-die press forging
b4115 锻压机用模具组 die sets for press dies
b4116 锻压机用导柱及套筒 tools for pressing-guide posts and guide bushes
b4118 锻压机用圆冲孔 round punches for press dies
b4120 锻压机敲空装置 knock-out equipment for press dies
b4121 压力机模具用卷簧 coiled springs for press dies
b4123 锻压机用钢模具组 steel die sets for press dies
b4124 锻压机平板配件 plates for press dies
b4125 锻压机用开槽销 dowel pins for press dies
b4126 锻压机模具套筒 die bushings for press dies
b4140 压铸铸模用主板 main plates for die casting metal mold
b4141 压铸机铸模用导销 guide pins of dies for die casting
b4142 压铸机铸模用起模杆 ejector pins of dies for die casting
b4143 压铸机铸模用收回杆 return pins of dies for die casting
b4144 压铸机铸模用导杆套 guide pin bushes of dies for die casting
b4151 塑料铸模主板 main plates of moulds for plastics
b4152 塑料铸模导销 guide pins of moulds for plastics
b4153 塑料铸模起模杆 ejector pins of moulds for plastics
b4154 塑料铸模复位杆 return pins of moulds for plastics
b4155 塑料铸模导杆套 guide pin bushes of moulds for plastics
b4156 塑料铸模定位环 locating rings of moulds for plastics
b4157 塑料铸模浇铸轴衬 sprue bushing of moulds for plastics
b4158 钻孔机主轴端 spindle noses for drilling machines
b4159 塑料铸模起模套 ejector sleeves of moulds for plastics
b4160 塑料铸模起模板导销 ejector plate guide pins of moulds for plastics
b4161 塑料铸模制动拉杆销 stop pins of moulds for plastics
b4162 塑料铸模角 angular pins of moulds for plastics
 2005-07-18 01:25  [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』 [url]http://www.FanE.cn[/url]   

等级: ×××级
 第 11 楼
b4163 塑料铸模冷却装置连接口 nipples and plugs of cooling system of moulds for plastics
b4164 塑料铸模垫块 spacerblocks of moulds for plastics
b4165 塑料铸模有肩圆起模杆 shouldered ejector pins of moulds for plastics
b4166 塑料铸模起模导杆 ejector guide pins of moulds for plastics
b4167 塑料铸模支柱 support pillars of moulds for plastics
b4169 塑料铸模起模导杆套 ejector guidebushes of moulds for plastics
b4170 锻压机推件螺钉 stripper bolts for press dies
b4171 塑料铸模锥度锁 taper lock of moulds for plastics
b4172 塑料铸模盘形垫块 disc spacers of moulds for plastics
b4173 塑料铸模有肩起模杆 flat ejector pins of moulds for plastics
b4174 锻压机圆形起模冲孔 stepped round ejector punches for press dies
b4175 锻压机抽头冲孔 tapped punches for press dies
b4176 锻压机球锁圆冲孔 ball lock round punches for press dies
b4177 锻压机分级圆形定位销 stepped round pilot pins for press dies
b4178 锻压机定位销 locating pilot pins for press dies
b4179 锻压机推件螺钉 stripper bolts for press dies
b4180 锻压机硬质合金平板 cemented carbide flat plates for press dies
b4181 塑料铸模定心套 centring sleeves of moulds for plastics
b4182 塑料铸模转动锁杆 runner lock pins of moulds for plastics
b4183 塑料铸模支撑杆 support pins of moulds for plastics
b4201 胶合板车床试验及测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy of veneer lathes
b4202 胶合板磨刀机 veneer knife grinders
b4203 刮刀磨刀机 scraper knife grinders
b4204 数控机床试验方法通则 test code for performance and accuracy of numerically controlled machine tools
b4205 机床操作显示符号 symbols for indication appearing on machine tools
b4206 数控机床准备功能(G功能)及补助功能(M功能)的符号 coding of preparatory functions g and miscellaneous functions m for numerical control of machines
b4207 数控机床试验方法及测试 test code for performance and accuracy of numerically controlled lathes
b4208 机床样品项目 specified items for machine tools
b4209 床身式×××试验及测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy of bed type horizontal milling machines
b4210 台式钻孔机试验及测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy ofbench drilling machines
b4211 床身式立式×××试验及测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy ofbed type vertical milling machines
b4212 数控立式钻孔试验方法及测试 test code for performance and accuracy of numerically controlledturret and single spindle drilling machines with vertical spindle
b4213 数控膝式立式×××试验及测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy of numerically controlled knee type vertical milling machines
b4217 万能工具磨床 – 精确度测试 universal tool grinding machines-test conditions for accuracy
b4218 机床压缩式管接头 compression type tube fittings for machine tools
b4219 座标镗床试验及测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy of jig boring machines
b4220 数控机床穿孔带用可变程序段格式(定位及纵切数控用) punched tape variable block format for positioning and straight-cut numerically controlled machine tools
b4221 数控机床穿孔带用可变程序段格式(轮廓控制用及轮廓位置控制用) punched tape variableblock format for contouring and contouring/positioning numerically controlled machine tools
b4222 数控处理器的输出- cldata numerical control processor output-cldata
b4223 数控卧式镗床(台式)试验及测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy of numerically controlled horizontalboring machines (table type)
b4224 数控圆筒磨床及万能磨床试验方法及测试 test code for performance and accuracy of numerically controlled external cylindrical and universal grinding machines
b4225 热压机结构安全标准 safety standards for construction of hot presses
b4226 送风机 air feeder
b4301 金属丝放电器及数控放电器的试验方法及测试test code for performance and accuracy of wire electrical discharge machines and numerically controlled electrical discharge machines
b4302 金属丝放电器试验及测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy of wire electrical discharge machines
b4304 机械式压力机 - 噪音级别测定方法 mechanical presses -methods of measurement of a-weighted sound pressure level
b4305 压力机 - 操作图形符号 presswork machinery-symbols for operations
b4306 机床 – 试运行方法及硬度测试基本要求 machine tools-running tests and rigidity tests-general requirements
b4307 数控机床 – 坐标轴和操作术语 numerically controlled machine tools- coordinate axis and motion nomenclature
b4308 机床 – 数控机床圆形运动精确度测试基本规 machine tool-test code for circular movement of numerically controlled machine tools
b4309 木工带锯性能及监测方法 test methods for performance and accuracy of band scroll saws
b4310 涂布器 – 试验及监测方法 glue spreaders -test and inspection methods
b4311 数控木板加工机 – 操作图形符号 numerically controlled woodworking machines-marking symbols for operations
b4312 数控路径试验及测试方法 numerically controlled routing machines-test methods for performance and accuracy
b4313 机床 – 轮滑油基本规定 machine tools- general rule for lubrication
b4314 数控雕刻机试验及检测方法 test code for performance and accuracy of computerized numerical control engraving machines
b4400 加工中心 – 主轴头部尺寸 machining centers-dimensions of spindle noses
b4401 轧槽型机床自动定心二爪夹盘 –互换尺寸及验收规格 self-centring chucks for machine tools with two-piece jaws ( tongue and groove type) - sizes for interchangeability and acceptance test specifications
b4402 立式拉床(内部) – 精确度测试 vertical type internal broaching machines - testing of the accuracy
b4403 双柱式龙门××× – 精确度测试 double column type plano - milling machines - testing of the accuracy
b4404 加工中心运行精确度测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy of machining centers
b4405 机床工件夹爪托盘 – 尺寸 workholding pallets for machine tools - dimensions
b4406 c-型机械压力机 – 工作尺寸 c-frame mechanical presses - tooling dimensions
b4407 数码控制处理器输出端 – 2000型微量元素记录 numerical control processor output - minor elements of 2000- type records
b4408 机械加工中心部(垂直型)试验及监测方法 test code for performance and accuracy of machining centers (vertical type)
b4409 机械加工中心部— 工具杆及截留把手 machining centers - tool shanks and retention knobs
b4410 带式干燥器测试及监测方法 band dryer -test and inspection methods
b4411 双筛式分级机 - 试验及检测方法 double sizers -test and inspection methods
b4412 纵剖锯及圆排锯安全标准safety standards for construction of rip saw and gang rip saw
b4413 单面自动刨床安全标准 safety standards for construction of single surface planers
b4414 ×××结构安全标准 safety standards for construction of spindle shapers
b4415 镂铣机结构安全标准 safety standards for construction of routers
b4416 床式再分带锯机安全标准 safety standards for construction of table band resaws
b4417 自动滚进料带锯结构安全标准 safety standards for construction ofband resaws with feed rollers
b4418 附自动填料传送车带锯机安全标准 safety standards for construction ofband saw machines with feed carriages
b4419 龙门××× – 准确度测试 gantry-type plano -milling machines-testing of the accuracy
b4501 木工机械用旋转短刨刀 cutterblocks for wood planing
b4502 边修刨床测试和检查方法 machines planing-test and inspection methods
b4503 木工机械 - 成型×××性能和准确度测试方法 test methods for performance and accuracy of moulding machine
b4601 手动气体切割机 manual gas cutting torches
b4602 手动氧乙炔焊接机 manualblowpipes for oxyacetylene welding
b4603 熔接、切割机用压力调节器 pressure regulators for welding, cutting and allied processes
b4604 熔接、切割机用橡胶管接 rubber hose connections for equipment for welding, cutting and allied processes
b4700 电动绞车 electric winches
b4901 钢铁规格化及热处理 normalizing and annealing of iron and steel
b4902 钢铁感应加热及感应回火锻炼 hardening by induction heating and tempering of iron and steel
b4903 钢铁淬火及回火加工 process of quenching and tempering of iron and steel
b4904 钢渗碳淬火及回火加工 carburizing quenching and tempering of steel
b4905 钢气化渗氮加工 gas nitriding of steel
b4906 钢热处理当量直径计算方法 the estimation of equivalent diameter in the heat treatment of steel
b4907 开榫机试验及测试方法 test methods for performance and accuracy of tenoning machines
