《Hello Flex 4》笔记——3 Hello Spark: primitives, c...

2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> hot3.png

SESSION 11  Spark primitives


《Hello Flex 4》笔记——3 Hello Spark: primitives, c..._第1张图片

The classes in the spark.primitives package include BitmapImage, Ellipse, Graphic, Line, Path, Rect, RichEditableText, and RichText.

     //M means "Move the pen", L means "Line from", and the rest are space-separated x and y values.这里没去理解


《Hello Flex 4》笔记——3 Hello Spark: primitives, c..._第2张图片

The InteractiveObject class is an abstract base class for all the display object classes that the user can interact with using the keyboard and mouse.
Spark primitives are the building blocks on which Spark components are built.
Classes that can have a stroke extend StrokedElement ; classes that can have a fill extend FilledElement .
Classes that are interactive extend InteractiveObject .

SESSION 12  Simple Spark components





《Hello Flex 4》笔记——3 Hello Spark: primitives, c..._第3张图片


《Hello Flex 4》笔记——3 Hello Spark: primitives, c..._第4张图片

RadioButtonGroup isn’t a visual component, which is why it’s added to the fx:Declarations block (new to Flex 4)—where nonvisual components in MXML must go.

SESSION 13  Data-driven Spark components (Lists)

three data-driven components: List , DropDownList , and ButtonBar .

《Hello Flex 4》笔记——3 Hello Spark: primitives, c..._第5张图片



《Hello Flex 4》笔记——3 Hello Spark: primitives, c..._第6张图片

the ButtonBar can be used for navigation in conjunction with view states, to create the functionality of the Halo TabNavigator  or Halo   ViewStack  plus   LinkBar  combination, in which only one container component is shown based on which button the user selects.

SESSION 14  FXG and MXML graphics—building a game


SESSION 15  Camera and video—a fake Twitter client

《Hello Flex 4》笔记——3 Hello Spark: primitives, c..._第7张图片




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