
* globk command file for time series, short-term combinations and velocity solutions

* Set COMB as a globk command line option for short-term combinations; since these commands

*          follow the commands for repeatabilities, they will take precedence when invoked.

* Set VEL  as a globk command-line option for velocity; since these commands follow

*          the commands for repeatabilities, they will take precedence when invoked.

* Set KEEP to allow glorg to be run separately after run; useful for testing

*          as a globk command-line option.

* Any combination, e.g. COMB+KEEP or VEL+KEEP will use both (or more) options.

* Lasted edited 180705

* << column 1 must be blank if not comment >>

* Use wild-cards in file names so that parallel runs do not overwrite

* each other. The "@" symbol is replaced with the .gdl-file name root.

* This group of commands must appear before any others:

eq_file ~/gg/tables/igs14_comb.eq

ITRF08 eq_file ~/gg/tables/itrf08_comb.eq

# Optionally add a second eq_file for analysis-specific renames

x eq_file my_eq_file.eq

# For time-series glred runs, it's faster not to use the "com_file" command

# (com_file need not be created; only needed if glorg or glsave are to be

# run by themselves after globk completes).

* This group of commands must appear before any others:

KEEP com_file    ! Allows parallel runs, provide h-file list name is different


srt_dir +1

# Normally for combined files, make_svs is not needed. Only needed if

# orbits are to be estimated.

x make_svs @.svs A

* End of commands that must appear first

* Solution file pointed to by the com file, if used

VEL sol_file @.sol

* ITRF augmented by now-defunct sites and recent IGS solutions;

* matched to igs14_comb.eq (ITRF2014; default) or itrf08_comb.eq ("ITRF08" command-line option)

apr_file ~/gg/tables/igs14_comb.apr

ITRF08 apr_file ~/gg/tables/itrf08_comb.apr

# Optionally add additional apr files for other sites

* Set maximum chi2, prefit coordinate difference (m), and rotation (mas) for an h-file to be used;

max_chii 13 3 100

# increase tolerances to include all files for diagnostics

x max_chi  100  5.0 20000

# Do not used an a priori rotation file with multi-day H-files

x in_pmu ~/gg/tables/pmu.usno

* Correct the pole tide when not compatible with GAMIT.

* Use caution here is binary hfiles from SINEX are used since these

* file do not contain status of pole tide correction.

app_ptid all

* Invoke glorg

org_cmd glorg.cmd

* Print file options

crt_opt NOPR

prt_opt NOPR GDLF




# The output .org-file will be generated from the

# .prt-file name from the globk command line

# sh_glred will name the glorg print files

# To set an explicit name for the glorg print file

# globk print file name from the globk command line

x org_out

xCOMB org_out

xVEL org_out

* Coordinate parameters to be estimated and a priori constraints

apr_site  all  10 10 10  0 0 0

VEL apr_site  all  10 10 10  1 1 1

* Rotation parameters to be estimated and a priori constraints

apr_wob  10 10 1 1

apr_ut1  10 1

# EOP tight if tanslation-only stabilization in glorg (also comment out mar_wob, mar_ut1)

x apr_wob .25 .25 .1 .1

x apr ut1 .25 .1

* For multiday combinations allow EOP's to change between days.

* The rate terms here depend on nature of gamit solutions:

* For RELAX. solutions, EOP rates are estimated and when combined

* with daily MIT .GLX-files, the rates are allowed to change and

* will be jointly estimated between the MIT and local file. When

* baseline processing is used, the rates would only apply to MIT

* files.

COMB mar_wob  3650 3650  365 365

COMB mar_ut1  365 365

VEL mar_wob  3650 3650  0 0

VEL mar_ut1  365 0

* Allow rotation when using SINEX files that do not contain EOP parameters

x apr_rot  10 10 10  1 1 1

x apr_rot  .25 .25 .25  .1 .1 .1

xCOMB mar_rot  3650 3650 365  365 365 365  0 0 0

xVEL mar_rot  3650 3650 365  0 0 0  0 0 0

* Translation a priori constraints

apr_tran 1 1 1 0 0 0

xVEL apr_tran 1 1 1 1 1 1

xVEL mar_tran  3.65  3.65  3.65    0  0  0

# Allow scale variations for pre-1995 data and for data analyses that feature a change

# in SV PCVs (e.g. operational, pre-repro1 MIT or SOPAC h-files before Week 1400, Nov 2006)

SCALE apr_scale 10 0

xVEL apr_scale 10 1.

xVEL mar_scale  365  0

* If orbits free in GAMIT (RELAX.) and you want them fixed, use:

x apr_svs all F F F F F F FR

* but if you are combining with globk h-files, better to leave them

* on but, if the models are incompatible, turn off radiation-pressure parameters,

x apr_svs all 100 100 100 10 10 10 0R 

* When using MIT GLX files, which have satellite phase center positions

* estimated, fix antenna offsets to IGS a priori values by using:

apr_svan  all  F F F

* When combining multiple h-files from the same epoch,

* estimate atmospheric zenith delay at common sites

apr_atm common 1

COMB mar_atm common 3.65

VEL mar_atm common 3.65

* Optionally put a uselist and/or sig_neu and mar_neu reweight in a source file

x source ../tables/uselist

x source ../tables/monthly_reweights

* Turn off quake log estimates if in the eq_file

free_log -1

* Write out a combined H-file

# Can substitute your analysis name for 'COMB' in the file name below

COMB out_glb H------_COMB.GLX

VEL out_glb @.GLX

* Remove scracth files for repeatability and combination runs

del_scra yes

KEEP del_scra no