b4908 胶合板接合器 veneer jointers
b4909 胶合板车床结构安全标准 safety standards for construction of veneer lathes
b4910 印刷机械试验方法通则 general rules for testing of printing machines
b4911 裁纸器试验方法通则 general rules for testing of paper cutters
b4912 纸冲切机试验方法通则 general rules for testing of die cutters
b4913 辊筒式干燥机试验及测试方法 roller dryer-test and inspection methods
b4914 木工用钻孔试验及测试方法 test methods for performance and accuracy of single spindle wooddriling machines
b4915 木工用沟槽铣刀 groove cutters for woodworking machines
b4916 喷丸清理 shot blast
b4917 机床 – 试验通则 machine tools-general requirements for testing
b4918 机床 – 几何精确度试验方法及实用精确度试验方法通则 machine tools-geometric accuracy tests and practical tests-test methods
b4919 机床手动夹盘 – 验收检测方法 – 几何精确度测试 self-centering manually- operated chucks for machine tools-acceptance test specifications(geometrical tests)
b4920 铸模术语 glossary of die and mould
b5201 量规 gauge blocks
b5202 千分卡尺 micrometer callipers
b5203 游标卡尺 vernier callipers
b5204 矩尺 squares
b5205 金属矩尺 carpenter's squares
b5206 百分表 dial gauges
b5209 金属卷尺 steel tape measures
b5210 测量仪支架用活动锁紧垫圈 sliding lock for supporting measuring instument
b5211 限制量规限差、允许偏差及允许磨损 tolerances, allowable deviations and permissible wears of limit gauges 限制量规
b5212 圆筒形直角尺 cylindrical squares
b5213 液体密度计 specific gravity hydrometers
b5214 平板粘贴式温度计 thermometers with plates
b5215 填汞压力式温度计 mercury filled thermometers
b5216 固定式调速器转速计 stationary governor type tachometers
b5217 气象用玻璃液体温度表 bimetallic thermometers for atmospheric temperalure
b5218 玻璃液体干温湿度计 etched-stem liquid in-glass wet & dry thermometer
b5220 测量仪器通则 general rules for measuring instruments
b5221 公制普通螺丝用限制量规 limit gauges for metric coarse screw threads
b5222 米制细牙螺丝用限制量规 limit gauges for metric fine screw threads
b5223 管螺纹器用螺丝限制量规 screw thread limit gauges for parallel pipe threads
b5224 测隙规 feeler guages
b5225 圆筒规 cylinder gauges
b5227 深度尺 depth gauges
b5228 标准螺丝用限制量规 limit gauges for unified coarse screw thread
b5229 标准细牙螺丝用限制量规 limit gauges for unified fine screw thread
b5230 莫尔斯卷尺 morse taper gauges
b5231 管螺纹器用卷尺 gauges for taper pipe threads
b5232 布尺 textile tape measures
b5233 测高规 height gauges
b5235 蒸汽压力温度计vapour pressure thermometers
b5236 测微器 micro indicators
b5237 齿轮齿游标卡尺 gear tooth vernier calipers
b5238 杠杆式刻度测试仪 lever type dial test indicators
b5239 空气压力计(流量式) flow type air gauges
b5241 平晶 optical flats
b5242 光学平晶 optical parallels
b5243 钢直尺 steel straightadges
b5244 标尺 standard scales
b5245 v 块料 v blocks
b5246 钢直尺 metal rules
b5247 电子比较仪 electrical comparators
b5248 限度表 limit gauges 限制量规
b5249 指示测微表 indicating micrometers
b5250 自动瞄准仪 auto collimators
b5252 精密水平仪 precision levels
b5253 正弦表 sine bars
b5254 精密平面盘 precision surface plates
b5255 深度千分尺 depth micrometers
b5256 木直尺 wooden straight rules
b5257 三角比例尺 triangular scales
b5258 钢折叠尺 steel folding rules
b5259 标准直尺 standard straight rules
b5260 电子流量计 electromagnetic flowmeters
b5261 布氏硬度标准扁 standardized blocks of brinell hardness
b5262 数码位置读数器 digital position readout
b5263 标准角度用多面镜 ptical polygons for angle standards
b5264 测试棒 test bars
b5293 带秤 belt weighers
b5294 漏斗秤 hopper scales
b5295 填料用自动量秤 automatic gravimetric filling machines
b5296 大型砝码 standard weights for testing of high capacity weighing machines
b5297 计量砝码 counting weights
b5298 家庭用体重计 personal weighing instruments for domestic use
b5299 弹簧度盘秤 spring dial scales
b5300 案秤 counter scales,beam type
 2005-07-18 01:26  [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』 [url]http://www.FanE.cn[/url]   

等级: ×××级
 第 12 楼

b5301 叶轮形水表 vane wheel type water meters
b5302 玻璃液体温度表 etched-stem liquid-in-glass thermometer
b5304 热量表 heat meters
b5305 波登管压力表 bourdon tube pressure gauges
b5306 手动天平秤 tripbalance
b5307 台称(使用砝码) platform scales(used counting weights)
b5308 砝码 weights
b5309 自动圆筒时钟 clocks with chart drum
b5310 自动热录像仪 thermographs
b5311 自动湿度记录计 hygrographs
b5312 自动气压计 barographs
b5313 自动雨量测量器 recording rain gauges
b5314 石油类试验用玻璃液体温度表 liquid-in-glass thermometers for testing of petroleum products
b5315 玻璃水银温度计 enclosed-scale mercury-in glass thermometers
b5316 部分沉浸式玻璃温度计 etched-stem glass thermometers(partial immersion type)
b5317 测量仪器用三角连接部 tripod connections for optical surveying instrument
b5318 照准仪 alidades
b5320 工业用双金属温度计 bimetallic thermometers
b5322 矩形砝码 rectangularbar weights
b5323 面积流量计 variable area flowmeters
b5324 机械式计程器 mechanical type taximeters
b5325 液体流量计测定误差试验方法 proving methods for liquid flowmeters
b5327 膜式煤气表 diaphragm type gasmeter
b5328 量油计 oil meter
b5329 液体容积表 volume meters for liquids
b5330 旋翼式热水水表 vane wheel type hot water meters
b5331 汽油加油机 gasoline dispenser
b5332 肺活量计 spiro meter
b5333 手动天平秤 equal-armedbalance
b5334 度盘秤 platform indicating scale
b5335 手动盘秤(不使用砝码) platform scales (used not counting weights)
b5336 高压水水流量表 high pressure water flow meter
b5337 吊式指示秤 suspension indicating scale
b5338 标准卷尺 standard measuring tapes
b5339 非金属直尺 nonmetal straight ruler
b5340 旋转活塞式测容量水表 volumetric water meters(rotary-piston type)
b5341 汽车用刻度尺油箱 the graduated ruler of tank volume for lorry
b5342 家庭用秤 domestic weighing instruments
b5343 自动重量分选机 automatic checkweighing and weight grading instruments
b5344 湿度计 – 性能试验方法 hygrometers-test method
b5345 强制循环式空气加热机老化试验 forced air circulation oven type thermal accerelated aging testers
b5346 螺翼式水表(伏特曼水表) woltmann type water meters
b5353 废气中氧气含量连续分析仪 continuous analyzer for oxygen in flue gas
b5354 废气中二氧化硫含量连续分析仪 continuous analyzers for dioxide sulfur in flue gas
b5355 废气中氮氧化物含量连续分析仪 continuous analyzers for nitrogen oxides in flue gas
b5356 大气中氯含量连续分析仪 continuous analyzers for chlorine in ambient air
b5357 大气中碳氢化合物含量连续分析仪 continuous analyzers for hydrocarbons in ambient air
b5358 大气中二氧化碳含量连续分析仪 continuous analyzer for carbon monoxide in ambient air
b5359 大气中二氧化硫含量连续分析仪 continuous analysers for sulfur dioxide in ambient air
b5360 大气中氮氧化物含量连续分析仪 continuous analysers for oxides of nitrogen in ambient air
b5401 钟表 – 试验方法 watches and clocks - test methods
b5402 钟表 - 机芯尺寸的表示方法 determination of size of movement of watch and clock
b5403 钟表 - 零配件名称 nomenclature for parts of watches and clocks
b5404 照相机快门 shutters for still cameras
b5405 照相机三角架连接部 tripod connections for cameras
b5406 照相机三角架 tripods for cameras
b5407 照相机用电子闪光设备的性能测定方法 method for measuring the performance of photographic electronic flash equipments
b5408 照相机镜头 – 焦距的测定方法 photographic lenses - measurement for focal length
b5409 照相机镜头 - 有效孔径、F值和孔径比测定方法 photographic lenses - methods for the measurement of the effective aperture, f-number and relative aperture
b5410 照相机镜头 – 开口效率和焦平面照度测定方法 methods of measurement for vignetting factor and relative focal plane illuminance
b5411 照相机镜头用快门 shutters for still cameras
b5412 照相机用自动定时器 self - timers for camera
b5413 照相用曝光计 photographic exposure meters
b5414 照相机和摄影机焦平面曝光测定方法 - 光电转换法 photoelectric methods for measuring light exposure in focal planes of cameras
b5415 照相机零配件 - 配件槽和架 camera accessory shoes and feet
b5416 照相机用快门线 shutter cable release for cameras
b5417 摄影用玻璃滤光镜通则 general specifications for photographic glass filters
b5418 摄影镜头前部和配件槽 engagement of accessories to lens front
b5419 摄影用尖锐滤光镜 photographic sharp-cut glass filters
b5420 照相机镜头 - 分辨率的测定 method for determining resolving power of photographic lenses
b5421 放映机镜头性能测定方法 method for determining various functions of projection lenses
b5422 照相机画面尺寸 picture sizes for still cameras
b5423 照相用闪光装置与同步线的接头 small flash connections for cameras
b5424 照相镜头 – 摄影距离刻度标记 method for marking distance scales of photographic lenses
b5425 照相镜头 – f值(光圈系数)刻度标记 photographic lenses - f-number marking
b5426 照相镜头 – 分光透过率测定方法 method for measuring spectral transmittance of a photographic lens
b5427 摄影用中性密度玻璃滤光镜 photographic neutral-density glass filter
b5428 摄影用闪光灯的闪光设备 flash guns for expendable photoflash lamp
b5429 普通防水表的分类和防水性能 classification and water resistibility of water resistant watches for general use
b5430 摄影用镜头颜色特性表示方法 - ISO颜色特性指数(iso/cci) determination of iso colour contribution index (iso/cci) of camera lenses
b5431 钟表 – 精确度表示 watches and clocks - accuracy indication
b5432 耐磁表 – 分类和性能 antimagnetic watches - classification and performance
b5433 钟表 – 电池寿命的表示 watches and clocks-indication ofbattery life
b5434 手表表壳与表带联结部位的尺寸系列 wristwatch cases-dimensions of fastening elements forbracelets
b5435 潜水用表 -分类和性能 diver’s watches-classification and performance
b5441 幻灯投影机 slide projectors
b5442 反射式投影机 opaque projectors
b5450 折射单筒望远镜 single refraction telescopes
b5516 测定箱内液体量的自动液位计 automatic level gauges for measuring the level of liquid in tanks
b5517 振动与冲击测量 - 描述惯性式传感器特性的规定 shock and vibration measurements characteristics tobe specified for seismic pick-ups
b5518 金属拉伸试验用拉伸率计 extensometers used in metalllic material tensile testing
b5519 辐射温度计性能表示方法通则 general rules for expression of the performance of radiation thermometers
b5520 隔膜压力表 general rules for measuring instruments
b5521 拉伸试验机 tensile testing machines
b5522 夏比冲击试验 charpy type impact testing machines
b5524 布氏硬度试验机 brinell hardness testing machines
b5525 维氏硬度试验机 vickers hardness testing machines
b5526 洛氏硬度试验机 rockwell and rockwell superficial hardness testing machines
b5527 邵氏硬度试验机 shore hardness testing machines
b5528 材料试验用负荷检测机 load calibration devices for verifying material testing machines
b5529 艾氏冲杯试验机 erichsen cupping testers
b5530 洛氏硬度标准样品 standardized blocks of rockwell and rockwell superficial hardness
b5531 邵氏硬度标准样品 standard izedblocks of shore hardness
b5533 压缩试验机 compression testing machines
b5535 材料试验用弯曲试验机 material testing machines;bending-test machines
b5536 金属材料用蠕变试验机 creep testing macrinos for tensile stress of materials
b5537 疲劳试验机(普通) material testing machine: fatigue testing machine: definitions general requirements
b5538 显微硬度试验机 micro hardness testing machines for vickers and knoop hardness
b5539 维氏硬度标准样品 standardizedblocks of vickers hardness
b5540 显微硬度试验方法 knoop hardness test - test method
b5541 万能材料试验机 universal testing machine
b5542 坐标测量机的精确度试验方法 test code for accuracy of coordinate measuring machines
b5543 平衡机 balancing machines
b5544 夏比冲击试验用标准样品 standard specimens for charpy impact testing machine
b5545 圆度测定机 roundness measuring machines
b5546 非金属材料用摆锤式冲击试验机 pendulum-type impact testing machines for non-metallic materials
b5547 等级 levels
b5548 光曝露和光-水曝露试验机(碳弧型) light-exposure and light-and-water-exposure apparatus (enclosed carbon-arc type)
b5549 光曝露和光-水曝露试验机(氙弧型) light-exposure and light-and-water-exposure apparatus(xenon-arc lamp type)
b5550 便携式测速机试验方法 testing method of patable speed measuring instrument
b5551 金属材料用冲击试验机 – 仪器设备 impact testing machines for metallic materials-instrumentation
b5552 高分子材料用冲击试验机 – 仪器设备 impact testing machines for plastic matelials-instrumentation
b5601 测微显微镜 micrometer microscopes
b5602 工具显微镜 toolmakers microscopes
b5603 显微镜试样 microscope test specimens
b5604 中型生物显微镜 medium size biological microscopes
b5605 生物显微镜用浸透镜 biological microscopes for immersion objectives
b5606 伽利略望远镜 galileanbinoculars
b5607 棱镜望远镜 prismbinoculars
b5608 目镜千分尺目镜 filar micrometer eyepieces
b5609 轮廓测定投影器 profile projectors
b5611 干燥物镜用生物显微镜 biological microscopes for dry objectives
b5612 小型生物显微镜 small sizebiological microscopes
b5614 实体显微镜 stereo microscopes
b5615 生物显微镜物镜 biological microscope objectives
b5616 生物显微镜目镜 biological microscope eyepieces
b5617 生物显微镜镜台测微计 stage micrometer forbiological microscope
b5618 生物显微镜镜台带网测微计 net stage micrometer forbiological microscope
b5619 显微镜的目镜标线片 microscopes-eyepiece reticles
b5622 高射投影仪 overhead projectors
b5623 牛顿量器 newton gauges
b5624 制版照相机试验方法通则 general rules for testing of process cameras
b5625 照相闪光照明光源光谱分布指数(iso/sdi)的测定 photography-camera flash llluminants-determination of iso spectral distribution index(iso/sdi)
b5626 镜头 - 测光仪 Lensmeters
b5628 高射投影仪的分辨率试验标准测试图 test transparencies for overhead projectors
b5629 投影镜头分辨率试验标准测试图 resolving power test charts for projection lens
b5630 16mm电影胶片盘芯和轴的尺寸 spindles for 16mm motion-picture film spools and reels-dimensions
b5631 利用高清晰度数字电视(HDTV)制作的35mm电影胶片的画面的位置和尺寸 p_w_picpath area producedby high-definition television(hdtv) on 35m mmotion-picture film-position and dimensions
b5632 光电测距 – 户外性能测定方法 electrooptical distance measuring instruments(edm)-field procedures for determining accuracy
b5633 复印机 – 图形符号 copying machines-graphical symbols
b5634 棱体的角度与斜度 angles and slopes on prisms
b5635 复印机用反射镜 mirror for plain paper copier
b5636 复印机用压紧辊轮 pressure roller for plain paper copier
b5637 复印机用定影辊 fuser roller for plain paper copier
b5638 16mm电影放映机 16mm motion-picture projectors
 2005-07-18 01:27  [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』 [url]http://www.FanE.cn[/url]   

等级: ×××级
 第 13 楼
b5639 35mm和16mm电影放映机用光学声带检验片技术规范 cinematography-photographic sound test films, 35mm and 16mm-specifications
b5640 多线路超声波流量计试验方法 testing method of multi-path ultrasonic flowmeter
b6003 柴油机喷油泵性能试验方法 testing method for fuel injection pump of diesel engine
b6004 内燃机噪音测定法 measuring method of noise emittedby internal combustion engines
b6005-3 往复式内燃机– 性能 – 第3部分:测定 reciprocating internal combustion engines-performance-part 3 :test measurements
b6005-1 往复式内燃机 – 性能 – 第1部分:标准环境状况及功率、燃油消耗和机油消耗的标定 reciprocating internal combustion engines-performance-part 1 : standard reference conditions, declarations of power, fuel and lubricating oil consumptions, and test methods
b6005-4 往复式内燃机 – 性能 – 第4部分:调速 reciprocating internal combustion engines-performance-part 4:speed governing
b6005-5 往复式内燃机 – 性能 – 第5部分:扭转振动 reciprocating internal combustion engines-performance-part 5-torsional vibrations
b6005-6 往复式内燃机 – 性能 – 第6部分:超速保护 reciprocating internal combustion engines-performance-part 6 : overspeed protection
b6005-7 往复式内燃机 – 性能 – 第7部分:功率代码 reciprocating internal combustion engines-performance-part 7 : codes for engine power
b6006 往复式内燃机 -旋转方向、气缸和气缸盖上气门的标志及直列式内燃机右机、左机和发动机方位的定义 reciprocating internal combustion engines-designation of the direction of rotation and of cylinder and valves in cylinder heads, and definition of right-hand and left-hand in-line engines and locations on an engine
b6007 往复式内燃机运行温度测定方法 temperature measurements of performance for reciprocating internal combustion engines
b6008 陆地用小型柴油机性能试验方法 test method of performance of small size diesel engines for land use
b6013 恒定转速柴油机性能试验方法 methods of test for constant speed diesel engines
b6014 燃气轮机试验方法 test method for gas turbines
b6015 汽轮规范 for steam turbines
b6016 可逆式水力机械模型试验方法 methods for model tests of reversible pump-tubines
b6017 蒸汽喷射机性能试验方法 testing methods for steam jet air ejectors
b6018 水轮机和可逆式离心泵涡轮模型试验方法 methods for model tests of hydraulic turbine and reversible pump-turbine
b6019 塑料加工机械术语 glossary of terms used in plastics working machinery
b6020 污染控制设备术语 glossary of terms for pollution control equipment
b6021 活塞环 pistion rings
b6022 内燃机火花塞 spark plugs for internal combustion engines
b6026 汽轮机验收试验方法 rules for acceptance test of steam turbines
b6027 压力容器用镜面板 formed heads for pressure vessels
b6029 气阀 gas valves
b6030 制冷剂截止阀 stop valves for refrigerants
b6031 商业用冷冻、冷藏柜 commercial refrigerated cabinets
b6032 贮水式液化气热水器 liquefied petroleum gas storage type water heaters
b6034 家庭用小型石油热水器 oilburning water heaters for domestic use
b6035 低压储(煤)气罐设计标准 low-pressure gasholder; planning principles
b6036 铝合金圆筒仓的结构 construction of welded aluminium and aluminium alloy cylindrical silos
b6061 收银机性能试验方法 methods of test for cash registers
b6062 电子收银机规范标准格式 format of specification for electronic cash registers
b6065 机械式收银机登记符号和键盘的布局 registration symbols and keyboard arrangements for mechanical cash register
b6081 制图机械 drafting machines
b6082 制图机械的标度 scales for drafting machines
b6083 燃气轮机 采购 gas turbines - procurement
b6084 汽轮机验收试验方法 steam turbines - acceptance test
b6101 除尘器性能测定方法 method of measuring performance for dust collectors
b6102 除尘器规格表示方法 expression of the specification for dust collectors
b6110 工业用燃烧炉安全通则 general safety code for industrial combustion for furnaces
b6141 通风用空气过滤器 air filter units for ventilation
b6151 喷枪及杯 spray guns & cups
b6152 油脂枪 grease guns
b6153 自来水用减压阀 pressure reducing valves for water works
b6154 室内温度调节器 room thermostats
b6155 热水器安全阀 relief valves for hot water appliances
b6156 热水锅炉温度限制器和温度调节器 temperature limiters and thermostats for hot water boilers
b6157 油枪燃烧器的燃烧安全控制器 combustion safety controllers for gun type oil burners
b6172 考勤计性能试验方法 methods of test for time recorders
b6181 钢辊输送机 steel roller conveyors
b6182 移动式皮带输送机 portable belt conveyors
b6200 高压气流喷射燃烧器 high fressure atomizing injection burners
b6201 压力喷射式燃烧器 pressure injection burners
b6202 铸铁锅炉的结构 construction of cast iron boilers
b6203 陆地安装的蒸汽锅炉最高工作压力和过热蒸汽温度 maximum working pressure and super heated steam temperature of stationary steamboilers
b6204 陆地安装的水管锅炉额定容量 rated capacity of stationary water-tubeboilers
b6205 陆地安装的锅炉 – 热平衡 landboilers - heatbalancing
b6206 锅炉用带有旋塞的10kgf/㎠管式水面计 10kgf/㎠ tubular type water gauges with cocks forboilers
b6207 锅炉用带有阀门的10kgf/㎠管式水面计 10kgf/㎠ tubular type water gauges with valves forboilers
b6208 锅炉用水面计玻璃 gauge glasses for boilers
b6209 锅炉供水和锅炉水的水质 water conditioning forboiler feed water andboiler water
b6210 无缝钢气瓶 seamless steel gas cylinders
b6211 重复充装式液化气用焊接钢气瓶 refillable welded steel gas cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas
b6212 液化气容器阀门 valves for liquefied petroleum gas cylinder
b6213 家庭用液化石油气 (lpg) 压力调节器 liquefied petroleum gas regulators for domestic use
b6214 高压气瓶阀 valves for high pressure gas cylinders
b6215 溶解乙炔气瓶阀 valves for dissolved acetylene cylinder
b6216 蒸汽锅炉和压力容器 - 弹簧直接载荷式安全阀 steamboilers and pressure vessels - spring loaded safety valves
b6217 小型无缝钢气瓶 small type seamless steel gas cylinders
b6218 锅炉用反射式水面计 reflex type water gauges forboilers
b6219 重复充装式液化碳用焊接钢气瓶 refillable welded steel gas cylinders for liquefied fluoro carbon
b6220 锅炉用75kgf/㎠透视式水面计 75kgf/㎠ transparent type water guage bodies forboilers
b6221 枪式油燃烧器 gun type oilburners
b6222 低压空气式油燃烧器 low pressure air atomizing oilburners
b6223 回转式油燃烧器 rotary oilburners
b6224 锅炉供水及锅炉水试验方法 testing methods forboiler feed water andboiler water
b6225 焊接钢石油贮存罐 welded steel tanks for oil storage
b6226 冷冻压缩机额定温度条件 standard conditions of rating temperaturefor refrigerating compressors
b6227 垂直式氨压缩机 vartical type ammonia compressores
b6228 电动桥式起重机 electric overhead travelling cranes
b6229 带式输送机辊 rollers forbelt conveyer
b6230 多管圆筒形换热器 shell and tube heat exchangers
b6232 手动链式提升机 manually operated chain hoists
b6233 陆地上安装的钢锅炉的结构 construction of steelboilers for land use
b6234 液化石油气 (lpg)用软管组合件 hose assemblies for liquefied petroleum gas
b6235 多层式压力容器 construction of layered pressure vessels
b6236 小型往复式空气压缩机 small-size reciprocating air compressors
b6237 桥式起重机用铸钢移动车轮 cast steel travelling wheels for overhead travelling cranes
b6238 桥式起重机用锻钢移动车轮 wroughr steel travelling wheels for electric overhead travelling cranes
b6239 起重机额定工作负荷、额定速度和旋转半径 safe working loads, rated speeds and slewing radii of cranes
b6240 电链起重机性能试验方法 testing methods for electric chain hoists
b6241 带式吊索 webbing slings for lifting purposes
b6242 钢绳吊索 wire rope slings for lifting purposes
b6243 起重机用链式吊索 chain slings for lifting purposes
b6244 电链起重机 electric chain hoist
b6250 重复充装式钢质焊接气瓶 refillable welded steel gas cylinders
b6251 液化石油气 (lpg)用铝合金无缝气瓶 refillable seamless aluminum alloy gas cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas
b6260 干粉灭火器 powder fire extinguishers
b6261 固定式高压二氧化碳灭火系统 fixed high pressure co2 fire extinguishing system
b6262 二氧化碳灭火器 co2 fire extinguishers
b6263 卤代化合物灭火器 halogenated agent fire extinguishers
b6264 固定式卤代氢气灭火系统 fixed halogenated hydrocarbon gas fire extinguishing system
b6270 离心式水冷却器 centrifugal water chillers
b6271 吸收式冷冻机 absorption refrigerating machines
b6272 遥控钢质通风式空气冷却式冷凝器 remote mechanical-draft air-cooled refrigerant condenser
b6273 遥控水冷却式冷凝器 water-cooled condensers, remote type
b6274 制冷机组的冷冻能力计算方法 capacity evaluation for refrigerating unit coolers
b6275 往复式水冷却器 reciprocating water-chillers
b6276 井用电水泵 electric deep well pumps
b6277 液压系统通则 general rules for hydraulic systems
b6278 链式提升机用环链 link chains for chain hoists
b6279 带式输送机带轮 pulleys forbelt conveyors
b6280 爆破隔膜安全组件 bursting disks and bursting disk assemblies
b6281 冷冻压力容器的结构 construction of pressure vessels for refrigeration
b6282 不锈钢水箱 stainless steel water tank
b6301 离心泵、混流泵、轴流泵试验及测试方法 testing methods for centrifugal pumps, mixed flow pumps and axial flow pumps
b6302 泵排放量测定法 measurement methods of pump discharge
b6304 锅炉供水用离心式泵试验及测试方法 testing methods forboiler feed centrifugal pumps
b6305 自吸离心式泵试验及测试方法 testing method for self-priming centrifugal pump
b6306 离心式油泵试验方法 testing methods for centrifugal type oil pumps
b6307 齿轮泵和螺丝泵试验及测试方法 testing methods for gear pumps and screw pumps
b6308 往复式泵试验及测试方法 testing methods for reciprocating pumps
b6309 冷凝泵试验及测试方法 testing methods for condensate pumps
b6310 浅井电水泵 electric shallow well pumps
b6311 鼓风机试验及测试方法 testing methods for industrial fans
b6312 空气预热器试验方法 testing methods for air preheaters
b6313 油燃烧器试验方法 methods of testing for oilburners
b6314 旋转式真空油泵性能试验方法 positive-displacement oil-sealed rotary vacuum pumps-measurement of performance characteristics
b6315 蒸汽喷射真空泵性能试验方法 vapour vacuum pumps-measurement of performance characteristics
b6316 喷枪式燃油器齿轮泵 gear pumps for gun type oilburners
b6317 喷枪式燃油器电子泵 solenoid pumps for gun type oil burners
b6318 双侧吸入蜗形管式离心泵 double suction volute pumps
b6319 水环真空泵 water ring vacuum pumps
b6320 深井用潜水泵 submersible motor pumps for deep well
b6321 排水用潜水泵 submersible motor pumps for sump
b6322 冷冻用开放活塞式制冷压缩机性能试验及测试方法 – 空气法 performance testing and inspection methodsby air for open type reciprocating refrigerant compressors
b6323 制冷剂用温度 – 膨胀阀性能试验方法 methods of performance test of thermal-expansion valve used for refrigrant
b6324 旋转真空油泵 positive-displacement oil-sealed rotary oil vacuum pumps
b6325 泵性能试验方法 – 利用模型法 testing methods for performance of pump, using model pump
b6326 前曲叶片风扇 forward curved bladed fans
b6327 离心式鼓风机和压缩机试验及测试方法 - 环路布置法 testing methods of turbo blowers and compressors for gases by loop arrangement
b6328 液压泵和马达 安装法兰和轴伸的尺寸系列及标记 第2部分: 二孔和四孔法兰和轴伸 - 公制系列 hydraulic fluid power - positive displacement pumps and motors - dimensions and identification code for mounting flanges and shaft ends part 2 : two-and four-hole flanges and shaft ends - metric series
b6331 液压液中微粒子量测定法(系数法) the determination of particulate contamination in hydraulic fluidsbythe particle count method
b6332 脱水过滤装置试验方法 testing methods of filtration equipments for dewatering
b6333 防凝露装置试验方法 testing methods for refrigerant condensing units
b6334 漂浮分离装置试验方法 testing methods of floatation equipments
b6335 沉降分离装置试验方法 testing methods of precipitation equipments
b6336 光散射式自动粒子计数器 light scattering automatic particle counter
b6340 油压系统 - 叶轮泵(喷出直径10-50mm) vane pumps for oil hydranlic use
b6341 油压系统 - 齿轮泵(喷出直径10-50mm) gear pumps for hydranlic use
b6342 油压系统 - 过滤器 filters for oil hydraulic use
b6343 油压系统 - 带有压力补偿器的流量调节阀 pressure compensating type flow control valves for oil-hydraulic use
b6344 油压系统 - 囊式蓄能器 oil hydraulic system -bladder type accumulators
b6345 油压系统 - 叶轮发动机(孔径20 -50mm) vane motor for oil hydraulic use
b6346 油压系统 - 有节流片的4孔电磁阀 subplate type solenoid operated 4-port valves for oil-hydraulic use
b6347 气动系统 - 2孔电磁阀 2 port solenoid operated valves for pneumatic use
b6348 气动系统 – 过滤器 pneumatic system - filter
b6349 气动系统 – 减压阀 pressure reducing valves for pneumatic use
b6350 离心式鼓风机和压缩机试验及测试方法 testing methods for turbo-blowers and compressors
b6351 容积式压缩机试验及测试方法 testing methods for displacement compressors
 2005-07-18 01:28  [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』 [url]http://www.FanE.cn[/url]   

等级: ×××级
 第 14 楼

b6352 安全阀排放系数测定法 measuring methods for coefficient of discharge of safety valves
b6353 卧式圆筒形液化石油气 (lpg) 贮存罐的结构 construction of cylindrical storage tanks of liquefied petroleum gas(horizontal type)
b6354 熔断器用液化石油气 (lpg)压力调节器 lp-gas pressure regulators used in cutting, heating and related processes
b6355 气动系统 – 3孔式电磁阀 3-port solenoid operated valves for pneumatic use
b6356 气动系统 – 4、5孔式电磁阀 4-port and 5-port solenoid operated valves for pneumatic use
b6357 自动贩卖机 -试验方法 vending machines - test method
b6358 自动贩卖机安装标准 standard of installation for vending machines
b6359 机械式输送冷冻装置性能试验方法 testing method for mechanical transport refrigeration units
b6360 泵噪声声压级测量方法 methods of a-weighted sound pressure level measurement for pumps
b6361 鼓风机、压缩机噪声声压级测量方法 methods of a-weighted sound pressure level measurement for fans,blowers and compressors
b6362 油压泵和油压电机噪声声压级测量方法 methods of noise level measurement for oil hydraulic pumps and motors
b6363 小型冷冻装置安全标准 safety code for small refrigerating equipment
b6364 强制通风式冷却塔性能试验方法 performance tests of mechanical draft cooling tower
b6365 冷冻压缩机性能试验方法 testing of refrigerant compressors
b6366 冷冻装置性能试验方法 general rules for testing of refrigerating systems
b6367 商业用冷冻、冷藏柜性能试验方法 methods of test for commercial refrigerated cabinets
b6370 液压缸 hydraulic cylinders
b6371 液压系统 - 钢丝增强液压橡胶软管组合件 wire reinforced rubber hose assemblies for hydraulic use
b6372 气动系统 – 速度控制阀 speed control valves for pneumatic use
b6373 气动缸筒 pneumatic cylinders
b6374 气动系统 – 润滑器 pneumatic system - lubricators
b6375 气动系统 – ××× silencers for pneumatic use
b6376 气动系统通则 general rule for pneumatic systems
b6377 风机盘管 fancoil units
b6378 对流式暖炉 convector
b6379 气动系统 – 软管管接头 tube fittings for pneumatic use (for flexible tube)
b6380 液压软管组合件的软管端部接头和接口 end fittings and adapters for hydraulic hose assemblies
b6381 液压系统 - 热塑性塑料高压管组合件 high pressure thermoplastic hose assemblies for hydraulic use
b6382 夹具形真空接口的规格尺寸 dimensions of clamped-type vacuum couplings
b6383 液压系统 - 纤维增强液压橡胶软管和软管组合件 textile reinforced rubber hose assemblies for hydraulic use
b6384 工业用操纵机器人 – 机械接口 manipulating industrial robots - mechanical interfaces - part 2:shafts(form a)
b6385 供热,通风和空调(HVAC)系统的电除尘器试验方法 method of testing for electrostatic precipitator for hvac system
b6388 短袜编织机 socks knitting machines
b6389 卧式塑料注塑成型机 horizontal type injection plastic moulding machines
b6390 座标磨床试验及测试方法 test code for performance and accuracy of jig grinding machines
b6402 蒸汽疏水阀 steam traps
b6403 供暖散热器疏水阀 radiator traps
b6404 供暖钢板散热器 steel plate radiator for heating
b6405 供暖散热器配件 valves and fitting for radiator
b6406 橡胶带式输送机的测试与计算方法 method of calculations and tests for rubber belt conveyors
b6407 电动桥式起重机索轮 rope sheaves for electric overhead travelling cranes
b6408 卸船机的计算工作量 calculated capacity for unloader
b6409 负荷传感器 load cell
b6411 圆筒形、管形、箱子形门锁 cylindrical, tubular and mortise door locks
b6413 工业用蓖麻小脚轮 industrial castors
b6414 手推车 hand trucks
b6415 工业用车轮 industrial wheels
b6416 采暖铸铁散热器和采暖钢板散热器性能试验 test for radiation capacity of cast iron radiators and steel plate radiators for heating
b6417 手动升降装卸叉车 hand lift trucks
b6418 手动叉车 hand lifters
b6419 带有升降装卸台的手动叉车 hand trucks with lifting table
b6451 正铲式挖掘机的结构、性能标准 shovel type excavators standard for construction and performance
b6501 水用电磁阀 solenoid valves for water use
b6502 蒸汽用电磁阀 solenoid valves for steam use
b6503 燃料管路用电磁阀 fuel oil pipe line-solenoid valves
b6504 施工用潜水泵 submersible motor pumps for construction
b6505 通气装置 air breather
b6506 油泵柱塞 hydraulic plunger pump
b6507 电子式比例安全阀试验方法 test mwthods for electro-hydraulic proportional pressure relief valves
b6508 电子式比例减压阀和电子式比例安全阀试验方法 test methods for electro-hydraulic proportional pressure reducing values and electro-hydraulic proportional pressure reducing and relieving valves
b6509 电子式比例电磁阀试验方法 test methods for electro-hydraulic proportional metering valves
b6510 电子式比例系列流量调节阀试验方法 test methods for electro-bydraulic proportional series flow control valves
b6511 电子式比例系列方向 - 流量调节阀试验方法 test methods for electro-hydraulic proportional directional series flow control valves
b6512 电子式比例系列旁通流量控制阀试验方法 test methods for electro-hydraulic proportional bypass flow control valves
b6513 电子式比例系列旁通方向 - 流量控制阀试验方法 test methods electro-hydaulic proportional directionalbypass flow control valves
b6514 电子式比例控制阀 - 放大器输入、输出端子台和端子编码使用标准 rules of electronic amplifier for electro-hydraulic control valves
b6515 电子油压伺服阀试验方法 test methods for electro-hydraulic servo valves
b6516 电子控制油压泵试验方法 test methods for electronically controlled oil hydraulic pumps
b6517 带有位置感应器的液压缸试验方法 test method for precise hydraulic cylinder with positioning sensor
b6601 挂锁 padlocks
b6602 注油器(手动) oiler (manual)
b6603 萃取器组件 extractor set
b6604 喷嘴(灭火水龙带用) nozzle (fire hose water)
b6605 杆 bar
b6606 托架 bracket
b6607 热水水头 hot water header
b6610 工业用移动式燃油发热器 portable type oilburning space heaters for industrial use
b6611 手动链式提升机 manually orerated chain lever hoists
b6612 自动控温阀 thermostatic valves
b6701 立体自动仓库和检索系统设计通则 automated storage and retrieval system-general specifications
b6702 液压和气压缸 - 组件要求和识别符号通则 fluid power cylinders-general rules for requirement of component and identification code of mounting dimensions and mounting types
b6703 液压缸 - 安装尺寸 hydraulic cylinder-mounting dimensions
b6704 气压缸 - 安装尺寸 pneumatic cylinders-mounting dimensions
b6705 液压和气压缸 – 配件尺寸 fluid power cylinders-dimensions of accessories
b6706 立体自动仓库术语 automated storage and retrieval system - vocabulary
b6707 发动机驱动发电机组技术规范标准格式 standard form of specifications of engine driven generating sets
b6709 站台车的种类及主要尺寸 classification and dimensions of platform trucks
b6710 码垛车的种类及主要尺寸 classification and dimensions of pallet trucks
b6711 单元货物用垂直运输机 vertical conveyors for unit loads
b6712 压力容器盖板 cover plate for pressure vessels
b6713 压力容器垫板 stayed plate for pressure vessels
b6714 压力容器的孔强化 opening of pressure vessels
b6715 压力容器栓结法兰 bolted flange for pressure vessels
b6716 压力容器扁管板 flat tubesheet for pressure vessels
b6717 空气调节用冰蓄冷设备 - 试验方法 ice thermal storage units for air conditioning purpose-test methods
b6718 冷冻设备的冷却器冷冻性能试验方法 refrigerating unit coolers-test methods for capacity
b6719 ph值控制设备试验方法 testing methods of ph controlling equipments
b6720 清洁过滤设备试验方法 testing methods of filtration equipments for claifying
b6721 活性污泥处理设备试验方法 testing methods of activated sludge process equipments
b6722 冰蓄冷系统术语 ice thermal storage systems-vocabulary
b6723 压力容器膨胀节 expansion joint for pressure vessels
b6724 压力容器护套 jacket for pressure vessels
b6725 鞍式支座支承的卧式压力容器 saddle supported horizontal pressure vessels
b6726 压力容器观察窗 sight glasses for pressure vessels
b6727 非圆筒形壳体的压力容器 pressure vessels of noncircular cross section
b6728 压力容器的应力分析及疲劳分析 stress and fatigue analyses for pressure vessels
b6729 压力容器焊接接头的力学性能试验 production test for pressure vessels
b6730 压力容器的耐压试验和泄漏试验 pressure and leak tests for pressure vessels
b6731 压力容器快速开闭盖板装置 quick closure for pressure vessels
b6732 压力容器的焊接工艺评定试验 welding procedure qualification test for pressure vessels
b6733 压力容器(基本规格) pressure vessels(general standard)
b6734 压力容器壳和硬板 shell and head of pressure vessels
b6740 洁净室过滤器性能试验方法 cleanroom-air filters-test methods
b6800 游乐设施(滑坡铁轨)检验标准 instection standard of amusement(coaster)
b6801 游乐设施(喷水)检验标准 instection standard of amusements(water shoot)
b6802 游乐设施(大观览车)检验标准 inspection standard of amusements(ferris wheel)
b6803 游乐设施(旋转***)检验标准 inspection standard of amusements(merry-go-round)
b6804 游乐设施(飞行塔)检验标准 inspection standard of amusements(airplane tower)
b6825 固定轮椅升降作业者热负荷测定方法 powered stairlifts moving in an inclined plane for wheelchair users
b6826 电梯紧急停机装置 safety device for elevators
b6827 电梯曳引机滑轮 traction sheave for elevators
b6828 电梯平衡补偿链 compensation chain for elevators
b6829 电梯平衡配重器 counter weights for elevators
b6831 电梯、自动扶梯、升降机检验标准 inspection standard of elevator, escalator and dumbwaiter
b6832 建筑机械噪声声压级测量方法 method of sound level measurement for construction machinery
b6833 工业用油滤清器性能试验方法 performance test methods for industrial oil cleaner
b6835 电梯缓冲器弹簧缓 springs for elevator buffer
b6836 电梯门开门钥匙和钥匙孔 elevator door unlocking key & key-way
b6837 电梯绳索支承座 rope socket for elevator
b6839 建筑机械司机座椅 seat for construction machinery
b6840 建筑机械司机的身材尺寸与司机的最佳活动空间 human physical dimensions of operators and design of the optimum cabin space for construction machinery
b6841 热泵4向换向阀 4-way reversing valves for heat pump
b6842 鼓风机线圈用电动阀 motorized valve for fan coil units
b6843 移动起重机 hoist type crane
b6844 金属烧结用工业电炉 industrial furnace of metal sintering
b6845 阻火器阻火性能和试验方法 test code of performance for flame arresters
b6846 真空加热炉性能和试验方法 test code of vacuum heat treatment furnace
b6847 钢材溶解用高、中频感应炉性能和试验方法 test code of high and medium frequency induction furnace for steel melting
b6848 磁分离机性能和试验方法 testing method for magnetic separator
b6849 凹版印刷机多叶片式风扇 multi-blade fan for gravure printing press
b6850 电梯导块用楔 gib for elevator guide shoe
b6851 自动扶梯梯级 step for escalator
b6852 自动扶梯扶手 handrail for escalator
b6853 自动扶梯梯级链 step chain for escalators
b6854 卧式螺旋式离心分离机 horizontal screw type centrifuge
 2005-07-18 01:28  [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』 [url]http://www.FanE.cn[/url]   

等级: ×××级
 第 15 楼

b6855 割草机挠性轴组件 flexible shaft assembly of brush cutter
b6856 建筑机械用空调机性能和试验方法 performance test code of air conditioner for construction machinery
b6857 平面丝网印刷机 surface screen printer
b6858 螺旋式冷冻剂压缩机 hermetic scroll compressor
b6859 冷冻剂压力开关 pressure switch for refrigerant
b6860 罗茨(真空)泵 - 验收试验方法 roots pumps-acceptance test code
b6861 涡轮分子泵 -验收试验方法 turbo molecular pumps-acceptance test code
b6862 土方机械 最小入口尺寸 earthmoving machinery-minimum access dimensions
b6863 土方机械 通道装置 earthmoving machinery-access systems
b6864 土方机械 - 司机座椅 - 振动试验方法 earthmoving machinery-laboratory evaluation of operator seat vibration
b6865 土方机械 - 司机操纵装置 earthmoving machinery-operator’s controls
b6866 土方机械 – 舒适区和操纵装置触及区 earthmoving machinery-zones of comfort and reach for controls
b6867 土方机械 - 司机的身材尺寸与司机的最小活动空间 earth-moving machinery-human physical dimensions of operators and minimum operator space envelope
b6868 土方机械 - 司机座椅尺寸和要求条件 earthmoving machinery-operator’s seat-dimensions and requirements
b6869 光散射自动液体粒子计数器 light scattering automatic particle counter for liquid
b6870 烟气清除过滤器性能试验方法 gas-removal-method of test for performance of gas-removal filters
b6871 土方机械 - 燃料加油口尺寸 earth-moving machinery-dimensions of fuel filler opening
b6872 土方机械 - 座椅安全带组件和拉牢装置 seat belt assemblies and anchorage for earth-moving machineries
b6873 汽车2档式停车设备 2 story type parking facility for automobile
b6874 凹版印刷机滚筒连接用圆锥 taper cone for connecting printing cylinder of gravure printing press
b6875 建筑机械 – 翻滚时防护结构 – 实验室试验和性能要求项目 earth-moving machinery-roll-over protective structures-laboratory tests and performance requirements
b6876 建筑机械 – 挖土机 – 司机防护装置实验室试验和性能要求项目 earth-moving machinery-hydraulic excavators-laboratory tests and performance requirements for operator protective guards
b6877 蜗轮减速器性能试验及测试方法 test code for performance of worm reducers
b6878 箱柜加热器容器(重复充装用) cabinet heater cylinders for liquefied butane gas
b6882 电梯应急照明装置 emergency lighting device for elevators
b6883 电梯液压缓冲器 oil buffers for elevator
b6884 电梯极限安全开关 safety limit switch for elevators
b6885 电梯橡胶防振器 rubber vibration isolators for elevator
b6886 电梯紧急操作开关 emergency in-car operation key switch for firefighters’ elevators
b6887 电梯紧急联络装置 emergency signaling device for elevators
b6888 冷冻剂用电子阀 2-way solenoid valves for refrigerant
b7001 家用缝纫机 – 术语(机头配件) terms used in sewing machine for home use (name of head parts)
b7002 工业用缝纫机 - 直线缝缝纫机机头配件术语 glossary of terms used in straight lock stitch sewing machine for industrial use
b7003 工业用缝纫机 – 线轴 bobbins for industrial sewing machines
b7004 工业用缝纫机 – 梭蕊套 bobbin cases of sewing machines for industrial use
b7005 工业用缝纫机 – 压脚 presser feet for industrial sewing machines
b7006 工业用缝纫机 – 送布牙 feed dogs of sewing machines for industrial use
b7007 工业用缝纫机 – 产品分类术语和表示符号 identification signs and terms on classification of sewing machine heads for industrial use
b7008 工业用缝纫机 – ls 1型低速包缝机机头 ls 1 low speed sewing machine heads for industrial use
b7009 工业用缝纫机 – 针板 throat plates of sewing machines for industrial use
b7010 工业用缝纫机 – 机头分类和表示符号 classification and identification signs of home use sewing machine heads
b7011 家用缝纫机 household sewing machine
b7012 家用缝纫机 - 机针 needles for householed sewing machines
b7013 家用缝纫机 - 台板 table for household sewing machines
b7014 家用缝纫机 - 直线缝缝纫机机头 household straight lock stitch sewing machine heads
b7015 家用缝纫机 - 梭床 arm bed of home use sewing machine
b7021 家用缝纫机 - 送布牙压脚 presser foot of home use sewing machine
b7022 家用缝纫机 - 直线缝锁式线迹缝纫机滑梭 shuttles for household lock stitch sewing machine
b7023 家用缝纫机 - V 型胶带 vbelt for household sewing machines
b7024 家用缝纫机 - 线轴 bobbins for household lock stitch sewing machines
b7025 家用缝纫机 - 上轴 arm shaft of home use sewing machine
b7026 家用缝纫机 - 下轴 oscillating shaft of home use sewing machine
b7027 家用缝纫机 - 针杆 needlebar for home use sewing machine
b7028 家用缝纫机 - 压紧杆 presserbar for home use sewing machine
b7032 家用缝纫机 - 三卷边器oscillating rock shaft of home use sewing machines
b7033 家用缝纫机 - 抬牙叉形曲柄 feed forked connection of home use sewing machine
b7034 家用缝纫机 - 梭心 shuttle race for household sewing machine
b7035 家用缝纫机 - 挑线杆 thread take-up lever of home use sewing machine
b7036 家用缝纫机 - 挑线杆凸轮 thread take-up cam of home use sewing machines
b7038 家用缝纫机 - 抬牙叉形曲柄 feed forked connection hinge screw for household sewing machine
b7039 家用缝纫机 - 阴螺纹配件 internal thread parts for household sewing machines
b7042 家用缝纫机 - 送布牙 feed dogs for household sewing machines
b7043 家用缝纫机 - 梭心套 shuttlebobbin cases for household sewing machines
b7045 家用缝纫机 - 机头支撑板 head lifting plate of sewing machine for home use
b7046 家用缝纫机 - 铰接及锁 hinge and lock for sewing machine table for home use
b7049 家用缝纫机 - 曲柄滑杆的铰接螺母 crank connecting rod hinge screw nut for household sewing machines
b7050 家用缝纫机 - 专用螺母 screw center nut for household sewing machines
b7051 工业用缝纫机 – 机针 needles for industrial sewing machines
b7052 家用缝纫机 - Z字形锁式线迹缝纫机机头 ousehold zig-zag lock stitch sewing machine heads
b7053 工业用缝纫机 – 滑板 ed slide of industrial sewing machines
b7054 工业用缝纫机 – 垂直全旋转旋梭 rotating hooks on horizontal axis for industrial sewing machines
b7055 工业用缝纫机 – 压紧杆 presserbars for industrial sewimg machines
b7056 工业用缝纫机 – 送料摆杆 feed bars for industrial sewing machines
b7057 工业用缝纫机 – 针杆曲柄 needlebar connecting links of industrial sewing machines use
b7058 工业用缝纫机 – 针杆 needlebars of industrial sewing machines for use
b7059 工业用缝纫机 – 振动的测试方法 methods of vibration measurement for industrial sewing machine
b7067 织布机尺寸 dimension of silk loom
b7081 工业机器人 – 特性表示法 manipulating industrial robots-presentation of characteristics
b7082 工业机器人 – 特性、功能测定法 measuring methods for characteristics and functions of industrial robots
b7083 工业机器人 安全规范 manipulating industrial robots - safety
b7084 工业机器人 操作装置的功能识别符号和识别颜色 identification symbols and colours for operator controls for industrial robots
b7085 双往复式提花机 double lift jacquard
b7086 工业机器人 – 模块设计通则 general code of design for modularization of industrial robots
b7087 工业机器人 – 圆形机械接口的规格尺寸 circular flanged mechanical interfaces of industrial robots
b7088 工业机器人 – 坐标系和运动命名原则 manipulating industrial robot-coordinate systems and motion nomenclatures
b7089 工业自动化系统术语 glossary of terms used in factory automation
b7090 cad 术语 glossary of terms used in cad
b7091 cad 制图 technical drawing-drawingby cad
b7092 绘图机术语 glossary of term used in plotters technical drawing-numerically controlled drafting machines
b7093 可编程控制器术语 glossary of terms used in programmable controller
b7094 绘图机 - 技术规格项目 plotters-specified items
b7095 数字转换器 - 技术规格项目디지타이저 - 시방 항목 digitizers-specified items
b7096 工业机器人 – 电子装置 industrial robots-electrical equipment
b7097 工业机器人 – slim编程语言 industrial robots-programming language slim
b7098-1 工业自动化系统 制造报文规范 第1部分: 服务定义 industrial automation systems - manufacturing message specification - part 1 : service definition
b7098-2工业自动化系统 制造报文规范(mms) 第2部分: 协议规范 industrial automation systems - manufacturing message specification - part 2 : protocol specification
b7099-1 工业自动化系统和集成 产品数据表达与交换 第1部分:概述与基本原理 industrial automation systems and integration - product data representation and exchange - part 1 : overiew and fundamental principles
b7099-101 工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据表达与交换 第101部分:绘图industrial automation systems and integration - product data representation and exchange - part 101 : integrated application resource : draughting
b7099-105工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据表达与交换 第105部分:集成应用资源:运动学 industrial automation systems and integration - product data representation and exchange - part 105 : integrated application resource : kinematics
b7099-11 工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据表达与交换 第11部分 描述方法:EXPRESS语言参考手册 industrial automation systems and integration - product data representation and exchange - part 11 : the express language reference manual
b7099-201 工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据表达与交换 第201部分 应用协议:显式绘图industrial automation systems and integration - product data representation and exchange - part 201 : application protocol : explicit draughting
b7099-202工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据的表达与交换 第202部分: 应用协议:相关绘图 industrial automation systems and integration - product data representation and exchange - part 202 : application protocol : associative draughting
b7099-203 工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据的表达与交换 第203部分: 应用协议: 配置控制设计 industrial automation systems and integration - product data representation and exchange - part 203 : application protocol : configuration controlled design
b7099-21 工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据的表达与交换 第21部分: 实现方法: 交换文件结构的纯正文编码 industrial automation systems and integration - product data representation and exchange - part 21 : clear text encoding of the exchange structures
b7099-22 工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据的表达与交换 第22部分:实现方法 - 标准数据界面 industrial automation systems and integration-product data representation and exchange part 22:implementation methods : standard data access interface
b7099-31 工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据的表达与交换 第31部分: 一致性测试方法论与框架: 基本概念 industrial automation systems and integration - product data representation and exchange - part 31 : conformance testing methodology and framework : general concepts
b7099-41工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据的表达与交换 第41部分: 集成通用资源:产品描述与支持原理 industrial automation systems and integration - product data representation and exchange - part 41 : integrated generic resources : fundamentals of product description and support
b7099-42 工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据的表达与交换 第42部分: 集成通用资源:几何与拓扑表达 industrial automation systems and integration - product data representation and exchange - part 42 : integrated generic resources : geometric and topological representation
b7099-43工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据的表达与交换 第43部分:集成通用资源:表达结构industrial automation systems and integration - product data representation and exchange - part 43 : integrated generic resources: representation structures
b7099-44工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据的表达与交换 第24部分:产品结构配置 industrial automation systems and integration - product data representation and exchange - part 44 : integrated generic resources : product structure configuration
b7099-46工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据的表达与交换 第46部分: 集成通用资源 可视化显示 industrial automation systems and integration - product data representation and exchange - part 46: integrated generic resources: visual presentation
b7099-47工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据的表达与交换 第47部分: 集成通用资源: 形状变化公差 industrial automation systems and integration - product data representation and exchange - part 47 : integrated generic resource : shape variation tolerances
b7100 工业机器人 – 末端执行器自动更换系统 – 术语和特性表示法manipulating industrial robots-automatic end effector exchange systems-vocabulary and presentation of characteristics
b7101 人力脱粒机 pedal thresher
b7102 动力脱粒机 power thresher
b7104 动力喷雾器 power sprayers
b7105 动力喷雾器喷嘴连接软管接口的主要尺寸 dimensions of hose-connector of gun type nozzle assemblyfor power sprayers
b7106 碾米机(摩擦形) rice pearling machine(friction type)
b7114 锄 hommi with long handler
b7117 人力喷粉机 hand dusters
b7118 喷雾机旋塞 cocks for sprayer
b7119 脱粒机钉齿 threshing teeth for power thresher
b7120 飞轮铡草机 flywheel type forage cutters
b7121 圆筒形铡草机 cylinder type cutters for agricultural use
 2005-07-18 01:29  [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』 [url]http://www.FanE.cn[/url]   

等级: ×××级
 第 16 楼

b7122 农机轮辋轮廓 contours of rims for agricultural machines and implements
b7123 旋耕机拖车 trailers for power tiller
b7124 旋耕机拖车带有刹车的车轴 axles withbrakes of trailer for power tiller
b7127 农机 – 进料链 agricultural machinery - feed chains
b7130 动力旋耕机离合器 clutch assemblles for power tiller
b7134 动力旋耕机钢圈轮尺寸 dimensions of paddy wheel for power tiller
b7138 动力旋耕机犁铧 share of plow for power tillers
b7139 农业用拖拉机犁铧 share plow of agricultural tractors
b7142 动力旋耕机旋耕齿和旋耕齿固定器 rotary tines and tine holders for power tillers
b7143 农用拖拉机旋耕齿和旋耕齿固定器 rotary tine and rotary holder of agricultrual
b7201 插秧机技术规范标准格式 standard form of specification of ricetransplanter
b7202 农机安全通则 general code of safety for agricultural machinery
b7203 步行动力插秧机车轮主要尺寸 dimensions of wheels for walking-type rice transplanters
b7251 动力旋耕机膨胀盖主要尺寸 dimensions of expansion caps for power tillers
b7351 铲和铲刀 shovels and scoop
b7354 工兵铲和铲套 field shovel and its cover
b7355 斧 axe
b7358 花铲 flower shovel
b7359 三折式工兵铲 three fold type field shovel
b7361 小型陆地用内燃机性能试验方法 methods of performance test for small size land internal combustion engines
b7362 农机操作装置识别符号 symbols for operator controls of agricultural machines
b7371 小型陆地用水冷却、火花点火发动机 small size water cooled spark ignition engines for land use
b7372 小型陆地用水冷却柴油机 small sized water cooled diesel engines for land use
b7381 小型陆地用空气冷却内燃机 small sized forced air-cooled spark ignition engines for land use
b7391 磁发电机性能试验方法 testing methods for ignition magnetos
b7396 轮轴式磁发电机 axle type magnetos
b7397 飞轮式磁发电机 flywheel magnetos
b7404 小型陆地用内燃机润滑油过滤器尺寸 dimensions of oil filter for small stationary internal combustion engines
b7406 小型陆地用内燃机燃料注入口和盖的尺寸 dimensions of fuel tank fillers and filler caps of small sized internal combustion engines for land use
b7501 小型蜗囊泵 small size volute pumps
b7505 小型多档离心泵 small size multi-stage centrifugal pumps
b7513 泵的吸入馆和吐出管的尺寸 dimensions of suction pipe and delivery pipe for pumps
b7608 包扎用细绳 twines for binders
b7609 错误!链接无效。 和结合用切刀 cutting knives forbinders and combines
b7631 铲除机旋转切刀 bush cutter saws
b7701 人力喷雾机 hand sprayers
b7702 杠杆式喷雾机 lever sprayer
b7703 喷雾机软管耦合和软管接口 hose couplings and hose joints for sprayers
b7704 拖拉机和联合收割机燃料过滤器元件主要尺寸 dimensions of fuel filter elements for agricultural tractorsand combine harvesters
b7737 农用拖拉机犁侧板尺寸 dimensions of landside of plow for agricultural tractors
b7749 农用地速车辆标识板 agricultural slow-moving vehicle identification emblem
b7770 联合收割机旋转锯切刀 chaff-cutter saws of combines
b7771 旋耕机车轮安装尺寸 wheel fixing dimensions for power tiller
b7772 步行用拖拉机联结器尺寸 dimensions of hitch for walking tractors
b7773 农用拖拉机联结器尺寸 dimensions of hitch for agricultural tractors
b7774 农用轮式拖拉机车轮安装尺寸 dimensions for wheel fixing on hub for farm wheeled tractor
b7775 农机 – 标识通则 agricultural machinery - general requirements for description
b7776 农用拖拉机前部和中间部动力输出轴 agricultural tractors - front and mid power take-off
b7801 农用轮式拖拉机技术规范标准格式 standard form specification of agricultural wheeled tractors
b7802 农用轮式拖拉机三点悬挂挂接器主要尺寸 diemensions of three-point linkages for farm wheeled tractors
b7803 农用轮式拖拉机挂车机械连接装置主要尺寸 dimensions of link type draw bars for agricultural wheeled tractors
b7805 农业拖拉机离合联轴节 clutch cover assemblies of agricultural tractors
b7806 农业拖拉机离合器盖 clutch cover assemblies of agricultural tractors
b7807 农业拖拉机离合器摩擦片 clutch disk assemblies of agricultural tractors
b7851 农业拖拉机主动力输出轴性能试验方法 testing method for main power take-off performance of agricultural tractors
b7852 农业拖拉机牵引性能试验方法 testing method for drawbar performance of agricultural tractors
b7853 农业拖拉机旋转性能试验方法 testing method for turning circle and turning space of agricultural tractors
b7874 农业拖拉机动力输出轴 power take-off for agricultural tractors
b7875 农业拖拉机牵引连接装置主要尺寸 dimensions of drawbars for agricultural tractors
b7903 农机用螺钉和螺母 bolts and nuts for agricultural machines and implements
b7905 拖拉机液压阀 hydraulic valves for tractors
b7910 动力旋耕机旋转连接轴 rotary-connecting shaft for power tiller
b7911 动力旋耕机排油塞子 drain plug for power tiller
b7912 动力旋耕机保险杠 bumper for power tiller
b7913 动力旋耕机犁钢 skid of plow for power tiller
b7914 动力旋耕机启动柄 starting handle for power tiller
b7915 农业拖拉机犁铧 share plow of farm tractor
b7916 中耕机犁铧尺寸 dimension of plow share for cultivator
b7917 中耕机车轮缘 rim for cultivator
b7918 农机低速风门杆 throttle lever for agricultural machinery
b7920 中耕机轮毂安装尺寸 dimension of tire wheel hub for cultivator
b7921 农业拖拉机液压输出连接器主要尺寸 dimensions of hydraulic couplers for agricultural tractors
b7922 农业拖拉机电连接主要尺寸 dimensions of electric connectors for agricultural tractors
b7923 凸缘式旋耕机犁刀刃尺寸 dimensions of flange type rotavator blades for agricultural tractors
b7924 凸缘式旋耕机犁刀刃连接螺钉和螺母的主要尺寸 dimensions of bolts and nuts for flange type rotavatorblades for agricultural tractors
b7925 旋耕机油脂嘴主要尺寸 dimensions of grease nipples for rotavators
b7926 旋耕机注油口盖主要尺寸 dimensions of oil caps for rotavators
b7927 插秧机车轴销主要尺寸 dimensions of wheel axle pins for rice transplanters
b7928 高速喷雾机药剂箱排口塞子的尺寸 dimensions of drinage plugs for pesticide tanks of speed sprayers
b7929 温室乙烯塑料薄膜卷铺驱动轴和连接承座尺寸 dimensions of driving shafts and connecting sockets of vinyl roll-up-down device for greenhouses
b7930 农用暖气排气管系统尺寸 dimensions of exhaust gas outlets of agricultural warm air heaters
b7931 农用暖气暖风排出口尺寸 dimensions of warm air outlet of agricultural warm air heaters
b7932 温室换气风扇架安装尺寸 dimensions of frames of ventilating fans for greenhouses
b8000 蒸汽罐式燃油洗浴锅炉 vaporizing pot type oil firing bathboilers
b8001 压力式燃油洗浴锅炉 pressure type oil firingbathboilers
b8002 芯式燃油洗浴锅炉 wick feed type oilburningbathboilers
b8003 煤油厨灶 kerosene cooking stoves
b8004 开放式自然通风燃油取暖炉 open type natural ventilating oilburning space heaters
b8005 燃油用具用芯 wicks for oilburning appliances
b8006 燃油用具用金属油桶 metallic filling can for kerosene combustion
b8007 燃油用具用金属油泵 filler pumps for oilburning appliances
b8008 燃石油用具用金属油泵 filler pumps for oilburning appliances
b8009 燃石油用具用油箱 oil tanks for oilburning appliances
b8010 燃油用具油量调节阀 oil control valves for oil burning appliances
b8011 燃油用具橡胶供油软管 oil discharge rubber hose for oilburning appliance
b8012 燃油用具供/排气管道 supply and exhaust pipes for oilburning appliances
b8013 半密封式燃油加热器 semi closed type oilburning space heaters
b8014 密封式燃油加热器 closed type oilburning space heaters
b8015 强制通风开放式燃油加热器 open type forced ventilating oilburning space heaters
b8016 燃烧用具变压器 ignition transformers forburning appliances
b8017 燃油热水锅炉 oilburning waterboilers
b8018 热水锅炉贮水器 cisterns for hot waterboilers
b8019 燃油加热器 warm air furnaces
b8020 燃油用具结构通则 general rules for construction of oilburning appliances
b8021 燃油用具试验方法通则 general rules for test methods of oilburning appliances
b8022 强制通风开放式燃油加热器的氮氧化物中排放量测定方法 measurement method of no emission rate for open type forced ventilating oilburning space heaters
b8023 燃油用具铜质供油管 oil discharge copper pipe for oilburning appliances
b8100 燃气、燃油用具术语 glossary of gas and kerosine appliances and accessories
 2005-07-18 01:30  [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』 [url]http://www.FanE.cn[/url]   

等级: ×××级
 第 17 楼

b8101 燃气用具试验方法 test methods of gasburning appliances
b8102 燃气用具结构通则 general constructions of gasburning appliances
b8103 燃气烤架 gas grills
b8104 燃气烤箱 gas burning oven
b8105 燃气加热器浴缸 burner adhesived bathtub for gas use
b8106 便携式罐装煤气灶 portable hot plates used with butane gas
b8108 燃气灶厨台 cooking tables used with gas
b8109 燃气热水锅炉 gasburning hot waterboiler
b8110 城市燃气低压容积式热水器 water heaters containing water under pressure used with town gas
b8111 城市燃气常压容积式热水器 water heaters containing water under atmospheric pressure used withtown gas
b8112 燃气用具便捷式软管连接 convenient joint for rubber hose applied forgas appliances
b8113 燃气塑料软管带 band for rubber tube
b8114 燃气灶 gas range
b8115 燃气烤箱 gasburning oven ranges
b8116 燃气瞬间热水器 nstantaneous water heaters
b8117 燃气暖气炉 gasburning space heater
b8118 燃气用具双金属式热开关 bimetal type thermal switches for gas appliances
b8119 燃气用具手动气阀 manually operated gas valves for appliances
b8120 燃气用具自动气阀 automatic gas valves for gas appliances
b8121 燃气用具电子气阀 solenoid valves for gas appliances
b8122 燃气干衣机 gasburning clothes dryers
b8123 炉子烟囱 stove pipes
b8124 燃气饭锅 gas rice cookers
b8125 可移动燃气炉 movablebutane gas heater
b8126 可移动燃气炉压力调节器 pressure regulator for movablebutane gas heater
b8127 冷凝燃气热水锅炉 condensing gasburning hot waterboiler
b8128 商业用煤气汤锅 gas soup kettle for commercial use
b8129 商业用煤气炉 gas range for commercial use
b8130 商业用煤气浅锅 gas griddle for commercial use
b8131 商业用煤气油炸锅 gas fryier for commercial use
b8135 商业用煤气饭锅 gas rice cookers for commercial use
b8136 商业用洗碗机 gas dishwasher for commercial use
b8200 太阳能太阳能集热器性能检测方法 test method of thermal performance for solar collectors
b8201 太阳能蓄热罐性能检测方法 test method of thermal performance for solar storage tanks
b8202 住宅用太阳能热水器 solar hot water heater for dwellings
b8203 太阳能集热器 solar collectors
b8204 太阳能蓄热罐 solar storage tanks
b8205 太阳能热水循环系统长期性能评价方法 test methods of long-term performance for solar domestic water heating system
b8206 锅炉用热水循环泵 hot-water circulating pumps forboiler
b8207 直烧吸热式暖气 direct fired absorption chiller-heater
biso 10055 机械振动 - 船舶用机器和机器零配件振动试验要求 mechanical vibration - vibration testing requirements for shipboard equipment and machinery components
biso 10068 振动与冲击 人体手腕器的机械驱动点阻抗 mechanical vibration and shock-free, mechanical impedance of the human hand-arm system at the driving point
biso 10069-1-2锻压机 - 橡胶弹簧 tools for pressing - elastomer pressure springs
biso 10071 锻压机 – 球锁穿孔器 ball-lock punches for press dies
biso 10112 阻尼材料 – 复合系数的图表显示 damping materials-graphical presentation of the complex modulus
biso 10227 对人或人代替物冲击试验及评级 – 技术指导 human/human surrogate impact(single shock) testing and evaluation-guidance on technical aspects
biso 10510 有平垫圈的自攻螺钉垫圈组件 tapping screw washer assemblies with plain washers
biso 10663 有法兰的六角螺母 - 细牙 hexagon nuts with flange-fine pitch thread
biso 10664 螺栓与螺钉内部驱动形状 hexalobular internal driving feature forbolts and screws
biso 10666 有钻孔螺丝的自攻螺钉 – 机械和功能特性 drilling screws with tapping screw thread-mechanical and functional properties
biso 10816-1 机械振动 - 非旋转部的机械振动测试 - 第1部:总则 mechanical vibration-evaluation of machine vibrationby measurements on non-rotating parts-part 1:general guidelines
biso 10816-4 机械振动 - 非旋转部的机械振动测试 - 第4部: 除航空器之外的蒸汽涡轮组 mechanical vibration-evaluation of machine vibrationby measurements on non-rotating parts-part 4:gas turbine driven sets excluding aircraft derivatives
biso 10816-5 机械振动 - 非旋转部的机械振动测试 - 第5部:水利发电机组和泵站 mechanical vibration-evaluation of machine vibrationby measurements on non-rotating parts-part 5:machine sets in hydraulic power generating and pumping plants
biso 10817-1 旋转机械转轴振动测量测定 - 第1部分:径向振动的绝对和相对测定 rotating shaft vibration measuring systems-part 1:relative and absolute sensing of radial vibration
biso 10823 滚子链驱动装置的导则 guidance on the selection of roller chain drives
biso 10825 齿轮轮齿磨损和损伤术语 gears-wear and damage to gear teeth-terminology
biso 113 滚动轴承附件 轴承座 外形尺寸 rollingbearings-plummer block housings-boundary dimensions
biso 11699-1 无损检测 - 工业射线胶片 – 第1部:工业用探伤机的射线胶片分级 non-destructive testing-industrial radiographic films-part 1:classification of film systems for industrial radiography
biso 11699-2 无损检测 - 工业射线胶片 – 第2部:有旁证价值的胶片处理的控制 non-destructive testing-industrial radiographic films-part 2:control of film processingby means of reference values
biso 12706 无损检测 – 术语 - 探伤检测术语 non-destructive testing-terminology-terms used in penetrant testing
biso 13090-1 机械振动与冲击 - 人体全身振动环境的测量规范 - 人体全身振动暴露的舒适性降低界限和评价准则 mechanical vibration and shock-guidance on safety aspects of tests and experiments with people-part 1:exposure to whole-body mechanical vibration and repeated shock

biso 13753 机械振动与冲击 – 负荷下人体手- 腕系对弹性物质传振动的测量与评价方法 mechanical vibration and shock-hand-arm vibration-method for measuring the vibration transmissibility of resilient materials when loaded by the hand-arm system
biso 15071 六角法兰面螺栓 小系列 a级 hexagonbolts with flange-small series-product grade a
biso 15330 紧固件 - 氢脆镉检测的预加负荷试验 – 平行支承面法 fasteners-preloading test for the detection of hydrogen embrittlement-parallel bearing surface method
biso 15480 有自攻螺钉的六角垫圈钻孔螺丝 hexagon washer head drilling screws with tapping screw thread
biso 15481 十字槽盘头自攻螺钉 cross recessed pan head drilling screws with tapping screw thread
biso 15483 十字槽沉头自攻螺钉 cross recessed raised countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw thread
biso 2953 机械振动 –平衡机 - 说明和评价 mechanical vibration-balancing machines-description and evaluation
biso 3058 无损检测 - 目测检验补助工具 – 低倍率放大镜的选择 non-destructive testing-aids to visual inspection-selection of low-power magnifiers
biso 3059 无损检测 - 黑光源的间接评定方法 non-destructive testing-methods for indirect assessment of black light sources
biso 3452 无损检测 -***检测 – 基本原理 non-destructive testing-penetrant inspection-general principles
biso 3452-2 无损检测 -***检测 – 第2部分:***检测剂试验 non-destructive testing-penetrant testing-part 2:testing of penetrant materials
biso 3452-3 无损检测 -***检测 – 第3部分:标准样品试验 non-destructive testing-penetrant testing-part 3:reference test blocks
biso 3452-4 无损检测 -***检测 – 第4部分:设备 non-destructive testing-penetrant testing-part 4:equipment
biso 3453 无损检测 -***检测 –检测方法 non-destructive testing-liquid penetrant inspection-means of verification
biso 3547-1 滑动轴承 - 卷制轴套 – 第1部分:尺寸 plain bearings-wrappedbushes套筒-part 1:dimensions
biso 3807-2 乙炔气瓶 – 基本要求 - 第2部分:有易熔合金塞的气瓶 cylinders for acetylene-basic requirements-part 2:cylinders with fusible plugs
biso 4161 有法兰的六角螺母 - 普通螺纹 hexagon nuts with flange-coarse thread
biso 5199 离心泵技术条件(ii类) technical specifications for centrifugal pumps-class ii
biso 5347-20 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法 –第20部份:互易法校准 methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 20:primary vibration calibrationby the reciprocity method
biso 5347-22 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法 –第22部份:加速度计共振试验 – 基本方法 methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-part 22:accelerometer resonance testing-general methods
biso 54 工业用圆柱齿轮 – 模块 cylindrical gears for general engineering and for heavy engineering-modules
biso 5576 无损探伤 – 工业用x射线和υ射线探伤 - 术语 non-destructive testing-industrial x-ray and gamma-ray radiology-vocabulary
biso 5577 无损探伤 –超声波检验 - 术语 non-destructive testing-ultrasonic inspection-vocabulary
biso 6752 锻压机 - 圆锥形头单节冲孔 tools for pressing-round punches with 60˚conical head and straight shank
biso 6811 关节轴承 - 术语 spherical plain bearings-vocabulary
biso 8021 锻压机 - 圆筒形头单节冲孔 tools for pressing-round punches with cylindrical head and straight shank
biso 8443 关节轴承 -凸缘外圈向心球轴承 凸缘尺寸 rollingbearings-radial ball bearings with flanged outer ring-flange dimensions
biso 8491 金属材料 – 管(全部) - 弯曲试验 metallic materials-tube(in full section)-bend test
biso 8492 金属材料 – 管 - 压扁试验方法 metallic materials-tube-flattening test
biso 8494 金属材料 – 管 - 卷边试验方法 metallic materials-tube-flanging test
biso 8495 金属管 管环扩口试验方法 metallic materials-tube-ring-expanding test
biso 8496 金属管 管环拉伸试验方法 metallic materials-tube-ring tensile test
biso 8978 锻压机 - 圆形凸模导杆 tools for pressing-guides for round punches
biso 9181 锻压机 - 60 ˚锥头和细杆的圆形凸模 tools for pressing-round punches with 60 ˚ conical head and reduced shank
biso 9183-1-2 锻压机 - 冲模磨板 tools for pressing-wear plates for press dies
biso 9211-2 光学及光学仪器 - 光学涂层 – 第2部分:光学特性 optics and optical instruments-optical coatings-part 2:optical properties
biso 9211-3 光学及光学仪器 - 光学涂层 – 第3部分:耐环境性能 optics and optical instruments-optical coatings-part 3:environmental durability
biso 9211-4 光学及光学仪器 - 光学涂层 – 第4部分:试验方法 optics and optical instruments-optical coatings-part 4:specific test methods
biso 9712 无损检测人员技术资格鉴定通则 non-destructive testing-qualification and certification of personnel
biso 9934- 1 无损检测 - 磁粉检测 – 第1部分:基本原理 non-destructive testing-magnetic particle testing-part 1:general principles
biso 9935 无损检测 - ***流探伤机 – 基本技术要求 non-destructive testing-penetrant flaw detectors-general technical requirements